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# Structs
So far, all of the data types we’ve seen allow us to have a single value
at a time. `struct`s give us the ability to package up multiple values and
keep them in one related structure.
Let’s write a program which calculates the distance between two points.
We’ll start off with single variable bindings, and then refactor it to
use `struct`s instead.
Let’s make a new project with Cargo:
$ cargo new --bin points
$ cd points
Here’s a short program which calculates the distance between two points. Put
it into your `src/main.rs`:
fn main() {
let x1 = 0.0;
let y1 = 5.0;
let x2 = 12.0;
let y2 = 0.0;
let answer = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2);
println!("Point 1: ({}, {})", x1, y1);
println!("Point 2: ({}, {})", x2, y2);
println!("Distance: {}", answer);
fn distance(x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> f64 {
let x_squared = f64::powi(x2 - x1, 2);
let y_squared = f64::powi(y2 - y1, 2);
f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
Let's try running this program with `cargo run`:
$ cargo run
Compiling points v0.1.0 (file:///projects/points)
Running `target/debug/points`
Point 1: (0, 5)
Point 2: (12, 0)
Distance: 13
Let's take a quick look at `distance()` before we move forward:
fn distance(x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> f64 {
let x_squared = f64::powi(x2 - x1, 2);
let y_squared = f64::powi(y2 - y1, 2);
f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
To find the distance between two points, we can use the Pythagorean Theorem.
The theorem is named after Pythagoras, who was the first person to mathematically
prove this formula. The details aren't that important, to be honest. There's a few
things that we haven't discussed yet, though.
f64::powi(2.0, 3)
The double colon (`::`) here is a namespace operator. We haven’t talked about
modules yet, but you can think of the `powi()` function as being scoped inside
of another name. In this case, the name is `f64`, the same as the type. The
`powi()` function takes two arguments: the first is a number, and the second is
the power that it raises that number to. In this case, the second number is an
integer, hence the ‘i’ in its name. Similarly, `sqrt()` is a function under the
`f64` module, which takes the square root of its argument.
## Why `struct`s?
Our little program is okay, but we can do better. The key is in the signature
of `distance()`:
fn distance(x1: f64, y1: f64, x2: f64, y2: f64) -> f64 {
The distance function is supposed to calculate the distance between two points.
But our distance function calculates some distance between four numbers. The
first two and last two arguments are related, but that’s not expressed anywhere
in our program itself. We need a way to group `(x1, y1)` and `(x2, y2)`
We’ve already discussed one way to do that: tuples. Here’s a version of our program
which uses tuples:
fn main() {
let p1 = (0.0, 5.0);
let p2 = (12.0, 0.0);
let answer = distance(p1, p2);
println!("Point 1: {:?}", p1);
println!("Point 2: {:?}", p2);
println!("Distance: {}", answer);
fn distance(p1: (f64, f64), p2: (f64, f64)) -> f64 {
let x_squared = f64::powi(p2.0 - p1.0, 2);
let y_squared = f64::powi(p2.1 - p1.1, 2);
f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
This is a little better, for sure. Tuples let us add a little bit of structure.
We’re now passing two arguments, so that’s more clear. But it’s also worse.
Tuples don’t give names to their elements, and so our calculation has gotten
much more confusing:
p2.0 - p1.0
p2.1 - p1.1
When writing this example, your authors almost got it wrong themselves! Distance
is all about `x` and `y` points, but now it’s all about `0` and `1`. This isn’t
Enter `struct`s. We can transform our tuples into something with a name:
let p1 = (0.0, 5.0);
struct Point {
x: f64,
y: f64,
let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 5.0 };
Here’s what declaring a `struct` looks like:
struct NAME {
The `NAME: TYPE` bit is called a ‘field’, and we can have as many or as few of
them as you’d like. If you have none of them, drop the `{}`s:
struct Foo;
`struct`s with no fields are called ‘unit structs’, and are used in certain
advanced situations. We will just ignore them for now.
