import os import sys import re # 将core目录添加到Python路径 core_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'core') sys.path.append(core_path) # 现在可以直接导入模块,因为core目录已经在Python路径中 from scrapers import * from agents.get_info import pre_process def check_url_text(text): common_chars = ',.!;:,;:、一二三四五六七八九十#*@% \t\n\r|*-_…>#' print(f"processing: {text}") left_bracket = text.find('[') right_paren = text.rfind(')') if -1 in [left_bracket, right_paren] or left_bracket > right_paren: print("not [] or () marker") print(f"left_bracket: {left_bracket}, right_paren: {right_paren}") return # 检查左括号前的文本是否包含至少2个有效字符 prefix = text[:left_bracket] pre_valid_chars = [c for c in prefix if not c.isdigit() and c not in common_chars] if len(pre_valid_chars) >= 50: print("prefix has at least 50 valid chars") print(f"prefix: {prefix}, valid_chars: {pre_valid_chars}") return suffix = text[right_paren+1:] suf_valid_chars = [c for c in suffix if c not in common_chars] if len(pre_valid_chars) >= 2 and len(suf_valid_chars) >= 1: print("prefix has at least 2 valid chars and suffix has at least 1 valid char") print(f"prefix: {prefix}, valid_chars: {pre_valid_chars}, suffix: {suffix}, valid_chars: {suf_valid_chars}") return if len(suf_valid_chars) >= 36: print("suffix has at least 36 valid chars") print(f"suffix: {suffix}, valid_chars: {suf_valid_chars}") return print('is a isolated url') print("处理图片标记 ![alt](src)") img_pattern = r'!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)' matches = re.findall(img_pattern, text) for alt, src in matches: # 替换为新格式 text = text.replace(f'![{alt}]({src})', f'§{alt}||{src}§') print(text) print("处理 [part0](part1) 格式的片段") link_pattern = r'\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)' matches = re.findall(link_pattern, text) for match in matches: print(match) async def main(html_sample, record_file): recognized_img_cache = {} parsed_url = urlparse(html_sample['url']) domain = parsed_url.netloc if domain in custom_scrapers: result = custom_scrapers[domain](html_sample) raw_markdown = result.content used_img = result.images title = result.title base_url = result.base author = publish_date = result.publish_date else: raw_markdown = html_sample['markdown'] media_dict = html_sample['media'] if html_sample['media'] else {} used_img = [d['src'] for d in media_dict.get('images', [])] title = '' base_url = '' author = '' publish_date = '' if not raw_markdown: print(f"no raw_markdown for {file}") return if not title: title = html_sample.get('title', '') if not base_url: base_url = html_sample.get('base', '') if not base_url: base_url = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}{parsed_url.path}" print('base_url:', base_url) if not author: author = html_sample.get('author', '') if not publish_date: publish_date = html_sample.get('publish_date', '') link_dict, links_parts, contents, recognized_img_cache = await pre_process(raw_markdown, base_url, used_img, recognized_img_cache, test_mode=True) result = { "link_dict": link_dict, "links_part": links_parts, "contents": contents, } with open(record_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(result, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) print(f"pre process done, saved to {record_file}") if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import json from urllib.parse import urlparse import asyncio parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--test_file', '-F', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--sample_dir', '-D', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--record_folder', '-R', type=str, default='') args = parser.parse_args() test_file = args.test_file sample_dir = args.sample_dir record_folder = args.record_folder if record_folder: os.makedirs(record_folder, exist_ok=True) files = [] if test_file: files.append(test_file) if sample_dir: files.extend([os.path.join(sample_dir, file) for file in os.listdir(sample_dir)]) for file in files: if not file.endswith('.json'): continue print(f"processing {file} ...") with open(file, 'r') as f: html_sample = json.load(f) record_file = os.path.join(record_folder, f'{os.path.basename(file)}_processed.json'), record_file))