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+# Generics
+One of the core tools a programming language gives you is the ability to deal
+effectively with duplication of code. It's important to minimize the amount of
+code that is duplicated throughout a program to make maintenace easier and
+minimize logic errors. Maintenance will be easier if there's only one place
+that you need to change the code if you change your mind about how the program
+should work, rather than multiple places in the code. If your program's logic
+is duplicated in different places and those places don't match, you'll get
+errors or unexpected and undesired behavior from your program that could be
+hard to track down. Rust has the concept of *generics* as one way to eliminate
+duplicate code. Generics come in the form of generic types, traits that those
+generic types have, and generic lifetimes. We'll cover how to use all of these
+in this chapter.
+## Removing Duplication by Extracting a Function
+Let's first go through a technique for dealing with duplication that you're
+probably familiar with: extracting a function. Consider a small program that
+finds the largest number in a list, shown in Listing 10-1:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn main() {
+ let numbers = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let mut largest = numbers[0];
+ for number in numbers {
+ if largest > number {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+Listing 10-1: Code to find the largest number in a list of numbers
+If we needed to find the largest number in two different lists of numbers, we
+could duplicate the code in Listing 10-1 and have the same logic exist in two
+places in the program:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn main() {
+ let numbers = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let mut largest = numbers[0];
+ for number in numbers {
+ if largest > number {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+ let numbers = vec![102, 34, 6000, 89, 54, 2, 43, 8];
+ let mut largest = numbers[0];
+ for number in numbers {
+ if largest > number {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+Copying code is tedious and error-prone, plus now we have two places to update
+the logic if we need it to change. Rust, like many languages, gives us a way to
+deal with this duplication by creating an abstraction, and in this case the
+abstraction we'll use is a function. Here's a program where we've extracted the
+code in Listing 10-1 that finds the largest number into a function named
+`largest`. This program can find the largest number in two different lists of
+numbers, but the code from Listing 10-1 only exists in one spot:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn largest(numbers: Vec) {
+ let mut largest = numbers[0];
+ for number in numbers {
+ if largest > number {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+fn main() {
+ let numbers = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ largest(numbers);
+ let numbers = vec![102, 34, 6000, 89, 54, 2, 43, 8];
+ largest(numbers);
+The function takes an argument, `numbers`, which represents any concrete
+`Vec` that we might pass into the function. The code in the function
+definition operates on the `numbers` representation of any `Vec`. When
+we call the `largest` function, the code actually runs on the specific values
+that we pass in.
+Functions aren't the only way to eliminate duplication. For example, our
+`largest` function only works for vectors of `i32`. What if we wanted to find
+the largest number in a list of floats? Or the largest value in some sort of
+custom `struct` or `enum`? We can't solve those kinds of duplication with
+regular functions.
+To solve these kinds of problems, Rust provides a feature called *generics*. In
+the same way that functions allow us to abstract over common code, generics
+allow us to abstract over types. This ability gives us tremendous power to
+write code that works in a large number of situations. First, we'll examine the
+syntax of generics. Then, we'll talk about another feature that's used to
+augment generics: traits. Finally, we'll discuss one of Rust's most unique uses
+of generics: lifetimes.
+## Generics Syntax
+We've already hinted at the idea of generics in previous chapters, but we
+never dug into what exactly they are or how to use them. In places where we
+specify a type, like function signatures or structs, instead we can use
+*generics*. Generics are stand-ins that represent an abstract set instead of something concrete. In this section, we're going to cover generic *data types*.
+You can recognize when any kind of generics are used by the way that they fit
+into Rust's syntax: any time you see angle brackets, `<>`, you're dealing with
+generics. Types we've seen before, like in Chapter 8 where we discussed vectors
+with types like `Vec`, employ generics. The type that the standard library
+defines for vectors is `Vec`. That `T` is called a *type parameter*, and it
+serves a similar function as parameters to functions: you fill in the parameter
+with a concrete type, and that determines how the overall type works. In the
+same way that a function like `foo(x: i32)` can be called with a specific value
+such as `foo(5)`, a `Vec` can be created with a specific type, like
+### Duplicated Enum Definitions
+Let's dive into generic data types in more detail. We learned about how to use
+the `Option` enum in Chapter 6, but we never examined its definition. Let's
+try to imagine how we'd write it! We'll start from duplicated code like we did
+in the "Removing Duplication by Extracting a Function" section. This time,
+we'll remove the duplication by extracting a generic data type instead of
+extracting a function, but the mechanics of doing the extraction will be
+similar. First, let's consider an `Option` enum with a `Some` variant that can
+only hold an `i32`. We'll call this enum `OptionalNumber`:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+enum OptionalNumber {
+ Some(i32),
+ None,
+fn main() {
+ let number = OptionalNumber::Some(5);
+ let no_number = OptionalNumber::None;
+This works just fine for `i32`s. But what if we also wanted to store `f64`s? We
+would have to duplicate code to define a separate `Option` enum type for each
+type we wanted to be able to hold in the `Some` variants. For example, here is
+how we could define and use `OptionalFloatingPointNumber`:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
+ Some(f64),
+ None,
+fn main() {
+ let number = OptionalFloatingPointNumber::Some(5.0);
+ let no_number = OptionalFloatingPointNumber::None;
+We've made the enum's name a bit long in order to drive the point home. With
+what we currently know how to do in Rust, we would have to write a unique type
+for every single kind of value we wanted to have either `Some` or `None` of. In
+other words, the idea of "an optional value" is a more abstract concept than one
+specific type. We want it to work for any type at all.