You can access the field of a struct in the same way you access an element of
a tuple, except you use its name:
let p1 = (0.0, 5.0);
let x = p1.0;
struct Point {
x: f64,
y: f64,
let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 5.0 };
let x = p1.x;
Let’s convert our program to use our `Point` `struct`. Here’s what it looks
like now:
struct Point {
x: f64,
y: f64,
fn main() {
let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 5.0};
let p2 = Point { x: 12.0, y: 0.0};
let answer = distance(p1, p2);
println!("Point 1: {:?}", p1);
println!("Point 2: {:?}", p2);
println!("Distance: {}", answer);
fn distance(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> f64 {
let x_squared = f64::powi(p2.x - p1.x, 2);
let y_squared = f64::powi(p2.y - p1.y, 2);
f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
Our function signature for `distance()` now says exactly what we mean: it
calculates the distance between two `Point`s. And rather than `0` and `1`,
we’ve got back our `x` and `y`. This is a win for clarity.
There’s one other thing that’s a bit strange here, this annotation on our
`struct` declaration:
struct Point {
We haven’t yet talked about traits, but we did talk about `Debug` when we
discussed arrays. This `derive` attribute allows us to tweak the behavior of
our `Point`. In this case, we are opting into copy semantics, and everything
that implements `Copy` must implement `Clone`.
# Method Syntax
In the last section on ownership, we made several references to ‘methods’.
Methods look like this:
let s1 = String::from("hello");
// call a method on our String
let s2 = s1.clone();
println!("{}", s1);
The call to `clone()` is attatched to `s1` with a dot. This is called ‘method
syntax’, and it’s a way to call certain functions with a different style.
Why have two ways to call functions? We’ll talk about some deeper reasons
related to ownership in a moment, but one big reason is that methods look nicer
when chained together:
// with functions
// with methods
The nested-functions version reads in reverse: we call `f()`, then `g()`, then
`h()`, but it reads as `h()`, then `g()`, then `f()`.
Before we get into the details, let’s talk about how to define your own
## Defining methods
We can define methods with the `impl` keyword. `impl` is short for
‘implementation’. Doing so looks like this:
struct Point {
x: f64,
y: f64,
impl Point {
fn distance(&self, other: &Point) -> f64 {
let x_squared = f64::powi(other.x - self.x, 2);
let y_squared = f64::powi(other.y - self.y, 2);
f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };
let p2 = Point { x: 5.0, y: 6.5 };
assert_eq!(8.200609733428363, p1.distance(&p2));
Let’s break this down. First, we have our `Point` struct from earlier in the
chapter. Next comes our first use of the `impl` keyword:
# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
# struct Point {
# x: f64,
# y: f64,
# }
impl Point {
# fn distance(&self, other: &Point) -> f64 {
# let x_squared = f64::powi(other.x - self.x, 2);
# let y_squared = f64::powi(other.y - self.y, 2);
# f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
# }
# let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };
# let p2 = Point { x: 5.0, y: 6.5 };
# assert_eq!(8.200609733428363, p1.distance(&p2));
Everything we put inside of the curly braces will be methods implemented on
# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
# struct Point {
# x: f64,
# y: f64,
# }
# impl Point {
fn distance(&self, other: &Point) -> f64 {
# let x_squared = f64::powi(other.x - self.x, 2);
# let y_squared = f64::powi(other.y - self.y, 2);
# f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
# }
# let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };
# let p2 = Point { x: 5.0, y: 6.5 };
# assert_eq!(8.200609733428363, p1.distance(&p2));
Next is our definition. This looks very similar to our previous definition of
`distance()` as a function:
# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
# struct Point {
# x: f64,
# y: f64,
# }
fn distance(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> f64 {
# let x_squared = f64::powi(p2.x - p1.x, 2);
# let y_squared = f64::powi(p2.y - p1.y, 2);
# f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
# }
Other than this, the rest of the example is familliar: an implementation of
`distance()`, and using the method to find an answer.
