#!/bin/bash set -e cred_path="/var/websoft9/credential" admin_username="websoft9" admin_email="help@websoft9.com" if [ -e "$cred_path" ]; then echo "File $cred_path exists. Exiting script." exit 1 fi echo "create diretory" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$cred_path")" # TODO IF admin is exists, echo it to cred_path echo "Create admin credential by admin cli" su -c " gitea admin user create --admin --username '$admin_username' --random-password --email '$admin_email' > /tmp/credential " git echo "Read credential from tmp" username=$(grep -o "New user '[^']*" /tmp/credential | sed "s/New user '//") if [ -z "$username" ]; then username="websoft9" fi password=$(grep -o "generated random password is '[^']*" /tmp/credential | sed "s/generated random password is '//") echo "Save to credential" json="{\"username\":\"$username\",\"password\":\"$password\"}" echo "$json" > "$cred_path"