import os import io import sys import platform import shutil import time import subprocess import requests import json import datetime import socket import re from threading import Thread from api.utils import shell_execute, docker, const from import App from api.model.response import Response from api.model.config import Config from api.model.status_reason import StatusReason from api.utils.common_log import myLogger from redis import Redis from rq import Queue, Worker, Connection from rq.registry import StartedJobRegistry, FinishedJobRegistry, DeferredJobRegistry, FailedJobRegistry, ScheduledJobRegistry, CanceledJobRegistry from api.exception.command_exception import CommandException from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from import DateTrigger from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger from import EVENT_SCHEDULER_PAUSED, EVENT_SCHEDULER_RESUMED,EVENT_SCHEDULER_STARTED,EVENT_SCHEDULER_SHUTDOWN # 指定 Redis 容器的主机名和端口 redis_conn = Redis(host='websoft9-redis', port=6379) # 使用指定的 Redis 连接创建 RQ 队列 q = Queue(connection=redis_conn, default_timeout=3600) def auto_update(): myLogger.info_logger("auto update") shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("rm -rf /tmp/") shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cd /tmp && wget") shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("bash /tmp/ 1>/dev/null 2>&1") scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() scheduler.add_job(auto_update, 'cron', hour=1) scheduler.start() # 获取github文件内容 def get_github_content(repo, path): url = '{repo}/{path}' url = url.format(repo=repo, path=path) response = requests.get(url) response.encoding = 'utf-8' contents = response.text return contents def AppAutoUpdate(auto_update): myLogger.info_logger(scheduler.state) myLogger.info_logger(scheduler.get_jobs()) if auto_update == "true" or auto_update == "True": scheduler.resume() return "true" elif auto_update == "false" or auto_update == "False": scheduler.pause() return "false" elif auto_update == None or auto_update == "" or auto_update == "undefine": state = scheduler.state if state == 1: return "true" else: return "false" # 更新软件商店 def AppStoreUpdate(): local_path = '/data/library/install/version.json' local_version = "0" try: op = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat " + local_path)['result'] local_version = json.loads(op)['VERSION'] except: local_version = "0.0.1" repo = 'docker-library' version_contents = get_github_content(repo, 'install/version.json') version = json.loads(version_contents)['VERSION'] if compared_version(local_version, version) == -1: content = [] change_log_contents = get_github_content(repo, '') change_log = change_log_contents.split('## ')[1].split('\n') for change in change_log[1:]: if change != '': content.append(change) shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("rm -rf /tmp/") shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cd /tmp && wget") shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("bash /tmp/ 1>/dev/null 2>&1") return content else: return None # 获取 update info def get_update_list(): local_path = '/data/apps/websoft9/install/version.json' repo = 'websoft9' local_version = "0" try: op = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat " + local_path)['result'] local_version = json.loads(op)['VERSION'] except: local_version = "0.0.1" version_contents = get_github_content(repo, 'install/version.json') version = json.loads(version_contents)['VERSION'] ret = {} ret['current_version'] = local_version if compared_version(local_version, version) == -1: content = [] change_log_contents = get_github_content(repo, '') change_log = change_log_contents.split('## ')[1].split('\n') date = change_log[0].split()[-1] for change in change_log[1:]: if change != '': content.append(change) ret2= {} ret2['latest_version'] = version ret2['date'] = date ret2['content'] = content ret['Update_content']=ret2 return ret else: ret['Update_content']=None return ret def conbine_list(installing_list, installed_list): app_list = installing_list + installed_list result_list = [] appid_list = [] for app in app_list: app_id = app['app_id'] if app_id in appid_list: continue else: appid_list.append(app_id) result_list.append(app) return result_list # 获取所有app的信息 def get_my_app(app_id): installed_list = get_apps_from_compose() installing_list = get_apps_from_queue() app_list = conbine_list(installing_list, installed_list) find = False ret = {} if app_id != None: for app in app_list: if app_id == app['app_id']: ret = app find = True break if not find: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "This App doesn't