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synced 2025-02-02 14:18:47 +08:00
* Sync zh and zh-hant versions * Update en/README.md * Add a Q&A for chapter of introduction * Update the callout headers * Sync zh ang zh-hant versions * Bug fixes
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Data structures and algorithms crash course with animated illustrations and off-the-shelf code
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## The book
This open-source project aims to create a free and beginner-friendly crash course for data structures and algorithms.
- Animated illustrations, easy-to-understand content, and a smooth learning curve help beginners explore the "knowledge map" of data structures and algorithms.
- Run code with just one click, helping readers improve their programming skills and understand the working principle of algorithms and the underlying implementation of data structures.
- Promoting learning by teaching, feel free to ask questions and share insights. Let's grow together through discussion.
If you find this book helpful, please give it a Star :star: to support us, thank you!
## Endorsements
> "An easy-to-understand book on data structures and algorithms, which guides readers to learn by minds-on and hands-on. Strongly recommended for algorithm beginners!"
> **—— Junhui Deng, Professor, Department of computer science and technology, Tsinghua University**
> "If I had 'Hello Algo' when I was learning data structures and algorithms, it would have been 10 times easier!"
> **—— Mu Li, Senior Principal Scientist, Amazon**
## Contributing
> [!Important]
> Welcome to contribute to Chinese-to-English translation! For more information please see [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md).
This open-source book is continuously being updated, and we welcome your participation in this project to provide better learning content for readers.
- [Content Correction](https://www.hello-algo.com/en/chapter_appendix/contribution/): Please help us correct or point out mistakes in the comments section such as grammatical errors, missing content, ambiguities, invalid links, or code bugs.
- [Code Transpilation](https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo/issues/15): We look forward to your contributions in various programming languages. We currently support 12 languages including Python, Java, C++, Go, and JavaScript.
We welcome your valuable suggestions and feedback. If you have any questions, please submit Issues or reach out via WeChat: `krahets-jyd`.
We would like to dedicate our thanks to all the contributors of this book. It is their selfless dedication that has made this book better. They are:
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## License
The texts, code, images, photos, and videos in this repository are licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/).