There are two differences. The first is in the first argument. Instead of a name
and a type, we have written `&self`. This is what distinguishes a method from a
function: using `self` inside of an `impl` block. Because we already know that
we are implementing this method on `Point`, we don’t need to write the type of
`self` out. However, we have written `&self`, not only `self`. This is because
we want to take our argument by reference rather than by ownership. In other
words, these two forms are the same:
fn foo(self: &Point)
fn foo(&self)
Just like any other parameter, you can take `self` in three forms. Here’s the
list, with the most common form first:
fn foo(&self) // take self by reference
fn foo(&mut self) // take self by mutable reference
fn foo(self) // take self by ownership
In this case, we only need a reference. We don’t plan on taking ownership, and
we don’t need to mutate either point. Taking by reference is by far the most
common form of method, followed by a mutable reference, and then occasionally
by ownership.
### Methods and automatic referencing
We’ve left out an important detail. It’s in this line of the example:
# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
# struct Point {
# x: f64,
# y: f64,
# }
# impl Point {
# fn distance(&self, other: &Point) -> f64 {
# let x_squared = f64::powi(other.x - self.x, 2);
# let y_squared = f64::powi(other.y - self.y, 2);
# f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
# }
# }
# let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };
# let p2 = Point { x: 5.0, y: 6.5 };
assert_eq!(8.200609733428363, p1.distance(&p2));
When we defined `distance()`, we took both `self` and the other argument by
reference. Yet, we needed a `&` for `p2` but not `p1`. What gives?
This feature is called ‘automatic referencing’, and calling methods is one
of the few places in Rust that has behavior like this. Here’s how it works:
when you call a method with `self.(`, Rust will automatically add in `&`s
or `&mut`s to match the signature. In other words, these three are the same:
# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
# struct Point {
# x: f64,
# y: f64,
# }
# impl Point {
# fn distance(&self, other: &Point) -> f64 {
# let x_squared = f64::powi(other.x - self.x, 2);
# let y_squared = f64::powi(other.y - self.y, 2);
# f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
# }
# }
# let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };
# let p2 = Point { x: 5.0, y: 6.5 };
Point::distance(&p1, &p2);
The first one looks much, much cleaner. Here’s another example:
let mut s = String::from("Hello,");
s.push_str(" world!");
// The above is the same as:
// (&mut s).push_str(" world!");
assert_eq!("Hello, world!", s);
Because [`push_str()`] has the following signature:
fn push_str(&mut self, string: &str) {
[`push_str()`]: http://doc.rust-lang.org/collections/string/struct.String.html#method.push_str
This automatic referencing behavior works because methods have a clear receiver
— the type of `self` — and in most cases it’s clear given the receiver and name
of a method whether the method is just reading (so needs `&self`), mutating (so
`&mut self`), or consuming (so `self`). The fact that Rust makes borrowing
implicit for method receivers is a big part of making ownership ergonomic in
## Methods can be called like functions
Furthermore, if we have a method, we can also call it like a function:
# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
# struct Point {
# x: f64,
# y: f64,
# }
# impl Point {
# fn distance(&self, other: &Point) -> f64 {
# let x_squared = f64::powi(other.x - self.x, 2);
# let y_squared = f64::powi(other.y - self.y, 2);
# f64::sqrt(x_squared + y_squared)
# }
# }
# let p1 = Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 };
# let p2 = Point { x: 5.0, y: 6.5 };
let d1 = p1.distance(&p2);
let d2 = Point::distance(&p1, &p2);
assert_eq!(d1, d2);
Instead of using `self.(`, we use `Point` and the namespace operator to call it
like a function instead. Because functions do not do the automatic referencing,
we must pass in `&p1` explicitly.
While methods can be called like functions, functions cannot be called like
methods. If the first argument isn’t named `self`, it cannot be called like a
# Generics
We've been working with a `Point` struct that looks like this:
struct Point {
x: f64,
y: f64,
But what if we didn't want to always use an `f64` here? What about an `f32` for
when we need less precision? Or an `i32` if we only want integer coordinates?