exist!", "") else: ret = app_list myLogger.info_logger("app list result ok") return ret # 获取具体某个app的信息 def get_app_status(app_id): code, message = docker.check_app_id(app_id) if code == None: app = get_my_app(app_id) # 将app_list 过滤出app_id的app,并缩减信息,使其符合文档的要求 ret = {} ret['app_id'] = app['app_id'] ret['status'] = app['status'] ret['status_reason'] = app['status_reason'] else: raise CommandException(code, message, '') return ret def install_app(app_name, customer_name, app_version): myLogger.info_logger("Install app ...") ret = {} ret['ResponseData'] = {} app_id = app_name + "_" + customer_name ret['ResponseData']['app_id'] = app_id code, message = check_app(app_name, customer_name, app_version) if code == None: q.enqueue(install_app_delay, app_name, customer_name, app_version, job_id=app_id) else: ret['Error'] = get_error_info(code, message, "") return ret def start_app(app_id): info, flag = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if flag: app_path = info.split()[-1].rsplit('/', 1)[0] cmd = "docker compose -f " + app_path + "/docker-compose.yml start" shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "APP is not exist", "") def stop_app(app_id): info, flag = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if flag: app_path = info.split()[-1].rsplit('/', 1)[0] cmd = "docker compose -f " + app_path + "/docker-compose.yml stop" shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "APP is not exist", "") def restart_app(app_id): code, message = docker.check_app_id(app_id) if code == None: info, flag = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if flag: app_path = info.split()[-1].rsplit('/', 1)[0] cmd = "docker compose -f " + app_path + "/docker-compose.yml restart" shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "APP is not exist", "") else: raise CommandException(code, message, "") def delete_app_failedjob(job_id): myLogger.info_logger("delete_app_failedjob") failed = FailedJobRegistry(queue=q) failed.remove(job_id, delete_job=True) def delete_app(app_id): try: app_name = app_id.split('_')[0] customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] app_path = "" info, code_exist = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if code_exist: app_path = info.split()[-1].rsplit('/', 1)[0] cmd = "docker compose -f " + app_path + "/docker-compose.yml down -v" lib_path = '/data/library/apps/' + app_name if app_path != lib_path: cmd = cmd + " && sudo rm -rf " + app_path try: myLogger.info_logger("Intall fail, down app and delete files") shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) except Exception: myLogger.info_logger("Delete app compose exception") # 强制删除失败又无法通过docker compose down 删除的容器 try: myLogger.info_logger("IF delete fail, force to delete containers") force_cmd = "docker rm -f $(docker ps -f name=^" + customer_name + " -aq)" shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(force_cmd) except Exception: myLogger.info_logger("force delete app compose exception") else: if check_app_rq(app_id): delete_app_failedjob(app_id) else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "AppID is not exist", "") cmd = " sudo rm -rf /data/apps/" + customer_name shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) except CommandException as ce: myLogger.info_logger("Delete app compose exception") def uninstall_app(app_id): app_name = app_id.split('_')[0] customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] app_path = "" info, code_exist = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if code_exist: app_path = info.split()[-1].rsplit('/', 1)[0] cmd = "docker compose -f " + app_path + "/docker-compose.yml down -v" lib_path = '/data/library/apps/' + app_name if app_path != lib_path: cmd = cmd + " && sudo rm -rf " + app_path shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) else: if check_app_rq(app_id): delete_app_failedjob(app_id) else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "AppID is not exist", "") # Force to delete docker compose try: cmd = " sudo rm -rf /data/apps/" + customer_name shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) except CommandException as ce: myLogger.info_logger("Delete app compose exception") # Delete proxy config when uninstall app app_proxy_delete(app_id) def check_app(app_name, customer_name, app_version): message = "" code = None app_id = app_name + "_" + customer_name if app_name == None: code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK message = "app_name is null" elif customer_name == None: code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK message = "customer_name is null" elif len(customer_name) < 2: code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK message = "customer_name must be longer than 2 chars" elif app_version == None: code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK message = "app_version is null" elif app_version == "undefined" or app_version == "": code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK message = "app_version is null" elif not docker.check_app_websoft9(app_name): code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST message = "It is not support to install " + app_name elif re.match('^[a-z0-9]+$', customer_name) == None: code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_Format message = "APP name can only be composed of numbers and lowercase letters" elif docker.check_directory("/data/apps/" + customer_name): code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_REPEAT message = "Repeat installation: " + customer_name elif not docker.check_vm_resource(app_name): code = const.ERROR_SERVER_RESOURCE message = "Insufficient system resources (cpu, memory, disk space)" elif check_app_docker(app_id): code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_REPEAT message = "Repeat installation: " + customer_name elif check_app_rq(app_id): code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_REPEAT message = "Repeat installation: " + customer_name return code, message def prepare_app(app_name, customer_name): library_path = "/data/library/apps/" + app_name install_path = "/data/apps/" + customer_name shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cp -r " + library_path + " " + install_path) def install_app_delay(app_name, customer_name, app_version): myLogger.info_logger("-------RQ install start --------") job_id = app_name + "_" + customer_name try: # 因为这个时候还没有复制文件夹,是从/data/library里面文件读取json来检查的,应该是app_name,而不是customer_name resource_flag = docker.check_vm_resource(app_name) if resource_flag == True: myLogger.info_logger("job check ok, continue to install app") env_path = "/data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env" # prepare_app(app_name, customer_name) docker.check_app_compose(app_name, customer_name) myLogger.info_logger("start JobID=" + job_id) docker.modify_env(env_path, 'APP_NAME', customer_name) docker.modify_env(env_path, "APP_VERSION", app_version) docker.check_app_url(customer_name) cmd = "cd /data/apps/" + customer_name + " && sudo docker compose pull && sudo docker compose up -d" output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) myLogger.info_logger("-------Install result--------") myLogger.info_logger(output["code"]) myLogger.info_logger(output["result"]) try: shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("bash /data/apps/" + customer_name + "/src/") except Exception as e: myLogger.info_logger(str(e)) else: error_info = "##websoft9##" + const.ERROR_SERVER_RESOURCE + "##websoft9##" + "Insufficient system resources (cpu, memory, disk space)" + "##websoft9##" + "Insufficient system resources (cpu, memory, disk space)" myLogger.info_logger(error_info) raise Exception(error_info) except CommandException as ce: myLogger.info_logger(customer_name + " install failed(docker)!") delete_app(job_id) error_info = "##websoft9##" + ce.code + "##websoft9##" + ce.message + "##websoft9##" + ce.detail myLogger.info_logger(error_info) raise Exception(error_info) except Exception as e: myLogger.info_logger(customer_name + " install failed(system)!") delete_app(job_id) error_info = "##websoft9##" + const.ERROR_SERVER_SYSTEM + "##websoft9##" + 'system original error' + "##websoft9##" + str( e) myLogger.info_logger(error_info) raise Exception(error_info) def app_exits_in_docker(app_id): customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] app_name = app_id.split('_')[0] flag = False info = "" cmd = "docker compose ls -a | grep \'/" + customer_name + "/\'" try: output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) if int(output["code"]) == 0: info = output["result"] app_path = info.split()[-1].rsplit('/', 1)[0] is_official = check_if_official_app(app_path + '/variables.json') if is_official: name = docker.read_var(app_path + '/variables.json', 'name') if name == app_name: flag = True elif app_name == customer_name: flag = True myLogger.info_logger("APP in docker") except CommandException as ce: myLogger.info_logger("APP not in docker") return info, flag def split_app_id(app_id): return app_id.split("_")[1] def get_createtime(official_app, app_path, customer_name): data_time = "" try: if official_app: cmd = "docker ps -f name=" + customer_name + " --format {{.RunningFor}} | head -n 1" result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd)["result"].rstrip('\n') data_time = result else: cmd_all = "cd " + app_path + " && docker compose ps -a --format json" output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd_all) container_name = json.loads(output["result"])[0]["Name"] cmd = "docker ps -f name=" + container_name + " --format {{.RunningFor}} | head -n 1" result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd)["result"].rstrip('\n') data_time = result except Exception as e: myLogger.info_logger(str(e)) myLogger.info_logger("get_createtime get success" + data_time) return data_time def get_apps_from_compose(): myLogger.info_logger("Search all of apps ...") cmd = "docker compose ls -a --format json" output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) output_list = json.loads(output["result"]) myLogger.info_logger(len(output_list)) ip = "localhost" try: ip_result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/w9services/w9appmanage/public_ip") ip = ip_result["result"].rstrip('\n') except Exception: ip = "" app_list = [] for app_info in output_list: volume = app_info["ConfigFiles"] app_path = volume.rsplit('/', 1)[0] customer_name = volume.split('/')[-2] app_id = "" app_name = "" trade_mark = "" port = 0 url = "" admin_url = "" image_url = "" user_name = "" password = "" official_app = False app_version = "" create_time = "" volume_data = "" config_path = app_path app_https = False app_replace_url = False default_domain = "" admin_path = "" admin_domain_url = "" if customer_name in ['w9appmanage', 'w9nginxproxymanager', 'w9redis', 'w9kopia', 'w9portainer'] or app_path == '/data/apps/w9services/' + customer_name: continue var_path = app_path + "/variables.json" official_app = check_if_official_app(var_path) status_show = app_info["Status"] status = app_info["Status"].split("(")[0] if status == "running" or status == "exited" or status == "restarting": if "exited" in status_show and "running" in status_show: if status == "exited": cmd = "docker ps -a -f name=" + customer_name + " --format {{.Names}}#{{.Status}}|grep Exited" result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd)["result"].rstrip('\n') container = result.split("#Exited")[0] if container != customer_name: status = "running" if "restarting" in status_show: about_time = get_createtime(official_app, app_path, customer_name) if "seconds" in about_time: status = "restarting" else: status = "failed" elif status == "created": status = "failed" else: continue if official_app: app_name = docker.read_var(var_path, 'name') app_id = app_name + "_" + customer_name # app_id # get trade_mark trade_mark = docker.read_var(var_path, 'trademark') image_url = get_Image_url(app_name) # get env info path = app_path + "/.env" env_map = docker.get_map(path) try: myLogger.info_logger("get domain for APP_URL") domain = env_map.get("APP_URL") if "" in domain or ip in domain: default_domain = "" else: default_domain = domain except Exception: myLogger.info_logger("domain exception") try: app_version = env_map.get("APP_VERSION") volume_data = "/data/apps/" + customer_name + "/data" user_name = env_map.get("APP_USER", "") password = env_map.get("POWER_PASSWORD", "") admin_path = env_map.get("APP_ADMIN_PATH") if admin_path: myLogger.info_logger(admin_path) admin_path = admin_path.replace("\"", "") else: admin_path = "" if default_domain != "" and admin_path != "": admin_domain_url = "http://" + default_domain + admin_path except Exception: myLogger.info_logger("APP_USER POWER_PASSWORD exception") try: replace = env_map.get("APP_URL_REPLACE", "false") myLogger.info_logger("replace=" + replace) if replace == "true": app_replace_url = True https = env_map.get("APP_HTTPS_ACCESS", "false") if https == "true": app_https = True except Exception: myLogger.info_logger("APP_HTTPS_ACCESS exception") try: http_port = env_map.get("APP_HTTP_PORT", "0") if http_port: port = int(http_port) except Exception: pass if port != 0: try: if app_https: easy_url = "https://" + ip + ":" + str(port) else: easy_url = "http://" + ip + ":" + str(port) url = easy_url admin_url = get_admin_url(customer_name, url) except Exception: pass else: try: db_port = list(docker.read_env(path, "APP_DB.