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Functional Language features in Rust - Iterators and Closures

Rust's design has taken inspiration from a lot of previous work. One of Rust's influences is functional programming, where functions are values that can be used as arguments or return values to other functions, assigned to variables, and so forth. We're going to sidestep the issue of what, exactly, functional programming is or is not, and instead show off some features of Rust that are similar to features in many languages referred to as functional.

More specifically, we're going to cover:

  • Closures, a function-like construct you can store in a variable.
  • Iterators, a way of processing series of elements.
  • How to use these features to improve upon the project from the last chapter.
  • The performance of these features. Spoiler alert: they're faster than you might think!

This is not a complete list of Rust's influence from the functional style: pattern matching, enums, and many other features are too. But mastering closures and iterators are an important part of writing idiomatic, fast Rust code.


Rust gives you the ability to define closures, which are similar to functions. Instead of starting with a technical definition, let's see what closures look like, syntactically, and then we'll return to defining what they are. Listing 13-1 shows a small closure whose definition is assigned to the variable add_one, which we can then use to call the closure:

Filename: src/
fn main() {
    let add_one = |x| x + 1;

    let five = add_one(4);

    assert_eq!(5, five);

Listing 13-1: A closure that takes one parameter and adds one to it, assigned to the variable add_one

The closure definition, on the first line, shows that the closure takes one parameter named x. Parameters to closures go in between vertical pipes (|).

This is a minimal closure with only one expression as its body. Listing 13-2 has a closure with a bit more complexity:

Filename: src/
fn main() {
    let calculate = |a, b| {
        let mut result = a * 2;

        result += b;


    assert_eq!(7, calculate(2, 3)); // 2 * 2 + 3 == 7
    assert_eq!(13, calculate(4, 5)); // 4 * 2 + 5 == 13

Listing 13-2: A closure with two parameters and multiple expressions in its body

We can use curly brackets to define a closure body with more than one expression.

You'll notice a few things about closures that are different from functions defined with the fn keyword. The first difference is that we did not need to annotate the types of the parameters the closure takes or the value it returns. We can choose to add type annotations if we want; Listing 13-3 shows the closure from Listing 13-1 with annotations for the parameter's and return value's types:

Filename: src/
fn main() {
    let add_one = |x: i32| -> i32 { x + 1 };

    assert_eq!(2, add_one(1));

Listing 13-3: A closure definition with optional parameter and return value type annotations

The syntax of closures and functions looks more similar with type annotations. Let's compare the different ways we can specify closures with the syntax for defining a function more directly. We've added some spaces here to line up the relevant parts:

fn  add_one_v1   (x: i32) -> i32 { x + 1 }  // a function
let add_one_v2 = |x: i32| -> i32 { x + 1 }; // the full syntax for a closure
let add_one_v3 = |x|             { x + 1 }; // a closure eliding types
let add_one_v4 = |x|               x + 1  ; // without braces

The reason type annotations are not required for defining a closure but are required for defining a function is that functions are part of an explicit interface exposed to your users, so defining this interface rigidly is important for ensuring that everyone agrees on what types of values a function uses and returns. Closures aren't used in an exposed interface like this, though: they're stored in bindings and called directly. Being forced to annotate the types would be a significant ergonomic loss for little advantage.

Closure definitions do have one type inferred for each of their parameters and for their return value. For instance, if we call the closure without type annotations from Listing 13-1 using an i8, we'll get an error if we then try to call the same closure with an i32:

Filename: src/

let add_one = |x| x + 1;

let five = add_one(4i8);
assert_eq!(5i8, five);

let three = add_one(2i32);

The compiler gives us this error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
7 | let three = add_one(2i32);
  |                     ^^^^ expected i8, found i32

Since closures' types can be inferred reliably since they're called directly, it would be tedious if we were required to annotate their types.

Another reason to have a different syntax from functions for closures is that they have different behavior than functions: closures possess an environment.