While our simple `Point` struct may be a bit too simple to bother making
generic in a real application, we're going to stick with it to show you the
syntax. Especially when building library code, generics allow for more code
re-use, and unlock a lot of powerful techniques.
## Generic data types
'Generics' let us write code that allows for several different types, while
letting us have one definition. A more generic `Point` would look like this:
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
There are two changes here, and they both involve this new `T`. The first change
is in the definition:
# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
struct Point<T> {
# x: T,
# y: T,
# }
Our previous definition said, "We are defining a struct named Point." This
definition says something slightly different: "We are defining a struct named
Point with one type parameter `T`."
Let's talk about this term 'type parameter'. We've already seen one other thing
called a 'parameter' in Rust: function parameters:
fn plus_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
x + 1
Here, `x` is a parameter to this function. We can call this function with a
different value, and `x` will change each time it's called:
# fn plus_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
# x + 1
# }
let six = plus_one(5);
let eleven = plus_one(10);
In the same way, a type parameter allows us to define a data type which can be
different each time we use it:
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
let integral_point = Point { x: 5, y: 5 };
let floating_point = Point { x: 5.0, y: 5.0 };
Here, `integral_point` uses `i32` values for `T`, and `floating_point` uses
`f64` values. This also leads us to talk about the second change we made to `Point`:
# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
# struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
# }
Instead of saying `x: i32`, we say `x: T`. This `T` is the same one that we
used above in the struct declaration. Because `x` and `y` both use `T`, they'll
be the same type. We could give them different types:
struct Point<T, OtherT> {
x: T,
y: OtherT,
let different = Point { x: 5, y: 5.0 };
let same = Point { x: 5.0, y: 5.0 };
Here, instead of a single parameter, `T`, we have two: `T` and `OtherT`. Type
parameters have the same naming convention as other types: `CamelCase`.
However, you'll often see short, one-letter names used for types. `T` is very
common, because it's short for 'type', but you can name them something longer
if you'd like. In this version of `Point`, we say that `x` has the type `T`,
and `y` has the type `OtherT`. This lets us give them two different types, but
they don't have to be.
## Generic functions
Regular old functions can also take generic parameters, with a syntax that looks
very similar:
fn foo<T>(x: T) {
// ...
This `foo()` function has one generic parameter, `T`, and takes one argument,
`x`, which has the type `T`. Let's talk a little bit more about what this means.
## Generic methods
We've seen how to define methods with the `impl` keyword. Our generic `Point`
can have generic methods, too:
struct Point<T> {
x: T,
y: T,
impl<T> Point<T> {
fn some_method(&self) {
// ...
We also need the `<T>` after `impl`. This line reads, "We will be implementing
methods with one generic type parameter, `T`, for a type, `Point`, which takes
one generic type `T`." In a sense, the `impl<T>` says "we will be using a type
`T`" and the `Point<T>` says "that `T` is used for `Point`." In this simple
case, this syntax can feel a bit redundant, but when we get into some of Rust's
more advanced features later, this distinction will become more useful.
## There's more to the story
This section covered the basic syntax of generics, but it's not the full story.
For example, let's try to implement our `foo()` function: we'll have it print out
the value of `x`:
fn foo<T>(x: T) {
println!("x is: {}", x);
We'll get an error:
error: the trait `core::fmt::Display` is not implemented for the type `T` [E0277]
println!("x is: {}", x);
We can't print out `x`! The error messages reference something we talked about
breifly before, the `Display` trait. In order to implement this function, we
need to talk about traits. But we only need to talk about traits to implement
our own generic functions; we don't need this understanding to use them. So
rather than get into more details about this right now, let's talk about other
useful Rust data types, and we can come back to implementing generic functions
in the chapter about traits.
For now, the important bits to understand:
* Generic type parameters are kind of like function parameters, but for types
instead of values.
* Type parameters go inside `<>`s and are usually named things like `T`.
With that, let's talk about another fundamental Rust data type: enums.
