bigbrother666 b1ef7a23d1
merge:V0.3.8 (#213)
* rss and search study

* 新增用於windows的入口py和env (#202)

* 新增windows可用的入口py和env文件

* 修改入口py的文件ˇ名以區分不同的操作系統

* 更新V0.3.7的windows入口py,刪除windows.env文件中的個人資訊

* bug fix: wechat-py

* feature:v0.3.8(rss search engine, focuspoint as task)

* v0.3.8 preview

* v0.3.8release


Signed-off-by: bigbrother666 <96130569+bigbrother666sh@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: c469591 <74401447+c469591@users.noreply.github.com>
2025-01-24 19:52:16 +08:00

337 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
from loguru import logger
import os, re
from llms.openai_wrapper import openai_llm as llm
# from core.llms.siliconflow_wrapper import sfa_llm # or other llm wrapper
from utils.general_utils import is_chinese, extract_and_convert_dates, normalize_url
from .get_info_prompts import *
common_file_exts = [
'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'svg', 'm3u8',
'mp4', 'mp3', 'wav', 'avi', 'mov', 'wmv', 'flv', 'webp', 'webm',
'zip', 'rar', '7z', 'tar', 'gz', 'bz2',
'txt', 'csv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pptx',
'json', 'xml', 'yaml', 'yml', 'css', 'js', 'php', 'asp', 'jsp'
common_tlds = [
'.com', '.cn', '.net', '.org', '.edu', '.gov', '.io', '.co',
'.info', '.biz', '.me', '.tv', '.cc', '.xyz', '.app', '.dev',
'.cloud', '.ai', '.tech', '.online', '.store', '.shop', '.site',
'.top', '.vip', '.pro', '.ltd', '.group', '.team', '.work'
async def pre_process(raw_markdown: str, base_url: str, used_img: list[str],
recognized_img_cache: dict, existing_urls: set = set(),
test_mode: bool = False) -> tuple[dict, list[str], list[str], dict]:
link_dict = {}
# for special url formate from crawl4ai 0.4.247
raw_markdown = re.sub(r'<javascript:.*?>', '<javascript:>', raw_markdown).strip()
# 处理图片标记 ![alt](src)
i_pattern = r'(!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))'
matches = re.findall(i_pattern, raw_markdown, re.DOTALL)
for _sec, alt, src in matches:
# 替换为新格式 §alt||src§
raw_markdown = raw_markdown.replace(_sec, f'§{alt}||{src}§', 1)
async def check_url_text(text) -> tuple[int, str]:
score = 0
_valid_len = len(text.strip())
# 找到所有[part0](part1)格式的片段
link_pattern = r'(\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\))'
matches = re.findall(link_pattern, text, re.DOTALL)
for _sec, link_text, link_url in matches:
# 处理 \"***\" 格式的片段
quote_pattern = r'\"(.*?)\"'
# 提取所有引号包裹的内容
_title = ''.join(re.findall(quote_pattern, link_url, re.DOTALL))
_title = _title.strip()
link_text = link_text.strip()
if _title and _title not in link_text:
link_text = f"{_title} - {link_text}"
real_url_pattern = r'<(.*?)>'
real_url = re.search(real_url_pattern, link_url, re.DOTALL)
if real_url:
_url = real_url.group(1).strip()
_url = re.sub(quote_pattern, '', link_url, re.DOTALL).strip()
if not _url or _url.startswith(('#', 'javascript:')):
text = text.replace(_sec, link_text, 1)
score += 1
_valid_len = _valid_len - len(_sec)
url = normalize_url(_url, base_url)
# 分离§§内的内容和后面的内容
img_marker_pattern = r'§(.*?)\|\|(.*?)§'
inner_matches = re.findall(img_marker_pattern, link_text, re.DOTALL)
for alt, src in inner_matches:
link_text = link_text.replace(f'§{alt}||{src}§', '')
if not link_text and inner_matches:
img_alt = inner_matches[0][0].strip()
img_src = inner_matches[0][1].strip()
if img_src and not img_src.startswith('#'):
img_src = normalize_url(img_src, base_url)
if not img_src:
link_text = img_alt
elif len(img_alt) > 2 or url in existing_urls:
_key = f"[img{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = img_src
link_text = img_alt + _key
elif any(img_src.endswith(tld) or img_src.endswith(tld + '/') for tld in common_tlds):
