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2024-05-06 09:17:36 +08:00
## [2.11.4]( (2024-05-06)
### Bug Fixes
- **BasicForm:** 修复 SetFieldsValue 设置值时,会将 Number 类型的值转为 string ([#3802]( ([08a1f7b](
- **breadcrumb:** if hideChildrenInmenu is true & hidden dropdown-menu ([#3807]( ([2af93c9](
- **docker:** update node version of dockerfile ([#3788]( ([338d077](
- **imgupload:** resultField causing with error display && setField uncertain ([#3798]( ([06018ad](
### Features
- **upload->previewColumns:** Adapt functions && chore upload demo ([#3799]( ([29ef0d3](
### Performance Improvements
- **util:** remove handleInputNumberValue ([#3806]( ([ba5b8f8](
2024-04-24 18:07:14 +08:00
## [2.11.3]( (2024-04-24)
### Bug Fixes
- **deps:** lock vue version to 3.4.23 ([#3785]( ([2f655c2](, closes [#3783](
- **upload:** disabled prop not effect to upload in the form ([#3780]( ([69a6e90](
### Features
- **BasicForm->Components:** add beforeFetch & afterFetch to apicomp && perf the code ([#3786]( ([7ae2ec0](
- **demo:** use Tour component replace dirverjs ([#3777]( ([49c4dc6](
2024-04-23 09:10:32 +08:00
## [2.11.2]( (2024-04-23)
### Bug Fixes
- **BasicForm:** solve the error about setFieldValue array ([#3775]( ([f5cd3ad](
- **ci:** use for package-manager-strict ([d53a5b2](
2024-04-20 17:19:04 +08:00
## [2.11.1]( (2024-04-20)
### Bug Fixes
- the form not working when setFieldsValue through form-groups and add a demo with form groups ([#3765]( ([65e5e71](
# [2.11.0]( (2024-04-20)
### Bug Fixes
- (demo->page>form>high) expose getDataSource close [#3529]( ([#3530]( ([0c1235e](
- [#2744](选项卡渲染问题以及完善路由中affix=true时处理逻辑。 ([#3127]( ([b43d306](
- [#3077]( 最新代码 ApiTransfer编辑后无法正常显示数据 ([#3083]( ([c0c3116](
- [#3144]( Drawer的footer样式错位问题 ([#3148]( ([8e9d4f0](
- 1.修正ImageUpload直接使用时无法正常回传value 2.修正ImageUpload无法正常初始化第一次传值 ([#3704]( ([b5c87cf](
- 菜单搜索功能修复 ([#3688]( ([c1809cd](
- 当TableAction的actions属性中的ActionItem传递了color属性时PopConfirm的指示箭头颜色异常问题 ([#3597]( ([e6a7384](
- 多选框必填选中校验异常close [#3097]( ([#3103]( ([18f5583](
- 解决 'Cannot find module uncss' 的问题 ([#3334]( ([3a5f406](
- 解决table复选框点击无法勾选状态问题 ([#3370]( ([dde3652](
- 设置 baseurl 后不生效的问题 ([#3318]( ([4305f58](
- 使用suffix时label没有垂直居中 ([#3384]( ([6b6b790](
- 修复表单按钮的类型定义外部无法修改重置或者提交按钮的文字的问题 ([141f3bd](
- 修复表单设计的右侧属性配置面板中部分表单错乱的问题 ([#3300]( close [#3268]( ([cb13986](
- 修复菜单在MIX_SIDEBAR模式下title显示为name的问题 ([#3682]( ([264f34e](
- 修复黑暗模式下一些样式问题 ([#3201]( ([054a476](
- 修复确认弹出框样式错乱的问题 ([#3742]( ([a00725b](
- 修复设置抽屉弹框滚动条样式异常 ([#3193]( ([4755017](
- 修复BasicForm使用componentProps函数返回valueFormat时DatePicker无法正确格式化的问题 ([#3357]( ([beee351](
- 修复index.html加载文字偏移的问题 ([#3306]( ([c715d35](
- 修复Modal.confirm的返回类型问题需要有destroyupdate的方法 ([#3161]( ([a0e43ab](
- 修复notice样式绑定路径错误 ([#3218]( ([ee8ec9e](
- 修复rule validator类型默认为string导致 radio 等组件在 setFormValues 时如果值不是string类型提示校验错误 ([a63a10c](
- 英文版本时提示中的单词没有分开 ([eb26650](
- **ApiCascader:** apiParamKey not working ([c42ba1c](
- **ApiCascader:** wrong api reload ([#3536]( resolve [#3534]( ([83f16da](
- **ApiSelect:** 移除watchEffect引发的重复请求 ([#3107]( ([1519f47](
- **ApiSelect:** 修复监听不到params的变动 ([ccf4027](
- **ApiSelect:** ApiSelect的isFirstLoaded赋值逻辑只有当加载报错时才能恢复未初次加载状态 ([#3671]( ([3d733de](
- **ApiSelect:** BasicForm emit ield-value-change twice ([0f2c2ea](
- **ApiSelect:** Incorrect value type definition. close [#3168]( ([0cf79d4](
- **ApiSelect:** type warning ([8f6153f](
- ApiTransfer 不支持disabled ([#3149]( ([95ca2c3](
- **ApiTree:** 多触发一次onchange ([882270d](
- **ApiTree:** Modify Trigger Selection Event Name ([094a33c](
- async validator ([#3194]( ([405ef9e](
- **BackTop:** repair BackTup comp ([#3581]( ([6f4bdae](
- basemodal 无法透传 attributes 至 Modal.tsx ([#3637]( ([89830ec](
- **BasicDrawer:** remove toRaw props ([#3399]( ([57e6e4f](
- **BasicForm->ApiRadioGroup:** when options click, duplicate requests. resolve [#3387]( ([fdde6f0](
- **BasicForm->FormItem:** model should update before event call ([#3573]( resolve [#3570]( ([43aa743](
- **BasicForm:** 修复 useComponentRegister 方法无法添加自定义的组件,添加时爆类型错误的问题 ([#3483]( ([98e2e4c](
- **BasicForm:** script setup defineExpose ([#3316]( ([f58ef67](
- **BasicForm:** type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite. ([#3128]( ([5a388be](
- **BasicForm:** useForm 中 scheme 选项 slot 与 component冲突 ([#3133]( ([0bb76a8](
- **BasicForm:** validate Form tip height ([#3286]( close [#3281]( ([100f3cf](
- **BasicModal:** 修复BasicModal添加wrapClassName样式异常问题 ([#3726]( ([13b031e](
- **BasicTable->rowKey&scroll:** declear and usage about rowKey and scroll ([#3541]( ([e23e338](
- **BasicTable->useColumns:** handle deep colunm hidden ([#3561]( resolve [#3559]( ([54af5bb](
- **BasicTable:** 滑动表格内容合计行不跟随滑动bug ([#3438]( resolve [#2166]( ([7ba83e7](
- **BasicTable:** 修复BasicTable数据为空时重置后高度不能自适应问题 ([#3724]( ([6054fa2](
- **BasicTable:** avoid select when edit cell ([#3484]( ([2f921cf](
- **BasicTable:** BasicTable resize wrong in modal ([#3549]( ([a121b32](
- **BasicTable:** column setting about action fixed and default not cache ([#3441]( ([86ecb27](
- **BasicTable:** ColumnSetting about selectedRowKeys override ([#3446]( ([65122ea](
- **BasicTable:** ColumnSetting mistake when use setColumns ([#3408]( ([fec67b4](
- **BasicTable:** getSelectRows return duplicate records ([#3545]( ([974c1fa](
- **BasicTable:** headerCell slot title not exist ([8df2590](
- **BasicTable:** index still show when set showIndexColumn false ([#3455]( ([75f5b7a](
- **BasicTable:** keep rowSelection onChange call outside ([#3461]( resolve [#3453]( ([a7b2f14](
- **BasicTable:** pagination exceeds page height. close [#3185]( ([41451f4](
- **BasicTable:** ref table ([#3327]( ([c8744a0](
- **BasicTable:** selection wrong by click input when cross pages ([#3540]( resolve [#3539]( ([69c3602](
- **BasicTable:** showIndexColumn/showRowSelection cache should by route name ([#3489]( ([d88f455](
- **BasicTable:** table表格宽度自适应隐藏的列导致宽度增加 ([#3388]( ([bca5154](
- **BasicTree:** not inherit slot and not show icon slot. close [#1902]( ([a0b2a9e](
- breadcrumb is displayed despite the menu being hidden ([#3733]( ([e8a86ec](, closes [#3690](
- **breadcrumb:** 修复面包屑跳转外链时导致当前页面404问题 ([#3337]( close [#3336]( ([895352a](
- breakpoint ([#3242]( ([b6f8379](
- bug RangePicker with componentProps valueFormat ('YYYY-MM-DD') does not return the formatted value when using form validate() method [#3690]( ([#3691]( ([09f795e](
- change salesProductPie.vue's data name to '成交占比'. ([#3524]( ([0589458](
- checkedKeys use unref bug ([#3198]( ([ae61fa1](
- **ci:** update node version for linter ([a5565bf](
- **ci:** update use pnpm version for deploy ([83455a0](
- column setting index column sort ([#3463]( ([fc002d3](
- **component->markdown:** 浏览器媒体获取兼容 ([#3470]( ([f0ca8d5](
- **component:** insertNextAt is not a function ([#3656]( ([#3657]( ([c827ffb](
- **component:** resolve the defaultValue error in setting the date type ([#3652]( ([d42acb4](, closes [#3651](
- **component:** resolve the error when clicking on a row when clickRowToExpand is true ([#3714]( ([38d58ab](
- **component:** resolve the issue of "vxe-table" export function not being able to be used ([#3646]( ([bc5e5fa](, closes [#3614](
- **component:** resovle fullscreen content issues with "fixedHeight" and "contentFullHeight" combined ([#3721]( ([212e78f](
- **components->Upload:** 修复文件上传过程中删除文件终止上传时上传状态未改变不能关闭Modal的bug ([#3761]( ([04d4c5c](
- **config:** vite:html warning ([#3518]( ([6978517](
- content fixed mode with blank page ([#3523]( ([49fdb6c](
- contextmenu location not right when body with scroll ([#3516]( ([c2c9f4f](
- Correct spelling error in comments ([#3678]( ([54f8584](
- **CropperAvatar:** wrong type about the prop size ([#3635]( ([aef90aa](
- **CropperModal:** beforeUpload should return false ([#3601]( ([b6bcf8d](
- **customExport:** Failure to export ([#3137]( ([4d02205](
- **dark:** fix --text-color light color not work ([#3228]( ([2e632e4](
- **DatePicker:** date show is wrong and setup script defineExpose ([#3324]( ([f62043b](
- **DatePicker:** zh-CN is not work in DatePicker ([#3273]( ([6d047fb](
- defaultValue类型为number时的bug ([#3288]( ([3b2760c](
- **demo->customerForm:** FormItem下有多个受控组件控制台显示错误提示的bug ([#3238]( ([ec646c5](
- **demo:** 修复引导页文件名问题 ([#3352]( ([be935eb](
- **demo:** 修复form demo的远程搜索不会触发的bug ([#3770]( ([44b1877](
- **demo:** account page table without dept ([#3164]( ([40aac65](
- **demo:** useForm中DatePickerRangePicker 日期控件位置不对 ([ae58ada](
- **dept:** no parentDept can edit parentDept ([#3255]( ([2142506](
- Docker 打包逻辑改进,彻底解决缓存问题 ([#3473]( ([dcbe551](
- EditableCell about checked/unChecked Value, getDisable, rowKey missing for updating ([#3418]( resolve [#3419]( ([404a472](
- **EditCellTable:** 表格编辑行在使用Switch,checkedValue为数字时无法切换开关.close [#2560]( ([71c4394](
- **Editor:** ts类型错误 ([8b13f62](
- Failed to resolve component EllipsisText ([#3330]( ([42e9de5](
- FormItem won't render when a component is not provided ([9e055ad](
- **FormItem:** use getPopupContainer default value ([#3215]( ([ed267d9](
- **FormTable:** Invert select bug ([#3412]( ([595b1ce](
- **full-screen:** dom fullscreen status text ([#3130]( ([e161c14](
- fullscreen-modal width wrong ([#3321]( ([617b013](
- handleFormValues 不再将所有空字符串转换为undefined ([#3496]( ([6fbb576](
- **koa->upload:** fix the error that occurs when uploading files in the `test server` of Koa. ([#3698]( ([954f04f](
- **layout->menu:** can`t hover when menu is colappsed ([#3499]( resolve [#3492]( ([7ffe172](
- **layout->user-dropdown:** resolve warning "Invalid prop name: key is a reserved property" ([#3640]( ([eae68bb](, closes [#3639](
- **layout:** 修复切换导航栏模式,分割菜单的状态不同步,导致页面内容区域存在被遮挡的问题 ([#3519]( ([50276cb](
- **LayoutSidre:** resolve the breakpoint conflict. resolve [#3605]( ([1a7ae0e](
- **LockModal:** Cannot unlock ([#3143]( ([cdac147](
- **Login:** avoid infinite loop when query redirect to next route redirect ([#3630]( resolve [#3620]( [#3627]( ([ab55cbf](
- **Menu:** tab标签切换选中状态焦点重复. fix [#1681]( ([2ec5f63](
- **menu:** top menu and breadcrumb show wrong ([#3703]( ([573fd53](
- modal open logic missing ([#3462]( ([cc97f06](
- **Modal:** 修复BasicModal跟原生Modal样式冲突问题 ([#3720]( ([ade6d4c](
- modalElIterator可能为空导致报错 ([#3738]( ([162a0d0](
- navigator.clipboard 兼容问题 [#3372]( ([#3403]( ([d3600da](
- **PageWrapper:** 修复headerSticky样式 ([#3569]( ([778ebe1](
- **PopConfirmButton:** avoid type lint error ([#3600]( ([5ec4446](
- remove duplicate code ([#3674]( ([c33ee66](
- repair login about redirect query ([#3592]( ([236ddf3](
- resolve conflicts between eslint and prettier and bump prettier-plugin-packagejson version to 2.4.6([#3328]( ([8a00070](
- **router:** resolve menu loading failure when permission is in "role mode" ([#3660]( ([c7631fe](, closes [#3655](
- **router:** resolve the next function being called twice ([#3643]( ([7ec9344](, closes [#3642](
- **router:** the issue of blank page navigation during repair of non-LAYOUT first-level route component ([#3764]( ([c58c192](
- scroll back to top when tab switch ([#3498]( resolve [#3490]( ([d709dd6](
- scrollbar is obscured ([#3331]( ([3f65baf](
- ScrollContainer的一个问题 [#3046]( ([#3119]( ([aa03c87](
- **ScrollContainer:** enable x scroll ([#3564]( ([a1e862b](
- **SimpleMenuTag:** SimpleMenuTag的引用都改为动态组件引用,以消除打包警告.close [#3121]( ([6e33c26](
- **StrengthMeter:** change事件应随handleChange一起抛出。close [#3118]( ([f5ce480](
- **style:** 修复黑暗模式下弹框、demo目录下、按钮样式问题 ([#3208]( ([06a6c94](
- tabel取消编辑单元格后会回到初始值. close [#2739]( ([#3108]( ([9864305](
- table height calc when fullcontent and footer visible change ([#3392]( ([20698c0](
- table index column width is not enough in english ([#3342]( ([0f13758](
- TableAction设置icon显示iconify关键字 ([#3608]( ([b233973](
- **test-server:** test-server can not lanuch ([#3554]( ([e679704](
- **tree:** remove expandedKeys prop default value ([#3184]( ([92875cb](
- turbo run lint ([#3332]( ([064922d](, closes [#3277](
- **type:** type:check error ([#3309]( ([2cd5a40](
- typo in locale ([#3659]( ([a4cc1d5](
- typo substract -> subtract ([#3551]( ([f3fbb57](
- **typo:** fileservice class name ([#3625]( ([b794469](
- Update TableAction.vue ([#3619]( ([76ffd8f](
- **Upload:** The file name is too long bug ([#3182]( ([e7fbd74](
- **useFormEvent:** 修复表单项存在defaultValue时,updateSchema方法会将setFieldsValue设置的值覆盖问题 ([#3287]( ([72ef3df](
- **useFormEvents:** 修复setFieldsValue 方法设置完值后,函数 componentProps丢失formActionType 的bug ([#3301]( ([82671d0](