Closures Can Reference Their Environment

We've learned that functions can only use variables that are in scope, either by being const or being declared as parameters. Closures can do more: they're allowed to access variables from their enclosing scope. Listing 13-4 has an example of a closure in the variable equal_to_x that uses the variable x from the closure's surrounding environment:

Filename: src/
fn main() {
    let x = 4;

    let equal_to_x = |z| z == x;

    let y = 4;


Listing 13-4: Example of a closure that refers to a variable in its enclosing scope

Here, even though x is not one of the parameters of equal_to_x, the equal_to_x closure is allowed to use x, since x is a variable defined in the scope that equal_to_x is defined. We aren't allowed to do the same thing that Listing 13-4 does with functions; let's see what happens if we try:

Filename: src/

fn main() {
    let x = 4;

    fn equal_to_x(z: i32) -> bool { z == x }

    let y = 4;


We get an error:

error[E0434]: can't capture dynamic environment in a fn item; use the || { ... }
closure form instead
4 |     fn equal_to_x(z: i32) -> bool { z == x }
  |                                          ^

The compiler even reminds us that this only works with closures!

Creating closures that capture values from their environment is mostly used in the context of starting new threads. We'll show some more examples and explain more detail about this feature of closures in Chapter 16 when we talk about concurrency.

Closures as Function Parameters Using the Fn Traits

While we can bind closures to variables, that's not the most useful thing we can do with them. We can also define functions that have closures as parameters by using the Fn traits. Here's an example of a function named call_with_one whose signature has a closure as a parameter:

fn call_with_one<F>(some_closure: F) -> i32
    where F: Fn(i32) -> i32 {


let answer = call_with_one(|x| x + 2);

assert_eq!(3, answer);

We pass the closure |x| x + 2, to call_with_one, and call_with_one calls that closure with 1 as an argument. The return value of the call to some_closure is then returned from call_with_one.

The signature of call_with_one is using the where syntax discussed in the Traits section of Chapter 10. The some_closure parameter has the generic type F, which in the where clause is defined as having the trait bounds Fn(i32) -> i32. The Fn trait represents a closure, and we can add types to the Fn trait to represent a specific type of closure. In this case, our closure has a parameter of type i32 and returns an i32, so the generic bound we specify is Fn(i32) -> i32.

Specifying a function signature that contains a closure requires the use of generics and trait bounds. Each closure has a unique type, so we can't write the type of a closure directly, we have to use generics.

Fn isn't the only trait bound available for specifying closures, however. There are three: Fn, FnMut, and FnOnce. This continues the patterns of threes we've seen elsewhere in Rust: borrowing, borrowing mutably, and ownership. Using Fn specifies that the closure used may only borrow values in its environment. To specify a closure that mutates the environment, use FnMut, and if the closure takes ownership of the environment, FnOnce. Most of the time, you can start with Fn, and the compiler will tell you if you need FnMut or FnOnce based on what happens when the function calls the closure.

To illustrate a situation where it's useful for a function to have a parameter that's a closure, let's move on to our next topic: iterators.


Iterators are a pattern in Rust that allows you to do some processing on a sequence of items. For example, the code in Listing 13-5 adds one to each number in a vector:

let v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];

let v2: Vec<i32> = v1.iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect();

assert_eq!(v2, [2, 3, 4]);

Listing 13-5: Using an iterator, map, and collect to add one to each number in a vector

The iter method on vectors allows us to produce an iterator from the vector. Next, the map method called on the iterator allows us to process each element: in this case, we've passed a closure to map that specifies for every element x, add one to it. map is one of the most basic ways of interacting with an iterator, as processing each element in turn is very useful! Finally, the collect method consumes the iterator and puts the iterator's elements into a new data structure. In this case, since we've said that v2 has the type Vec<i32>, collect will create a new vector out of the i32 values.

Methods on iterators like map are sometimes called iterator adaptors because they take one iterator and produce a new iterator. That is, map builds on top of our previous iterator and produces another iterator by calling the closure it's passed to create the new sequence of values.

So, to recap, this line of code does the following:

  1. Creates an iterator from the vector.
  2. Uses the map adaptor with a closure argument to add one to each element.
  3. Uses the collect adaptor to consume the iterator and make a new vector.

That's how we end up with [2, 3, 4]. As you can see, closures are a very important part of using iterators: they provide a way of customizing the behavior of an iterator adaptor like map.

