# V0.3.2 - 引入 Crawlee(playwrigt模块),大幅提升通用爬取能力,适配实际项目场景; Introduce Crawlee (playwright module), significantly enhancing general crawling capabilities and adapting to real-world task; - 完全重写了信息提取模块,引入“爬-查一体”策略,你关注的才是你想要的; Completely rewrote the information extraction module, introducing an "integrated crawl-search" strategy, focusing on what you care about; - 新策略下放弃了 gne、jieba 等模块,去除了安装包; Under the new strategy, modules such as gne and jieba have been abandoned, reducing the installation package size; - 重写了 pocketbase 的表单结构; Rewrote the PocketBase form structure; - llm wrapper引入异步架构、自定义页面提取器规范优化(含 微信公众号文章提取优化); llm wrapper introduces asynchronous architecture, customized page extractor specifications optimization (including WeChat official account article extraction optimization); - 进一步简化部署操作步骤。 Further simplified deployment steps.