#!/bin/bash echo "Start to change nginxproxymanage users" >> /tmp/userlog sleep 60 username="help@websoft9.com" password=$(openssl rand -base64 16 | tr -d '/+' | cut -c1-16) token="" cred_path="/var/websoft9/credential" if [ -e "$cred_path" ]; then echo "File $cred_path exists. Exiting script." exit 1 fi echo "create diretory" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$cred_path")" while [ -z "$token" ]; do sleep 5 login_data=$(curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"identity":"admin@example.com","scope":"user", "secret":"changeme"}' http://localhost:81/api/tokens) token=$(echo $login_data | jq -r '.token') done echo "Change username(email)" >> /tmp/userlog curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -d '{"email": "'$username'", "nickname": "admin", "is_disabled": false, "roles": ["admin"]}' http://localhost:81/api/users/1 echo "Update password" >> /tmp/userlog curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -d '{"type":"password","current":"changeme","secret":"'$password'"}' http://localhost:81/api/users/1/auth echo "Save to credential" json="{\"username\":\"$username\",\"password\":\"$password\"}" echo "$json" > "$cred_path"