Iterators are Lazy

In the previous section, you may have noticed a subtle difference in wording: we said that map adapts an iterator, but collect consumes one. That was intentional. By themselves, iterators won't do anything; they're lazy. That is, if we write code like Listing 13-5 except we don't call collect:

let v1: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];

v1.iter().map(|x| x + 1); // without collect

It will compile, but it will give us a warning:

warning: unused result which must be used: iterator adaptors are lazy and do
nothing unless consumed, #[warn(unused_must_use)] on by default
 --> src/
4 | v1.iter().map(|x| x + 1); // without collect
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

We get this warning because iterator adaptors won't start actually doing the processing on their own. They need some other method that causes the iterator chain to evaluate. We call those consuming adaptors, and collect is one of them.

So how do we tell which iterator methods consume the iterator or not? And what adaptors are available? For that, let's look at the Iterator trait.

The Iterator trait

Iterators all implement a trait named Iterator that is defined in the standard library. The definition of the trait looks like this:

trait Iterator {
    type Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;

There's some new syntax that we haven't covered here yet: type Item and Self::Item are defining an associated type with this trait, and we'll talk about associated types in depth in Chapter XX. For now, all you need to know is that this code says the Iterator trait requires that you also define an Item type, and this Item type is used in the return type of the next method. In other words, the Item type will be the type of element that's returned from the iterator.

Let's make an iterator named Counter that will count from 1 to 5, using the Iterator trait. First, we need to create a struct that holds the current state of the iterator, which is one field named count that will hold a u32. We'll also define a new method, which isn't strictly necessary. We want our Counter to go from one to five, though, so we're always going to have it holding a zero to start:

struct Counter {
    count: u32,

impl Counter {
    fn new() -> Counter {
        Counter { count: 0 }

Next, we're going to implement the Iterator trait for our Counter type by defining the body of the next method. The way we want our iterator to work is to add one to the state (which is why we initialized count to 0, since we want our iterator to return one first). If count is still less than six, we'll return the current value, but if count is six or higher, our iterator will return None, as shown in Listing 13-6:

impl Iterator for Counter {
    // Our iterator will produce u32s
    type Item = u32;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        // increment our count. This is why we started at zero.
        self.count += 1;

        // check to see if we've finished counting or not.
        if self.count < 6 {
        } else {

Listing 13-6: Implementing the Iterator trait on our Counter struct

The type Item = u32 line is saying that the associated Item type will be a u32 for our iterator. Again, don't worry about associated types yet, because we'll be covering them in Chapter XX.

The next method is the main interface into an iterator, and it returns an Option. If the option is Some(value), we have gotten another value from the iterator. If it's None, iteration is finished. Inside of the next method, we do whatever kind of calculation our iterator needs to do. In this case, we add one, then check to see if we're still below six. If we are, we can return Some(self.count) to produce the next value. If we're at six or more, iteration is over, so we return None.

The iterator trait specifies that when an iterator returns None, that indicates iteration is finished. The trait does not mandate anything about the behavior an iterator must have if the next method is called again after having returned one None value. In this case, every time we call next after getting the first None value will still return None, but the internal count field will continue to be incremented by one each time. If we call next as many times as the maximum value a u32 value can hold, count will overflow (which will panic! in debug mode and wrap in release mode). Other iterator implementations choose to start iterating again. If you need to be sure to have an iterator that will always return None on subsequent calls to the next method after the first None value is returned, you can use the fuse method to create an iterator with that characteristic out of any other iterator.

Once we've implemented the Iterator trait, we have an iterator! We can use the iterator functionality that our Counter struct now has by calling the next method on it repeatedly:

let mut counter = Counter::new();

let x =;
println!("{:?}", x);

let x =;
println!("{:?}", x);

let x =;
println!("{:?}", x);

let x =;
println!("{:?}", x);

let x =;
println!("{:?}", x);

let x =;
println!("{:?}", x);

This will print Some(1) through Some(5) and then None, each on their own line.

All Sorts of Iterator Adaptors

In Listing 13-5, we had iterators and we called methods like map and collect on them. In Listing 13-6, however, we only implemented the next method on our Counter. How do we get methods like map and collect on our Counter?

