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# <img width="250px" src="https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow/assets/7778936/8729d750-897c-4ba3-98b4-c346188d034e" />
[English](README.md) | 简体中文
#### KisFlow(Keep It Simple Flowing)
基于Golang的流式计算框架. 为保持简单的流动,强调在进行各种活动或工作时保持简洁、清晰、流畅的过程。
## KisFlow源代码
Git: https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow
Git: https://gitcode.com/aceld/kis-flow
Git: https://gitee.com/Aceld/kis-flow
## 《KisFlow开发者文档》
[ < KisFlow Wiki : English > ](https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow/wiki)
[ < KisFlow 文档 : 简体中文> ](https://www.yuque.com/aceld/kis-flow-doc)
## 在线开发教程
| platform | Entry |
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| <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7778936/236784004-b6d99e26-b1ab-4bc3-988e-7a46108b85fe.png" width = "100" height = "100" alt="" align=center />| [Practical Tutorial for a Streaming Computation Framework Based on Golang](https://dev.to/aceld/part-1-golang-framework-hands-on-kisflow-streaming-computing-framework-overview-8fh) |
|<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7778936/236784168-6528a9b8-d37b-4b02-a37c-b9988d7508d8.jpeg" width = "100" height = "100" alt="" align=center />| [《基于Golang的流式计算框架实战教程》](https://www.yuque.com/aceld/hsa94o) |
## KisFlow系统定位
KisFlow为业务上游计算层,上层接数仓/其他业务方ODS层、下游接本业务存储数据中心。<br />
<img width="700px" src="https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow/assets/7778936/b9e1957a-2d11-45d9-84c1-e92c9ac833cc" />
## KisFlow整体架构图
| 层级 | 层级说明 | 包括子模块 |
| 流式计算层 | 为KisFlow上游计算层,直接对接业务存储及数仓ODS层,如上游可以为Mysql Binlog、日志、接口数据等,为被动消费模式,提供KisFlow实时计算能力。 | **KisFlow**:分布式批量消费者,一个KisFlow是由多个KisFunction组合。<br /><br />**KisConnectors**:计算数据流流中间状态持久存储及连接器。<br /><br />**KisFunctions**:支持算子表达式拼接,Connectors集成、策略配置、Stateful Function模式、Slink流式拼接等。<br /><br />**KisConfig:** KisFunction的绑定的流处理策略,可以绑定ReSource让Function具有固定的独立流处理能力。<br /><br />**KisSource:** 对接ODS的数据源 |
| 任务调度层 | 定时任务调度及执行器业务逻辑,包括任务调度平台、执行器管理、调度日志及用户管理等。提供KisFlow的定时任务、统计、聚合运算等调度计算能力。 | **任务调度平台可视化**:包括任务的运行报表、调度报表、成功比例、任务管理、配置管理、GLUE IDE等可视化管理平台。<br /><br />执行器管理**KisJobs**:Golang SDK及计算自定义业务逻辑、执行器的自动注册、任务触发、终止及摘除等。<br /><br />**执行器场景KisScenes:** 根据业务划分的逻辑任务集合。<br /><br />**调度日志及用户管理**:任务调度日志收集、调度详细、调度流程痕迹等。 |
![KisFlow架构设计-KisFlow整体结构 drawio](https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow/assets/7778936/efc1b29d-9dd4-4945-a35a-fb9a618002d7)
KisFlow是一种流式概念形态,具体表现的特征如下:<br />
1、一个KisFlow可以由任意KisFunction组成,且KisFlow可以动态的调整长度。<br />
2、一个KisFunction可以随时动态的加入到某个KisFlow中,且KisFlow和KisFlow之间的关系可以通过KisFunction的Load和Save节点的加入,进行动态的并流和分流动作。<br />
3、KisFlow在编程行为上,从面向流进行数据业务编程,变成了面向KisFunction的函数单计算逻辑的开发,接近FaaS(Function as a
## Example
下面是简单的应用场景案例,具体应用单元用例请 参考
#### 《KisFlow开发者文档》
#### 安装KisFlow
$go get github.com/aceld/kis-flow
<summary>1. Quick Start(快速开始)</summary>
### 案例源代码
### 项目目录
├── faas_stu_score_avg.go
├── faas_stu_score_avg_print.go
└── main.go
### Flow
<img width="770" alt="image" src="https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow/assets/7778936/3747ed10-aba1-417e-a3c1-c6205a02444b">
### Main
> main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
// Create a new flow configuration
myFlowConfig1 := config.NewFlowConfig("CalStuAvgScore", common.FlowEnable)
// Create new function configuration
avgStuScoreConfig := config.NewFuncConfig("AvgStuScore", common.C, nil, nil)
printStuScoreConfig := config.NewFuncConfig("PrintStuAvgScore", common.E, nil, nil)
// Create a new flow
flow1 := flow.NewKisFlow(myFlowConfig1)
// Link functions to the flow
_ = flow1.Link(avgStuScoreConfig, nil)
_ = flow1.Link(printStuScoreConfig, nil)
// Submit a string
_ = flow1.CommitRow(`{"stu_id":101, "score_1":100, "score_2":90, "score_3":80}`)
// Submit a string
_ = flow1.CommitRow(`{"stu_id":102, "score_1":100, "score_2":70, "score_3":60}`)
// Run the flow
if err := flow1.Run(ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("err: ", err)
func init() {
// Register functions
kis.Pool().FaaS("AvgStuScore", AvgStuScore)
kis.Pool().FaaS("PrintStuAvgScore", PrintStuAvgScore)
### Function1
> faas_stu_score_avg.go
package main
import (
type AvgStuScoreIn struct {
StuId int `json:"stu_id"`
Score1 int `json:"score_1"`
Score2 int `json:"score_2"`
Score3 int `json:"score_3"`
type AvgStuScoreOut struct {
StuId int `json:"stu_id"`
AvgScore float64 `json:"avg_score"`
// AvgStuScore(FaaS) 计算学生平均分
func AvgStuScore(ctx context.Context, flow kis.Flow, rows []*AvgStuScoreIn) error {
for _, row := range rows {
out := AvgStuScoreOut{
StuId: row.StuId,
AvgScore: float64(row.Score1+row.Score2+row.Score3) / 3,
// 提交结果数据
_ = flow.CommitRow(out)
return nil
### Function2
> faas_stu_score_avg_print.go
package main
import (
type PrintStuAvgScoreIn struct {
StuId int `json:"stu_id"`
AvgScore float64 `json:"avg_score"`
type PrintStuAvgScoreOut struct {
func PrintStuAvgScore(ctx context.Context, flow kis.Flow, rows []*PrintStuAvgScoreIn) error {
for _, row := range rows {
fmt.Printf("stuid: [%+v], avg score: [%+v]\n", row.StuId, row.AvgScore)
return nil
### OutPut
Add KisPool FuncName=AvgStuScore
Add KisPool FuncName=PrintStuAvgScore
funcName NewConfig source is nil, funcName = AvgStuScore, use default unNamed Source.