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# Enums
Next, let’s look at a feature of Rust that’s similar to structs, but also
different. Enumerations, or ‘enums’ as they’re more commonly referred to,
are an extremely powerful feature of Rust. Enums are a feature that are in many
languages, but what they can do is different per-language. Rust’s enums are
most similar to enums in functional languages.
Here’s an example of an enum:
enum IpAddrKind {
This enum represents the kind of an IP address. There are two major standards
used for IP addresses: version four, and version six. Any IP address can be either
a version four address, or a version six address. But it cannot be both kinds at
the same time. This is where enums get their name: they allow us to enumerate all
of the possible kinds that our value can have.
We can create values of `IpAddrKind` like this:
# enum IpAddrKind {
# V4,
# V6,
# }
let four = IpAddrKind::V4;
let six = IpAddrKind::V6;
Note that the variants of the enum are namespaced under its name, and we use
the double colon to separate the two.
Enums have more tricks up their sleeves, however. Thinking more about our IP
address type, we don’t have a way to store the actual data of the IP address,
we only know what kind it is. Given that you just learned about structs, you
might tackle this problem like this:
enum IpAddrKind {
struct IpAddr {
kind: IpAddrKind,
address: String,
let home = IpAddr {
kind: IpAddrKind::V4,
address: String::from(""),
let loopback = IpAddr {
kind: IpAddrKind::V6,
address: String::from("::1"),
We’ve used a struct to bundle the two values together: now we keep the kind
with the value itself. This design isn’t bad, exactly, but it wouldn’t be
considered idiomatic Rust. We can represent the same thing with just an enum:
enum IpAddr {
let home = IpAddr::V4(String::from(""));
let loopback = IpAddr::V6(String::from("::1"));
We can attach data to each variant of the enum directly. No need for an extra
struct. But beyond that, this approach is better than using a struct alongside
our enum because we can attatch different kinds of data to each variant.
Imagine that instead of a `String`, we would prefer to store a `V4` as its four
individual components, while leaving the `V6` variant as a `String`. With our
struct, we’d be stuck. But enums deal with this case with ease:
enum IpAddr {
V4(u32, u32, u32, u32),
let home = IpAddr::V4(127, 0, 0, 1);
let loopback = IpAddr::V6(String::from("::1"));
You can put any kind of data inside of an enum variant, including another enum!
The `IpAddr` enum is [in the standard library][IpAddr], but it embeds two different
structs inside of its variants:
struct Ipv4Addr {
// details elided
struct Ipv6Addr {
// details elided
enum IpAddr {
[IpAddr]: http://doc.rust-lang.org/std/net/enum.IpAddr.html
Here’s an enum with a variety of types embedded in its variants:
enum Message {
Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),
* `Quit` has no data associated with it at all.
* `Move` includes an anonymous struct inside of it.
* `Write` includes a single `String`.
* `ChangeColor` includes three `i32`s.
We haven’t talked a lot about how to access the data inside an enum variant,
however. To do that, let’s move on to some new Rust syntax that’s especially
useful with enums: `match`.
# Option
Now that we have a handle on enums, let's combine them with a feature that we
talked a little bit about in the previous chapter: generics.
Programming language design is often though of as which features you include,
but it's also about which features you leave out. Rust does not have a feature
that is in many other languages: 'null'. In languages with this feature,
variables can have two states: null or not-null.
The inventor of this concept has this to say:
> I call it my billion-dollar mistake. At that time, I was designing the first
> comprehensive type system for references in an object-oriented language. My
> goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with
> checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn't resist the
> temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to
> implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system
> crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in
> the last forty years.
> - Tony Hoare "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake"
The problem with null values is twofold: first, a value can be null or not, at
any time. The second is that if you try to use a value that's null, you'll get
an error of some kind, depending on the language. Because this property is
pervasive, it's extremely easy to make this kind of error.