Well, when we told you about the definition of Iterator, we committed a small lie of omission. The Iterator trait has a number of other useful methods defined on it that come with default implementations that call the next method. Since next is the only method of the Iterator trait that does not have a default implementation, once you've done that, you get all of the other Iterator adaptors for free. There are a lot of them!

For example, if for some reason we wanted to take the first five values that an instance of Counter produces, pair those values with values produced by another Counter instance after skipping the first value that instance produces, multiply each pair together, keep only those results that are divisible by three, and add all the resulting values together, we could do:

let sum: u32 = Counter::new().take(5)
                             .map(|(a, b)| a * b)
                             .filter(|x| x % 3 == 0)
assert_eq!(48, sum);

All of these method calls are possible because we implemented the Iterator trait by specifying how the next method works. Use the standard library documentation to find more useful methods that will come in handy when you're working with iterators.

Improving our I/O Project

In our I/O project implementing grep in the last chapter, there are some places where the code could be made clearer and more concise using iterators. Let's take a look at how iterators can improve our implementation of the Config::new function and the grep function.

Removing a clone by Using an Iterator

Back in listing 12-8, we had this code that took a slice of String values and created an instance of the Config struct by checking for the right number of arguments, indexing into the slice, and cloning the values so that the Config struct could own those values:

impl Config {
    fn new(args: &[String]) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {
        if args.len() < 3 {
            return Err("not enough arguments");

        let search = args[1].clone();
        let filename = args[2].clone();

        Ok(Config {
            search: search,
            filename: filename,

At the time, we said not to worry about the clone calls here, and that we could remove them in the future. Well, that time is now! So, why do we need clone here? The issue is that we have a slice with String elements in the parameter args, and the new function does not own args. In order to be able to return ownership of a Config instance, we need to clone the values that we put in the search and filename fields of Config, so that the Config instance can own its values.

Now that we know more about iterators, we can change the new function to instead take ownership of an iterator as its argument. We'll use the iterator functionality instead of having to check the length of the slice and index into specific locations. Since we've taken ownership of the iterator, and we won't be using indexing operations that borrow anymore, we can move the String values from the iterator into Config instead of calling clone and making a new allocation.

First, let's take main as it was in Listing 12-6, and change it to pass the return value of env::args to Config::new, instead of calling collect and passing a slice:

fn main() {
    let config = Config::new(env::args());
    // ...snip...

If we look in the standard library documentation for the env::args function, we'll see that its return type is std::env::Args. So next we'll update the signature of the Config::new function so that the parameter args has the type std::env::Args instead of &[String]:

impl Config {
    fn new(args: std::env::Args) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {
        // ...snip...

Next, we'll fix the body of Config::new. As we can also see in the standard library documentation, std::env::Args implements the Iterator trait, so we know we can call the next method on it! Here's the new code:

impl Config {
    fn new(mut args: std::env::Args) -> Result<Config, &'static str> {;

        let search = match {
            Some(arg) => arg,
            None => return Err("Didn't get a search string"),

        let filename = match {
            Some(arg) => arg,
            None => return Err("Didn't get a file name"),

        Ok(Config {
            search: search,
            filename: filename,

Remember that the first value in the return value of env::args is the name of the program. We want to ignore that, so first we'll call next and not do anything with the return value. The second time we call next should be the value we want to put in the search field of Config. We use a match to extract the value if next returns a Some, and we return early with an Err value if there weren't enough arguments (which would cause this call to next to return None).

We do the same thing for the filename value. It's slightly unfortunate that the match expressions for search and filename are so similar. It would be nice if we could use ? on the Option returned from next, but ? only works with Result values currently. Even if we could use ? on Option like we can on Result, the value we would get would be borrowed, and we want to move the String from the iterator into Config.

Making Code Clearer with Iterator Adaptors

The other bit of code where we could take advantage of iterators was in the grep function as implemented in Listing 12-15:

fn grep<'a>(search: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
    let mut results = Vec::new();

    for line in contents.lines() {
        if line.contains(search) {


We can write this code in a much shorter way, and avoiding having to have a mutable intermediate results vector, by using iterator adaptor methods like this instead:

fn grep<'a>(search: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
        .filter(|line| line.contains(search))

Here, we use the filter adaptor to only keep the lines that line.contains(search) returns true for. We then collect them up into another vector with collect. Much simpler!

