- name: Install {{appname}} include_tasks: tasks/install.yml vars: app: "wordpress" - block: - name: Copy wp-cli copy: src: wp-cli.phar dest: wp-cli.phar - name: Add Install wp-cli for init shell: | echo "docker cp wp-cli.phar wordpress:/tmp" >> /data/apps/{{appname}}/src/after_up.sh echo "docker exec -it wordpress chmod +x /tmp/wp-cli.phar" >> /data/apps/{{appname}}/src/after_up.sh echo "docker exec -it wordpress mv /tmp/wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp" >> /data/apps/{{appname}}/src/after_up.sh when: wordpress_solution != "" and wordpress_solution != "multisite" - block: - name: Download {{wordpress_solution}} theme to host machine unarchive: src: "{{wordpress_theme_download_url}}/{{wordpress_solution}}/{{wordpress_theme_meta[wordpress_solution].theme}}.zip" dest: /data/apps/wordpress/data/backup/theme/{{wordpress_solution}} owner: www-data group: www-data remote_src: yes - name: Download plugin to host machine unarchive: src: "{{wordpress_theme_download_url}}/{{wordpress_solution}}/{{item}}.zip" dest: /data/apps/wordpress/data/backup/plugin/{{wordpress_solution}} owner: www-data group: www-data remote_src: yes with_items: - "{{wordpress_theme_meta[wordpress_solution].plugin}}" when: wordpress_theme_meta[wordpress_solution].plugin !="" - name: Template default-constants.php template: src: default-constants.php dest: /data/apps/wordpress/data/backup owner: www-data group: www-data - name: Add tasks to init shell: echo "docker cp theme" >> /data/apps/{{appname}}/src/after_up.sh echo "docker cp plugins" >> /data/apps/{{appname}}/src/after_up.sh echo "docker cp default-constants.php" >> /data/apps/{{appname}}/src/after_up.sh when: wordpress_solution != "" and wordpress_solution != "multisite" - name: Set the multisite solution shell: echo "add line [define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );] to wp-config.php" >> /data/apps/{{appname}}/src/after_up.sh when: wordpress_solution == "multisite"