*_PORT").values())[0] port = int(db_port) except Exception: pass else: app_name = customer_name app_id = customer_name + "_" + customer_name create_time = get_createtime(official_app, app_path, customer_name) if status in ['running', 'exited']: config = Config(port=port, compose_file=volume, url=url, admin_url=admin_url, admin_domain_url=admin_domain_url, admin_path=admin_path, admin_username=user_name, admin_password=password, default_domain=default_domain) else: config = None if status == "failed": status_reason = StatusReason(Code=const.ERROR_SERVER_SYSTEM, Message="system original error", Detail="unknown error") else: status_reason = None app = App(app_id=app_id, app_name=app_name, customer_name=customer_name, trade_mark=trade_mark, app_version=app_version, create_time=create_time, volume_data=volume_data, config_path=config_path, status=status, status_reason=status_reason, official_app=official_app, image_url=image_url, app_https=app_https, app_replace_url=app_replace_url, config=config) app_list.append(app.dict()) return app_list def check_if_official_app(var_path): if docker.check_directory(var_path): if docker.read_var(var_path, 'name') != "" and docker.read_var(var_path, 'trademark') != "" and docker.read_var( var_path, 'requirements') != "": requirements = docker.read_var(var_path, 'requirements') try: cpu = requirements['cpu'] mem = requirements['memory'] disk = requirements['disk'] return True except KeyError: return False else: return False def check_app_docker(app_id): customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] app_name = app_id.split('_')[0] flag = False cmd = "docker compose ls -a | grep \'/" + customer_name + "/\'" try: shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) flag = True myLogger.info_logger("APP in docker") except CommandException as ce: myLogger.info_logger("APP not in docker") return flag def check_app_rq(app_id): myLogger.info_logger("check_app_rq") started = StartedJobRegistry(queue=q) failed = FailedJobRegistry(queue=q) run_job_ids = started.get_job_ids() failed_job_ids = failed.get_job_ids() queue_job_ids = q.job_ids myLogger.info_logger(queue_job_ids) myLogger.info_logger(run_job_ids) myLogger.info_logger(failed_job_ids) if queue_job_ids and app_id in queue_job_ids: myLogger.info_logger("App in RQ") return True if failed_job_ids and app_id in failed_job_ids: myLogger.info_logger("App in RQ") return True if run_job_ids and app_id in run_job_ids: myLogger.info_logger("App in RQ") return True myLogger.info_logger("App not in RQ") return False def get_apps_from_queue(): myLogger.info_logger("get queque apps...") # 获取 StartedJobRegistry 实例 started = StartedJobRegistry(queue=q) finish = FinishedJobRegistry(queue=q) deferred = DeferredJobRegistry(queue=q) failed = FailedJobRegistry(queue=q) scheduled = ScheduledJobRegistry(queue=q) cancel = CanceledJobRegistry(queue=q) # 获取正在执行的作业 ID 列表 run_job_ids = started.get_job_ids() finish_job_ids = finish.get_job_ids() wait_job_ids = deferred.get_job_ids() failed_jobs = failed.get_job_ids() scheduled_jobs = scheduled.get_job_ids() cancel_jobs = cancel.get_job_ids() myLogger.info_logger( myLogger.info_logger(run_job_ids) myLogger.info_logger(failed_jobs) myLogger.info_logger(cancel_jobs) myLogger.info_logger(wait_job_ids) myLogger.info_logger(finish_job_ids) myLogger.info_logger(scheduled_jobs) installing_list = [] for job_id in run_job_ids: app = get_rq_app(job_id, 'installing', "", "", "") installing_list.append(app) for job in app = get_rq_app(, 'installing', "", "", "") installing_list.append(app) for job_id in failed_jobs: job = q.fetch_job(job_id) exc_info = job.exc_info code = exc_info.split('##websoft9##')[1] message = exc_info.split('##websoft9##')[2] detail = exc_info.split('##websoft9##')[3] app = get_rq_app(job_id, 'failed', code, message, detail) installing_list.append(app) return installing_list def get_rq_app(id, status, code, message, detail): app_name = id.split('_')[0] customer_name = id.split('_')[1] # 当app还在RQ时,可能文件夹还没创建,无法获取trade_mark trade_mark = "" app_version = "" create_time = "" volume_data = "" config_path = "" image_url = get_Image_url(app_name) config = None if status == "installing": status_reason = None else: status_reason = StatusReason(Code=code, Message=message, Detail=detail) app = App(app_id=id, app_name=app_name, customer_name=customer_name, trade_mark=trade_mark, app_version=app_version, create_time=create_time, volume_data=volume_data, config_path=config_path, status=status, status_reason=status_reason, official_app=True, image_url=image_url, app_https=False, app_replace_url=False, config=config) return app.dict() def get_Image_url(app_name): image_url = "static/images/" + app_name + "-websoft9.png" return image_url def get_url(app_name, easy_url): url = easy_url return url def get_admin_url(customer_name, url): admin_url = "" path = "/data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env" try: admin_path = list(docker.read_env(path, "APP_ADMIN_PATH").values())[0] admin_path = admin_path.replace("\"", "") admin_url = url + admin_path except IndexError: pass return admin_url def get_error_info(code, message, detail): error = {} error['Code'] = code