+### Removing Duplication by Extracting a Generic Data Type
+Let's see how to get from duplicated types to the generic type. Here are the
+definitions of our two enums side-by-side:
+enum OptionalNumber { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
+ Some(i32), Some(f64),
+ None, None,
+} }
+Aside from the names, we have one line where the two definitions are very
+close, but still different: the line with the `Some` definitions. The only
+difference is the type of the data in that variant, `i32` and `f64`.
+Just like we can parameterize arguments to a function by choosing a name, we
+can parameterize the type by choosing a name. In this case, we've chosen the
+name `T`. We could choose any identifier here, but Rust style has type
+parameters follow the same style as types themselves: CamelCase. In addition,
+they tend to be short, often one letter. `T` is the traditional default choice,
+short for 'type'. Let's use that name in our `Some` variant definitions where
+the `i32` and `f64` types were:
+enum OptionalNumber { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
+ Some(T), Some(T),
+ None, None,
+} }
+There's one problem, though: we've *used* `T`, but not defined it. This would
+be similar to using an argument to a function in the body without declaring it
+in the signature. We need to tell Rust that we've introduced a generic
+parameter. The syntax to do that is the angle brackets, like this:
+enum OptionalNumber { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
+ Some(T), Some(T),
+ None, None,
+} }
+The `<>`s after the enum name indicate a list of type parameters, just like
+`()` after a function name indicates a list of value parameters. Now the only
+difference between our two `enum`s is the name. Since we've made them generic,
+they're not specific to integers or floating point numbers anymore, so they can
+have the same name:
+enum Option { enum Option {
+ Some(T), Some(T),
+ None, None,
+} }
+Now they're identical! We've made our type fully generic. This definition is
+also how `Option` is defined in the standard library. If we were to read this
+definition aloud, we'd say, "`Option` is an `enum` with one type parameter,
+`T`. It has two variants: `Some`, which has a value with type `T`, and `None`,
+which has no value." We can now use the same `Option` type whether we're holding an `i32` or an `f64`:
+let integer = Option::Some(5);
+let float = Option::Some(5.0);
+We've left in the `Option::` namespace for consistency with the previous
+examples, but since `use Option::*` is in the prelude, it's not needed. Usually
+using `Option` looks like this:
+let integer = Some(5);
+let float = Some(5.0);
+When you recognize situations with almost-duplicate types like this in your
+code, you can follow this process to reduce duplication using generics.
+### Monomorphization at Compile Time
+Understanding this refactoring process is also useful in understanding how
+generics work behind the scenes: the compiler does the exact opposite of this
+process when compiling your code. *Monomorphization* means taking code that
+uses generic type parameters and generating code that is specific for each
+concrete type that is used with the generic code. Monomorphization is why
+Rust's generics are extremely efficient at runtime. Consider this code that
+uses the standard library's `Option`:
+let integer = Some(5);
+let float = Some(5.0);
+When Rust compiles this code, it will perform monomorphization. What this means
+is the compiler will see that we've used two kinds of `Option`: one where
+`T` is `i32`, and one where `T` is `f64`. As such, it will expand the generic
+definition of `Option` into `Option_i32` and `Option_f64`, thereby replacing
+the generic definition with the specific ones. The more specific version looks
+like the duplicated code we started with at the beginning of this section:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+enum Option_i32 {
+ Some(i32),
+ None,
+enum Option_f64 {
+ Some(f64),
+ None,
+fn main() {
+ let integer = Option_i32::Some(5);
+ let float = Option_f64::Some(5.0);
+In other words, we can write the non-duplicated form that uses generics in our
+code, but Rust will compile that into code that acts as though we wrote the
+specific type out in each instance. This means we pay no runtime cost for using
+generics; it's just like we duplicated each particular definition.
+### Generic Structs
+In a similar fashion as we did with enums, we can use `<>`s with structs as
+well in order to define structs that have a generic type parameter in one or
+more of their fields. Generic structs also get monomorphized into specialized
+types at compile time. Listing 10-2 shows the definition and use of a `Point`
+struct that could hold `x` and `y` coordinate values that are any type:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+struct Point {
+ x: T,
+ y: T,
+fn main() {
+ let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
+ let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
+Listing 10-2: A `Point` struct that holds `x` and `y` values of type `T`
+The syntax is the same with structs: add a `` after the name of the struct,
+then use `T` in the definition where you want to use that generic type instead
+of a specific type.