_key = f"[img{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = img_src
link_text = img_alt + _key
elif any(img_src.endswith(ext) for ext in common_file_exts if ext not in ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']):
_key = f"[img{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = img_src
link_text = img_alt + _key
if img_src not in recognized_img_cache:
recognized_img_cache[img_src] = await extract_info_from_img(img_src)
_key = f"[img{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = img_src
link_text = recognized_img_cache[img_src] + _key
link_text = img_alt
_key = f"[{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = url
text = text.replace(_sec, link_text + _key, 1)
# 处理文本中的其他图片标记
img_pattern = r'(§(.*?)\|\|(.*?)§)'
matches = re.findall(img_pattern, text, re.DOTALL)
remained_text = re.sub(img_pattern, '', text, re.DOTALL).strip()
remained_text_len = len(remained_text)
for _sec, alt, src in matches:
if not src or src.startswith('#') or src not in used_img:
text = text.replace(_sec, alt, 1)
img_src = normalize_url(src, base_url)
if not img_src:
text = text.replace(_sec, alt, 1)
elif remained_text_len > 5 or len(alt) > 2:
_key = f"[img{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = img_src
text = text.replace(_sec, alt + _key, 1)
elif any(img_src.endswith(tld) or img_src.endswith(tld + '/') for tld in common_tlds):
_key = f"[img{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = img_src
text = text.replace(_sec, alt + _key, 1)
elif any(img_src.endswith(ext) for ext in common_file_exts if ext not in ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']):
_key = f"[img{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = img_src
text = text.replace(_sec, alt + _key, 1)
if img_src not in recognized_img_cache:
recognized_img_cache[img_src] = await extract_info_from_img(img_src)
_key = f"[img{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = img_src
text = text.replace(_sec, recognized_img_cache[img_src] + _key, 1)
# 处理文本中的"野 url"
url_pattern = r'((?:https?://|www\.)[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|])'
matches = re.findall(url_pattern, text)
for url in matches:
url = normalize_url(url, base_url)
_key = f"[{len(link_dict)+1}]"
link_dict[_key] = url
text = text.replace(url, _key, 1)
score += 1
_valid_len = _valid_len - len(url)
# 统计换行符数量
newline_count = text.count(' * ')
score += newline_count
ratio = _valid_len/score if score != 0 else 999
return ratio, text
sections = raw_markdown.split('# ') # use '# ' to avoid # in url
if len(sections) > 2:
_sec = sections[0]
section_remain = re.sub(r'\[.*?]\(.*?\)', '', _sec, re.DOTALL).strip()
section_remain_len = len(section_remain)
total_links = len(re.findall(r'\[.*?]\(.*?\)', _sec, re.DOTALL))
ratio = total_links / section_remain_len if section_remain_len != 0 else 1
if ratio > 0.05:
if test_mode:
print('\033[31mthis is a navigation section, will be removed\033[0m')
print(ratio, '\n')
print('-' * 50)
sections = sections[1:]
_sec = sections[-1]
section_remain = re.sub(r'\[.*?]\(.*?\)', '', _sec, re.DOTALL).strip()
section_remain_len = len(section_remain)
if section_remain_len < 198:
if test_mode:
print('\033[31mthis is a footer section, will be removed\n\033[0m')
print('-' * 50)
sections = sections[:-1]
links_parts = []
contents = []
for section in sections:
ratio, text = await check_url_text(section)
if ratio < 70:
if test_mode:
print('\033[32mthis is a links part\033[0m')
print(ratio, '\n')
print('-' * 50)
if test_mode:
print('\033[34mthis is a content part\033[0m')
print(ratio, '\n')
print('-' * 50)
return link_dict, links_parts, contents, recognized_img_cache
vl_model = os.environ.get("VL_MODEL", "")
if not vl_model:
