
155 lines
7.4 KiB
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2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils.pb_api import PbTalker
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
from utils.general_utils import get_logger, extract_and_convert_dates
from utils.deep_scraper import *
from agents.get_info import *
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
import json
import asyncio
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
from custom_fetchings import *
2024-12-27 14:07:37 +08:00
from urllib.parse import urlparse
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, CacheMode
2024-12-08 21:30:39 +08:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
project_dir = os.environ.get("PROJECT_DIR", "")
if project_dir:
os.makedirs(project_dir, exist_ok=True)
2024-12-06 11:42:22 +08:00
wiseflow_logger = get_logger('general_process', project_dir)
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
pb = PbTalker(wiseflow_logger)
2024-12-06 11:42:22 +08:00
gie = GeneralInfoExtractor(pb, wiseflow_logger)
2024-12-27 14:07:37 +08:00
one_month_ago = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
existing_urls = {url['url'] for url in pb.read(collection_name='infos', fields=['url'], filter=f"created>='{one_month_ago}'")}
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
llm_model = os.environ.get("PRIMARY_MODEL", "")
vl_model = os.environ.get("VL_MODEL", "")
if not vl_model:
wiseflow_logger.warning("VL_MODEL not set, will skip extracting info from img, some info may be lost!")
img_to_be_recognized_pattern = r'§to_be_recognized_by_visual_llm_(.*?)§'
recognized_img_cache = {}
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
2024-12-27 14:07:37 +08:00
async def save_to_pb(url: str, url_title: str, infos: list):
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
# saving to pb process
for info in infos:
2024-12-10 14:18:03 +08:00
info['url'] = url
2024-12-27 14:07:37 +08:00
info['url_title'] = url_title
2024-12-06 11:42:22 +08:00
_ = pb.add(collection_name='infos', body=info)
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
if not _:
2024-12-06 11:42:22 +08:00
wiseflow_logger.error('add info failed, writing to cache_file')
timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
with open(os.path.join(project_dir, f'{timestamp}_cache_infos.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
json.dump(info, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
async def main_process(_sites: set | list):
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
working_list = set()
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
async with AsyncWebCrawler(headless=True, verbose=False) as crawler:
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
while working_list:
url = working_list.pop()
has_common_ext = any(url.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in common_file_exts)
if has_common_ext:
wiseflow_logger.info(f'{url} is a common file, skip')
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
domain = parsed_url.netloc
if domain in custom_scrapers:
wiseflow_logger.debug(f'{url} is a custom scraper, use custom scraper')
raw_markdown, metadata_dict, media_dict = custom_scrapers[domain](url)
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
crawl4ai_cache_mode = CacheMode.WRITE_ONLY if url in _sites else CacheMode.ENABLED
result = await crawler.arun(url=url, delay_before_return_html=2.0, exclude_social_media_links=True,
magic=True, scan_full_page=True, remove_overlay_elements=True,
if not result.success:
wiseflow_logger.warning(f'{url} failed to crawl, destination web cannot reach, skip')
raw_markdown = result.markdown
if not raw_markdown:
wiseflow_logger.warning(f'{url} no content, something during fetching failed, skip')
metadata_dict = result.metadata if result.metadata else {}
media_dict = result.media if result.media else {}
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
web_title = metadata_dict.get('title', '')
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
base_url = metadata_dict.get('base', '')
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
if not base_url:
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
base_url = url
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
author = metadata_dict.get('author', '')
publish_date = extract_and_convert_dates(metadata_dict.get('publish_date', ''))
img_dict = media_dict.get('images', [])
if not img_dict or not isinstance(img_dict, list):
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
used_img = []
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
used_img = [d['src'] for d in img_dict]
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
link_dict, (text, reference_map) = deep_scraper(raw_markdown, base_url, used_img)
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
_duplicate_url = set(link_dict.keys()) & existing_urls
for _d in _duplicate_url:
del link_dict[_d]
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
to_be_replaces = {}
for u, des in link_dict.items():
matches = re.findall(img_to_be_recognized_pattern, des)
if matches:
for img_url in matches:
if img_url in recognized_img_cache:
link_dict[u] = des.replace(f'§to_be_recognized_by_visual_llm_{img_url}§', recognized_img_cache[img_url])
link_dict[u] = des.replace(f'§to_be_recognized_by_visual_llm_{img_url}§', img_url)
if img_url in to_be_replaces:
to_be_replaces[img_url] = [u]
matches = re.findall(img_to_be_recognized_pattern, text)
if matches:
for img_url in matches:
if f'h{img_url}' in recognized_img_cache:
text = text.replace(f'§to_be_recognized_by_visual_llm_{img_url}§', recognized_img_cache[f'h{img_url}'])
text = text.replace(f'§to_be_recognized_by_visual_llm_{img_url}§', f'h{img_url}')
img_url = f'h{img_url}'
if img_url in to_be_replaces:
to_be_replaces[img_url] = ["content"]
wiseflow_logger.debug(f'total {len(to_be_replaces)} images to be recognized')
recognized_result = await extract_info_from_img(list(to_be_replaces.keys()), vl_model)
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
recognized_img_cache.update({key: value for key, value in recognized_result.items() if value.strip()})
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
for img_url, content in recognized_result.items():
for u in to_be_replaces[img_url]:
if u == "content":
text = text.replace(img_url, content)
link_dict[u] = link_dict[u].replace(img_url, content)
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
if not author or author.lower() == 'na' or not publish_date or publish_date.lower() == 'na':
author, publish_date = await get_author_and_publish_date(text, llm_model)
wiseflow_logger.debug(f'get author and publish date by llm: {author}, {publish_date}')
if not author or author.lower() == 'na':
author = parsed_url.netloc
if not publish_date:
publish_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
2025-01-04 23:36:18 +08:00
more_urls, infos = await gie(link_dict, text, reference_map, author, publish_date)
wiseflow_logger.debug(f'get {len(more_urls)} more urls and {len(infos)} infos')
if more_urls:
working_list.update(more_urls - existing_urls)
if infos:
await save_to_pb(url, web_title, infos)
2024-12-05 20:45:39 +08:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
sites = pb.read('sites', filter='activated=True')
wiseflow_logger.info('execute all sites one time')
2025-01-05 18:12:36 +08:00
asyncio.run(main_process([site['url'] for site in sites]))