funcName NewConfig source is nil, funcName = PrintStuAvgScore, use default unNamed Source.
stuid: [101], avg score: [90]
stuid: [102], avg score: [76.66666666666667]
<summary>2. Quick Start With Config(快速开始)</summary>
### 案例源代码
├── Makefile
├── conf
│ ├── flow-CalStuAvgScore.yml
│ ├── func-AvgStuScore.yml
│ └── func-PrintStuAvgScore.yml
├── faas_stu_score_avg.go
├── faas_stu_score_avg_print.go
└── main.go
### Flow
<img width="770" alt="image" src="https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow/assets/7778936/3747ed10-aba1-417e-a3c1-c6205a02444b">
### Config
#### (1) Flow Config
> conf/flow-CalStuAvgScore.yml
kistype: flow
status: 1
flow_name: CalStuAvgScore
- fname: AvgStuScore
- fname: PrintStuAvgScore
#### (2) Function1 Config
> conf/func-AvgStuScore.yml
kistype: func
fname: AvgStuScore
fmode: Calculate
name: 学生学分
- stu_id
#### (3) Function2(Slink) Config
> conf/func-PrintStuAvgScore.yml
kistype: func
fname: PrintStuAvgScore
fmode: Expand
name: 学生学分
- stu_id
### Main
> main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
// Load Configuration from file
if err := file.ConfigImportYaml("conf/"); err != nil {
// Get the flow
flow1 := kis.Pool().GetFlow("CalStuAvgScore")
if flow1 == nil {
panic("flow1 is nil")
// Submit a string
_ = flow1.CommitRow(`{"stu_id":101, "score_1":100, "score_2":90, "score_3":80}`)
// Submit a string
_ = flow1.CommitRow(`{"stu_id":102, "score_1":100, "score_2":70, "score_3":60}`)
// Run the flow
if err := flow1.Run(ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Println("err: ", err)
func init() {
// Register functions
kis.Pool().FaaS("AvgStuScore", AvgStuScore)
kis.Pool().FaaS("PrintStuAvgScore", PrintStuAvgScore)
### Function1
> faas_stu_score_avg.go
package main
import (
type AvgStuScoreIn struct {
StuId int `json:"stu_id"`
Score1 int `json:"score_1"`
Score2 int `json:"score_2"`
Score3 int `json:"score_3"`
type AvgStuScoreOut struct {
StuId int `json:"stu_id"`
AvgScore float64 `json:"avg_score"`
// AvgStuScore(FaaS) 计算学生平均分
func AvgStuScore(ctx context.Context, flow kis.Flow, rows []*AvgStuScoreIn) error {
for _, row := range rows {
out := AvgStuScoreOut{
StuId: row.StuId,
AvgScore: float64(row.Score1+row.Score2+row.Score3) / 3,
// 提交结果数据
_ = flow.CommitRow(out)
return nil
### Function2
> faas_stu_score_avg_print.go
package main
import (
type PrintStuAvgScoreIn struct {
StuId int `json:"stu_id"`
AvgScore float64 `json:"avg_score"`
type PrintStuAvgScoreOut struct {
func PrintStuAvgScore(ctx context.Context, flow kis.Flow, rows []*PrintStuAvgScoreIn) error {
for _, row := range rows {
fmt.Printf("stuid: [%+v], avg score: [%+v]\n", row.StuId, row.AvgScore)
return nil
### OutPut
Add KisPool FuncName=AvgStuScore
Add KisPool FuncName=PrintStuAvgScore
Add FlowRouter FlowName=CalStuAvgScore
stuid: [101], avg score: [90]
stuid: [102], avg score: [76.66666666666667]
### 开发者
* 刘丹冰([@aceld](https://github.com/aceld))
* 胡辰豪([@ChenHaoHu](https://github.com/ChenHaoHu))
Thanks to all the developers who contributed to KisFlow!
<a href="https://github.com/aceld/kis-flow/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=aceld/kis-flow" />
### 加入KisFlow 社区
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