#!/bin/bash PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH # About this Script and command-line options # ============================================================================== # # --dist # Use the --dist option to install distribution at variable.json file. default is community, for example: # # $ sudo bash install_app.sh --dist community # # --version "2.0.1" # Use the --version option to set application version. default is lastest, for example: # # $ sudo bash install_app.sh --version "2.0.1" # # --appanme "wordpress" # Use the --appanme option for install which application. default is wordpress, for example: # # $ sudo bash install_app.sh --appanme "wordpress" # # --appid "mywp" # Use the --appid option to distinguish installed application, default is mywp, for example: # # $ sudo bash install_app.sh --appid "mywp" # # --domain_names "www.websoft9.com,dev.websoft9.com" # Use the --domain_names option to binding domains for application,it can use any strings (not more than 2), default is "", for example: # # $ sudo bash install.sh --domain_names "test.websoft9.com" # $ sudo bash install.sh --domain_names "" # $ sudo bash install.sh --domain_names "test1.websoft9.com,test2.websoft9.com" # ============================================================================== # 设置参数的默认值 dist="community" version="latest" appname="" appid="demo" domain_names="" proxy_enabled=true # 获取参数值 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in --dist) shift if [[ $1 == --* ]]; then echo "Missing value for --dist" exit 1 fi dist="$1" shift ;; --version) shift if [[ $1 == --* ]]; then echo "Missing value for --version" exit 1 fi version="$1" shift ;; --appname) shift if [[ $1 == --* ]]; then echo "Missing value for --appname" exit 1 fi appname="$1" shift ;; --appid) shift if [[ $1 == --* ]]; then echo "Missing value for --appid" exit 1 fi appid="$1" shift ;; --domain_names) shift if [[ $1 == --* ]]; then echo "Missing value for --domain_names" exit 1 fi domain_names="$1" shift ;; *) echo "Unknown parameter: $1" exit 1 ;; esac done check_appname() { if [ -z "$appname" ]; then echo "appname cannot be empty" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "/tmp/library/apps/$appname" ]; then echo "websoft9 can not support to install this app" exit 1 fi } get_public_ip() { get_ip_path=$(find / -name get_ip.sh 2>/dev/null) public_ip=$(bash "$get_ip_path") echo "$public_ip" } get_domain_names() { local domain_names="$1" local public_ip="$2" local ip_regex="^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$" if [ -z "$domain_names" ]; then domain_names="$public_ip" elif [[ $domain_names =~ $ip_regex ]]; then domain_names="$domain_names" fi echo "$domain_names" } get_proxy_enabled() { local domain_names="$1" local ip_regex="^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$" local proxy_enabled=true if [ -z "$domain_names" ] || [[ $domain_names =~ $ip_regex ]]; then proxy_enabled=false fi echo "$proxy_enabled" } get_settings() { local filename="$1" local settings=$(grep "^W9_.*_SET=" "$filename" | awk -F '=' '{print $1, $2}' | \ while read -r key value; do jq -n --arg key "$key" --arg value "$value" '{($key): $value}' done | jq -s add | jq -c .) echo "$settings" } install_app(){ check_appname public_ip=$(get_public_ip) domain_names=$(get_domain_names "$domain_names" "$public_ip") proxy_enabled=$(get_proxy_enabled "$domain_names") rm -rf /tmp/library && sudo docker cp websoft9-apphub:/websoft9/library /tmp filename="/tmp/library/apps/${appname}/.env" settings=$(get_settings "${filename}") api_url="localhost/api/apps/install" api_key=$(sudo docker exec -i websoft9-apphub apphub getconfig --section api_key --key key) request_param=$(jq -n \ --arg app_name "$appname" \ --arg dist "$dist" \ --arg version "$version" \ --arg app_id "$appid" \ --arg proxy_enabled "$proxy_enabled" \ --arg domain_names "$domain_names" \ --argjson settings "$settings" \ '{ "app_name": $app_name, "edition": { "dist": $dist, "version": $version }, "app_id": $app_id, "proxy_enabled": $proxy_enabled, "domain_names": [$domain_names], "settings": $settings }') response=$(curl -s -w "\n%{http_code}" -X POST "$api_url" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-api-key: $api_key" \ -d "$request_param") echo "$response" } app_list(){ api_url="localhost/api/apps" api_key=$(sudo docker exec -i websoft9-apphub apphub getconfig --section api_key --key key) response=$(curl -s -w "\n%{http_code}" -X GET "$api_url" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "x-api-key: $api_key") echo "$response" } echo "-----------------Start to install ${appname}---------------------" response=$(install_app) http_code=$(echo "$response" | tail -n1) response_body=$(echo "$response" | head -n -1) echo "Install HTTP Code: $http_code" echo "Response Body: $response_body" if [ "$http_code" -eq 200 ]; then max_attempts=50 for (( i=1; i<=$max_attempts; i++ )) do result=$(app_list) result_body=$(echo "$result" | head -n -1) echo $result_body if echo "$result_body" | jq -e --arg app_id "$appid" '.[] | select((.app_id | startswith($app_id)) and .status != 3)' >/dev/null; then echo "$appname install success." echo "---------check $appname status for docker---------" sudo docker ps -a |grep $appid break else echo "App is installing, waiting for 5 seconds..." sleep 5 fi done else error_message=$(echo "$response_body" | jq -r '.message') error_details=$(echo "$response_body" | jq -r '.details') echo "Install failed: $error_message, Details: $error_details" fi