Even with these problems, the concept that null is trying to express is still a
useful one: this is a value which is currently invalid or not present for some
reason. The problem isn't with the concept itself, but with the particular
implementation. As such, Rust does not have the concept of null, but we do have
a type which can encode the concept of a value being present. We call this type
`Option<T>`, and it looks like this:
enum Option<T> {
This type is [provided by the standard library][option], and is so useful that
it's even in the prelude; you don't need to import it explicitly. Furthermore,
so are its variants: you can say `Some` and `None` directly, without prefixing
them with `Option::`.
[option]: ../std/option/enum.Option.html
Here's an example of using `Option<T>`:
let some_number = Some(5);
let some_string = Some("a string");
// If we only say None, we need to tell Rust what type of Option<T> we have.
let absent_number: Option<i32> = None;
Let's dig in. First, you'll notice that we used the `<T>` syntax when defining
`Option<T>`: it's a generic enum. `Option<T>` has two variants: `Some`, which
contains a `T`, and `None`, which has no data associated with it. In some
sense, `None` means 'null', and `Some` means 'not null'. So why is this any
better than null?
In short, because `Option<T>` and `T` are different types. That's a bit too
short though. Here's an example:
let x = 5;
let y = Some(5);
let sum = x + y;
This will not compile. We get an error message like this:
error: the trait `core::ops::Add<core::option::Option<_>>` is not implemented
for the type `_` [E0277]
let sum = x + y;
Intense! What this error message is trying to say is that Rust does not
understand how to add an `Option<T>` and a `T`. They're different types! This
shows one of the big advantages of an `Option<T>` type: if you have a type that
may or may not exist, you have to deal with that fact before you can assume it
exists. In other words, you have to convert an `Option<T>` to a `T` before you
can do `T` stuff with it. This helps catch one of the most common issues with
null, generally: assuming that something isn't null, when it actually is.
So, how _do_ you get a `T` from an `Option<T>`? The option type has a large
number of methods that you can check out in [its documentation], and becoming
familiar with them will be extremely useful in your journey with Rust.
[its documentation]: ../std/option/enum.Option.html
But we want a deeper understanding than that. If we didn't have those methods
defined for us already, what would we do? For that, we need a new feature: `match`.
# Match
Rust has an extremely powerful control-flow operator: `match`. It allows us to
compare a value against a series of patterns, and then execute code based on
how they compare. Remember the `Option<T>` type from the previous section?
Let's say that we want to write a function that takes an `Option<i32>`, and
if there's a value inside, add one to it.
This function is very easy to write, thanks to `match`. It looks like this:
fn plus_one(x: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
match x {
None => None,
Some(i) => Some(i + 1),
let five = Some(5);
let six = plus_one(five);
let none = plus_one(None);
Let's break down the `match`! At a high-level, the `match` expression looks
like this:
match condition {
pattern => code,
First, we have the `match` keyword. Next, we have a condition. This feels very
similar to an `if` expression, but there's a big difference: with `if`, the
condition needs to be a boolean. Here, it can be any type.
Next, we have a "match arm". That's the part that looks like `pattern =>
code,`. We can have as many arms as we need to: our `match` above has two
arms. An arm has two parts: a pattern, and some code. When the `match`
expression executes, it compares the condition against the pattern of each arm,
in turn. If the pattern matches the condition, the associated code is executed,
and the rest of the patterns are not checked. If it doesn't match, execution
continues to the next arm.
Let's examine the first execution of `plus_one()` in more detail. In the above
example, `x` will be `Some(5)`. Let's compare that against each arm:
None => None,
Does `Some(5)` match `None`? No, it's the wrong variant. So let's continue.
Some(i) => Some(i + 1),
Does `Some(5)` match `Some(i)`? Why yes it does! We have the same variant. But
what about `i`? In a pattern like this, we can declare new bindings, similarly
to what we did with `let`. So in this case, the code part of the match arm will
have a binding, `i`, which corresponds to the `5`.
With this arm, the code portion is `Some(i + 1)`. So we do exactly that: we
take `i`, which is `5`, add one to it, and create a new `Some` value with our
sum inside.