- **util:** resolve executing retry even when HTTP status code is 401 ([#3756]( ([3627402](
- validateFields await missing ([#3254]( ([71c3fea](
- **VFormDesign:** findIndex === -1 ([#3305]( ([d7472b8](
- **vxe-table:** theme dark is not work ([#3239]( ([031d613](
- watch open logic lost after build ([#3421]( ([089a989](
### Features
- 解决Form updateSchema后执行setProps导致schemaRef被重置的问题 ([#3354]( ([b0e8154](
- 新增表单只读功能 ([#3335]( ([342328c](
- 修复 vxetable 实例中缺少的 getRefMaps 和 getComputeMaps 方法 ([#3361]( ([2376e8f](
- 增加文本省略组件 ([#3180]( ([8722471](
- 支持设置多重水印,增加清除所有水印方法. close [#2610]( ([#3084]( ([64b8128](
- add pinia persist plugin ([#3173]( ([2152b3f](
- **ApiTree:** 完善ApiTree组件的重置回显功能. close [#2307]( ([a0d4b10](
- **BasicButton:** BasicButton组件支持icon插槽. close [#1377]( ([5aac032](
- **BasicForm:** 新增监听表单收缩方法传值进行判断 ([#3745]( ([e9c6dd8](
- **BasicForm:** Improve ts types for BasicForm ([#3426]( ([6bb7918](
- **BasicTable:** 新增表格搜索获取参数的方法 ([#3715]( ([de5f9e3](
- **BasicTable:** table enable accordion expand ([#3533]( resolve [#3525]( ([abae7f3](
- **BasicTree:** BasicTree组件暴露treeData数据 ([caf1783](
- ColumnSetting and SizeSetting persist ([#3398]( ([f4df2d5](
- **components->Upload:** 修正图片上传组件允许自定义上传格式限制 ([#3755]( ([302e212](
- **demo->BasicTable:** add TableSelectionBar and enable checkbox rowSelection demo ([#3477]( ([816553b](
- **demo->useRequest:** 更新错误重试示例 ([#3456]( ([7fa2578](
- **demo->useRequest:** 更新useRequest 依赖 Effect 函数案例 ([#3460]( ([b57d9fc](
- **demo:** hooks useRequest 异步数据管理 ([#3447]( ([d6d1120](
- **deps:** update vite version to 5.x ([#3508]( ([e6c7b5f](
- fix ellipsis bug ([#3644]( ([9372f1d](
- **Form:** 新增Transfer、CropperAvatar、BasicTitle 组件至Form中并添加至演示页面 ([#3362]( ([f6147fa](
- **Form:** 在Form将BasicTitle识做为Divider一样的处理 ([#3371]( ([cd71e60](
- Form增加ImageUpload组件 ([#3172]( ([b776ac4](
- **hooks:** useWatermark添加水印防篡改功能([#3395]( ([#3397]( ([0a1a5ff](
- **IconPicker:** IconPicker could allowClear and readonly for form ([#3414]( ([e23f294](
- iframe expose postmessage function ([#3368]( ([05bc4ac](
- **input:** add auto-trimming for vxe-table input components ([#3684]( ([9882e8d](
- **layout->tabs:** support insert new tab after current tab ([#3471]( ([1e34d3e](
- **layout:** move setting button to tabs when fold ([#3264]( ([83426b5](
- **Menu:** Add custom images to menu ([#3158]( ([b3a6ef6](
- **menu:** Restore side bar settings and added menu mouse move in mode light style ([#3295]( ([003a951](
- **MultipleTab:** add tabs auto collapse interaction in fold mode and setting ([#3256]( ([191e809](
- pinia persist plugin custom serializer ([#3244]( ([ea51c49](
- RefForm页面新增只读功能按钮 ([#3346]( ([97b76ea](
- **search:** adjust the menu search function to recognize lowercase input ([#3736]( ([96ac362](
- **Table-> CustomerCell:** helpMessage支持传递 tsx 和 h函数的数据 ([c373ffd](
- table搜索表单值发生改变可以触发reload ([#3378]( ([1ca3f7c](
- **treeTable:** add function collapseRows and demo ([#3375]( ([e656b5d](
- **type->api:** resultField推断api的返回值应该包含recordbale类型 ([#3699]( ([c7ab4a5](
- **Upload:** file list add drag func ([#3227]( resolve [#3179]( ([beed7f2](
- **VirtualScroll:** 虚拟滚动增加滚动到顶部, 底部, 指定项方法 ([#3687]( ([7c52f08](
- vxeTable searchInfo demo ([#3223]( close [#3011]( ([59145ad](
- **vxetable:** 新增 clearEdit 方法 ([#3369]( ([522e892](
- **watermark:** support custom style ([#3634]( ([ca3ddd1](
### Performance Improvements
- 解决ts文件通过alias引入vue文件后, vscode调转不到正确vue文件路径 ([#3099]( ([033d882](
- 优化水印在控制台可以hide的问题 ([#3732]( ([9784cdc](
- **BasicTree:** 获取treeData改写成函数 ([748b99b](
- **BasicTree:** 外部获取treeData不必通过treeDataRef.value ([#3353]( ([943f500](
- **breakpointEnum:** 修改enum与breakpoint.less内一致 ([#3276]( ([8932318](
- **component:** formItem: label支持函数渲染 ([#3504]( ([e6a7e4c](
- **ConfigProvider:** 配置antdv主题色, 使其与modifyVars配置一致 ([#3219]( ([bb3d5b8](
- **darkMode:** 深色模式颜色定义以及切换方式优化 ([#3436]( ([b008c44](
- **darkMode:** 优化深色模式颜色切换相关方法; 增加根据主题更新自定义颜色方法和示例 ([#3216]( ([e497721](
- **IconPicker:** input trigger popover by click ([#3278]( ([2bbc2d2](
- **ImageUpload:** 根据官方示例设置图片回显格式 ([#3252]( ([2991bb1](
- Modify i18 file format to JSON ([#3171]( ([c24e0ef](
- **useForm:** If the args of the setFieldsValue is empty, it will not be executed. close [#3209]( ([8f90087](
### Reverts
- Revert "chore(deps): update ant-design-vue version to 4.1.0. resolve #3495" ([f9fc369](, closes [#3495](
- Revert "feat: table搜索表单值发生改变可以触发reload (#3378)" (#3407) ([2828ed3](, closes [#3378]( [#3407](
- Revert "chore: update `unplugin-config` (#3116)" (#3117) ([f0550f2](, closes [#3116]( [#3117](
- Revert "chore: Update Dependencies" ([ae09d3c](
- Revert "refactor: use `unplugin-config` (#3106)" ([694dead](, closes [#3106](
2021-11-03 00:36:53 +08:00
## [2.8.0]( (2021-11-03)
2021-09-14 00:05:45 +08:00
### Bug Fixes
- fixed token clear error ([9640484](
- improve type introduction, fix [#1196]( ([2820d5a](
- **api-select:** fixed `value` prop define ([f87b0f2](, closes [#1175](
- **card-list:** fixed build error ([628e820](
- **code-editor:** fixed formatting error ([e7c9636](
- **echarts:** theme setting supported ([93812f7](, closes [#1095](
- **markdown:** the hierarchy of markDown components after full screen ([c8017b1](
- **markdown:** `value` not worked on init ([0bb9c03](
- **modal:** avoid style pollution to the whole world ([#1128]( ([6e7f6f8](
- **table:** `rowClassName` not worked with `striped` ([044e2e4](, closes [#1167](
- **table:** 修复表格背景颜色再深色模式下会被穿透问题 ([#1133]( ([30fa4cf](
- **table:** editable icon not show with empty cell ([edc3096](, closes [#1103](
- **table:** fix table footer style ([a426b90](, closes [#1112](
- **table:** Solve the bug of setting ifshow to false in table column ([#1166]( ([5fa730c](
- **table-action:** `divider` not work as expected ([7593ef6](
- **tinymce:** fixed `inline` mode ([8e01377](, closes [#1092](
- **upload:** `accept` not work as expected ([656ee4e](
- `getUserinfo` is compatible with empty roles data ([1ddfc31](
- `slots` worked in `basicTable` and `basicModal` ([5138e44](
- `useRedo` called duplicate may cause exception ([1235978](, closes [#1121](
- 修复 `apiSelect` 绑定值 `attrs` 的问题 ([#1172]( ([c753d94](
- 修复弹窗全屏按钮异常关闭的问题([#1177]( ([#1182]( ([9e9ea3f](
- 修改 axios 中 urlPrefix 字段不生效问题 ([#1170]( ([7df9b51](
- add loss action for userStore ([a36825a](
- fix all types of errors, compatible with volar plugin ([e15b4f1](
- fixed build warning for style of `intro.js` ([d27633f](, closes [#1130](
- Improve content height calculation ([#1136]( ([6717fe6](
- name of vite `mode` support more characters ([9f68229](, closes [#1115](
- refresh failed while token invalid ([3a5d1a5](, closes [#1101](
- warning in logout action ([b3307fe](
- **tinymce:** fixed `tinymce` destory method ([fb43fad](
### Features
- **demo:** add `JsonPreview` demo ([83c1683](, closes [#1146](
- **form:** add `Divider` for schema component type ([47a448b](
- **form:** component `Divider` support `helpMessage` ([a5ff592](
- **markdown-viewer:** add new component ([73dc492](, closes [#1181](
- **table:** 添加和支持动态删除和插入数据 ([#1152]( ([59a9087](
- **table:** add `beforeEditSubmit` for editable cell ([2c867b3](
- **table:** add `onValid` for editRow ([ee7c31d](
- **tree:** 1. 添加自定义数据过滤判断方法 2. 添加搜索完成自动展开结果选项 3. 添加搜索完成自动选中结果选项 4. 树节点数据变化时强制搜索(同步 searchData 避免展示错误) ([#1132]( ([e00578c](
- add CardList component ([0f5ddbf](
### Performance Improvements
- **tree:** 优化 Tree 搜索功能,添加搜索高亮功能,优化样式表现 ([#1153]( ([3b6b4f7](
- not waiting for router.isReady ([2884e86](
- optimize css volume ([466d4ed](
2021-08-16 23:44:29 +08:00
## [2.7.1]( (2021-08-16)
### Bug Fixes
- `slots` working in components ([b1f3176](
- add axios error info from response ([#1083]( ([72634ff](
- auto remove script dom in `useScript` ([a544dd3](
- fixed `useRedo` may loss route params ([2dd3d85](, closes [#1079](
- fixed basicButton ghost style ([3ba8a67](
- fixed basicButton primary style ([1b57792](
- fixed basicButton style ([beb4ae9](
- **cropper:** cropper not destroy in time ([3819430](, closes [#1027](
- **demo:** fix form style in modal ([30c5fc6](, closes [#1076](
- **i18n:** add i18n translate data ([1f55c41](
- **locales:** fix that vscode extension i18n-Ally detect zh-CN as zh ([#1044]( ([b2d49cb](
- **modal:** `helpMessage` doesn't work ([953bfc6](
- **page-wrapper:** fix `class` not working ([8879ae8](
- **qrcode:** qrcode not displayed properly ([26f251e](, closes [#1026](
- **route:** the whitelist should include basicRoutes ([#1048]( ([1bb5156](
- **table:** `0` is not shown in editable cell ([33a335a](, closes [#1039](
- **table:** `cellFormat` support `Map` ([1214b7c](, closes [#1031](
- **table:** `getSelectRows` support multi-page ([4b6025c](, closes [#914](
- **table:** `selection-change` not triggered in unchecking ([019555b](, closes [#1053](
- **table:** `size` not worked in `editComponentProps` ([7971896](, closes [#1074](
- **table:** fix `getSelectRows` for treeTable ([f2b8bb4](, closes [#1003](
- **table:** fix `injection not found` warning ([53e79a2](
- **types:** fix some type errors ([9035fd1](
- The Style of tableTitle slot ([#1023]( ([02e7756](
- fix build handler & misc ([#1060]( ([66feb77](
- **table:** recursive updateTableDataRecord ([#1024]( ([72f953c](
- **table:** wrong bg-color in fullscreen mode ([2052eb5](
- **type:** fix ant-design-vue -> ([#1043]( ([6d5388a](
- fix iframe heigth error ([#1012]( ([d76cfd7](
- Fix the invalid hot update of BasicButton when changing style outside ([#1016]( ([be2d11d](
- the position of tinymce upload image is wrong ([#1015]( ([2fd0fd2](
- **tree:** fix `checkAll` effects `disabled` node ([ddd1893](
- style property of actionColOpt is invalid ([#997]( ([225bd4c](
- typo ([#980]( ([7e6a89f](
- **api-tree-select:** auto reload while `params` changed ([c734f68](
- **dark-theme:** alert color in dark-theme ([9b7ede0](
- **dark-theme:** bgcolor of `selected tree node` in dark theme ([8cf004a](, closes [#949](
- **dark-theme:** disabled link `button` color ([4281216](
- **dark-theme:** fixed `TreeSelect` & `DatePicker` theme ([d1e0e8b](, closes [#955](
- **dark-theme:** style for checked tree nodes ([662b576](
- **demo:** account page form validation ([8702965](
- **demo:** fix roles mock data ([c375e32](
- **form:** remove console error for `setFieldsValue` ([8d185bb](, closes [#952](
- **table:** fix `pagination` props working ([e327893](
- expandIcon slot of BasicTable component is invalid ([#975]( ([98c206d](
- **demo:** menu `error-log` link to 404 page ([341bd63](
- **demo:** multi-modal used with dynamic component ([e1c4723](
- **echarts:** fix graphic config cannot be used in echarts options ([#959]( ([525484e](
- **form:** fix `validate` promise catch ([571f281](
- **img-rotate-drag-verify:** fix `resume` method support ([32d64db](, closes [#946](
- **login:** fix `auto fill` style in dark-theme ([cebc6a5](
- **perm-guard:** Fix the problem that the routing query is lost after refreshing the page ([#941]( ([9c4889f](
- **qrcode:** Fix the problem that the QR code cannot be dynamically generated ([#974]( ([fe4eae3](
- **style:** fix checkbox-checked css in dark mode ([d3f08e3](
- **table:** component shown in `fullscreen` mode ([a07ab6d](
- **table:** editable cell display with validation ([202aa42](, closes [#953](
- **table:** fix `dataPicker` show in `fullscreen` mode ([a5a9b3f](
- **table:** fix expand style ([14fb21d](, closes [#969](
- **table:** fix tableSettings popup in fullscreen mode ([dce3fb0](
- **table-action:** stopButtonPropagation not working ([9b8f165](
- Fix vite profile hot update error reporting ([#968]( ([956ed2e](
- **utils:** The date function gets a non-date when the parameter is null ([#954]( ([350c85a](
- fixed moment locale config ([27207a7](
- typo for utils/env ([#1004]( ([e8eefd1](
- **table:** fix editable cell not support `ellipsis` ([4bb506f](, closes [#944](
### Features
- add `updatePath` for `useTabs` ([bcfa338](, closes [#1068](
- always refresh userinfo when page reload ([cc46935](
- **demo:** add `async-validator` demo ([8b4b767](
- **form:** add `alwaysShowLines` prop ([93f9a19](, closes [#1051](
- **preview:** add more features ([e23bd26](
- **table:** add getRawDataSource() function ([#1029]( ([f3cf162](
- **tree:** add searchable function ([60577d6](, closes [#1057](
- **use-loading:** add `setTip` method ([26d9476](
