from __future__ import annotations from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re from crawl4ai import CrawlResult from .scraper_data import ScraperResultData # 定义所有可能包含文本的块级和内联元素 text_elements = { # 块级元素 'div', 'section', 'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', # 内联文本元素 'span', 'em', 'strong' } def mp_scraper(fetch_result: CrawlResult | dict) -> ScraperResultData: if isinstance(fetch_result, dict): url = fetch_result['url'] raw_html = fetch_result['html'] cleaned_html = fetch_result['cleaned_html'] raw_markdown = fetch_result['markdown'] media = fetch_result['media']['images'] elif isinstance(fetch_result, CrawlResult): url = fetch_result.url raw_html = fetch_result.html cleaned_html = fetch_result.cleaned_html raw_markdown = fetch_result.markdown media =['images'] else: raise TypeError('fetch_result must be a CrawlResult or a dict') content = '' images = [] if url.startswith(''): # album page type soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'html.parser') for li in soup.find_all('li', class_='album__list-item'): u_text = li.get_text(strip=True) u_title = li.attrs['data-title'].strip() _url = li.attrs['data-link'].replace("http://", "https://", 1) if not _url or _url.startswith('javas') or _url.startswith('#') or _url.startswith('mailto:') or _url.startswith('data:') or _url.startswith('about:blank'): continue cut_off_point = _url.find('chksm=') if cut_off_point != -1: _url = _url[:cut_off_point - 1] if u_title in u_text: description = u_text else: description = f'{u_title}-{u_text}' content += f'[{description}]({_url})\n' return ScraperResultData(content=content, images=images) def process_content(content_div): # 3.1 处理所有 元素 for img in content_div.find_all('img', attrs={'data-src': True}, recursive=True): data_type = img.get('data-type', '') if data_type in ['gif', 'svg']: continue src = img.get('data-src') if not src or src.startswith('#') or src.startswith('about:blank'): src = None text = img.get('alt', '').strip() if not src: img.replace_with(text) continue images.append(src) # find all area urls related to this img area_urls = set() if img.get('usemap'): # remove the # at the beginning of the map name map_name = img.get('usemap').lstrip('#') # find the map tag map_tag = content_div.find('map', {'name': map_name}) if map_tag: # get all area tags under the map for area in map_tag.find_all('area', href=True): area_href = area.get('href') area_urls.add(area_href) area.decompose() # delete the whole map tag map_tag.decompose() area_urls = ')[]('.join(area_urls) replacement_text = f'![{text}]({src})[]({area_urls})' if area_urls else f'![{text}]({src})' img.replace_with(replacement_text) for media in content_div.find_all(['video', 'audio', 'source', 'embed', 'iframe', 'figure'], src=True, recursive=True): src = media.get('src') if not src or src.startswith('javascript:') or src.startswith('#') or src.startswith('mailto:') or src.startswith('data:') or src.startswith('about:blank'): src = None text = media.get_text().strip() or media.get('alt', '').strip() if src: media.replace_with(f"[{text}]({src})") else: media.decompose() for obj in content_div.find_all('object', data=True, recursive=True): data = obj.get('data') if not data or data.startswith('javascript:') or data.startswith('#') or data.startswith('mailto:') or data.startswith('data:') or data.startswith('about:blank'): data = None text = obj.get_text().strip() or obj.get('alt', '').strip() if data: obj.replace_with(f"[{text}]({data})") else: obj.decompose() # process links at last, so that we can keep the image and media info in the link for a in content_div.find_all('a', href=True, recursive=True): href = a.get('href') if not href or href.startswith('javascript:') or href.startswith('#') or href.startswith('about:blank'): href = None text = a.get_text().strip() if href: a.replace_with(f"[{text}]({href})") else: a.decompose() # handle lists for list_tag in content_div.find_all(['ul', 'ol'], recursive=True): list_text = [] for idx, item in enumerate(list_tag.find_all('li')): list_text.append(f"{idx + 1}. {item.get_text().strip()}") list_text = '\t'.join(list_text) list_tag.replace_with(f"{list_text}\n") # handle strikethrough text for del_tag in content_div.find_all(['del', 's'], recursive=True): del_text = del_tag.get_text().strip() if