import os, io, sys, platform, shutil, time, json, datetime, psutil import re, docker, requests from api.utils import shell_execute from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv import dotenv from pathlib import Path from api.utils.log import myLogger from api.utils import shell_execute, const from api.exception.command_exception import CommandException from api.service import manage # 已经是running的app怎么知道它已经能够访问,如页面能进入,如mysql能被客户端连接 def if_app_access(app_name): return True def if_app_exits(app_name): cmd = "docker compose ls -a" output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) if int(output["code"]) == 0: pattern = app_name + '$' info_list = output['result'].split() is_exist = False for info in info_list: if re.match(pattern, info) != None: is_exist = True break return is_exist else: return True def if_app_running(app_name): cmd = "docker compose ls -a" output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) if int(output["code"]) == 0: app_list = output['result'].split("\n") pattern = app_name + '\s*' if_running = False for app in app_list: if re.match(pattern, app) != None and re.match('running', app) != None: if_running = True break return if_running else: return False def check_appid_exist(app_id): myLogger.info_logger("Checking check_appid_exist ...") appList = manage.get_my_app() find = False for app in appList: if app_id == app.app_id: find = True break myLogger.info_logger("Check complete.") return find def check_appid_include_rq(app_id): message = "" code = None if app_id == None or app_id == "undefine": code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK message = "AppID is null" elif re.match('^[a-z0-9]+_[a-z0-9]+$', app_id) == None: code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_Format message = "App_id format error" elif not check_appid_exist(app_id): code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_NOTEXIST message = "AppID is not exist" return code, message def check_app_id(app_id): message = "" code = None if app_id == None: code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_BLANK message = "AppID is null" elif re.match('^[a-z0-9]+_[a-z0-9]+$', app_id) == None: code = const.ERROR_CLIENT_PARAM_Format message = "APP name can only be composed of numbers and lowercase letters" myLogger.info_logger(code) return code, message def check_vm_resource(app_name): myLogger.info_logger("Checking virtual memory resource ...") var_path = "/data/library/apps/" + app_name + "/variables.json" requirements_var = read_var(var_path, 'requirements') need_cpu_count = int(requirements_var['cpu']) cpu_count = int(shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep \'core id\'| wc -l")["result"]) if cpu_count < need_cpu_count: myLogger.info_logger("Check complete: The number of CPU cores is insufficient!") return False need_mem_total = int(requirements_var['memory']) mem_free = float(psutil.virtual_memory().available) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 if mem_free < need_mem_total * 1.2: myLogger.info_logger("Check complete: The total amount of memory is insufficient!") return False need_disk = int(requirements_var['disk']) disk_free = float(psutil.disk_usage('/').free) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 if round(disk_free) < need_disk + 2: myLogger.info_logger("Check complete: There are not enough disks left!") return False myLogger.info_logger("Check complete.") return True def check_app_websoft9(app_name): # websoft9's support applist myLogger.info_logger("Checking dir...") path = "/data/library/apps/" + app_name is_exists = check_directory(path) return is_exists def check_directory(path): try: shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("ls " + path) return True except CommandException as ce: return False def check_app_compose(app_name, customer_name): myLogger.info_logger("Set port and random password ...") library_path = "/data/library/apps/" + app_name install_path = "/data/apps/" + customer_name port_dic = read_env(library_path + '/.env', "APP_.*_PORT=") # 1.判断/data/apps/app_name/.env中的port是否占用,没有被占用,方法结束(get_start_port方法) cmd1 = "docker container inspect $(docker ps -aq) | grep HostPort | awk \'{print $2}\' | sort -u" cmd2 = "netstat -tunlp | grep \"LISTEN\" | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F \":\" '{print $NF}' | sort -u" cmd3 = "grep -r \"APP_.*_PORT=\" /data/apps/*/.env | awk -F \"=\" '{print $2}' | sort -u" s1 = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd1)['result'].replace('\"', '') s2 = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd2)['result'] try: s3 = '' s3 = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd3)['result'] except: pass s = s1 + '\n' + s2 + '\n' + s3 shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cp -r " + library_path + " " + install_path) env_path = install_path + "/.env" get_map(env_path) for port_name in port_dic: port_value = get_start_port(s, port_dic[port_name]) modify_env(install_path + '/.env', port_name, port_value) # set random password power_password = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/" + customer_name + "/.env")["result"] if "POWER_PASSWORD" in power_password: try: shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("docker rm -f pwgen") except Exception: pass new_password = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("docker run --name pwgen backplane/pwgen 15")[ "result"].rstrip('\n') + "!" modify_env(install_path + '/.env', 'POWER_PASSWORD', new_password) shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("docker rm -f pwgen") env_path = install_path + "/.env" get_map(env_path) myLogger.info_logger("Port check complete") return def check_app_url(customer_app_name): myLogger.info_logger("Checking app url...") # 如果app的.env文件中含有HTTP_URL项目,需要如此设置 HTTP_URL=ip:port env_path = "/data/apps/" + customer_app_name + "/.env" env_map = get_map(env_path) if env_map.get("APP_URL_REPLACE") == "true": myLogger.info_logger(customer_app_name + "need to change app url...") app_url = list(read_env(env_path, "APP_URL=").values())[0] ip = "localhost" url = "" try: ip_result = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat /data/apps/w9services/w9appmanage/public_ip") ip = ip_result["result"].rstrip('\n') except Exception: ip = "" http_port = list(read_env(env_path, "APP_HTTP_PORT").values())[0] if ":" in app_url: url = ip + ":" + http_port else: url = ip cmd = "sed -i 's/APP_URL=.*/APP_URL=" + url + "/g' /data/apps/" + customer_app_name + "/.env" shell_execute.execute_command_output_all(cmd) myLogger.info_logger("App url check complete") return def get_map(path): myLogger.info_logger("Read env_dic" + path) output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat " + path) code = output["code"] env_dic = {} if int(code) == 0: ret = output["result"] myLogger.info_logger(ret) env_list = ret.split("\n") for env in env_list: if "=" in env: env_dic[env.split("=")[0]] = env.split("=")[1] myLogger.info_logger(env_dic) return env_dic def read_env(path, key): myLogger.info_logger("Read " + path) output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat " + path) code = output["code"] env_dic = {} if int(code) == 0: ret = output["result"] env_list = ret.split("\n") for env in env_list: if re.match(key, env) != None: env_dic[env.split("=")[0]] = env.split("=")[1] myLogger.info_logger("Read " + path + ": " + str(env_dic)) return env_dic def modify_env(path, env_name, value): myLogger.info_logger("Modify " + path + "...") output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("sed -n \'/^" + env_name + "/=\' " + path) if int(output["code"]) == 0 and output["result"] != "": line_num = output["result"].split("\n")[0] s = env_name + "=" + value output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("sed -i \'" + line_num + "c " + s + "\' " + path) if int(output["code"]) == 0: myLogger.info_logger("Modify " + path + ": Change " + env_name + " to " + value) def read_var(var_path, var_name): value = "" myLogger.info_logger("Read " + var_path) output = shell_execute.execute_command_output_all("cat " + var_path) if int(output["code"]) == 0: var = json.loads(output["result"]) try: value = var[var_name] except KeyError: myLogger.warning_logger("Read " + var_path + ": No key " + var_name) else: myLogger.warning_logger(var_path + " not found") return value def get_start_port(s, port): use_port = port while True: if s.find(use_port) == -1: break else: use_port = str(int(use_port) + 1) return use_port