- Added support for tailwindcss night mode mechanism ([#998]( ([189bc6f](
### Performance Improvements
- **table:** fixed code style ([da12da9](, closes [#1070](
- improve legacy compatibility ([e2664f6](
2021-08-03 07:41:23 +08:00
# [2.7.0]( (2021-08-03)
### Bug Fixes
- The Style of tableTitle slot ([#1023]( ([02e7756](
- **api-select:** ensure that the onchange function parameters are correct ([fa64fc8](
- **app-search:** exclude hidden items ([faf5c9f](
- **app-search:** exclude items by `hideChildrenInMenu` ([02d3dca](
- **axios:** option `withToken` not work ([d509e89](
- **breadcrumb:** `redirect` not worked ([f5e31fe](
- **comp-tree:** support comp-tree-foreach stop,add insertNodesByKey ([#818]( ([d97aa92](
- **CountTo:** Fix displaying empty string when the value is 0 ([#864]( ([82eb72b](
- **demo:** `setup` page route config ([d5d5c4b](
- **demo:** account list fetch loss param ([424b171](, closes [#830](
- **demo:** add mock data `account detail` route ([993e19d](, closes [#858](
- **demo:** fix async tree demo, fixed: [#823]( ([5637588](
- **demo:** form pages support `keepAlive` ([9228282](
- **demo:** resolve `key not exist` warnings ([45a94e4](
- **demo:** style error,fix [#806]( ([a2d8be3](
- **demo-form:** add fieldMapToTime example,fix [#807]( ([a2a75a0](
- **design:** correct tailwind configuration,fix [#800]( ([aec230c](
- **drawer:** openDrawer is not normal in some cases ([941ad59](
- **dropdown:** icon and trigger work unexpected ([60b80c9](, closes [#796]( [#787](
- **form:** fix `suffix` slot style ([a9bbed1](
- **form:** fix some prop declaration ([b5046f0](
- **lock-screen:** ensure lock info is saved ([d38ff66](
- **lock-screen:** fix lock-screen can skip on new window ([d7b84c7](
- **markdown:** resolving markdown exceptions ([d95815b](
- **markdown:** set `value` error ([35e1347](
- **menu:** display error when contains hidden items ([5ceeefd](
- **menu:** fix mix-menu incorrect jumping in `hover` mode ([cad021c](
- **menu:** make sure the menu is activated correctly ([cdb10cc](
- **mix-sider:** fix mix-sider hover logic ([0595a72](
- **modal:** `setModalProps` support `defaultFullscreen` ([c7de65e](
- **modal:** maskClosable not work ([f750ff4](
- **modal:** remove console log ([3dbbde2](
- **pop-confirm:** fix event working unexpected ([a6ef771](
- **popconfirm-button:** remove button excess `title` ([73654b7](
- **sider:** bottom trigger not work ([1bde404](, closes [#820](
- **sider:** custom trigger does not take effect ([5005e6e](
- **svg-icon:** fix SvgIcon style ([99829c7](
- **table:** fix index column style ([c7c0a7e](
- **table:** auto hide unnecessary scrollbar ([735028c](
- **table:** editComponentProps support onChange ([829b366](
- **table:** event editCancel loss params ([8d22231](
- **table:** fix rowSelection.onChange not work ([df0f000](, closes [#825](
- **table:** fix table jitter problem ([8eba7fb](
- **table:** fix tree node align ([1e61da6](, closes [#829](
- **table:** getDataSource not worked on empty data ([e78af6f](, closes [#752](
- **table:** global configuration accidentally modified ([b4a3f93](
- **table:** param of `handleSearchInfoFn` ([791b323](
- **table:** recursive updateTableDataRecord ([#1024]( ([72f953c](
- auto remove script dom in `useScript` ([a544dd3](
- fix iframe heigth error ([#1012]( ([d76cfd7](
- Fix the invalid hot update of BasicButton when changing style outside ([#1016]( ([be2d11d](
- style property of actionColOpt is invalid ([#997]( ([225bd4c](
- the position of tinymce upload image is wrong ([#1015]( ([2fd0fd2](
- **api-select:** fix `options-change` event data ([897bed9](
- **api-tree-select:** auto load data if necessary ([1b3058f](
- **api-tree-select:** auto reload while `params` changed ([c734f68](
- **api-tree-select:** fix `event` checked in form ([d9d0071](
- **basic-tree:** `checkedKeys` not worked with `search` ([b06a7ab](, closes [#915](
- **code-editor:** `value` not support use as `v-model` ([8832a07](, closes [#933](
- **countdown-input:** add `slots` support ([a764a95](
- **dark-theme:** alert color in dark-theme ([9b7ede0](
- **dark-theme:** bgcolor of `selected tree node` in dark theme ([8cf004a](, closes [#949](
- **dark-theme:** disabled link `button` color ([4281216](
- **dark-theme:** fixed `TreeSelect` & `DatePicker` theme ([d1e0e8b](, closes [#955](
- **dark-theme:** style for checked tree nodes ([662b576](
- **demo:** account page form validation ([8702965](
- **demo:** fix display problem of editable table with `apiSelect` ([535bddd](
- **demo:** fix roles mock data ([c375e32](
- **demo:** menu `error-log` link to 404 page ([341bd63](
- **demo:** multi-modal used with dynamic component ([e1c4723](
- **echarts:** fix graphic config cannot be used in echarts options ([#959]( ([525484e](
- **form:** fix `validate` promise catch ([571f281](
- **form:** remove console error for `setFieldsValue` ([8d185bb](, closes [#952](
- **formItem:** Fix labelcol type mismatch ([#903]( ([03b17a8](
- **img-rotate-drag-verify:** fix `resume` method support ([32d64db](, closes [#946](
- **login:** fix `auto fill` style in dark-theme ([cebc6a5](
- **modal:** ensure that props are passed correctly,fix [#897]( ([ae7821e](
- **modal:** fixed `fullscreen` not worked ([5baaa58](, closes [#918](
- **model:** auto validate on value change ([f844017](, closes [#920](
- **multiple-tab:** ignore login page ([1e63379](
- **page-wrapper:** fix `class` not working ([8879ae8](
- **perm-guard:** Fix the problem that the routing query is lost after refreshing the page ([#941]( ([9c4889f](
- **qrcode:** Fix the problem that the QR code cannot be dynamically generated ([#974]( ([fe4eae3](
- **style:** fix checkbox-checked css in dark mode ([d3f08e3](
- **table:** `value` show problem in editable cell ([61ce25b](, closes [#922](
- **table:** component shown in `fullscreen` mode ([a07ab6d](
- **table:** editable cell display with validation ([202aa42](, closes [#953](
- **table:** fix `dataPicker` show in `fullscreen` mode ([a5a9b3f](
- **table:** fix `getSelectRows` for treeTable ([f2b8bb4](, closes [#1003](
- **table:** fix `pagination` props working ([e327893](
- **table:** fix editable cell not support `ellipsis` ([4bb506f](, closes [#944](
- **table:** fix expand style ([14fb21d](, closes [#969](
- **table:** fix tableSettings popup in fullscreen mode ([dce3fb0](
- **tree:** fix `checkAll` effects `disabled` node ([ddd1893](
- ensure PAGE_NOT_FOUND_ROUTE exist ([87583c8](
- expandIcon slot of BasicTable component is invalid ([#975]( ([98c206d](
- fix homePage affix error ([c117802](
- Fix vite profile hot update error reporting ([#968]( ([956ed2e](
- fixed moment locale config ([27207a7](
- infinite redirect in `BACK` mode ([4b46a84](
- resolving `Vue Router warn` ([237e65e](
- typo ([#980]( ([7e6a89f](
- typo for utils/env ([#1004]( ([e8eefd1](
- **table:** selection-change not triggered on row click ([6f845b5](
- **table:** treeTable editable error ([4ae39c5](, closes [#811](
- **table-action:** fix `circle` button style ([db7254a](
- **table-action:** fixed icon `margin` without label ([dc51e6a](
- **table-action:** incorrect button color of `disabled` state ([0f28e80](, closes [#891](
- **table-action:** stopButtonPropagation not working ([9b8f165](
- **tree:** fixed `checkedKeys` with `search` mode ([f707541](
- **upload:** ensure the value type is correct ([05329ce](
- **useWatermark:** fix `func` call `createWatermark` call `clear` to resizeEvent removed ([#901]( ([a1d956d](
- `menuSetting` can not set collapsed to false as default ([808291b](
- ensure that safari is running properly, fix [#875]( ([dafcdd8](
- **table:** scrollbar style ([d8c3820](
- **tailwindcss:** remove console warnings ([acacb32](
- `hasPermission` not work in `ROLE` Mode ([76a5f87](
- fix antdv console warning ([480cfb9](
- fix defHttp baseUrl work ([d5f9919](
- multi windows token sharing ([e5f3788](, closes [#761](
- routes filter can't effective when permission mode set to ROUTE_MAPPING ([#836]( ([3871204](
- support various vite modes of build, not just production ([#832]( ([95c16a5](
- user drop-down event key loss ([20d7a25](
- user dropdown event response failure ([c73694a](
- **upload:** make sure to carry custom parameters, fix [#802]( ([c4b22a2](
- **utils:** The date function gets a non-date when the parameter is null ([#954]( ([350c85a](
### Features
- **use-loading:** add `setTip` method ([26d9476](
- Added support for tailwindcss night mode mechanism ([#998]( ([189bc6f](
- **api-select:** clear options before fetch ([9cf070d](
- **api-tree-select:** add `api` options to tree-select ([d81db89](
- **avatar-cropper:** add action tooltip ([6cbac4b](
- **avatar-cropper:** more props added ([b96ea07](
- **axios:** add `withToken` option ([c99cf5e](
- **axios:** use `defHttp` like `axios` ([49f39de](, closes [#850](
- **basic-table:** add `ApiTreeSelect` edit component ([52af1dd](
- **basic-upload:** `value` support v-model ([16c5d32](
- **basic-upload:** add preview-delete event ([49e72a8](, closes [#835](
- **demo:** add `async-validator` demo ([8b4b767](
- **demo:** add basicTree with async data expand all ([5421211](
- **demo:** add route multi tabs show ([0e414ba](, closes [#817](
- **demo:** add search demo for apiSelect ([41e6d94](
- **demo:** demo default expanded tree table ([5f1a6cd](
- **demo:** multi-modal in one page usage ([7a7dab0](
- **menu:** the route is automatically mapped to the menu ([913c22c](
- **modal:** add `tooltip` for action buttons ([c3b9076](
- **notice-list:** add `pagination` support ([c16be2c](, closes [#894](
- **preview:** add more features ([e23bd26](
- customized user home page ([0a3683a](
- **param-menu:** feature: menu with params ([#845]( ([48fcd76](
- **route:** add `hidePathForChildren` in `meta` ([d52b0de](
- **table:** add `headerTop` slot ([540423e](, closes [#881](
- **table:** support asynchrony in beforeFetch and afterFetch ([#827]( ([749ba5c](
- **table-action:** support `tooltip` option ([5fab267](, closes [#848](
- **tree:** add `insertNodesByKey` method ([5a20df4](
- add Tree LoadData demo ([9298b3c](
- routers support `ignoreRoute` option ([72ac240](
### Performance Improvements
- improve legacy compatibility ([e2664f6](
- **menu:** Optimize the style of the bottom collapse button in the Mix menu layout ([#896]( ([6f83070](
- image compression configuration optimization ([cf840e3](
- **icon:** remove Icon component global registration ([59d3e8c](
- **pagewrapper:** 优化 PageWrapper 的高度自适应表现使用 getViewportOffset 替代 useContentViewHeight ([#792]( ([4d8e398](
- **router:** reduce the number of guard files ([327d71b](
- **scrollbar:** scrollbar update when slot changed ([e9e51b2](
### Reverts
- **axios:** remove baseUrl config ([61d4efd](
2021-07-19 23:56:14 +08:00
## [2.6.1]( (2021-07-19)
### Bug Fixes
- **api-select:** fix `options-change` event data ([897bed9](
- **api-tree-select:** auto load data if necessary ([1b3058f](
- **api-tree-select:** fix `event` checked in form ([d9d0071](
- **app-search:** exclude hidden items ([faf5c9f](
- **app-search:** exclude items by `hideChildrenInMenu` ([02d3dca](
- **basic-tree:** `checkedKeys` not worked with `search` ([b06a7ab](, closes [#915](
- **breadcrumb:** `redirect` not worked ([f5e31fe](
- **code-editor:** `value` not support use as `v-model` ([8832a07](, closes [#933](
- **countdown-input:** add `slots` support ([a764a95](
- **CountTo:** Fix displaying empty string when the value is 0 ([#864]( ([82eb72b](
- **demo:** `setup` page route config ([d5d5c4b](
- **demo:** add mock data `account detail` route ([993e19d](, closes [#858](
- **demo:** fix display problem of editable table with `apiSelect` ([535bddd](
- **demo:** form pages support `keepAlive` ([9228282](
- **demo:** resolve `key not exist` warnings ([45a94e4](
- **form:** fix `suffix` slot style ([a9bbed1](
- **formItem:** Fix labelcol type mismatch ([#903]( ([03b17a8](
- **markdown:** resolving markdown exceptions ([d95815b](
- **markdown:** set `value` error ([35e1347](
- **menu:** display error when contains hidden items ([5ceeefd](
- **menu:** fix mix-menu incorrect jumping in `hover` mode ([cad021c](
- **mix-sider:** fix mix-sider hover logic ([0595a72](
- **modal:** ensure that props are passed correctly,fix [#897]( ([ae7821e](
- **modal:** fixed `fullscreen` not worked ([5baaa58](, closes [#918](
