This documentaion is from [jenkins MAINTAINERS]( which have a paradigm of rigorous open source project maintenance
This document applies to the following components:
- Websoft9 core
- Websoft9 core plugins
- docker-library
## Roles
* **Contributor**: submit pull requests to the Jenkins core and review changes submitted by others. There are no special preconditions to do so. Anyone is welcome to contribute.
* **Issue Triage Team Member**: review the incoming issues: bug reports, requests for enhancement, etc. Special permissions are not required to take this role or to contribute.
* **Core Pull Request Reviewer**: A team for contributors who are willing to regularly review pull requests and eventually become core maintainers.
* **Core Maintainer**: Get permissions in the repository, and hence they are able to merge pull requests.Their responsibility is to perform pull request reviews on a regular basis and to bring pull requests to closure, either by merging ready pull requests towards weekly releases ( branch) or by closing pull requests that are not ready for merge because of submitter inaction after an extended period of time.
* **Pull Request Assignee**: Core maintainers make a commitment to bringing a pull request to closure by becoming an Assignee. They are also responsible to monitor the weekly release status and to perform triage of critical issues.
* **Release Team Member**: Responsible for Websoft9 weekly and LTS releases