+### Multiple Type Parameters
+Note that in the `Point` definition in Listing 10-2, we've used the same `T`
+parameter for both fields. This means `x` and `y` must always be values of the
+same type. Trying to instantiate a `Point` that uses an `i32` for `x` and an
+`f64` for `y`, like this:
+let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
+results in a compile-time error that indicates the type of `y` must match the
+type of `x`:
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+ |
+7 | let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
+ | ^^^^ expected integral variable, found floating-point variable
+ |
+ = note: expected type `{integer}`
+ = note: found type `{float}`
+If we need to be able to have fields with generic but different types, we can
+declare multiple type parameters within the angle brackets, separated by a
+comma. Listing 10-3 shows how to define a `Point` that can have different types
+for `x` and `y`:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+struct Point {
+ x: X,
+ y: Y,
+fn main() {
+ let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
+ let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
+ let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
+Listing 10-2: A `Point` struct that holds an `x` value of type `X` and a `y`
+value of type `Y`
+Now `x` will have the type of `X`, and `y` will have the type of `Y`, and we
+can instantiate a `Point` with an `i32` for `x` and an `f64` for `y`.
+We can make `enum`s with multiple type parameters as well. Recall the enum
+`Result` from Chapter 9 that we used for recoverable errors. Here's its
+enum Result {
+ Ok(T),
+ Err(E),
+Each variant stores a different kind of information, and they're both generic.
+You can have as many type parameters as you'd like. Similarly to parameters of
+values in function signatures, if you have a lot of parameters, the code can
+get quite confusing, so try to keep the number of parameters defined in any one
+type small if you can.
+### Generic Functions and Methods
+In a similar way to data structures, we can use the `<>` syntax in function or
+method definitions. The angle brackets for type parameters go after the
+function or method name and before the argument list in parentheses:
+fn generic_function(value: T) {
+ // code goes here
+We can use the same process that we used to refactor duplicated type
+definitions using generics to refactor duplicated function definitions using
+generics. Consider these two side-by-side function signatures that differ in
+the type of `value`:
+fn takes_integer(value: i32) { fn takes_float(value: f64) {
+ // code goes here // code goes here
+} }
+We can add a type parameter list that declares the generic type `T` after the
+function names, then use `T` where the specific `i32` and `f64` types were:
+fn takes_integer(value: T) { fn takes_float(value: T) {
+ // code goes here // code goes here
+} }
+At this point, only the names differ, so we could unify the two functions into
+fn takes(value: T) {
+ // code goes here
+There's one problem though. We've got some function *definitions* that work,
+but if we try to use `value` in code in the function body, we'll get an
+error. For example, the function definition in Listing 10-3 tries to print out
+`value` in its body:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn show_anything(value: T) {
+ println!("I have something to show you!");
+ println!("It's: {}", value);
+Listing 10-3: A `show_anything` function definition that does not yet compile
+Compiling this definition results in an error:
+ error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: std::fmt::Display` is not satisfied
+ --> :3:37
+ |
+3 | println!("It's: {}", value);
+ | ^^^^^ trait `T: std::fmt::Display` not satisfied
+ |
+ = help: consider adding a `where T: std::fmt::Display` bound
+ = note: required by `std::fmt::Display::fmt`
+error: aborting due to previous error(s)
+This error mentions something we haven't learned about yet: traits. In the next
+section, we'll learn how to make this compile.
+## Traits
+*Traits* are similar to a feature often called 'interfaces' in other languages,
+but are also different. Traits let us do another kind of abstraction: they let
+us abstract over *behavior* that types can have in common.
+When we use a generic type parameter, we are telling Rust that any type is
+valid in that location. When other code *uses* a value that could be of any
+type, we need to also tell Rust that the type has the functionality that we
+need. Traits let us specify that, for example, we need any type `T` that has
+methods defined on it that allow us to print a value of that type. This is
+powerful because we can still leave our definitions generic to allow use of
+many different types, but we can constrain the type at compile-time to types
+that have the behavior we need to be able to use.
+Here's an example definition of a trait named `Printable` that has a method
+named `print`:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+trait Printable {
+ fn print(&self);
+Listing 10-4: A `Printable` trait definition with one method, `print`
+We declare a trait with the `trait` keyword, then the trait's name. In this
+case, our trait will describe types which can be printed. Inside of curly
+braces, we declare a method signature, but instead of providing an
+implementation inside curly braces, we put a semicolon after the signature. A
+trait can have multiple methods in its body, with the method signatures listend one per line and each line ending in a semicolon.