- **model:** auto validate on value change ([f844017](, closes [#920](
- **table:** fix index column style ([c7c0a7e](
- **table:** `value` show problem in editable cell ([61ce25b](, closes [#922](
- **table-action:** fixed icon `margin` without label ([dc51e6a](
- **tree:** fixed `checkedKeys` with `search` mode ([f707541](
- fix homePage affix error ([c117802](
- **table-action:** fix `circle` button style ([db7254a](
- `menuSetting` can not set collapsed to false as default ([808291b](
- ensure PAGE_NOT_FOUND_ROUTE exist ([87583c8](
- ensure that safari is running properly, fix [#875]( ([dafcdd8](
- infinite redirect in `BACK` mode ([4b46a84](
- **multiple-tab:** ignore login page ([1e63379](
- resolving `Vue Router warn` ([237e65e](
- **table:** fix tree node align ([1e61da6](, closes [#829](
- **table:** scrollbar style ([d8c3820](
- **table-action:** incorrect button color of `disabled` state ([0f28e80](, closes [#891](
- **upload:** ensure the value type is correct ([05329ce](
- **useWatermark:** fix `func` call `createWatermark` call `clear` to resizeEvent removed ([#901]( ([a1d956d](
### Features
- **api-tree-select:** add `api` options to tree-select ([d81db89](
- **basic-table:** add `ApiTreeSelect` edit component ([52af1dd](
- **demo:** multi-modal in one page usage ([7a7dab0](
- customized user home page ([0a3683a](
- **api-select:** clear options before fetch ([9cf070d](
- **demo:** add basicTree with async data expand all ([5421211](
- **demo:** add search demo for apiSelect ([41e6d94](
- **demo:** demo default expanded tree table ([5f1a6cd](
- **notice-list:** add `pagination` support ([c16be2c](, closes [#894](
- **table:** add `headerTop` slot ([540423e](, closes [#881](
### Performance Improvements
- **menu:** Optimize the style of the bottom collapse button in the Mix menu layout ([#896]( ([6f83070](
- image compression configuration optimization ([cf840e3](
2021-07-04 22:12:26 +08:00
# [2.6.0]( (2021-07-04)
### Bug Fixes
- **axios:** option `withToken` not work ([d509e89](
- **demo:** account list fetch loss param ([424b171](, closes [#830](
- **demo:** fix async tree demo, fixed: [#823]( ([5637588](
- **form:** fix some prop declaration ([b5046f0](
- **lock-screen:** ensure lock info is saved ([d38ff66](
- **lock-screen:** fix lock-screen can skip on new window ([d7b84c7](
- **menu:** make sure the menu is activated correctly ([cdb10cc](
- **modal:** `setModalProps` support `defaultFullscreen` ([c7de65e](
- **modal:** maskClosable not work ([f750ff4](
- **modal:** remove console log ([3dbbde2](
- **popconfirm-button:** remove button excess `title` ([73654b7](
- **sider:** bottom trigger not work ([1bde404](, closes [#820](
- **sider:** custom trigger does not take effect ([5005e6e](
- **svg-icon:** fix SvgIcon style ([99829c7](
- **table:** auto hide unnecessary scrollbar ([735028c](
- **table:** global configuration accidentally modified ([b4a3f93](
- **table:** param of `handleSearchInfoFn` ([791b323](
- **tailwindcss:** remove console warnings ([acacb32](
- `hasPermission` not work in `ROLE` Mode ([76a5f87](
- routes filter can't effective when permission mode set to ROUTE_MAPPING ([#836]( ([3871204](
- **table:** selection-change not triggered on row click ([6f845b5](
- multi windows token sharing ([e5f3788](, closes [#761](
- support various vite modes of build, not just production ([#832]( ([95c16a5](
- **table:** editComponentProps support onChange ([829b366](
- **table:** fix rowSelection.onChange not work ([df0f000](, closes [#825](
### Features
- **avatar-cropper:** add action tooltip ([6cbac4b](
- **avatar-cropper:** more props added ([b96ea07](
- **axios:** add `withToken` option ([c99cf5e](
- **axios:** use `defHttp` like `axios` ([49f39de](, closes [#850](
- **basic-upload:** `value` support v-model ([16c5d32](
- **basic-upload:** add preview-delete event ([49e72a8](, closes [#835](
- **modal:** add `tooltip` for action buttons ([c3b9076](
- **param-menu:** feature: menu with params ([#845]( ([48fcd76](
- **route:** add `hidePathForChildren` in `meta` ([d52b0de](
- **table:** support asynchrony in beforeFetch and afterFetch ([#827]( ([749ba5c](
- **table-action:** support `tooltip` option ([5fab267](, closes [#848](
- **tree:** add `insertNodesByKey` method ([5a20df4](
- routers support `ignoreRoute` option ([72ac240](
### Performance Improvements
- **scrollbar:** scrollbar update when slot changed ([e9e51b2](
2021-06-27 00:00:08 +08:00
## [2.5.1]( (2021-06-26)
### Bug Fixes
- **comp-tree:** support comp-tree-foreach stop,add insertNodesByKey ([#818]( ([d97aa92](
- fix antdv console warning ([480cfb9](
- fix defHttp baseUrl work ([d5f9919](
- **api:** select api type error ([b387681](
- **api-select:** ensure that the onchange function parameters are correct ([fa64fc8](
- **api-select:** loss option data on event callback ([c5f2577](, closes [#733](
- **ApiSelect demo:** add demo about ApiSelect's use ([#757]( ([a03d3cc](
- **demo:** `breadcrumb` route invalid redirect ([84d9300](
- **demo:** account list page validate and save ([21f7a85](
- **demo:** make sure the map https resource is correct ([7b9cd09](
- **demo:** style error,fix [#806]( ([a2d8be3](
- **demo-form:** add fieldMapToTime example,fix [#807]( ([a2a75a0](
- **design:** correct tailwind configuration,fix [#800]( ([aec230c](
- **dropdown:** icon and trigger work unexpected ([60b80c9](, closes [#796]( [#787](
- **flow-chart:** fix drag and drop menu loss ([fa828fd](
- **form:** loss args on component change event ([513823b](
- **layout:** props warn ([#756]( ([bbce002](
- **menu:** fix the jitter problem of menu folding animation,fix [#732]( ([4c89ea7](
- **mock:** make sure ignore matches the file correctly, fix [#745]( ([a222ec8](
- **mock:** type error ([7c1ffa3](
- **modal:** add v-model support for visible ([de12bab](
- **modal:** ensure that the full screen height is calculated correctly ([1c1755c](
- **modal:** ensure that the shutdown event is not triggered multiple times ([655b743](
- **pop-confirm:** fix event working unexpected ([a6ef771](
- **route:** dynamically introduce components error ([c6b766d](
- **router:** loss `directory` route ([df8cd86](, closes [#722](
- **store:** fix type error after pinia version upgrade ([e8d6f88](
- **table:** event editCancel loss params ([8d22231](
- **table:** fix table jitter problem ([8eba7fb](
- **table:** getDataSource not worked on empty data ([e78af6f](, closes [#752](
- **table:** treeTable editable error ([4ae39c5](, closes [#811](
- **upload:** make sure to carry custom parameters, fix [#802]( ([c4b22a2](
- **use-message:** `content` not support vNode ([154ebc3](
- build error ([5212ea7](
- **avatar:** mock data and Account center style ([2066f66](
- **axios:** make sure that the parameter is an object before processing, fix [#660]( ([834fa7e](
- **axios:** transformRequestHook logic error ([b69dcd7](
- **code-editor:** fix CodeEditor style problem, fix [#655]( ([5662804](
- **codeeditor:** empty value set failed.fixed:[#659]( ([ba2bebb](
- **codeMirror:** fix the JsonEditor embedded in the bullet frame causing the style to be disordered ([#668]( ([e1123a2](
- **demo:** fix basic form page style ([8b6e07b](
- **form:** fix form update problem ([bcad95d](, closes [#720](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support boolean ([9e2aa20](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support number ([bbddf30](
- **form:** schemas update problem ([808328d](, closes [#688](
- **keep-alive:** tablist cache updating effect ([d62d0ca](, closes [#695](
- **layout:** fix class loss ([d018363](
- **layout:** fix style compatibility issues ([905e5b7](
- **lock:** fix lock modal height ([40e3cb0](, closes [#701](
- **log:** fix Wrong version number ([#653]( ([4f0d45f](
- **login:** login page modal style fixed: [#662]( ([#666]( ([b218f10](
- **mock:** menu list api loss `type` field ([4185412](
- **modal:** redoModalHeight not work as expected ([5d554f1](
- **page:** `basic form` action btns should be in line ([6c4f947](
- **radio-button:** fix RadioButton `disabled` support ([ee384b1](, closes [#710](
- **table:** wrong indeterminate state ([495b1da](
- **table:** make sure the table width is correct, fix [#593]( ([d73d43e](
- **table:** settings indeterminate state effect ([4fd2051](
- **table:** support change event ([9f4d171](, closes [#677](
- **table:** try to get close to the form stuck ([d81481c](
- **table:** useTable support onChange ([9f5085c](
- **table-action:** fix the split line style is missing,fix [#674]( ([b1cb863](
- **Tinymce:** Read only status upload button can also be used ([#718]( ([966571b](
- **upload:** ensure preview items valid ([4376928](
- ensure that roleList is not empty ([aebad61](
- fix darkModeSwitch switch failure ([34a8054](
- fix if getDropdownList.length==0 show Dropdown component ([21c771b](
- fix Login Page LocalePicker showLocale condition ([d683b0f](
- fix node12 version data mock error ([644dbe3](
- Fix the problem that the `lang` attribute of `HTML` will not be set when it is first loaded ([#682]( ([eca8907](
- login failed ([035f55a](
- session timeout login logic error ([#678]( ([132c7fb](, closes [#673](
- **tree:** support defaultExpandAll prop ([3ed2339](
- **useViewHeight:** Fix the problem that useContentViewHeight does not calculate the footer ([#747]( ([33cd8fe](
- theme switching fails ([7e2ca79](
### Features
- **demo:** add route multi tabs show ([0e414ba](, closes [#817](
- add Tree LoadData demo ([9298b3c](
- optimize error message for api failure ([ea6834a](
- **api-select:** auto refetch after params changed ([50207ad](
- **app-search:** auto focus on show ([1ae6362](
- **axios:** added authenticationScheme configuration,fix [#774]( ([b6d5b07](
- **demo:** `switch` use in table ([46899aa](
- **demo:** added guide page example ([d196340](
- **echarts:** add getInstance for useECharts ([fb6c76d](
- **modal:** add closeModal for useModal ([6d5f9aa](
- **modal:** add redoModalHeight for useModalInner ([f732b56](
- **preview:** added createImgPreview picture preview function ([305630e](
- **project-setting:** added sessionTimeoutProcessing project configuration item,fix [#772]( ([0d07084](
- **table:** add editable DatePicker & TimePicker ([#654]( ([93006c7](
- **table:** add updateTableDataRecord method ([8e4f486](
- **table:** editable component text align ([8eaf575](
- **table:** support columns-change event ([125a7d1](
- **table:** support custom update on row editing ([fe2bcfc](, closes [#646](
- **table:** updateTableDataRecord support functional rowKey ([448a4c2](
- **table-action:** add stopButtonPropagation prop ([808012b](, closes [#699](
- **table-img:** support simple show mode and more props ([19d8e01](
- **test:** add jest test suite ([f6fe1dd](
- **use-drawer:** add closeDrawer function ([639520a](
- add CropperAvatar component ([8e410fc](
- **tabs:** add setTabTitle method ([#680]( ([5ddccf6](
- **tinymce:** support dark theme and I18n ([83c9cd7](
- **Tinymce:** add dynamics to the read-only state of the rich text editor ([#725]( ([efce482](
- **tree:** add defaultExpandLevel prop ([6edca1c](, closes [#672](
### Performance Improvements
- **component:** optimize tree and upload components ([3f6920f](
- **cropper-avatar:** code optimization ([6dbbdba](
- **i18n:** improve circular dependencies ([d677729](
- **i18n:** improve warning prompt ([6ef62ba](
- **locale:** reduce the number of multilingual files ([0acc4ab](
- **pagewrapper:** 优化 PageWrapper 的高度自适应表现使用 getViewportOffset 替代 useContentViewHeight ([#792]( ([4d8e398](
- **PageWrapper:** fix the height calculation problem when footer and global footer are opened at the same time ([#760]( ([ab2c7ef](
- **utils:** mitt default export is changed from Class to Function ([d3d620f](
- add createImgPreview func ([#713]( ([b7c7c46](
- optimize components and add comments ([55e9d9f](
### Reverts
- **axios:** remove baseUrl config ([61d4efd](
## [2.5.1]( (2021-06-26)
### Bug Fixes
- fix antdv console warning ([480cfb9](
- fix defHttp baseUrl work ([d5f9919](
- **api:** select api type error ([b387681](
- **api-select:** ensure that the onchange function parameters are correct ([fa64fc8](
- **api-select:** loss option data on event callback ([c5f2577](, closes [#733](