print("VL_MODEL not set, will skip extracting info from img, some info may be lost!")
async def extract_info_from_img(url: str) -> str:
if not vl_model:
return '§to_be_recognized_by_visual_llm§'
llm_output = await llm([{"role": "user",
"content": [{"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": url, "detail": "high"}},
{"type": "text", "text": "提取图片中的所有文字如果图片不包含文字或者文字很少或者你判断图片仅是网站logo、商标、图标等则输出NA。注意请仅输出提取出的文字不要输出别的任何内容。"}]}],
return llm_output
async def get_author_and_publish_date(text: str, model: str, test_mode: bool = False, _logger: logger = None) -> tuple[str, str]:
if not text:
return "", ""
if len(text) > 100:
text = text[20:]
if len(text) > 2048:
text = f'{text[:2048]}......'
content = f'<text>\n{text}\n</text>\n\n{get_ap_suffix}'
llm_output = await llm([{'role': 'system', 'content': get_ap_system}, {'role': 'user', 'content': content}],
model=model, max_tokens=50, temperature=0.1)
if test_mode:
print(f"llm output:\n {llm_output}")
ap_ = llm_output.strip().strip('"').strip('//')
if '//' not in ap_:
if _logger:
_logger.warning(f"failed to parse from llm output: {ap_}")
return '', ''
ap = ap_.split('//')
return ap[0], extract_and_convert_dates(ap[1])
async def get_more_related_urls(texts: list[str], link_dict: dict, prompts: list[str], test_mode: bool = False,
_logger: logger = None) -> set:
sys_prompt, suffix, model = prompts
text_batch = ''
cache = set()
while texts:
t = texts.pop(0)
text_batch = f'{text_batch}{t}\n\n'
if len(text_batch) > 2048 or len(texts) == 0:
content = f'<text>\n{text_batch}</text>\n\n{suffix}'
result = await llm(
[{'role': 'system', 'content': sys_prompt}, {'role': 'user', 'content': content}],
model=model, temperature=0.1)
if test_mode:
print(f"llm output:\n {result}")
result = re.findall(r'\"\"\"(.*?)\"\"\"', result, re.DOTALL)
if result:
links = re.findall(r'\[\d+\]', result[-1])
for link in links:
if link not in text_batch:
if _logger:
_logger.warning(f"model generating hallucination:\n{link}\n{result[-1]}\n{text_batch}")
if test_mode:
print(f"model hallucination:\n{link}\n{result[-1]}\n{text_batch}")
text_batch = ''
more_urls = set()
for mark in cache:
url = link_dict[mark]
has_common_ext = any(url.endswith(ext) for ext in common_file_exts)
has_common_tld = any(url.endswith(tld) or url.endswith(tld + '/') for tld in common_tlds)
if has_common_ext or has_common_tld:
return more_urls
async def get_info(texts: list[str], link_dict: dict, prompts: list[str], author: str, publish_date: str,
test_mode: bool = False, _logger: logger = None) -> list[dict]:
sys_prompt, suffix, model = prompts
if test_mode:
info_pre_fix = ''
info_pre_fix = f"//{author} {publish_date}//"
batches = []
text_batch = ''
while texts:
t = texts.pop(0)
text_batch = f'{text_batch}{t}# '
if len(text_batch) > 9999 or len(texts) == 0:
content = f'<text>\n{text_batch}</text>\n\n{suffix}'
text_batch = ''
tasks = [
llm([{'role': 'system', 'content': sys_prompt}, {'role': 'user', 'content': content}], model=model, temperature=0.1)
for content in batches]
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
final = []
for res in results:
if test_mode:
print(f"llm output:\n {res}")
res = res.strip().lstrip('摘要').lstrip(':').lstrip('')
if not res or res == 'NA':
maybe can use embedding retrieval to judge
url_tags = re.findall(r'\[\d+]', res)
refences = {}
for _tag in url_tags:
if _tag in link_dict:
refences[_tag] = link_dict[_tag]
if _logger:
_logger.warning(f"model hallucination: {res} \ncontains {_tag} which is not in link_dict")
if test_mode:
print(f"model hallucination: {res} \ncontains {_tag} which is not in link_dict")
res = res.replace(_tag, '')
final.append({'content': f"{info_pre_fix}{res}", 'references': refences})
return final