# Global region: "0" common_os_support: ["CentOS", "Ubuntu", "Amazon", "OracleLinux"] apache_certbot: True nginx_certbot: True nginx_reverse_proxy_port: "8065" # role_mysql mysql_version: "5.7" mysql_root_password: "123456" mysql_remote: True # docker docker_applications: - phpmyadmin # add databases and users mysql_databases: - name: rabbitmq mysql_users: - name: rabbitmq host: localhost priv: 'rabbitmq.*:ALL' # init passsword of database init_db: mysql: admin: root user: ["ghost"] password: "123456" # init password of applications init_application: rabbitmq: service: rabbitmq database: rabbitmq database_user: rabbitmq database_host: localhost database_password: "123456" config_path: - /opt/rabbitmq/config/config.json