+Implementing a trait for a particular type looks similar to implementing
+methods on a type since it's also done with the `impl` keyword, but we specify
+the trait name as well. Inside the `impl` block, we specify definitions for the
+trait's methods in the context of the specific type. Listing 10-5 has an
+example of implementing the `Printable` trait from Listing 10-4 (that only has
+the `print` method) for a `Temperature` enum:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+enum Temperature {
+ Celsius(i32),
+ Fahrenheit(i32),
+impl Printable for Temperature {
+ fn print(&self) {
+ match *self {
+ Temperature::Celsius(val) => println!("{}°C", val),
+ Temperature::Fahrenheit(val) => println!("{}°F", val),
+ }
+ }
+Listing 10-5: Implementing the `Printable` trait on a `Temperature` enum
+In the same way `impl` lets us define methods, we've used it to define methods
+that pertain to our trait. We can call methods that our trait has defined just
+like we can call other methods:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn main() {
+ let t = Temperature::Celsius(37);
+ t.print();
+Note that in order to use a trait's methods, the trait itself must be in scope.
+If the definition of `Printable` was in a module, the definition would need to
+be defined as `pub` and we would need to `use` the trait in the scope where we
+wanted to call the `print` method. This is because it's possible to have two
+traits that both define a method named `print`, and our `Temperature` enum might
+implement both. Rust wouldn't know which `print` method we wanted unless we
+brought the trait we wanted into our current scope with `use`.
+### Trait Bounds
+Defining traits with methods and implementing the trait methods on a particular
+type gives Rust more information than just defining methods on a type directly.
+The information Rust gets is that the type that implements the trait can be
+used in places where the code specifies that it needs some type that implements
+a trait. To illustrate this, Listing 10-6 has a `print_anything` function
+definition. This is similar to the `show_anything` function from Listing 10-3,
+but this function has a *trait bound* on the generic type `T` and uses the
+`print` function from the trait. A trait bound constrains the generic type to
+be any type that implements the trait specified, instead of any type at all.
+With the trait bound, we're then allowed to use the trait method `print` in the
+function body:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn print_anything(value: T) {
+ println!("I have something to print for you!");
+ value.print();
+Listing 10-6: A `print_anything` function that uses the trait bound `Printable`
+on type `T`
+Trait bounds are specified in the type name declarations within the angle
+brackets. After the name of the type that you want to apply the bound to, add a
+colon (`:`) and then specify the name of the trait. This function now specifies
+that it takes a `value` parameter that can be of any type, as long as that type
+implements the trait `Printable`. We need to specify the `Printable` trait in
+the type name declarations because we want to be able to call the `print`
+method that is part of the `Printable` trait.
+Now we are able to call the `print_anything` function from Listing 10-6 and
+pass it a `Temperature` instance as the `value` parameter, since we implemented
+the trait `Printable` on `Temperature` in Listing 10-5:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn main() {
+ let temperature = Temperature::Fahrenheit(98);
+ print_anything(temperature);
+If we implement the `Printable` trait on other types, we can use them with the
+`print_anything` method too. If we try to call `print_anything` with an `i32`,
+which does *not* implement the `Printable` trait, we get a compile-time error
+that looks like this:
+error[E0277]: the trait bound `{integer}: Printable` is not satisfied
+ |
+29 | print_anything(3);
+ | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ trait `{integer}: Printable` not satisfied
+ |
+ = help: the following implementations were found:
+ = help:
+ = note: required by `print_anything`
+Traits are an extremely useful feature of Rust. You'll almost never see generic
+functions without an accompanying trait bound. There are many traits in the
+standard library, and they're used for many, many different things. For
+example, our `Printable` trait is similar to one of those traits, `Display`.
+And in fact, that's how `println!` decides how to format things with `{}`. The
+`Display` trait has a `fmt` method that determines how to format something.
+Listing 10-7 shows our original example from Listing 10-3, but this time using
+the standard library's `Display` trait in the trait bound on the generic type
+in the `show_anything` function:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+use std::fmt::Display;
+fn show_anything(value: T) {
+ println!("I have something to show you!");
+ println!("It's: {}", value);
+Listing 10-7: The `show_anything` function with trait bounds
+Now that this function specifies that `T` can be any type as long as that type
+implements the `Display` trait, this code will compile.
+### Multiple Trait Bounds and `where` Syntax
+Each generic type can have its own trait bounds. The signature for a function
+that takes a type `T` that implements `Display` and a type `U` that implements
+`Printable` looks like:
+fn some_function(value: T, other_value: U) {
+To specify multiple trait bounds on one type, list the trait bounds in a list
+with a `+` between each trait. For example, here's the signature of a function
+that takes a type `T` that implements `Display` and `Clone` (which is another
+standard library trait we have mentioned):
+fn some_function(value: T) {
+When trait bounds start getting complicated, there is another syntax that's a
+bit cleaner: `where`. And in fact, the error we got when we ran the code from
+Listing 10-3 referred to it:
+help: consider adding a `where T: std::fmt::Display` bound
+The `where` syntax moves the trait bounds after the function arguments list.