- **ApiSelect demo:** add demo about ApiSelect's use ([#757]( ([a03d3cc](
- **avatar:** mock data and Account center style ([2066f66](
- **axios:** make sure that the parameter is an object before processing, fix [#660]( ([834fa7e](
- **axios:** transformRequestHook logic error ([b69dcd7](
- **code-editor:** fix CodeEditor style problem, fix [#655]( ([5662804](
- **codeeditor:** empty value set failed.fixed:[#659]( ([ba2bebb](
- **codeMirror:** fix the JsonEditor embedded in the bullet frame causing the style to be disordered ([#668]( ([e1123a2](
- **demo:** `breadcrumb` route invalid redirect ([84d9300](
- **demo:** account list page validate and save ([21f7a85](
- **demo:** fix basic form page style ([8b6e07b](
- **demo:** make sure the map https resource is correct ([7b9cd09](
- **demo:** style error,fix [#806]( ([a2d8be3](
- **demo-form:** add fieldMapToTime example,fix [#807]( ([a2a75a0](
- **design:** correct tailwind configuration,fix [#800]( ([aec230c](
- **dropdown:** icon and trigger work unexpected ([60b80c9](, closes [#796]( [#787](
- **flow-chart:** fix drag and drop menu loss ([fa828fd](
- **form:** fix form update problem ([bcad95d](, closes [#720](
- **form:** loss args on component change event ([513823b](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support boolean ([9e2aa20](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support number ([bbddf30](
- **form:** schemas update problem ([808328d](, closes [#688](
- **keep-alive:** tablist cache updating effect ([d62d0ca](, closes [#695](
- **layout:** fix class loss ([d018363](
- **layout:** fix style compatibility issues ([905e5b7](
- **layout:** props warn ([#756]( ([bbce002](
- **lock:** fix lock modal height ([40e3cb0](, closes [#701](
- **log:** fix Wrong version number ([#653]( ([4f0d45f](
- **login:** login page modal style fixed: [#662]( ([#666]( ([b218f10](
- **menu:** fix the jitter problem of menu folding animation,fix [#732]( ([4c89ea7](
- **mock:** make sure ignore matches the file correctly, fix [#745]( ([a222ec8](
- **mock:** menu list api loss `type` field ([4185412](
- **mock:** type error ([7c1ffa3](
- **modal:** add v-model support for visible ([de12bab](
- **modal:** ensure that the full screen height is calculated correctly ([1c1755c](
- **modal:** ensure that the shutdown event is not triggered multiple times ([655b743](
- **modal:** redoModalHeight not work as expected ([5d554f1](
- **page:** `basic form` action btns should be in line ([6c4f947](
- **pop-confirm:** fix event working unexpected ([a6ef771](
- **radio-button:** fix RadioButton `disabled` support ([ee384b1](, closes [#710](
- **route:** dynamically introduce components error ([c6b766d](
- **router:** loss `directory` route ([df8cd86](, closes [#722](
- **store:** fix type error after pinia version upgrade ([e8d6f88](
- **table:** wrong indeterminate state ([495b1da](
- **table:** event editCancel loss params ([8d22231](
- **table:** fix table jitter problem ([8eba7fb](
- **table:** getDataSource not worked on empty data ([e78af6f](, closes [#752](
- **table:** make sure the table width is correct, fix [#593]( ([d73d43e](
- **table:** settings indeterminate state effect ([4fd2051](
- **table:** support change event ([9f4d171](, closes [#677](
- **table:** treeTable editable error ([4ae39c5](, closes [#811](
- **table:** try to get close to the form stuck ([d81481c](
- **table:** useTable support onChange ([9f5085c](
- **table-action:** fix the split line style is missing,fix [#674]( ([b1cb863](
- **Tinymce:** Read only status upload button can also be used ([#718]( ([966571b](
- **upload:** ensure preview items valid ([4376928](
- **upload:** make sure to carry custom parameters, fix [#802]( ([c4b22a2](
- **use-message:** `content` not support vNode ([154ebc3](
- build error ([5212ea7](
- ensure that roleList is not empty ([aebad61](
- fix darkModeSwitch switch failure ([34a8054](
- fix if getDropdownList.length==0 show Dropdown component ([21c771b](
- fix Login Page LocalePicker showLocale condition ([d683b0f](
- fix node12 version data mock error ([644dbe3](
- Fix the problem that the `lang` attribute of `HTML` will not be set when it is first loaded ([#682]( ([eca8907](
- login failed ([035f55a](
- session timeout login logic error ([#678]( ([132c7fb](, closes [#673](
- **tree:** support defaultExpandAll prop ([3ed2339](
- **useViewHeight:** Fix the problem that useContentViewHeight does not calculate the footer ([#747]( ([33cd8fe](
- theme switching fails ([7e2ca79](
### Features
- **demo:** add route multi tabs show ([0e414ba](, closes [#817](
- add Tree LoadData demo ([9298b3c](
- optimize error message for api failure ([ea6834a](
- **api-select:** auto refetch after params changed ([50207ad](
- **app-search:** auto focus on show ([1ae6362](
- **axios:** added authenticationScheme configuration,fix [#774]( ([b6d5b07](
- **demo:** `switch` use in table ([46899aa](
- **demo:** added guide page example ([d196340](
- **echarts:** add getInstance for useECharts ([fb6c76d](
- **modal:** add closeModal for useModal ([6d5f9aa](
- **modal:** add redoModalHeight for useModalInner ([f732b56](
- **preview:** added createImgPreview picture preview function ([305630e](
- **project-setting:** added sessionTimeoutProcessing project configuration item,fix [#772]( ([0d07084](
- **table:** add editable DatePicker & TimePicker ([#654]( ([93006c7](
- **table:** add updateTableDataRecord method ([8e4f486](
- **table:** editable component text align ([8eaf575](
- **table:** support columns-change event ([125a7d1](
- **table:** support custom update on row editing ([fe2bcfc](, closes [#646](
- **table:** updateTableDataRecord support functional rowKey ([448a4c2](
- **table-action:** add stopButtonPropagation prop ([808012b](, closes [#699](
- **table-img:** support simple show mode and more props ([19d8e01](
- **test:** add jest test suite ([f6fe1dd](
- **use-drawer:** add closeDrawer function ([639520a](
- add CropperAvatar component ([8e410fc](
- **tabs:** add setTabTitle method ([#680]( ([5ddccf6](
- **tinymce:** support dark theme and I18n ([83c9cd7](
- **Tinymce:** add dynamics to the read-only state of the rich text editor ([#725]( ([efce482](
- **tree:** add defaultExpandLevel prop ([6edca1c](, closes [#672](
### Performance Improvements
- **component:** optimize tree and upload components ([3f6920f](
- **cropper-avatar:** code optimization ([6dbbdba](
- **i18n:** improve circular dependencies ([d677729](
- **i18n:** improve warning prompt ([6ef62ba](
- **locale:** reduce the number of multilingual files ([0acc4ab](
- **pagewrapper:** 优化 PageWrapper 的高度自适应表现使用 getViewportOffset 替代 useContentViewHeight ([#792]( ([4d8e398](
- **PageWrapper:** fix the height calculation problem when footer and global footer are opened at the same time ([#760]( ([ab2c7ef](
- **utils:** mitt default export is changed from Class to Function ([d3d620f](
- add createImgPreview func ([#713]( ([b7c7c46](
- optimize components and add comments ([55e9d9f](
### Reverts
- **axios:** remove baseUrl config ([61d4efd](
2021-06-20 21:39:59 +08:00
# [2.5.0]( (2021-06-20)
### Bug Fixes
- **api:** select api type error ([b387681](
- **api-select:** loss option data on event callback ([c5f2577](, closes [#733](
- **ApiSelect demo:** add demo about ApiSelect's use ([#757]( ([a03d3cc](
- **avatar:** mock data and Account center style ([2066f66](
- **axios:** make sure that the parameter is an object before processing, fix [#660]( ([834fa7e](
- **axios:** transformRequestHook logic error ([b69dcd7](
- **code-editor:** fix CodeEditor style problem, fix [#655]( ([5662804](
- **codeeditor:** empty value set failed.fixed:[#659]( ([ba2bebb](
- **codeMirror:** fix the JsonEditor embedded in the bullet frame causing the style to be disordered ([#668]( ([e1123a2](
- **demo:** `breadcrumb` route invalid redirect ([84d9300](
- **demo:** account list page validate and save ([21f7a85](
- **demo:** fix basic form page style ([8b6e07b](
- **demo:** make sure the map https resource is correct ([7b9cd09](
- **flow-chart:** fix drag and drop menu loss ([fa828fd](
- **form:** fix form update problem ([bcad95d](, closes [#720](
- **form:** loss args on component change event ([513823b](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support boolean ([9e2aa20](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support number ([bbddf30](
- **form:** schemas update problem ([808328d](, closes [#688](
- **keep-alive:** tablist cache updating effect ([d62d0ca](, closes [#695](
- **layout:** fix class loss ([d018363](
- **layout:** fix style compatibility issues ([905e5b7](
- **layout:** props warn ([#756]( ([bbce002](
- **lock:** fix lock modal height ([40e3cb0](, closes [#701](
- **log:** fix Wrong version number ([#653]( ([4f0d45f](
- **login:** login page modal style fixed: [#662]( ([#666]( ([b218f10](
- **menu:** fix the jitter problem of menu folding animation,fix [#732]( ([4c89ea7](
- **mock:** make sure ignore matches the file correctly, fix [#745]( ([a222ec8](
- **mock:** menu list api loss `type` field ([4185412](
- **mock:** type error ([7c1ffa3](
- **modal:** add v-model support for visible ([de12bab](
- **modal:** ensure that the full screen height is calculated correctly ([1c1755c](
- **modal:** ensure that the shutdown event is not triggered multiple times ([655b743](
- **store:** fix type error after pinia version upgrade ([e8d6f88](
- **use-message:** `content` not support vNode ([154ebc3](
- build error ([5212ea7](
- fix darkModeSwitch switch failure ([34a8054](
- fix if getDropdownList.length==0 show Dropdown component ([21c771b](
- fix Login Page LocalePicker showLocale condition ([d683b0f](
- **modal:** redoModalHeight not work as expected ([5d554f1](
- **page:** `basic form` action btns should be in line ([6c4f947](
- **radio-button:** fix RadioButton `disabled` support ([ee384b1](, closes [#710](
- **route:** dynamically introduce components error ([c6b766d](
- **router:** loss `directory` route ([df8cd86](, closes [#722](
- **table:** wrong indeterminate state ([495b1da](
- **table:** make sure the table width is correct, fix [#593]( ([d73d43e](
- **table:** settings indeterminate state effect ([4fd2051](
- **table:** support change event ([9f4d171](, closes [#677](
- **table:** try to get close to the form stuck ([d81481c](
- **table:** useTable support onChange ([9f5085c](
- **table-action:** fix the split line style is missing,fix [#674]( ([b1cb863](
- **Tinymce:** Read only status upload button can also be used ([#718]( ([966571b](
- **tree:** support defaultExpandAll prop ([3ed2339](
- **upload:** ensure preview items valid ([4376928](
- **useViewHeight:** Fix the problem that useContentViewHeight does not calculate the footer ([#747]( ([33cd8fe](
- ensure that roleList is not empty ([aebad61](
- fix node12 version data mock error ([644dbe3](
- Fix the problem that the `lang` attribute of `HTML` will not be set when it is first loaded ([#682]( ([eca8907](
- login failed ([035f55a](
- session timeout login logic error ([#678]( ([132c7fb](, closes [#673](
- theme switching fails ([7e2ca79](
### Features
- optimize error message for api failure ([ea6834a](
- **api-select:** auto refetch after params changed ([50207ad](
- **app-search:** auto focus on show ([1ae6362](
- **axios:** added authenticationScheme configuration,fix [#774]( ([b6d5b07](
- **demo:** `switch` use in table ([46899aa](
- **demo:** added guide page example ([d196340](
- **echarts:** add getInstance for useECharts ([fb6c76d](
- **modal:** add closeModal for useModal ([6d5f9aa](
- **modal:** add redoModalHeight for useModalInner ([f732b56](
- **preview:** added createImgPreview picture preview function ([305630e](
- **project-setting:** added sessionTimeoutProcessing project configuration item,fix [#772]( ([0d07084](
- **table:** add editable DatePicker & TimePicker ([#654]( ([93006c7](
- **table:** add updateTableDataRecord method ([8e4f486](
- **table:** editable component text align ([8eaf575](
- **table:** support columns-change event ([125a7d1](
- **table:** support custom update on row editing ([fe2bcfc](, closes [#646](
- **table:** updateTableDataRecord support functional rowKey ([448a4c2](
- **table-action:** add stopButtonPropagation prop ([808012b](, closes [#699](
- **table-img:** support simple show mode and more props ([19d8e01](
