# Oracle Linux ## How to create VM image? You should download [Oracle Linux image](https://yum.oracle.com/oracle-linux-templates.html) to OSS/S3 directly, don't try to build image from ISO manual setup by KVM/VMVare/VirtualBox ## Cloud image requirements - Kernel: - Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK)(√) - Red Hat Compatible Kernel(RHCK) - OS disk automaticlly resize - User can user password or key both for create VM or reset password - OS start methond on Cloud: UEFI-Preferred - Logic Disk partition: LVM - File system type: xfs(√)、[btrfs](https://blogs.oracle.com/linux/post/btrfs-on-oracle-linuxefficiently-backup-and-recover-systems) - Softwares: cloud-init, agent of Cloud provider, virtio, NVMe - Other config: https://github.com/Websoft9/mcloud/blob/master/ansible/roles/desktop/tasks/image.yml - Applicaitons: Desktop or Docker/Podman - Other repository ``` yum install -y oraclelinux-developer-release-e* oracle-nodejs-release-e* oracle-epel-release-e*; fi python3 and pip at OracleLinux7? ``` ## Upgrade Oracle Linux You can use [leapp](https://docs.oracle.com/en/learn/ol-linux-leapp) to upgrade major version, e.g Oracle Linux8 > Oracle Linux9 ## Test your Cloud private image Some Cloud provider have tools for your image testing: - [阿里云 sersi](https://help.aliyun.com/zh/ecs/user-guide/check-whether-an-image-meets-the-import-requirements)