#!/usr/bin/python3 import os, io, sys, platform, shutil, time, subprocess, json, datetime # 执行Shell命令,处理报错和超时,并有返回值 def execute_Command(cmd_str, timeout=60, timeinner=3, retry=True): print(cmd_str) time_out = 0 status = False while time_out < timeout: out_str = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd_str) print(out_str) if out_str[0] == 0 and out_str[1].find('ERROR') == -1 and out_str[1].find('error') == -1: status = True print('\nExecute successfully') break elif retry: print('\nTry again') time.sleep(timeinner) time_out = time_out + timeinner else: time_out = timeout if not status: print('\n此次任务执行有异常,请仔细排查') # 执行Shell命令,处理报错和超时,并有返回值 def execute_CommandReturn(cmd_str, timeout=30, timeinner=3): print(cmd_str) time_out = 0 while time_out < timeout: out_str = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd_str) print(out_str) if out_str[0] == 0 and out_str[1].find('ERROR') == -1 and out_str[1].find('error') == -1: # 去掉\n和" # 返回值是元组,不能修改,需要赋值给变量 temp_str = out_str[1] temp_str = temp_str.strip('\n') temp_str = temp_str.strip('"') time_out = timeout return temp_str else: time.sleep(timeinner) time_out = time_out + timeinner print('\n此次任务执行失败,请根据下面错误原因排查:') print(out_str) def execute_command_output(cmd_str): print(cmd_str) out_str = subprocess.getoutput(cmd_str) print(out_str) return out_str # cmd_str: 执行的command命令 times:如果不成功的重复次数 def execute_command_output_all(cmd_str, max_time = 3): print("start to excute cmd: " + cmd_str) excutetime = 0 while excutetime < max_time: process = subprocess.run(cmd_str, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) if process.returncode == 0: return {"code": "0", "result": process.stdout,} else: excutetime = excutetime + 1 return {"code": "-1", "result": "command excute failed, please check your command!"} def convert_command(cmd_str): convert_cmd = "" if cmd_str == "": convert_cmd=cmd_str else: convert_cmd='echo "'+cmd_str+'" > /data/pipe/appmanage' return convert_cmd