- **test:** add jest test suite ([f6fe1dd](
- **use-drawer:** add closeDrawer function ([639520a](
- add CropperAvatar component ([8e410fc](
- **tabs:** add setTabTitle method ([#680]( ([5ddccf6](
- **tinymce:** support dark theme and I18n ([83c9cd7](
- **Tinymce:** add dynamics to the read-only state of the rich text editor ([#725]( ([efce482](
- **tree:** add defaultExpandLevel prop ([6edca1c](, closes [#672](
### Performance Improvements
- **component:** optimize tree and upload components ([3f6920f](
- **cropper-avatar:** code optimization ([6dbbdba](
- **i18n:** improve circular dependencies ([d677729](
- **i18n:** improve warning prompt ([6ef62ba](
- **locale:** reduce the number of multilingual files ([0acc4ab](
- **PageWrapper:** fix the height calculation problem when footer and global footer are opened at the same time ([#760]( ([ab2c7ef](
- **utils:** mitt default export is changed from Class to Function ([d3d620f](
- add createImgPreview func ([#713]( ([b7c7c46](
- optimize components and add comments ([55e9d9f](
2021-06-10 00:36:54 +08:00
## [2.4.2]( (2021-06-09)
### Bug Fixes
- fix darkModeSwitch switch failure ([34a8054](
- **api-select:** loss option data on event callback ([c5f2577](, closes [#733](
- **avatar:** mock data and Account center style ([2066f66](
- **axios:** transformRequestHook logic error ([b69dcd7](
- **codeMirror:** fix the JsonEditor embedded in the bullet frame causing the style to be disordered ([#668]( ([e1123a2](
- **demo:** `breadcrumb` route invalid redirect ([84d9300](
- **demo:** account list page validate and save ([21f7a85](
- **demo:** fix basic form page style ([8b6e07b](
- **demo:** make sure the map https resource is correct ([7b9cd09](
- **form:** fix form update problem ([bcad95d](, closes [#720](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support boolean ([9e2aa20](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support number ([bbddf30](
- **form:** schemas update problem ([808328d](, closes [#688](
- **keep-alive:** tablist cache updating effect ([d62d0ca](, closes [#695](
- **lock:** fix lock modal height ([40e3cb0](, closes [#701](
- **login:** login page modal style fixed: [#662]( ([#666]( ([b218f10](
- **mock:** menu list api loss `type` field ([4185412](
- **mock:** type error ([7c1ffa3](
- **router:** loss `directory` route ([df8cd86](, closes [#722](
- build error ([5212ea7](
- **axios:** make sure that the parameter is an object before processing, fix [#660]( ([834fa7e](
- **code-editor:** fix CodeEditor style problem, fix [#655]( ([5662804](
- **codeeditor:** empty value set failed.fixed:[#659]( ([ba2bebb](
- **layout:** fix class loss ([d018363](
- **layout:** fix style compatibility issues ([905e5b7](
- **log:** fix Wrong version number ([#653]( ([4f0d45f](
- **modal:** redoModalHeight not work as expected ([5d554f1](
- **page:** `basic form` action btns should be in line ([6c4f947](
- **radio-button:** fix RadioButton `disabled` support ([ee384b1](, closes [#710](
- **table:** wrong indeterminate state ([495b1da](
- **table:** make sure the table width is correct, fix [#593]( ([d73d43e](
- **table:** settings indeterminate state effect ([4fd2051](
- **table:** support change event ([9f4d171](, closes [#677](
- **table:** try to get close to the form stuck ([d81481c](
- **Tinymce:** Read only status upload button can also be used ([#718]( ([966571b](
- **upload:** ensure preview items valid ([4376928](
- ensure that roleList is not empty ([aebad61](
- fix node12 version data mock error ([644dbe3](
- Fix the problem that the `lang` attribute of `HTML` will not be set when it is first loaded ([#682]( ([eca8907](
- **table:** useTable support onChange ([9f5085c](
- **table-action:** fix the split line style is missing,fix [#674]( ([b1cb863](
- login failed ([035f55a](
- session timeout login logic error ([#678]( ([132c7fb](, closes [#673](
- **tree:** support defaultExpandAll prop ([3ed2339](
- theme switching fails ([7e2ca79](
### Features
- **api-select:** auto refetch after params changed ([50207ad](
- **app-search:** auto focus on show ([1ae6362](
- **demo:** `switch` use in table ([46899aa](
- **echarts:** add getInstance for useECharts ([fb6c76d](
- **modal:** add closeModal for useModal ([6d5f9aa](
- **modal:** add redoModalHeight for useModalInner ([f732b56](
- **table:** add editable DatePicker & TimePicker ([#654]( ([93006c7](
- **table:** add updateTableDataRecord method ([8e4f486](
- **table:** editable component text align ([8eaf575](
- **table:** support columns-change event ([125a7d1](
- **table:** support custom update on row editing ([fe2bcfc](, closes [#646](
- **table:** updateTableDataRecord support functional rowKey ([448a4c2](
- **table-action:** add stopButtonPropagation prop ([808012b](, closes [#699](
- **table-img:** support simple show mode and more props ([19d8e01](
- **tabs:** add setTabTitle method ([#680]( ([5ddccf6](
- **tinymce:** support dark theme and I18n ([83c9cd7](
- **Tinymce:** add dynamics to the read-only state of the rich text editor ([#725]( ([efce482](
- **tree:** add defaultExpandLevel prop ([6edca1c](, closes [#672](
### Performance Improvements
- optimize components and add comments ([55e9d9f](
- **i18n:** improve circular dependencies ([d677729](
- **i18n:** improve warning prompt ([6ef62ba](
2021-06-01 23:43:49 +08:00
## [2.4.1]( (2021-06-01)
### Bug Fixes
- **table:** make sure the table width is correct, fix [#593]( ([d73d43e](
- Fix the problem that the `lang` attribute of `HTML` will not be set when it is first loaded ([#682]( ([eca8907](
- **avatar:** mock data and Account center style ([2066f66](
- **axios:** make sure that the parameter is an object before processing, fix [#660]( ([834fa7e](
- **code-editor:** fix CodeEditor style problem, fix [#655]( ([5662804](
- **codeMirror:** fix the JsonEditor embedded in the bullet frame causing the style to be disordered ([#668]( ([e1123a2](
- **form:** radioButtonGroup value support number ([bbddf30](
- ensure that roleList is not empty ([aebad61](
- fix node12 version data mock error ([644dbe3](
- **codeeditor:** empty value set failed.fixed:[#659]( ([ba2bebb](
- **layout:** fix style compatibility issues ([905e5b7](
- **login:** login page modal style fixed: [#662]( ([#666]( ([b218f10](
- **table:** support change event ([9f4d171](, closes [#677](
- **table:** useTable support onChange ([9f5085c](
- **table-action:** fix the split line style is missing,fix [#674]( ([b1cb863](
- login failed ([035f55a](
- session timeout login logic error ([#678]( ([132c7fb](, closes [#673](
- **layout:** fix class loss ([d018363](
- **log:** fix Wrong version number ([#653]( ([4f0d45f](
- **tree:** support defaultExpandAll prop ([3ed2339](
- theme switching fails ([7e2ca79](
### Features
- **app-search:** auto focus on show ([1ae6362](
- **table:** add editable DatePicker & TimePicker ([#654]( ([93006c7](
- **table:** editable component text align ([8eaf575](
- **tabs:** add setTabTitle method ([#680]( ([5ddccf6](
- **tinymce:** support dark theme and I18n ([83c9cd7](
- **tree:** add defaultExpandLevel prop ([6edca1c](, closes [#672](
### Performance Improvements
- **i18n:** improve warning prompt ([6ef62ba](
2021-05-25 23:19:50 +08:00
# [2.4.0]( (2021-05-25)
### Bug Fixes
- **api-select:** make sure the type is correct, fix [#468]( ([37c5741](
- **avatar:** show current user's avatar ([#640]( ([7519a00](
- **button:** ghost style ([f4af231](
- **cipher:** fix [#587]( ([#588]( ([d34467d](
- **CodeEditor:** add readonly prop ([#572]( ([9cd293c](
- **flow-chart:** dark style not work ([4a03547](
- **form:** ensure that the DateTime component checked properly,fix [#511]( ([cb35341](
- **form:** expose formModel,fix [#533]( ([7c41c86](
- **form:** Improve form error handling ([9a21b8b](
- **form:** improve form props acquisition,fix [#527]( ([b7ea68e](
- **form:** improve warning prompt, fix [#538]( ([3ff70bb](
- **form:** placeholder setting in componentProps ([#634]( ([2d3d04f](
- **form:** remove field binding when deleting schema [#471]( ([38f5072](
- **layout:** fix useLockPage not work, fix [#611]( ([3bb6d11](
- **lock:** automatic screen lock does not work ([d5b7689](
- **login:** incorrect enter event bind ([#625]( ([bb0d2e1](
- **menu:** ensure that the external link jumps correctly, fix [#516]( ([6b7f688](
- **menu:** improve menu logic, fix [#461]( ([ee1c349](
- **modal:** proptype conflict with ant design modal(fixed: [#545]( ([#575]( ([a579b84](
- **store:** addTab fx ([#607]( ([336be68](
- **store:** fix pinia typo ([bbf178f](
- **style:** add table title min-height ([#547]( ([bf365e2](
- **style:** fix icon style, fix [#496]( ([ccae5cd](
- **style:** fix layout style, fix [#633]( ([8e3f84c](
- **theme:** make sure the menu style is correct, fix [#382]( ([c77f7e6](
- **theme:** make sure the steps style is correct, fix [#414]( ([640a2c1](
- **types:** fix store types ([cd4b5e1](
- typo, ifx [#637]( ([e3569b8](
- **style:** fix build style errors,fix [#528]( ([7f6f8ee](
- **style:** fix layout header style, basic arrow style and table search form style ([#525]( ([e2ddf43](
- **table:** columns ref fixed([#564]( ([#573]( ([43e4c21](
- **table:** submitButtonOptions not work,fix [#531]( ([16ecf71](
- **tabs:** fix the problem that other functions are invalid when the tab is closed, close [#376]( ([b92b8a3](
- **theme:** wrong color when RadioButtonGroup checked ([#626]( ([5eee0ce](
- **theme generate:** Fix [#604]( ([#605]( ([c26dd03](
- **tinymce:** ensure that the public resource path is correct,fix [#487]( ([a863ad4](
- **tree:** basicTree 设置 blockNode=false 后,显示异常 ([#567]( ([2f8b218](
- **tree:** onCheck event lose origin param ([#636]( ([d8ff30d](
- **tree:** typo([#615]( ([bc82d1a](
- **tree:** value prop type ([#613]( ([0112d6b](
- echart import path ([7e43d88](
- ensure that the 401 jumps to the login page correctly, fix [#512]( ([6a88205](
- fix AppendFormDemo ([#505]( ([8c2491f](
- fix case errors ([663d13a](
- fix dark theme refreshing flashing white screen ([26adbc9](
- fix the default value of props ([8b2e0f6](
- improve login page style ([780a8a6](
- Improve the picture cropping component ([#463]( ([700306b](
- login page overflow show problem ([#455]( ([af6d58e](
- password icon dislocation ([#501]( ([bd83ecc](
- trigger resize in full screen to ensure that the height of other components is normal,fix [#508]( ([ca71760](
- update Axios.ts ([#492]( ([e1b30a5](
### Features
- **axios:** Do you want to return the original response header? For example, use this property when you need to get the response header ([56d8af1](
- **demo:** add permission table demo ([9e20841](
- **form:** add 'layout', 'labelAlign', 'rowProps' option ([#651]( ([785732f](
- **form:** add form field nested support ([#591]( ([ec3d51d](
- **form:** add prop autoSubmitOnEnter ([#620]( ([9b2d41e](
- **form:** add Slider demo ([#555]( ([e80280f](
- **form:** adding resetSchema method ([c639e49](
- **form:** helpMessage Increase function type value ([#616]( ([f455fb9](
- **form:** requires Increase function type value ([#649]( ([765064a](
- **qrcode:** custom drawing support ([#580]( ([2b76b88](
- **table:** 表格的数据列和操作列的字段可以根据权限和业务来控制是否显示 ([5a3861b](
- **table:** Table operation columns support permission codes ([6afee41](
- **user:** add user login expiration example ([5465f05](
- add codeEditor component ([a812685](
- add flowChart Component ([#488]( ([2576735](
- add JsonPreview component ([0649011](
- add spin prop for Icon ([#477]( ([6dd7d0f](
- persistent save tab, fix [#359]( ([967b28c](
### Performance Improvements
- let svg-icon support ssr ([94a826d](
- **tree:** improve the beforeRightClick callback to support more configuration of the menu ([#608]( ([adff788](
- add AppendFormDemo ([#503]( ([85b92a9](
- add Coordinating the selection of provinces and cities ([#534]( ([5fae2b0](
- improve countTo ([#499]( ([94b2222](
- improve cropper example ([#491]( ([5e36a8b](
- improve flowChart logic ([e1bc33f](
- merge locale file ([c04e894](
- optimize i18n to add the initial locale to the locale pool during initialization ([#577]( ([ae3f832](
- set header can use For Qs ([#562]( ([5724bc5](
2021-04-10 23:22:13 +08:00
# [2.3.0]( (2021-04-10)
### Bug Fixes
- **api-select:** make sure the type is correct, fix [#468]( ([37c5741](