+This definition of `show_anything` means the exact same thing as the definition
+in Listing 10-7, just said a different way:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+use std::fmt::Display;
+fn show_anything(value: T) where T: Display {
+ println!("I have something to show you!");
+ println!("It's: {}", value);
+Instead of `T: Display` going inside the angle brackets, they go after the
+`where` keyword at the end of the function signature. This can make complex
+signatures easier to read. The `where` clause and its parts can also go on new
+lines. Here's the signature of a function that takes three generic type
+parameters that each have multiple trait bounds:
+fn some_function(t: T, u: U, v: V)
+ where T: Display + Clone,
+ U: Printable + Debug,
+ V: Clone + Printable
+Generic type parameters and trait bounds are part of Rust's rich type system.
+Another important kind of generic in Rust interacts with Rust's ownership and
+references features, and they're called *lifetimes*.
+## Lifetime Syntax
+Generic type parameters let us abstract over types, and traits let us abstract
+over behavior. There's one more way that Rust allows us to do something
+similar: *lifetimes* allow us to be generic over scopes of code.
+Scopes of code? Yes, it's a bit unusual. Lifetimes are, in some ways, Rust's
+most distinctive feature. They are a bit different than the tools you have used
+in other programming languages. Lifetimes are a big topic, so we're not going
+to cover everything about them in this chapter. What we *are* going to do is
+talk about the very basics of lifetimes, so that when you see the syntax in
+documentation or other places, you'll be familiar with the concepts. Chapter 20
+will contain more advanced information about everything lifetimes can do.
+### Core Syntax
+We talked about references in Chapter 4, but we left out an important detail.
+As it turns out, every reference in Rust has a *lifetime*, which is the scope
+for which that reference is valid. Most of the time, lifetimes are implicit,
+but just like we can choose to annotate types everywhere, we can choose to
+annotate lifetimes.
+Lifetimes have a slightly unusual syntax:
+&i32 // a reference
+&'a i32 // a reference with an explicit lifetime
+The `'a` there is a *lifetime* with the name `a`. A single apostrophe indicates
+that this name is for a lifetime. Lifetime names need to be declared before
+they're used. Here's a function signature with lifetime declarations and
+fn some_function<'a>(argument: &'a i32) {
+Notice anything? In the same way that generic type declarations go inside angle
+brackets after the function name, lifetime declarations also go inside those
+same angle brackets. We can even write functions that take both a lifetime
+declaration and a generic type declaration:
+fn some_function<'a, T>(argument: &'a T) {
+This function takes one argument, a reference to some type, `T`, and the
+reference has the lifetime `'a`. In the same way that we parameterize functions
+that take generic types, we parameterize references with lifetimes.
+So, that's the syntax, but *why*? What does a lifetime do, anyway?
+### Lifetimes Prevent Dangling References
+Consider the program in listing 10-8. There's an outer scope and an inner
+scope. The outer scope declares a variable named `r` with no initial value, and
+the inner scope declares a variable named `x` with the initial value of 5.
+Inside the inner scope, we attempt to set the value of `r` to a reference to
+`x`. Then the inner scope ends and we attempt to print out the value in `r`:
+ let r;
+ {
+ let x = 5;
+ r = &x;
+ }
+ println!("r: {}", r);
+Listing 10-8: An attempt to use a reference whose value has gone out of scope
+If we compile this code, we get an error:
+ error: `x` does not live long enough
+ --> :6:10
+ |
+6 | r = &x;
+ | ^ does not live long enough
+7 | }
+ | - borrowed value only lives until here
+10 | }
+ | - borrowed value needs to live until here
+The variable `x` doesn't "live long enough." Why not? Well, `x` is going to go
+out of scope when we hit the closing curly brace on line 7, ending the inner
+scope. But `r` is valid for the outer scope; its scope is larger and we say
+that it "lives longer." If Rust allowed this code to work, `r` would be
+referencing memory that was deallocated when `x` went out of scope. That'd be
+bad! Once it's deallocated, it's meaningless.
+So how does Rust determine that this code should not be allowed? Part of the
+compiler called the *borrow checker* compares scopes to determine that all
+borrows are valid. Here's the same example from Listing 10-8 with some
+ let r; // -------+-- 'a
+ // |
+ { // |
+ let x = 5; // -+-----+-- 'b
+ r = &x; // | |
+ } // -+ |
+ // |
+ println!("r: {}", r); // |
+ // |
+ // -------+
+Here, we've annotated the lifetime of `r` with `'a` and the lifetime of `x`
+with `'b`. Rust looks at these lifetimes and sees that `r` has a lifetime of
+`'a`, but that it refers to something with a lifetime of `'b`. It rejects the
+program because the lifetime `'b` is shorter than the lifetime of `'a`-- the
+value that the reference is referring to does not live as long as the reference
+Let's look at a different example that compiles because it does not try to make
+a dangling reference, and see what the lifetimes look like:
+ let x = 5; // -----+-- 'b
+ // |
+ let r = &x; // --+--+-- 'a
+ // | |
+ println!("r: {}", r); // | |
+ // --+ |
+ // -----+
+Here, `x` lives for `'b`, which in this case is larger than `'a`. This is
+allowed: Rust knows that the reference in `r` will always be valid, as it has a
+smaller scope than `x`, the value it refers to.