del_text: del_tag.replace_with(f"{del_text}(maybe_outdated)") else: del_tag.decompose() # handle tables for table in content_div.find_all('table', recursive=True): table_text = [] # handle caption caption = table.find('caption') if caption: table_text.append(caption.get_text().strip()) # get headers headers = [] for th in table.find_all('th'): headers.append(th.get_text().strip()) # handle all rows (including tbody and tfoot) for row in table.find_all('tr'): # get the first cell value # try to find th as first_val first_cell = row.find(['th', 'td']) if not first_cell: continue first_val = first_cell.get_text().strip() cells = row.find_all('td') if not cells: continue # handle remaining cells for idx, cell in enumerate(cells): cell_text = cell.get_text().strip() if not cell_text or cell_text == first_val: continue header_text = headers[idx] if idx < len(headers) else '' cell_str = f"{first_val}-{header_text}-{cell_text}" table_text.append(cell_str) # replace the table with the processed text table_text = '\n'.join(table_text) table.replace_with(f"\n{table_text}\n") # 3.3 按照子元素获取文本内容,统一换行 content_parts = [] for element in content_div.children: if in ['br', 'br/', 'br /', 'hr', 'hr/', 'hr /', 'wbr']: content_parts.append('\n') elif in text_elements: text = element.get_text(strip=True) if text: content_parts.append(text) # 只在块级元素后添加换行符 if in {'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'}: content_parts.append('\n') if in {'div', 'section'}: content_parts.append('# ') elif isinstance(element, str): text = element.strip() if text: content_parts.append(text) return ''.join(content_parts).strip() soup = BeautifulSoup(cleaned_html, 'html.parser') # 1. 查找第一个包含

元素的 div 块,提取 title h1_tag = soup.find('h1') if h1_tag: h1_div = h1_tag.parent title = h1_tag.get_text(strip=True) else: # 如果找不到的话 说明是已删除或者分享页 soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, 'html.parser') # 从 original_panel_tool 中找到 data-url share_source = soup.find('span', id='js_share_source') if share_source and share_source.get('data-url'): data_url = share_source['data-url'] # 替换 http 为 https data_url = data_url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) if not data_url or not data_url.startswith(''): # maybe a new_type_article return ScraperResultData(title='maybe a new_type_article') # 从 js_content 中获取描述文本 content_div = soup.find('div', id='js_content') if not content_div: # maybe a new_type_article return ScraperResultData(title='maybe a new_type_article') des = content_div.get_text(strip=True) return ScraperResultData(content=f'[{des}]({data_url})') else: # a deleted page return ScraperResultData() # 2. 判断这个子块下面包含几个非空 div 子块 sub_divs = [div for div in h1_div.find_all('div', recursive=False) if len(div.contents) > 0] num_sub_divs = len(sub_divs) if num_sub_divs == 1: # 2.1 如果只包含一个子块 strong_tag = sub_divs[0].find('strong') if strong_tag: author = strong_tag.get_text(strip=True) # 查找包含日期和时间的span标签 date_span = sub_divs[0].find('span', string=re.compile(r'\d{4}年\d{2}月\d{2}日\s+\d{2}:\d{2}')) # 如果找到日期,只提取日期部分 if date_span: publish_date = date_span.get_text(strip=True).split()[0] # 只取日期部分 else: publish_date = None title = 'maybe a new_type_article' # 提取与包含

元素的 div 块平级的紧挨着的下一个 div 块作为 content content_div = h1_div.find_next_sibling('div') content = title + '\n\n' + process_content(content_div) else: author = None publish_date = None content = raw_markdown images = [d['src'] for d in media] elif num_sub_divs >= 2: # 2.2 如果包含两个及以上子块 a_tag = sub_divs[0].find('a', href="javascript:void(0);") if a_tag: author = a_tag.get_text(strip=True) # 查找下一个包含日期时间的em标签 date_em = sub_divs[0].find('em', string=re.compile(r'\d{4}年\d{2}月\d{2}日\s+\d{2}:\d{2}')) if date_em: # 只提取日期部分 publish_date = date_em.get_text(strip=True).split()[0] else: publish_date = None title = 'maybe a new_type_article' else: author = None publish_date = None title = 'maybe a new_type_article' # 剩下的 div 子块合起来作为 content content_divs = sub_divs[1:] content = '# '.join([process_content(div) for div in content_divs]) content = title + '\n\n' + content else: author = None publish_date = None content = 'maybe a new_type_article' if len(images) > 2: images = images[1:-1] return ScraperResultData(title=title, content=content, images=images, author=author, publish_date=publish_date)