- **menu:** improve menu logic, fix [#461]( ([ee1c349](
- **theme:** make sure the menu style is correct, fix [#382]( ([c77f7e6](
- **theme:** make sure the steps style is correct, fix [#414]( ([640a2c1](
- improve login page style ([780a8a6](
- Improve the picture cropping component ([#463]( ([700306b](
- login page overflow show problem ([#455]( ([af6d58e](
### Features
- persistent save tab, fix [#359]( ([967b28c](
2021-04-08 01:18:38 +08:00
# [2.2.0]( (2021-04-07)
### Bug Fixes
- **abakysis:** fix tooltip style,fix [#436]( ([1e4a250](
- **breadcrumb:** ensure the breadcrumbs display the icon correctly, fix [#433]( ([0b66360](
- **build:** fix build error ([6d6e0a1](
- **drawer:** ensure the slot is working ([b9b470f](
- **echart:** legend not work ([b25ceb4](
- **menu:** ensure the menu is activated correctly,fix [#432]( ([bb67692](
- **mock:** make sure the background mode login is normal, fix [#452]( ([1e66987](
- **server:** grammatical errors ([ee4829c](
- **table:** ensure data responsiveness, fix [#447]( ([64b6313](
- **table:** make sure the editing line is working, fix [#439]( ([b54b794](
- **table-action:** ensure that the click event is not triggered, fix [#441]( ([67a7a76](
- **use-loading:** rendering fails when used with onMounted, fix [#438]( ([6b99622](
- **useColumn:** fixed table column changes with hidden columns disappearing after dropping ([#453]( ([f05cc6d](
### Features
- dark mode ([5b8eb4a](
- **api-select:** add immediate option,close [#430]( ([5b4a41c](
- **print:** add print example ([2f99892](
- **tree:** add headerTitle slot ([6bb19fb](
### Performance Improvements
- code optimization ([37f6660](
- delete tinymce useless style files ([edc7525](
- refoctor useTitle ([979058a](
2021-03-26 00:15:14 +08:00
## [2.1.1]( (2021-03-25)
### Bug Fixes
- **form:** ensure that the hidden fields of the form are verified properly, fix [#413]( ([237f41d](
- **icon:** ensure the menu icon style is correct, fix [#425]( ([5c57a1d](
- add route base close [#404]( ([8ad127c](
- ensure permissionMode exists close [#409]( ([8fb0396](
- refresh error ([5bf90ee](
- **input-count:** make sure the reset function works close [#381]( ([3c4de9b](
- **menu:** ensure the menu has meta attributes close [#397]( ([b2a1951](
- **menu:** fix the menu disappeared in background mode ([50915c9](
- **menu:** make sure the menu is displayed properly on the small screen close [#336]( ([82c3186](
- **progress:** fix progress sometimes cannot done ([#388]( ([8360b1d](
- **route:** ensure that the first level menu can be hidden ([e2cc5af](
- **table:** ensure that the height calculation is correct close [#395]( ([1d7608e](
- **table:** fix table check column configuration failure close [#391]( ([c3096e2](
- **tree:** ensure that the check event is emitted close [#400]( ([16ef134](
- ensure the breadcrumb level is correct ([e49072c](
- LayoutMap cannot get correctly ([#398]( ([7c16c2f](
- welcome page not cached in back-end mode ([#389]( ([f0b93b5](
- **v-auth:** ensure the background mode is correct close [#330]( ([67962f1](
### Features
- **route:** add hideChildrenInMenu option close [#346]( ([b67cf22](
- **table:** add expandAll/collapseAll function close [#333]( ([391da9e](
2021-03-14 10:20:57 +08:00
# [2.1.0]( (2021-03-15)
### Bug Fixes
- **button:** fix button style error close [#312]( ([7a6c87f](
- **menu:** fix hideMenu not working close [#338]( ([5b2fbfb](
- **page-wraper:** fix PageWrapper the scroll bar on the right side of the content area when the user clicks on the tab page to reload the page ([#341]( ([fcff2cb](
- **page-wrapper:** fix PageWrapper title not showing ([9e3adaa](
- **table:** ensure that editable cell values are echoed correctly close [#335]( ([fab7a6c](
- **table:** ensure that the height calculation is normal close [#349]( ([6095cb5](
- **table:** ensure that the table height is correct when the data is empty ([53867a8](
- **table:** ensure that the value of the table action is updated correctly close [#301]( [#313]( ([7156e47](
- **table:** fix table height calculation problem ([0fe42a0](, closes [#348](
- **table:** fix table row misalignment close [#353]( ([e15737b](
- **table:** fix TableAction row height error close [#350]( ([a759e44](
- **transition:** fix transition not work close [#334]( ([7d8b8db](
- **tree:** ebsure the expansion is functioning properly close [#362]( ([a405de8](
- **tree:** tree can customize title close [#344]( ([ed422b7](
- **useTableScroll:** query paginationel every time to get the correct height ([#355]( ([f818bb9](
### Features
- **icon:** added svg icon picker ([1418dc6](
- **map:** added AMap/Baidu/Google Map example close [#81]( ([a9462f0](
- **time:** added time compoennt close [#285]( ([a89eeef](
### Performance Improvements
- **icon:** icon and SvgIcon integration ([e8fe6a9](
2021-03-07 23:51:02 +08:00
## [2.0.3]( (2021-03-07)
### Bug Fixes
- **breadcrumb:** ensure that the single-level breadcrumbs jump correctly close [#321]( ([e0dc5cf](
- **description:** ensure that props respond ([ce93e46](
- **form:** allow the setFieldsValue method to be null or undefined close [#320]( ([8f76ef4](
- **form:** ensure that the Form component does not verify hidden form items ([43a45b7](
- **form:** fix the problem of form props monitoring close [#322]( ([83a3460](
- **menu:** fix menu icon missing close [#328]( ([d5d4c4b](
- **table:** fix pagination error ([745fcfc](
- **tree:** fix the logic problem of show attribute of ActionItem under BasicTree ([80b47c8](
### Features
- add SvgIcon component ([9c2a2a0](
- **tree:** add clickRowToExpand option close [#318]( ([e696089](
### Performance Improvements
- optimize local loading speed close [#329]( ([491f1fc](
- **login:** enter to log in ([b93f20f](
- **table:** the table fills the height according to the screen close [#310]( ([551fe50](
2021-03-04 01:29:04 +08:00
## [2.0.2]( (2021-03-03)
### Bug Fixes
- change transition-duration to make animate smoothly ([#294]( ([5eac9b2](
- ensure that storage is deleted correctly close [#292]( ([ec7bef7](
- ensure that the correct components are dynamically imported ([b476e1c](
- ensure to request the interface correctly ([11d3f39](
- expose tree information in the event close [#315]( ([b6bb816](
- fix login page style ([7b4fcd2](
- improve persistent cache logic ([15567e4](
- **dashboard:** fix workbench page style ([#280]( ([7d9b521](
- **image:** fix preview style close [#276]( ([f675fff](
- **login:** fix login style close [#306]( ([a84586e](
- **modal:** ensure that the height is correct in the modal full screen state close [#308]( ([37508ca](
- **style:** fix anticon style ([e250ad5](
- **table:** ensure the table setting button dividing line is hidden ([7c2f851](
- **table:** fix known errors in editable tables close [#267]( ([4f8e1c1](
- **table:** get the selected rows of the table correctly ([6013689](
- **watermark:** watermark causes a blank bar ([#297]( ([66fc1b7](
### Features
- added system management sample page ([4628d94](
- **icon-picker:** add icon-picker component ([b6cea4a](
- **moda;:** can switch full screen by double-clicking on the head close [#277]( ([e3851dc](
- **tree:** actionItem added show attribute close [#314]( ([8b62fa0](
- **tree:** add renderIcon props close [#309]( ([72b42d7](
- **ws:** added WebSocket examples and service scripts ([c625462](
- add dept management page ([3b8ca42](
- added settingButtonPosition configuration close [#275]( ([da04913](
- axios supports form-data format requests ([c41fa75](
### Performance Improvements
- **tree:** strengthen BasicTree function ([cd8e924](
- hide table full screen button by default ([500900a](
- imporve axios logic ([a821d9a](
- improve login logic ([a09a0ee](
- improve persistent logic ([f57eb94](
- move src/types to root ([fcee7d4](
- remove useless code ([be3a3ed](
- replace crypto-es with crypto-js ([bba7768](
2021-02-21 22:40:45 +08:00
## [2.0.1]( (2021-02-21)
### Bug Fixes
- **dashboard:** fix workbench page style ([#280]( ([7d9b521](
- **image:** fix preview style close [#276]( ([f675fff](
- **style:** fix anticon style ([e250ad5](
- **table:** fix known errors in editable tables close [#267]( ([4f8e1c1](
### Features
- **moda;:** can switch full screen by double-clicking on the head close [#277]( ([e3851dc](
- added settingButtonPosition configuration close [#275]( ([da04913](
# [2.0.0]( (2021-02-17)
### Bug Fixes
- **i18n:** fix useMessage i18n type [#262]( ([d753155](
- **table:** fix the table in the editable row status and press Enter to confirm [#258]( ([64533f6](
- correct debugger code ([759e532](
- some color error ([33b2365](
- **description:** not rendering while show method return false ([#253]( ([23eba27](, closes [#252](
- fix collapse header title not rendering ([#256]( ([c81d48e](
- **pop-confirm-button:** fix responsive failure [#246]( ([c57dea0](
- fix the problem of mock error under post [#247]( ([9b6f37c](
- suppoer build sourcemap ([3ba8285](
- **type:** fix .vue file type error ([22088e8](
- **upload:** fix maxNumber not work [#240]( ([91e004e](
### Features
- added brotli|gzip compression and related test commands ([993538d](
- support echarts 5.0 ([370b12f](
- **modal:** exporse redoModalHeight ([a3a903b](
### Performance Improvements
- adjust the return value of the interface to obtain user information in array format [#259]( ([5894093](
- remove unless code ([2365754](
- update style ([aaae668](
# [2.0.0-rc.18]( (2021-02-04)
### Bug Fixes
- **build:** fix rollup compact not work ([783e658](
- **descriotion:** fix type [#228]( ([4909a4c](
- **form:** format destructuring assignment error ([#238]( ([612995a](
- **menu:** fix the menu outside link does not jump ([55d4b77](
- **menu:** top submenu disappeared problem [#214]( ([0ec1a62](
- **modal:** fullscreen height calculation error [#203]( ([b45f8c5](
- **moment:** fix moment error [#217]( ([61cf0f7](
- **ripple:** fix ripple style [#211]( ([2201629](
- **table:** fix the table: cancel editing and not restore the initial value [#235]( ([1d0ec36](
- modifyVars not work ([b107b52](
- **optimize-deps:** fix resize-observer-polyfill error ([1fac4b4](
- **simple-menu:** collapse openmenus error [#204]( ([ca4f1a8](
- **table:** cell content does not wrap [#210]( ([ea93553](
- **table:** fix the initial data display of editable cells ([#218]( ([9ea257e](
- **use-table:** fix types ([c889fb1](
- error action style ([da64c1d](
### Features
- production mode compressed image ([de332ae](
- theme color switch ([3d1681e](
- vite preview ([c1a4600](
- **api-select:** added numberToString prop [#200]( ([5d51d48](
### Performance Improvements
- **form:** perf form in modal ([2882d6e](
- **mock:** when mock is not used, move mock.js out of the package file ([43503d5](
- **nprocess:** remove nprocess css ([733afdd](
### Reverts
- vite previre ([2eb2d2a](
# [2.0.0-rc.17]( (2021-01-18)
### Bug Fixes
- **menu:** currentActiveMenu fails after refresh [#188]( ([6d5c49f](
- **menu-trigger:** menu-trigger lost ([b803c41](
- **mitt:** logout and clear the mitt ([0aeec5e](
- **table:** index column value error [#187]( ([056fc13](
- **table:** tableAction icon [#182]( ([b9d53a7](
### Features
- css import on demand ([c2f6542](
### Performance Improvements
- auto import mock file ([df6b5e9](
# [2.0.0-rc.16]( (2021-01-12)
### Bug Fixes
- **table:** table setting error [#174]( [#165]( ([c960020](
- mock plugin error [#171]( ([3509ebe](
- upload component not work [#169]( ([18ad1bc](
- useI18n type ([c22de5c](
- **form:** formAction slot not work ([de5bf75](
- **layout:** fix layout scale error ([da76f3c](
- **modal:** height calc error [#161]( ([144ab57](
- **table:** fix edit-table not work ([c031163](
- **table:** fix table setting error [#162]( ([a2c89d2](
- **table:** restore the property of the table ([5c27353](
- **table:** table columns setting error ([af55511](
- **table:** table columns setting will uncheck all render columns [#154]( ([aa596af](
- **table:** table memory overflow ([7a07b70](
- **transition:** fix transition not work ([a7a8b89](
- invalid error-log page path ([#158]( ([17ecaea](
### Features
- **tinymce:** add image upload [#170]( ([3ad1a4f](
- added mixSide trigger ([1e5fcd2](
- support vite2 ([eba5576](
- **layout:** added setting. Used to fix the left mixed mode menu ([97180e8](