+Note that we didn't have to name any lifetimes in the code itself; Rust figured
+it out for us. One situation in which Rust can't figure out the lifetimes is
+for a function or method when one of the arguments or return values is a
+reference, except for a few scenarios we'll discuss in the lifetime elision
+### Lifetime Annotations in Struct Definitions
+Another time that Rust can't figure out the lifetimes is when structs have a
+field that holds a reference. In that case, naming the lifetimes looks like
+struct Ref<'a> {
+ x: &'a i32,
+Again, the lifetime names are declared in the angle brackets where generic type
+parameters are declared, and this is because lifetimes are a form of generics.
+In the examples above, `'a` and `'b` were concrete lifetimes: we knew about `r`
+and `x` and how long they would live exactly. However, when we write a
+function, we can't know beforehand exactly all of the arguments that it could
+be called with and how long they will be valid for. We have to explain to Rust
+what we expect the lifetime of the argument to be (we'll learn about how
+to know what you expect the lifetime to be in a bit). This is similar to
+writing a function that has an argument of a generic type: we don't know what
+type the arguments will actually end up being when the function gets called.
+Lifetimes are the same idea, but they are generic over the scope of a
+reference, rather than a type.
+### Lifetime Annotations in Function Signatures
+Lifetime annotations for functions go on the function signature, but we don't
+have to annotate any of the code in the function body with lifetimes. That's
+because Rust can analyze the specific code inside the function without any
+help. When a function interacts with references that come from or go to code
+outside that function, however, the lifetimes of those arguments or return
+values will potentially be different each time that function gets called. Rust
+would have to analyze every place the function is called to determine that
+there were no dangling references. That would be impossible because a library
+that you provide to someone else might be called in code that hasn't been
+written yet, at the time that you're compiling your library.
+Lifetime parameters specify generic lifetimes that will apply to any specific
+lifetimes the function gets called with. The annotation of lifetime parameters
+tell Rust what it needs to know in order to be able to analyze a function
+without knowing about all possible calling code. Lifetime annotations do not
+change how long any of the references involved live. In the same way that
+functions can accept any type when the signature specifies a generic type
+parameter, functions can accept references with any lifetime when the signature
+specifies a generic lifetime parameter.
+To understand lifetime annotations in context, let's write a function that will
+return the longest of two string slices. The way we want to be able to call
+this function is by passing two string slices, and we want to get back a string
+slice. The code in Listing 10-9 should print `The longest string is abcd` once
+we've implemented the `longest` function:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn main() {
+ let a = String::from("abcd");
+ let b = "xyz";
+ let c = longest(a.as_str(), b);
+ println!("The longest string is {}", c);
+Listing 10-9: A `main` function that demonstrates how we'd like to use the
+`longest` function
+Note that we want the function to take string slices because we don't want the
+`longest` function to take ownership of its arguments, and we want the function
+to be able to accept slices of a `String` (like `a`) is as well as string
+literals (`b`). Refer back to the "String Slices as Arguments" section of
+Chapter 4 for more discussion about why these are the arguments we want.
+Here's the start of an implementation of the `longest` function that won't
+compile yet:
+fn longest(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str {
+ if x.len() > y.len() {
+ x
+ } else {
+ y
+ }
+If we try to compile this, we get an error that talks about lifetimes:
+error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
+ |
+1 | fn longest(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str {
+ | ^ expected lifetime parameter
+ |
+ = help: this function's return type contains a borrowed value, but the signature does not say whether it is borrowed from `x` or `y`
+The help text is telling us that the return type needs a generic lifetime
+parameter on it because this function is returning a reference and Rust can't
+tell if the reference being returned refers to `x` or `y`. Actually, we don't
+know either, since in the `if` block in the body of this function returns a
+reference to `x` and the `else` block returns a reference to `y`! The way to
+specify the lifetime parameters in this case is to have the same lifetime for
+all of the input parameters and the return type:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+ if x.len() > y.len() {
+ x
+ } else {
+ y
+ }
+This will compile and will produce the result we want with the `main` function
+in Listing 10-9. This function signature is now saying that for some lifetime
+named `'a`, it will get two arguments, both which are string slices that live
+at least as long as the lifetime `'a`. The function will return a string slice
+that also will last at least as long as the lifetime `'a`. This is the contract
+we are telling Rust we want it to enforce. By specifying the lifetime
+parameters in this function signature, we are not changing the lifetimes of any
+values passed in or returned, but we are saying that any values that do not
+adhere to this contract should be rejected by the borrow checker. This function
+does not know (or need to know) exactly how long `x` and `y` will live since it
+knows that there is some scope that can be substituted for `'a` that will
+satisfy this signature.