Because `match` is an expression, the value of the overall expression becomes
the value of the arm that executed. So the value of this `match` expression
will be `Some(6)`. And since our `match` is the only expression in the
function, the value of the `match` will be the value of the function, and so
`Some(6)` is our return value as well, which is exactly what we were shooting
Now let's consider the second call. In this case, `x` is `None`. We enter the
`match`, and compare to the first arm:
None => None,
Does `None` match `None`? Yup! And so we return `None`. There's no value to add
Combining `match` and enums together is extremely powerful. You'll see this
pattern a lot in Rust code: `match` against an enum, binding to the data
inside, and then executing code based on it. It's a bit tricky at first, but
once you get used to it, you'll wish you had it in languages that don't support
it. It's consistently a user favorite.
## Matches are exhaustive
There's one other aspect of `match` we didn't talk about. Consider this version
of `plus_one()`:
fn plus_one(x: Option<i32>) -> Option<i32> {
match x {
Some(i) => Some(i + 1),
A bug! We didn't handle the `None` case. Luckily, it's a bug Rust knows how to catch.
If we try to compile this code, we'll get an error:
error: non-exhaustive patterns: `None` not covered [E0004]
match x {
Some(i) => Some(i + 1),
Rust knows that we did not cover every possible option, and even knows which
pattern we forgot! This is referred to as being "exhaustive", we must exhaust
every last option possible in order to be valid!
This analysis isn't perfect, however. This will also error:
# let some_u8_value = 0u8;
match some_u8_value {
0 => println!("zero"),
1 => println!("one"),
2 => println!("two"),
3 => println!("three"),
4 => println!("four"),
5 => println!("five"),
6 => println!("six"),
7 => println!("seven"),
// We won't write out all of the arms here, but imagine that there are more
// arms corresponding to the rest of the numbers.
254 => println!("two-hundred and fifty-four"),
255 => println!("two-hundred and fifty-five"),
Even though a `u8` can only have valid values of zero through 255, Rust isn't
quite smart enough to understand we've covered all the cases. In order to fix
this, we can use a special pattern, `_`:
# let some_u8_value = 0u8;
match some_u8_value {
0 => println!("zero"),
1 => println!("one"),
2 => println!("two"),
3 => println!("three"),
4 => println!("four"),
5 => println!("five"),
6 => println!("six"),
7 => println!("seven"),
// ...
254 => println!("two-hundred and fifty-four"),
255 => println!("two-hundred and fifty-five"),
_ => panic!("can't ever happen"),
The `_` pattern matches anything at all, and so with it as the final pattern,
Rust can understand that we have all our bases covered. It's not only used for
this sort of exhastiveness issue, though. It's useful any time we don't want to
deal with a number of cases. Consider this scenario: if we wanted to print out
something one one, three, five, and seven:
# let some_u8_value = 0u8;
match some_u8_value {
1 => println!("one"),
3 => println!("three"),
5 => println!("five"),
7 => println!("seven"),
_ => (),
The `_` pattern will match all the other cases, and `()` will do nothing, it's
the unit value.
## More about patterns
As we've just seen, patterns are powerful, yet complex. Let's take a whole
section to cover all of the things that they can do.
# if let
There's one more advanced control flow structure we haven't discussed: `if
let`. Imagine we're in a situation like this:
# let some_option = Some(5);
match some_option {
Some(x) => {
// do something with x
None => {},
We care about the `Some` case, but don't want to do anything with the `None`
case. With an `Option`, this isn't _too_ bad, but with a more complex enum,
adding `_ => {}` after processing just one variant doesn't feel great. We have
this boilerplate arm, and we have an extra level of indentation: the code that
does something with `x` is indented twice, rather than just once. We really want
a construct that says "Do something with this one case, I don't care about the
Enter `if let`:
# let some_option = Some(5);
if let Some(x) = some_option {
// do something with x
`if let` takes a pattern and an expression, separated by an `=`. It works
exactly like a `match`, where the expression is given to the `match` and the
pattern is its first arm. In other words, you can think of `if let` as syntax
if let pattern = expression {
match expression {
pattern => body,
_ => {}
And in fact, we can include an `else` and it becomes the body of the `_`
if let pattern = expression {
} else {
match expression {
pattern => body,
_ => else_body,
In other words, it's the high-level construct we were originally looking for:
do something with a single pattern.
