# Architecture AppManage is develop by Python3.10, use [FastAPI](https://github.com/Websoft9/stackhub/blob/main/appmanage/docs/developer.md), [RQ](https://python-rq.org/), logging packages and Redis, Sqlite for data storage It have the privilege of host machine, and running below jobs on host: * docker and docker compose * modify file ## Asynchronous jobs - RQ Create application by docker some time need many time, so we use [RQ](https://python-rq.org/) for queueing jobs and processing them in the background with workers ![image](images/rq.png) RQ sample for development: ``` # Job started rq worker --url redis://websoft9-redis:6379/0 # RQ 队列创建: ## 指定 Redis 容器的主机名和端口 redis_conn = Redis(host='websoft9-redis', port=6379) ## 使用指定的 Redis 连接创建 RQ 队列 q = Queue(connection=redis_conn,default_timeout=3600) #RQ 队列新增排队任务: q.enqueue(install_app_delay, app_name, customer_name, app_version, job_id=app_id) #获取队列中任务的信息: ## 获取 StartedJobRegistry 实例 started = StartedJobRegistry(queue=q) finish = FinishedJobRegistry(queue=q) deferred = DeferredJobRegistry(queue=q) failed = FailedJobRegistry(queue=q) scheduled = ScheduledJobRegistry(queue=q) cancel = CanceledJobRegistry(queue=q) ## 获取正在执行的作业 ID 列表 run_job_ids = started.get_job_ids() finish_job_ids = finish.get_job_ids() wait_job_ids = deferred.get_job_ids() failed_jobs = failed.get_job_ids() scheduled_jobs = scheduled.get_job_ids() cancel_jobs = cancel.get_job_ids() ``` ## Logs partition Appmanage 日志采用 logging 生成,按自然日分割日志文件。日志路径:/var/lib/docker/volumes/w9appmanage_logs/\_data ``` logPath = 'logs/' if not os.path.exists(logPath): os.makedirs(logPath) logName = 'app_manage.log' logFile = logPath + logName formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') # handler time_rotating_file_handler = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(filename=logFile, when="MIDNIGHT", interval=1, encoding='utf-8') time_rotating_file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) time_rotating_file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) ``` ## Application Status Application status is very import for developer to understand AppManage, it combine the [Docker compose status](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/compose_ps/#options) and [RQ status](https://python-rq.org/docs/job_registries/) - installing(创建中): 来源于 RQ 的queue或StartedJobRegistry, 可进行操作[无法进行任何操作] - running(运行中): 来源于docker compose,可进行操作[所有操作] - exited(停止): 来源于docker compose,可进行操作[Start,Restart,Uninstall,日志查看] - restarting(反复重启): 来源于docker compose,可进行操作[Stop,Restart,Uninstall,日志查看] - failed(失败): 来源于 docker compose 中的 created || RQ 的 FailedJobRegistry 可进行操作[Uninstall] > docker compose have status: [paused | restarting | removing | running | dead | created | exited] ## API FastAPI can create API and API docs of swagger, you can get [API design details](API-design.md)