+The exact way to specify lifetime parameters depends on what your function is
+doing. If the function didn't actually return the longest string slice but
+instead always returned the first argument, we wouldn't need to specify a
+lifetime on `y`. This code compiles:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
+ x
+The lifetime parameter for the return type needs to be specified and needs to
+match one of the arguments' lifetime parameters. If the reference returned does
+*not* refer to one of the arguments, the only other possibility is that it
+refers to a value created within this function, and that would be a dangling
+reference since the value will go out of scope at the end of the function.
+Consider this attempted implementation of `longest`:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn longest<'a>(x: &str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
+ let result = String::from("really long string");
+ result.as_str()
+Even though we've specified a lifetime for the return type, this function fails
+to compile with the following error message:
+error: `result` does not live long enough
+ |
+3 | result.as_str()
+ | ^^^^^^ does not live long enough
+4 | }
+ | - borrowed value only lives until here
+ |
+note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 1:44...
+ |
+1 | fn longest<'a>(x: &str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
+ | ^
+The problem is that `result` will go out of scope and get cleaned up at the end
+of the `longest` function, and we're trying to return a reference to `result`
+from the function. There's no way we can specify lifetime parameters that would
+change the dangling reference, and Rust won't let us create a dangling
+reference. In this case, the best fix would be to return an owned data type
+rather than a reference so that the calling function is then responsible for
+cleaning up the value.
+Ultimately, lifetime syntax is about connecting the lifetimes of various
+arguments and return values of functions. Once they're connected, Rust has
+enough information to allow memory-safe operations and disallow operations that
+would create dangling pointers or otherwise violate memory safety.
+### Lifetime Elision
+If every reference has a lifetime, and we need to provide them for functions
+that use references as arguments or return values, then why did this function
+from the "String Slices" section of Chapter 4 compile? We haven't annotated any
+lifetimes here, yet Rust happily compiles this function:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn first_word(s: &str) -> &str {
+ let bytes = s.as_bytes();
+ for (i, &item) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
+ if item == b' ' {
+ return &s[0..i];
+ }
+ }
+ &s[..]
+The answer is historical: in early versions of pre-1.0 Rust, this would not
+have compiled. Every reference needed an explicit lifetime. At that time, the
+function signature would have been written like this:
+fn first_word<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+After writing a lot of Rust code, some patterns developed. The Rust team
+noticed that the vast majority of code followed the pattern, and being forced
+to use explicit lifetime syntax on every reference wasn't a very great
+developer experience.
+To make it so that lifetime annotations weren't needed as often, they added
+*lifetime elision rules* to Rust's analysis of references. This feature isn't
+full inference: Rust doesn't try to guess what you meant in places where there
+could be ambiguity. The rules are a very basic set of particular cases, and if
+your code fits one of those cases, you don't need to write the lifetimes
+explicitly. Here are the rules:
+Lifetimes on function arguments are called *input lifetimes*, and lifetimes on
+return values are called *output lifetimes*. There's one rule related to how
+Rust infers input lifetimes in the absence of explicit annotations:
+1. Each argument that is a reference and therefore needs a lifetime parameter
+ gets its own. In other words, a function with one argument gets one lifetime
+ parameter: `fn foo<'a>(x: &'a i32)`, a function with two arguments gets two
+ separate lifetime parameters: `fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, y: &'b i32)`, and
+ so on.
+And two rules related to output lifetimes:
+2. If there is exactly one input lifetime parameter, that lifetime is assigned
+ to all output lifetime parameters: `fn foo<'a>(x: &'a i32) -> &'a i32`.
+3. If there are multiple input lifetime parameters, but one of them is `&self`
+ or `&mut self`, then the lifetime of `self` is the lifetime assigned to all
+ output lifetime parameters. This makes writing methods much nicer.
+If none of these three rules apply, then you must explicitly annotate input and
+output lifetimes. These rules do apply in the `first_word` function, which is
+why we didn't have to specify any lifetimes.
+These rules cover the vast majority of cases, allowing you to write a lot of
+code without needing to specify explicit lifetimes. However, Rust is always
+checking these rules and the lifetimes in your program, and cases in which the
+lifetime elision rules do not apply are cases where you'll need to add lifetime
+parameters to help Rust understand the contracts of your code.