We can use the same technique in the grep_case_insensitive function that we defined in Listing 12-16 as follows:

fn grep_case_insensitive<'a>(search: &str, contents: &'a str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
        .filter(|line| {

Not too bad! So which style should you choose? Most Rust programmers prefer to use the iterator style. It's a bit tougher to understand at first, but once you gain an intuition for what the various iterator adaptors do, this is much easier to understand. Instead of fiddling with the various bits of looping and building a new vector, the code focuses on the high-level objective of the loop, abstracting some of the commonplace code so that it's easier to see the concepts that are unique to this usage of the code, like the condition on which the code is filtering each element in the iterator.

But are they truly equivalent? Surely the more low-level loop will be faster. Let's talk about performance.


Which version of our grep functions is faster: the version with an explicit for loop or the version with iterators? We ran a benchmark by loading the entire contents of "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle into a String and looking for the word "the" in the contents. Here were the results of the benchmark on the version of grep using the for loop and the version using iterators:

test bench_grep_for  ... bench:  19,620,300 ns/iter (+/- 915,700)
test bench_grep_iter ... bench:  19,234,900 ns/iter (+/- 657,200)

The iterator version ended up slightly faster! We're not going to go through the benchmark code here, as the point is not to prove that they're exactly equivalent, but to get a general sense of how these two implementations compare. For a real benchmark, you'd want to check various texts of various sizes, different words, words of different lengths, and all kinds of other variations. The point is this: iterators, while a high-level abstraction, get compiled down to roughly the same code as if you'd written the lower-level code yourself. Iterators are one of Rust's zero-cost abstractions, by which we mean using the abstraction imposes no additional runtime overhead in the same way that Bjarne Stroustrup, the original designer and implementer of C++, defines zero-overhead:

In general, C++ implementations obey the zero-overhead principle: What you dont use, you dont pay for. And further: What you do use, you couldnt hand code any better.

  • Bjarne Stroustrup "Foundations of C++"

As another example, here is some code taken from an audio decoder. This code uses an iterator chain to do some math on three variables in scope: a buffer slice of data, an array of 12 coefficients, and an amount by which to shift data in qlp_shift. We've declared the variables within this example but not given them any values; while this code doesn't have much meaning outside of its context, it's still a concise, real-world example of how Rust translates high-level ideas to low-level code:

let buffer: &mut [i32];
let coefficients: [i64; 12];
let qlp_shift: i16;

for i in 12..buffer.len() {
    let prediction = coefficients.iter()
                                 .zip(&buffer[i - 12..i])
                                 .map(|(&c, &s)| c * s as i64)
                                 .sum::<i64>() >> qlp_shift;
    let delta = buffer[i];
    buffer[i] = prediction as i32 + delta;

In order to calculate the value of prediction, this code iterates through each of the 12 values in coefficients, uses the zip method to pair the coefficient values with the previous 12 values in buffer. Then for each pair, multiply the values together, sum all the results, and shift the bits in the sum qlp_shift bits to the right

Calculations in applications like audio decoders often prioritize performance most highly. Here, we're creating an iterator, using two adaptors, then consuming the value. What assembly code would this Rust code compile to? Well, as of this writing, it compiles down to the same assembly you'd write by hand. There's no loop at all corresponding to the iteration over the values in coefficients: Rust knows that there are twelve iterations, so it "unrolls" the loop. All of the coefficients get stored in registers (which means accessing the values is very fast). There are no bounds checks on the array access. It's extremely efficient.

Now that you know this, go use iterators and closures without fear! They make code feel higher-level, but don't impose a runtime performance penalty for doing so.


Closures and iterators are Rust features inspired by functional programming language ideas. They contribute to Rust's ability to clearly express high-level ideas. The implementations of closures and iterators, as well as other zero-cost abstractions in Rust, are such that runtime performance is not affected.

Now that we've improved the expressiveness of our I/O project, let's look at some more features of cargo that would help us get ready to share the project with the world.