mirror of
synced 2025-01-24 02:00:25 +08:00
* refactor: global components can be customized * refactor: remove use Toast and reconstruct the form adapter
335 lines
9.0 KiB
335 lines
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import { type DefaultTheme, defineConfig } from 'vitepress';
import { version } from '../../../package.json';
export const zh = defineConfig({
description: 'Vben Admin & 企业级管理系统框架',
lang: 'zh-Hans',
themeConfig: {
darkModeSwitchLabel: '主题',
darkModeSwitchTitle: '切换到深色模式',
docFooter: {
next: '下一页',
prev: '上一页',
editLink: {
text: '在 GitHub 上编辑此页面',
footer: {
copyright: `Copyright © 2020-${new Date().getFullYear()} Vben`,
message: '基于 MIT 许可发布.',
langMenuLabel: '多语言',
lastUpdated: {
formatOptions: {
dateStyle: 'short',
timeStyle: 'medium',
text: '最后更新于',
lightModeSwitchTitle: '切换到浅色模式',
nav: nav(),
outline: {
label: '页面导航',
returnToTopLabel: '回到顶部',
sidebar: {
'/commercial/': { base: '/commercial/', items: sidebarCommercial() },
'/components/': { base: '/components/', items: sidebarComponents() },
'/guide/': { base: '/guide/', items: sidebarGuide() },
sidebarMenuLabel: '菜单',
function sidebarGuide(): DefaultTheme.SidebarItem[] {
return [
collapsed: false,
text: '简介',
items: [
link: 'introduction/vben',
text: '关于 Vben Admin',
link: 'introduction/why',
text: '为什么选择我们?',
{ link: 'introduction/quick-start', text: '快速开始' },
{ link: 'introduction/thin', text: '精简版本' },
base: '/',
link: 'components/introduction',
text: '组件文档',
text: '基础',
items: [
{ link: 'essentials/concept', text: '基础概念' },
{ link: 'essentials/development', text: '本地开发' },
{ link: 'essentials/route', text: '路由和菜单' },
{ link: 'essentials/settings', text: '配置' },
{ link: 'essentials/icons', text: '图标' },
{ link: 'essentials/styles', text: '样式' },
{ link: 'essentials/external-module', text: '外部模块' },
{ link: 'essentials/build', text: '构建与部署' },
{ link: 'essentials/server', text: '服务端交互与数据Mock' },
text: '深入',
items: [
{ link: 'in-depth/login', text: '登录' },
// { link: 'in-depth/layout', text: '布局' },
{ link: 'in-depth/theme', text: '主题' },
{ link: 'in-depth/access', text: '权限' },
{ link: 'in-depth/locale', text: '国际化' },
{ link: 'in-depth/features', text: '常用功能' },
{ link: 'in-depth/check-updates', text: '检查更新' },
{ link: 'in-depth/loading', text: '全局loading' },
{ link: 'in-depth/ui-framework', text: '组件库切换' },
text: '工程',
items: [
{ link: 'project/standard', text: '规范' },
{ link: 'project/cli', text: 'CLI' },
{ link: 'project/dir', text: '目录说明' },
{ link: 'project/test', text: '单元测试' },
{ link: 'project/tailwindcss', text: 'Tailwind CSS' },
{ link: 'project/changeset', text: 'Changeset' },
{ link: 'project/vite', text: 'Vite Config' },
text: '其他',
items: [
{ link: 'other/project-update', text: '项目更新' },
{ link: 'other/remove-code', text: '移除代码' },
{ link: 'other/faq', text: '常见问题' },
function sidebarCommercial(): DefaultTheme.SidebarItem[] {
return [
link: 'community',
text: '社区',
link: 'technical-support',
text: '技术支持',