error['Message'] = message error['Detail'] = detail return error def app_domain_list(app_id): code, message = docker.check_app_id(app_id) if code == None: info, flag = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if flag: myLogger.info_logger("Check app_id ok[app_domain_list]") else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "APP is not exist", "") else: raise CommandException(code, message, "") domains = get_all_domains(app_id) myLogger.info_logger(domains) ret = {} ret['domains'] = domains default_domain = "" if domains != None and len(domains) > 0: customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] app_url = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env")["result"] if "APP_URL" in app_url: url = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env |grep APP_URL=")[ "result"].rstrip('\n') default_domain = url.split('=')[1] ret['default_domain'] = default_domain myLogger.info_logger(ret) return ret def app_proxy_delete(app_id): customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] proxy_host = None token = get_token() url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) for proxy in response.json(): portainer_name = proxy["forward_host"] if customer_name == portainer_name: proxy_id = proxy["id"] token = get_token() url = "" + str(proxy_id) headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.delete(url, headers=headers) def app_domain_delete(app_id, domain): code, message = docker.check_app_id(app_id) if code == None: info, flag = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if flag: myLogger.info_logger("Check app_id ok[app_domain_delete]") else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "APP is not exist", "") else: raise CommandException(code, message, "") if domain is None or domain == "undefined": raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK, "Domains is blank", "") old_all_domains = get_all_domains(app_id) if domain not in old_all_domains: myLogger.info_logger("delete domain is not binded") raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "Domain is not bind.", "") myLogger.info_logger("Start to delete " + domain) proxy = get_proxy_domain(app_id, domain) if proxy != None: myLogger.info_logger(proxy) myLogger.info_logger("before update") domains_old = proxy["domain_names"] myLogger.info_logger(domains_old) domains_old.remove(domain) myLogger.info_logger("after update") myLogger.info_logger(domains_old) if len(domains_old) == 0: proxy_id = proxy["id"] token = get_token() url = "" + str(proxy_id) headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.delete(url, headers=headers) try: if response.json().get("error"): raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CONFIG_NGINX, response.json().get("error").get("message"), "") except Exception: myLogger.info_logger(response.json()) set_domain("", app_id) else: proxy_id = proxy["id"] token = get_token() url = "" + str(proxy_id) headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } port = get_container_port(app_id.split('_')[1]) host = app_id.split('_')[1] data = { "domain_names": domains_old, "forward_scheme": "http", "forward_host": host, "forward_port": port, "access_list_id": "0", "certificate_id": 0, "meta": { "letsencrypt_agree": False, "dns_challenge": False }, "advanced_config": "", "locations": [], "block_exploits": False, "caching_enabled": False, "allow_websocket_upgrade": False, "http2_support": False, "hsts_enabled": False, "hsts_subdomains": False, "ssl_forced": False } response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if response.json().get("error"): raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CONFIG_NGINX, response.json().get("error").get("message"), "") domain_set = app_domain_list(app_id) default_domain = domain_set['default_domain'] # 如果被删除的域名是默认域名,删除后去剩下域名的第一个 if default_domain == domain: set_domain(domains_old[0], app_id) else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "Delete domain is not bind", "") def app_domain_update(app_id, domain_old, domain_new): myLogger.info_logger("app_domain_update") domain_list = [] domain_list.append(domain_old) domain_list.append(domain_new) check_domains(domain_list) code, message = docker.check_app_id(app_id) if code == None: info, flag = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if flag: myLogger.info_logger("Check app_id ok") else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "APP is not exist", "") else: raise CommandException(code, message, "") proxy = get_proxy_domain(app_id, domain_old) if proxy != None: domains_old = proxy["domain_names"] index = domains_old.index(domain_old) domains_old[index] = domain_new