- **menu:** add mixSideTrigger setting ([0419a07](
- **modal:** add minHeight and height prop [#156]( ([5091a87](
- **page-wrapper:** added pageWrapper component ([31ff055](
- **table:** add summaryData prop [#163]( ([8d7d083](
- **tabs:** added tab folding ([0e7c57b](
### Performance Improvements
- perf table ([cdf0a60](
- **i18n:** merge common lang ([efbde0d](
- add @ant-design/icons-vue to optimizeDeps ([fb57cf7](
- **menu:** mixSideTrigger setting ([#155]( ([e821f4c](
# [2.0.0-rc.15]( (2020-12-31)
### Bug Fixes
- **build:** fix environment variable configuration file failure ([bd7b53f](
- **charts:** fix echarts does not display after refresh [#140]( ([5cbfb2a](
- **demo:** fix demo error ([a0681cc](
- **form:** fix appendSchemaByField not work ([405d746](
- **form:** form validate error ([a305e59](
- **form:** form-item style error ([08df198](
- **iframe:** iframe loads early when closing multi-tabs ([73cee06](
- **locale:** fix not work ([10cd4fc](
- **menu:** fix scrillbar not work ([de25557](
- **modal:** do not hide the scroll bar when opening the pop-up window [#151]( ([8f332e3](
- **sider:** mix mode adaptation in the left menu ([ed213d8](
- **table:** Update useDataSource.ts ([#131]( ([877311f](
- **table:** wrong tag label style [#134]( ([e09e0a1](
- **tinymce:** the editor reports an error under keep-alive [#152]( ([09c9f8a](
- **types:** fix routing type error [#145]( ([b6e5c3f](
- add an example of markdown embedded in the form [#138]( ([7db0c5c](
### Features
- **breadcrumb:** add breadcrumb demo [#143]( ([819bcbe](
- **hook:** add useKeyPress ([3c3e640](
- add mainout page demo ([930383f](
- **layout:** add mix sidebar mode ([e6db0d3](
- add ripple directive ([2e79c9f](
### Performance Improvements
- **form:** improve the form function ([ac1a369](
- **import:** perf components import ([2ee01fa](
- **modal-drawer:** replace the scrollbar assembly ([ebf7c8a](
- **route:** refactor guard ([3b126e0](
- Update useApexCharts.ts ([#139]( ([5eecec0](
# [2.0.0-rc.14]( (2020-12-15)
### Bug Fixes
- **form:** fix the form item setting not taking effect ([6936adb](
- **router:** reserving `Redirect` after reset ([#126]( ([ec7efcf](
- fix modal and drawer component missing uid ([1293a73](
- **comp:** fix the memory overflow problem of component containing keywords ([6b3195b](
- **form:** fix baseColProps not work ([c8ef82b](
- **form:** fix form inputNumber verification error ([4ddee05](
- **form:** fix form verification and console error message issues ([bb1b267](
- **icon:** fix g-icon not work ([f7ec3c9](
- **keep-alive:** fix the problem that the multi-level routing cache page is rendered multiple times [#123]( ([0daca28](
- **login:** fix the problem of successful login and notify disappearing ([0434030](
- **menu:** calc 0 不能省略单位 ([#124]( ([d023fb1](
- **menu:** fix externalLink not work ([7bae4c3](
- **menu:** fix menu icon style ([1bc237d](
- **menu:** fix menu split mode problem ([1ef49e5](
- **theme:** css filter breaking fixed position ([#125]( ([c911af4](
- 整体图标调整 ([5dc8226](
- file upload key loss [#120]( ([29461a8](
- **menu:** fix the calculation error of the top menu width ([de1f006](
- **table:** fix table setting error ([59ad824](
- **table:** fix unsuccessful saving of row edit table ([#117]( ([404db2f](
- **upload:** fix file upload key loss [#120]( ([fb5395b](
- **upload:** repair file upload and delete invalidation ([bd6b203](
- fix cssVar hmr error ([2b95be8](
- fix descriotions title not work ([819127e](
- fix form submit error ([94bf854](
- fix form validate error ([1db72c8](
- fix keepAlive not work ([b884654](
- fix menu style not work ([bda3e5d](
- fix mock data error [#109]( ([41a4b82](
- fix notify type error ([cb1ae34](
- fix spelling errors of i18n words ([68a96b7](
- fix spin style ([fca0bb1](
- fix table column settings not displayed by setting ([54d1405](
- fix the display problem of table icon ([de499a1](
- fix the original page after login expired ([6676c95](
- fix win system dynamicImport error ([a90d93f](
- page switching did not return to the top ([fef3644](
- pageLoading not working ([3f78b5a](
- style error ([7bfe5f7](
- **charts:** fix useCharts resize not work ([6d9585b](
- **form:** fix updateSchema error [#100]( ([4982786](
- 修复链接 ([#49]( ([28392c3](
- fix editable cells cannot be entered ([4500214](
- fix expandTransition ([3355066](
- fix fullscreen bg color not work ([#75]( ([0c28ffa](
- **table:** fix table typo ([69af37e](
- fix menu permission failure ([b8353fe](
- fix message type error ([35d2bfc](
- fix the problem of closing multiple tabs ([275ad9f](
- **mock:** fix mock paging tool error ([b36d948](
- **table:** fix table search criteria collapse failure ([84b8302](
- fix missing cache of refresh page ([02d6a39](
- fix npm build error ([a3b7a65](
- fix table small style ([#67]( ([da4aea1](
- **table:** fix table type error ([05980a8](
- build error ([7bd0b8e](
- fix abnormal breadcrumb status ([144fde8](
- fix base-help style not work ([1fb759e](
- fix drawer autoHeight ([88de82c](
- fix missing page refresh parameters ([349d197](
- fix modal dragging failure when destroyOnClose=true ([#51]( ([9c02d8e](
- fix npm script ([b84de1a](
- fix require error ([06e1d38](
- fix routing switch, tab is not activated ([beb4c3a](
- fix script preview no build ([c2333f5](
- fix table auto height ([ddc3786](
- fix the failure of table expansion icon animation ([8e885d6](
- fix the failure of table expansion icon animation ([db06289](
- fix the problem of folding display name of the first level menu ([e3cbc93](
- fix the problem of page blank caused by page refresh ([7653610](
- fix the style problem of the table border in the production environment ([f2c7638](
- fix the top menu adaptive failure ([2f12556](
- fix window npm script ([a0b09e7](
- form col style ([840332a](
- some error ([2407b33](
- **modal:** fix modal not showing footer ([fb0c776](
- **tree:** fix tree style ([#99]( ([e8ccdc7](
- **use-redo:** refresh the page to keep the parameters([#104]( ([e04aaa0](
- fix the disappearance of tab switching parameters ([#56]( ([6bffdb5](
- fix the occupancy problem of the folding button ([#90]( ([cd35d3e](
- fix the problem of collapsed display when the menu has no child nodes ([5cff73b](
- fix topMenu align not work ([25d43a5](
- fix useTimeoutFn not work ([b49950a](
- hmr multiple registered components ([7a6181e](
- repair local development post request proxy to https error problem ([#63]( ([34c09fc](
- repair packaging error ([526e6ce](
- Repair tree component click to select ([#33]( ([67df9b8](
- replace taskfile module ([e828baa](
- reset back to default value after fixing form query ([1c075a7](
- the action column appears repeatedly in the table ([#53]( ([74d4742](
- the login tab page in tabs ([#60]( ([bfac425](
- the useMessage icon style problem ([a2c413a](
- type error ([ecfb702](
- typo ([7658f4d](
- update account page demo ([#92]( ([9f8796e](
- update upload component ([815250e](
- **excel:** update excel demo ([a207caf](
- **table:** fix table actionColOptions not work ([5a6db8c](
- **table:** fix table type error ([db0bfc8](
- **table:** fix the problem that multi-level header configuration does not take effect ([cdf2c59](
- **tinymce:** fixed multiple editors showing only one ([#83]( ([1093ec3](
### Features
- add account center page ([#86]( ([78d4d41](
- add accountSetting page ([#85]( ([7ad4cee](
- add basic-list page ([2f75a94](
- add card-list page ([3a132f3](
- add collapsedShowTitle setting ([5737e47](
- add count-to component and demo ([afc7263](
- add design setting ([bae53f3](
- add error handle ([7101587](
- add file download demo ([db3092d](
- add lazyContainer comp and demo ([fdeaa00](
- add markdown component ([5fb069f](
- add notice ([#47]( ([7a1e94c](
- add permissionCacheType setting ([26b6109](
- add pwa ([a1b9902](
- add ([#37]( ([7437896](
- add result page demo ([21e0548](
- add search page ([dddda5b](
- add search-list page ([4cb3784](
- add tab drag and drop sort ([cedba37](
- add table setting ([8b3a4d3](
- add tag display to the menu ([a3887f8](
- add the parameter sortFn to the table ([491ba9a](
- add the parameter submitOnReset to the form ([#54]( ([d09406e](
- add tinymce embedded form example ([58f988a](
- add useDesign ([74e62cb](
- added base64 file stream download ([a161bfa](
- auto import route ([8a1bfdf](
- axios add joinTime field ([f646e37](
- first screen loading waiting animation ([4811cce](
- global loading add text ([4f98978](
- integrate upload components into form by default ([be2b8a7](
- multi-language component ([dc09de1](
- multi-language layout ([e5f8ce3](
- multi-language support ([1901129](
- new menu and top bar color selection color matching ([7692ffb](
- projectSetting add closeMessageOnSwitch and removeAllHttpPending ([e83cb06](
- restore the breadcrumb display icon function ([f65bed7](
- right-click menu supports multiple levels ([f645680](
- routes with parameters can be cached ([90b3fab](
- support mobile layout adaptation ([c774a6d](
- support vscode i18n-ally plugin ([962f90d](
- the cache can be configured to be encrypted ([234c1d1](
- **analysis:** add analysis page ([52ee35c](
- **breadcrumb:** support showIcon ([#48]( ([d8b25b4](
- **chart:** add useEcharts and useApexChart demo ([21d0ed9](
- **desc-page:** add desc page demo ([7a00036](
- **excel:** import/export ([#40]( ([c0692b0](
- **form:** support function type of form item ([5832ee6](
- **form-page:** add form page demo ([0b6110a](
- **from:** add required in schema ([2859067](
- **tinymce:** add line height ([#58]( ([adffefd](
- **tinymce:** add rich editor ([c0e4c9e](
- **transition:** add transition comp and demo ([3713487](
- **trigger:** add trigger config ([4f6b65b](
- the Button component extends the and attributes ([8f5016e](
- the production environment can be dynamically configured ([bb3b8f8](
- **workbench:** add workbench page ([1cd75fc](
### Performance Improvements
- **setting-drawer:** perf setting-drawer ([ed41e50](
- **tabs:** perf multiple-tabs ([f81c401](
- **tabs:** perf multiple-tabs ([27e50b4](
- Add the style injection of the top row to the form. ([#102]( ([b9d3d60](
- adjust the logic of ([b350098](
- code style ([f96d6b2](
- enhance openModal and openDrawer ([b6d5e5c](
- layout code adjustment ([4392917](
- layout style optimization ([7702832](
- mobile style adjustment ([1899146](
- optimize lazy loading components ([87fcd0d](
- optimize multiple-tab switching effect ([f2bdf0b](
- optimize preview and ContextMenu functions ([bbfb06f](
- optimize settingDrawer code ([4ff6b73](
- optimize tab switching speed ([4baf90a](
- optimize the size of the first screen ([968f791](
- optimized page switching effect ([5f2a927](
- perf component ([73c8e0c](
- perf context menu ([6e03e05](
- perf excel comp code ([eecde4c](
- perf loading logic ([f4621cc](
- perf menu ([88f4a3f](
- perf menu mini style ([66acb21](
- perf modal and drawer ([81baf1d](
- tsx use useExpose ([9bb7514](
- **button:** delete the button component useless code ([bdce845](
- **drawer:** perf drawer ([28f7f7b](
- **lazy-container:** optimize lazyContainer code ([0f4b847](
- **logo:** optimize logo code ([e79e540](
- **menu:** optimize layout menu ([96c10d6](
- **modal:** optimize table embedding height calculation problem ([9abf176](
- **strength-meter:** modify name word ([#38]( ([19477cd](
- **table:** optimize effect performance ([a1ffb61](
- **upload:** improve upload component ([661db0c](
- **use-message:** fix typo ([bcab4b7](
- perf TableAction ([4b384b1](
- performance optimization ([70fba7e](
- pwa icon ([404c73d](
- remove optional chain ([e034d1b](
- review tinymce code ([f75425d](
- set cache default time ([c620f82](
- tabs optimization ([6e40051](
- the existing tab switching no longer displays animation and processbar ([e9536b5](
- the routeModule can ignore the layou configuration without writing ([4c658f4](
- update form types ([a0c3197](
### Reverts
- **table:** revert form type annotation ([261936b](
# [2.0.0-beta.3]( (2020-10-07)
### Features
- **setting:** add openNProgress setting ([67d0ff0](
- **table:** add table component ([faf3f46](
# [2.0.0-beta.2]( (2020-10-07)
### Features
- **img-preview:** add imgPreview componnt ([e6093aa](
# [2.0.0-beta.1]( (2020-09-30)
### Bug Fixes
- fix form,transition,build bug ([2f268ca](