link: 'customized',
text: '定制开发',
function sidebarComponents(): DefaultTheme.SidebarItem[] {
return [
text: '组件',
items: [
link: 'introduction',
text: '介绍',
collapsed: false,
text: '通用组件',
items: [
link: 'common-ui/vben-modal',
text: 'Modal 模态框',
link: 'common-ui/vben-drawer',
text: 'Drawer 抽屉',
link: 'common-ui/vben-form',
text: 'Form 表单',
link: 'common-ui/vben-vxe-table',
text: 'Vxe Table 表格',
link: 'common-ui/vben-count-to-animator',
text: 'CountToAnimator 数字动画',
function nav(): DefaultTheme.NavItem[] {
return [
activeMatch: '^/(guide|components)/',
text: '文档',
items: [
activeMatch: '^/guide/',
link: '/guide/introduction/vben',
text: '指南',
activeMatch: '^/components/',
link: '/components/introduction',
text: '组件',
text: '历史版本',
items: [
link: 'https://doc.vvbin.cn',
text: '2.x版本文档',
text: '演示',
items: [
text: 'Vben Admin',
items: [
link: 'https://www.vben.pro',
text: '演示版本',
link: 'https://ant.vben.pro',
text: 'Ant Design Vue 版本',
link: 'https://naive.vben.pro',
text: 'Naive 版本',
link: 'https://ele.vben.pro',
text: 'Element Plus版本',
text: '其他',
items: [
link: 'https://vben.vvbin.cn',
text: 'Vben Admin 2.x',
text: version,
items: [
link: 'https://github.com/vbenjs/vue-vben-admin/releases',
text: '更新日志',
link: 'https://github.com/orgs/vbenjs/projects/5',
text: '路线图',
link: 'https://github.com/vbenjs/vue-vben-admin/blob/main/.github/contributing.md',
text: '贡献',
link: '/commercial/technical-support',
text: '🦄 技术支持',
link: '/sponsor/personal',
text: '✨ 赞助',
link: '/commercial/community',
text: '👨👦👦 社区',
// items: [
// {
// link: 'https://qun.qq.com/qqweb/qunpro/share?_wv=3&_wwv=128&appChannel=share&inviteCode=22ySzj7pKiw&businessType=9&from=246610&biz=ka&mainSourceId=share&subSourceId=others&jumpsource=shorturl#/pc',
// text: 'QQ频道',
// },
// {
// link: 'https://qm.qq.com/cgi-bin/qm/qr?_wv=1027&k=mjZmlhgVzzUxvdxllB6C1vHpX8O8QRL0&authKey=DBdFbBwERmfaKY95JvRWqLCJIRGJAmKyZbrpzZ41EKDMZ5SR6MfbjOBaaNRN73fr&noverify=0&group_code=4286109',
// text: 'QQ群',
// },
// {
// link: 'https://discord.gg/VU62jTecad',
// text: 'Discord',
// },
// ],
link: '/friend-links/',
text: '🤝 友情链接',
export const search: DefaultTheme.AlgoliaSearchOptions['locales'] = {
root: {
placeholder: '搜索文档',
translations: {
button: {
buttonAriaLabel: '搜索文档',
buttonText: '搜索文档',
modal: {
errorScreen: {
helpText: '你可能需要检查你的网络连接',
titleText: '无法获取结果',
footer: {
closeText: '关闭',
navigateText: '切换',
searchByText: '搜索提供者',
selectText: '选择',
noResultsScreen: {
noResultsText: '无法找到相关结果',
reportMissingResultsLinkText: '点击反馈',
reportMissingResultsText: '你认为该查询应该有结果?',
suggestedQueryText: '你可以尝试查询',
searchBox: {
cancelButtonAriaLabel: '取消',
cancelButtonText: '取消',
resetButtonAriaLabel: '清除查询条件',
resetButtonTitle: '清除查询条件',
startScreen: {
favoriteSearchesTitle: '收藏',
noRecentSearchesText: '没有搜索历史',
recentSearchesTitle: '搜索历史',
removeFavoriteSearchButtonTitle: '从收藏中移除',
removeRecentSearchButtonTitle: '从搜索历史中移除',
saveRecentSearchButtonTitle: '保存至搜索历史',