proxy_id = proxy["id"] token = get_token() url = "" + str(proxy_id) headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } port = get_container_port(app_id.split('_')[1]) host = app_id.split('_')[1] data = { "domain_names": domains_old, "forward_scheme": "http", "forward_host": host, "forward_port": port, "access_list_id": "0", "certificate_id": 0, "meta": { "letsencrypt_agree": False, "dns_challenge": False }, "advanced_config": "", "locations": [], "block_exploits": False, "caching_enabled": False, "allow_websocket_upgrade": False, "http2_support": False, "hsts_enabled": False, "hsts_subdomains": False, "ssl_forced": False } response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if response.json().get("error"): raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CONFIG_NGINX, response.json().get("error").get("message"), "") domain_set = app_domain_list(app_id) default_domain = domain_set['default_domain'] myLogger.info_logger("default_domain=" + default_domain + ",domain_old=" + domain_old) # 如果被修改的域名是默认域名,修改后也设置为默认域名 if default_domain == domain_old: set_domain(domain_new, app_id) else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "edit domain is not exist", "") def app_domain_add(app_id, domain): temp_domains = [] temp_domains.append(domain) check_domains(temp_domains) code, message = docker.check_app_id(app_id) if code == None: info, flag = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if flag: myLogger.info_logger("Check app_id ok") else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "APP is not exist", "") else: raise CommandException(code, message, "") old_domains = get_all_domains(app_id) if domain in old_domains: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "Domain is in use", "") proxy = get_proxy(app_id) if proxy != None: domains_old = proxy["domain_names"] domain_list = domains_old domain_list.append(domain) proxy_id = proxy["id"] token = get_token() url = "" + str(proxy_id) headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } port = get_container_port(app_id.split('_')[1]) host = app_id.split('_')[1] data = { "domain_names": domain_list, "forward_scheme": "http", "forward_host": host, "forward_port": port, "access_list_id": "0", "certificate_id": 0, "meta": { "letsencrypt_agree": False, "dns_challenge": False }, "advanced_config": "", "locations": [], "block_exploits": False, "caching_enabled": False, "allow_websocket_upgrade": False, "http2_support": False, "hsts_enabled": False, "hsts_subdomains": False, "ssl_forced": False } response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if response.json().get("error"): raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CONFIG_NGINX, response.json().get("error").get("message"), "") else: # 追加 token = get_token() url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } port = get_container_port(app_id.split('_')[1]) host = app_id.split('_')[1] data = { "domain_names": temp_domains, "forward_scheme": "http", "forward_host": host, "forward_port": port, "access_list_id": "0", "certificate_id": 0, "meta": { "letsencrypt_agree": False, "dns_challenge": False }, "advanced_config": "", "locations": [], "block_exploits": False, "caching_enabled": False, "allow_websocket_upgrade": False, "http2_support": False, "hsts_enabled": False, "hsts_subdomains": False, "ssl_forced": False } response =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if response.json().get("error"): raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CONFIG_NGINX, response.json().get("error").get("message"), "") set_domain(domain, app_id) return domain def check_domains(domains): myLogger.info_logger(domains) if domains is None or len(domains) == 0: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK, "Domains is blank", "") else: for domain in domains: if is_valid_domain(domain): if check_real_domain(domain) == False: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "Domain and server not match", "") else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_Format, "Domains format error", "") def is_valid_domain(domain): if domain.startswith("http"): return False return True def check_real_domain(domain): domain_real = True try: cmd = "ping -c 1 " + domain + " | grep -Eo '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | uniq" domain_ip = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd)["result"].rstrip('\n') ip_result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/w9services/w9appmanage/public_ip") ip_save = ip_result["result"].rstrip('\n') if domain_ip == ip_save: myLogger.info_logger("Domain check ok!") else: domain_real = False except CommandException