#!/bin/bash # This script is created by Bing Chat # 你可以使用以下修改后的 shell 脚本来自动尝试从 github.com 克隆仓库,如果失败了,再尝试使用不同的加速地址来克隆仓库。这个脚本会先尝试从 github.com 克隆仓库,如果失败了,再尝试使用我之前提到的加速地址来克隆仓库,直到成功为止。每个地址都会尝试克隆 3 次。如果克隆失败,脚本会输出友好的错误提示。这个脚本接受两个外部参数:$1 是用户名,$2 是仓库名。 # 获取外部参数 USERNAME="$1" REPO="$2" # 生成仓库 URL REPO_URL="https://github.com/$USERNAME/$REPO.git" # 加速地址列表 MIRRORS=( "https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com" "https://github.com.cnpmjs.org" "https://github.com" "https://hub.fastgit.org" "https://gitclone.com" "https://gh.api.99988866.xyz" "https://github.zhlh6.cn" "https://toolwa.com/github" ) for mirror in "${MIRRORS[@]}"; do # 生成加速后的 URL mirror_url="${REPO_URL/https:\/\/github.com/$mirror}" # 尝试克隆仓库 for i in {1..3}; do echo "Trying to clone from $mirror_url (attempt $i)" if git clone "$mirror_url"; then echo "Successfully cloned from $mirror_url" exit 0 else echo "Failed to clone from $mirror_url (attempt $i)" fi done done echo "Failed to clone the repository after multiple attempts. Please check your network connection and try again later."