# Patterns
We've mentioned 'patterns' a few times so far: they're used in `let` bindings,
in function arguments, and in the `match` expression. Patterns have a lot of
abilities, so in this section, we'll cover all of the different things they can
do. Any of these abilities work in any place where a pattern is used.
## Literals & _
You can match against literals directly, and `_` acts as an any case:
let x = 1;
match x {
1 => println!("one"),
2 => println!("two"),
3 => println!("three"),
_ => println!("anything"),
This prints `one`.
# Multiple patterns
You can match multiple patterns with `|`:
let x = 1;
match x {
1 | 2 => println!("one or two"),
3 => println!("three"),
_ => println!("anything"),
This prints `one or two`.
## ref and ref mut
Usually, when you match against a pattern, bindings are bound by value.
This means you'll end up moving the value out:
let name = Some(String::from("Bors"));
match name {
Some(name) => println!("Found a name: {}", name),
None => (),
// name is moved here. This line will fail to compile:
println!("name is: {:?}", name);
If you'd prefer to bind `name` by reference, use the `ref` keyword:
let name = Some(String::from("Bors"));
match name {
Some(ref name) => println!("Found a name: {}", name),
None => (),
// name is not moved here; the match only took a reference to its data rather
// than moving it. This will work:
println!("name is: {:?}", name);
And for a mutable reference, `ref mut`:
let mut name = Some(String::from("Bors"));
match name {
Some(ref mut name) => *name = String::from("Another name"),
None => (),
// name is not moved here; the match only took a reference to its data rather
// than moving it
## Destructuring
Patterns can be used to destructure structs and enums:
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,
let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };
let Point { x, y } = origin;
This brings an `x` and `y` binding into scope, matching the `x` and `y` of
`origin`. While it can be unusual in `let`, this is the same principle of
patterns in `match`:
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,
let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };
match origin {
Point { x, y } => { }, // x and y are bound here
## Shadowing
As with all bindings, anything bound by a pattern will shadow bindings
outside of the binding construct:
let x = Some(5);
match x {
Some(x) => { }, // x is an i32 here, not an Option<i32>
None => (),
## Ignoring bindings
We discussed using `_` as a whole pattern to ignore it above, but you can
also use `_` inside of another pattern to ignore just part of it:
let x = Some(5);
match x {
Some(_) => println!("got a Some and I don't care what's inside"),
None => (),
Or like this:
let numbers = (2, 4, 8, 16, 32);
match numbers {
(first, _, third, _, fifth) => println!("Some numbers: {}, {}, {}", first, third, fifth),
If you want, you can use `..` to ignore all of the parts you haven't defined:
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,
z: i32,
let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
match origin {
Point { x, .. } => { }, // y and z are ignored
## Ranges
You can match a range of values with `...`:
let x = 5;
match x {
1 ... 5 => println!("one through five"),
_ => println!("something else"),
Ranges are usually used with integers or `char`s:
fn main() {
let x = 'c';
match x {
'a' ... 'j' => println!("early ASCII letter"),
'k' ... 'z' => println!("late ASCII letter"),
_ => println!("something else"),
## Guards
You can introduce match guards with `if`:
let x = Some(5);
match x {
Some(x) if x < 5 => println!("less than five: {}", x),
Some(x) => println!("{}", x),
None => (),
If youre using if with multiple patterns, the if applies to both sides:
let x = 4;
let y = false;
match x {
4 | 5 if y => println!("yes"),
_ => println!("no"),
This prints `no`, because the if applies to the whole of `4 | 5`, and not to only
the `5`. In other words, the precedence of if behaves like this:
(4 | 5) if y => ...
not this:
4 | (5 if y) => ...
## Bindings
You can bind values to names with `@`:
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