as ce: domain_real = False return domain_real def get_token(): url = '' headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} cmd = "cat /usr/share/cockpit/myapps/config.json | jq -r '.NGINXPROXYMANAGER.NGINXPROXYMANAGER_PASSWORD'" password = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd)["result"].rstrip('\n') myLogger.info_logger(password) param = { "identity": "", "scope": "user", "secret": password } response =, data=json.dumps(param), headers=headers) token = "Bearer " + response.json()["token"] return token def get_proxy(app_id): customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] proxy_host = None token = get_token() url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) for proxy in response.json(): portainer_name = proxy["forward_host"] if customer_name == portainer_name: proxy_host = proxy break return proxy_host def get_proxy_domain(app_id, domain): customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] proxy_host = None token = get_token() url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) myLogger.info_logger(response.json()) for proxy in response.json(): portainer_name = proxy["forward_host"] domain_list = proxy["domain_names"] if customer_name == portainer_name: myLogger.info_logger("-------------------") if domain in domain_list: myLogger.info_logger("find the domain proxy") proxy_host = proxy break return proxy_host def get_all_domains(app_id): customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] domains = [] token = get_token() url = "" headers = { 'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) for proxy in response.json(): portainer_name = proxy["forward_host"] if customer_name == portainer_name: for domain in proxy["domain_names"]: domains.append(domain) return domains def app_domain_set(domain, app_id): temp_domains = [] temp_domains.append(domain) check_domains(temp_domains) code, message = docker.check_app_id(app_id) if code == None: info, flag = app_exits_in_docker(app_id) if flag: myLogger.info_logger("Check app_id ok") else: raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, "APP is not exist", "") else: raise CommandException(code, message, "") set_domain(domain, app_id) def set_domain(domain, app_id): myLogger.info_logger("set_domain start") old_domains = get_all_domains(app_id) if domain != "": if domain not in old_domains: message = domain + " is not in use" raise CommandException(const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST, message, "") customer_name = app_id.split('_')[1] app_url = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env")["result"] if "APP_URL" in app_url: myLogger.info_logger("APP_URL is exist") if domain == "": ip_result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/w9services/w9appmanage/public_ip") domain = ip_result["result"].rstrip('\n') cmd = "sed -i 's/APP_URL=.*/APP_URL=" + domain + "/g' /data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env" shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) if "APP_URL_REPLACE=true" in app_url: myLogger.info_logger("need up") shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cd /data/apps/" + customer_name + " && docker compose up -d") else: cmd = "sed -i 's/APP_URL=.*/APP_URL=" + domain + "/g' /data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env" shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) if "APP_URL_REPLACE=true" in app_url: myLogger.info_logger("need up") shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cd /data/apps/" + customer_name + " && docker compose up -d") else: myLogger.info_logger("APP_URL is not exist") if domain == "": ip_result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/w9services/w9appmanage/public_ip") domain = ip_result["result"].rstrip('\n') cmd = "sed -i '/APP_NETWORK/a APP_URL=" + domain + "' /data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env" shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) myLogger.info_logger("set_domain success") def get_container_port(container_name): port = "80" cmd = "docker port " + container_name + " |grep ::" result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd)["result"] myLogger.info_logger(result) port = result.split('/')[0] myLogger.info_logger(port) return port def compared_version(ver1, ver2): list1 = str(ver1).split(".") list2 = str(ver2).split(".") # 循环次数为短的列表的len for i in range(len(list1)) if len(list1) < len(list2) else range(len(list2)): if int(list1[i]) == int(list2[i]): pass elif int(list1[i]) < int(list2[i]): return -1 else: return 1 # 循环结束,哪个列表长哪个版本号高 if len(list1) == len(list2): return 0 elif len(list1) < len(list2): return -1 else: return 1