+### Lifetime Annotations in Method Definitions
+Now that we've gone over the lifetime elision rules, defining methods on
+structs that hold references will make more sense. The lifetime name needs to
+be declared after the `impl` keyword and then used after the struct's name,
+since the lifetime is part of the struct's type. The lifetimes can be elided in
+any methods where the output type's lifetime is the same as that of the
+struct's because of the third elision rule. Here's a struct called `App` that
+holds a reference to another struct, `Config`, defined elsewhere. The
+`append_to_name` method does not need lifetime annotations even though the
+method has a reference as an argument and is returning a reference; the
+lifetime of the return value will be the lifetime of `self`:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+struct App<'a> {
+ name: String,
+ config: &'a Config,
+impl<'a> App<'a> {
+ fn append_to_name(&mut self, suffix: &str) -> &str {
+ self.name.push_str(suffix);
+ self.name.as_str()
+ }
+### The Static Lifetime
+There is *one* special lifetime that Rust knows about: `'static`. The `'static`
+lifetime is the entire duration of the program. All string literals have the
+`'static` lifetime:
+let s: &'static str = "I have a static lifetime.";
+The text of this string is stored directly in the binary of your program and
+the binary of your program is always available. Therefore, the lifetime of all
+string literals is `'static`. You may see suggestions to use the `'static`
+lifetime in error message help text, but before adding it, think about whether
+the reference you have is one that actually lives the entire lifetime of your
+program or not (or even if you want it to live that long, if it could). Most of
+the time, the problem in the code is an attempt to create a dangling reference
+or a mismatch of the available lifetimes, and the solution is fixing those
+problems, not specifying the `'static` lifetime.
+## Summary
+We've covered the basics of Rust's system of generics. Generics are the core to
+building good abstractions, and can be used in a number of ways. There's more
+to learn about them, particularly lifetimes, but we'll cover those in later
+chapters. Let's move on to I/O functionality.
diff --git a/src/SUMMARY.md b/src/SUMMARY.md
index 04a6155..8d4def8 100644
--- a/src/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/src/SUMMARY.md
@@ -45,7 +45,10 @@
- [Recoverable Errors with `Result`](ch09-02-recoverable-errors-with-result.md)
- [To `panic!` or Not To `panic!`](ch09-03-to-panic-or-not-to-panic.md)
-- [Generics]()
+- [Generics](ch10-00-generics.md)
+ - [Syntax](ch10-01-syntax.md)
+ - [Traits](ch10-02-traits.md)
+ - [Lifetime syntax](ch10-03-lifetime-syntax.md)
- [I/O]()
- [`Read` & `Write`]()
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+# Generics
+One of the core tools a programming language gives you is the ability to deal
+effectively with duplication of code. It's important to minimize the amount of
+code that is duplicated throughout a program to make maintenace easier and
+minimize logic errors. Maintenance will be easier if there's only one place
+that you need to change the code if you change your mind about how the program
+should work, rather than multiple places in the code. If your program's logic
+is duplicated in different places and those places don't match, you'll get
+errors or unexpected and undesired behavior from your program that could be
+hard to track down. Rust has the concept of *generics* as one way to eliminate
+duplicate code. Generics come in the form of generic types, traits that those
+generic types have, and generic lifetimes. We'll cover how to use all of these
+in this chapter.
+## Removing Duplication by Extracting a Function
+Let's first go through a technique for dealing with duplication that you're
+probably familiar with: extracting a function. Consider a small program that
+finds the largest number in a list, shown in Listing 10-1:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn main() {
+ let numbers = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let mut largest = numbers[0];
+ for number in numbers {
+ if largest > number {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+Listing 10-1: Code to find the largest number in a list of numbers
+If we needed to find the largest number in two different lists of numbers, we
+could duplicate the code in Listing 10-1 and have the same logic exist in two
+places in the program:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn main() {
+ let numbers = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ let mut largest = numbers[0];
+ for number in numbers {
+ if largest > number {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+ let numbers = vec![102, 34, 6000, 89, 54, 2, 43, 8];
+ let mut largest = numbers[0];
+ for number in numbers {
+ if largest > number {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+Copying code is tedious and error-prone, plus now we have two places to update
+the logic if we need it to change. Rust, like many languages, gives us a way to
+deal with this duplication by creating an abstraction, and in this case the
+abstraction we'll use is a function. Here's a program where we've extracted the
+code in Listing 10-1 that finds the largest number into a function named
+`largest`. This program can find the largest number in two different lists of
+numbers, but the code from Listing 10-1 only exists in one spot:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn largest(numbers: Vec) {
+ let mut largest = numbers[0];
+ for number in numbers {
+ if largest > number {
+ largest = number;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("The largest number is {}", largest);
+fn main() {
+ let numbers = vec![34, 50, 25, 100, 65];
+ largest(numbers);
+ let numbers = vec![102, 34, 6000, 89, 54, 2, 43, 8];
+ largest(numbers);
+The function takes an argument, `numbers`, which represents any concrete
+`Vec` that we might pass into the function. The code in the function
+definition operates on the `numbers` representation of any `Vec`. When
+we call the `largest` function, the code actually runs on the specific values
+that we pass in.
+Functions aren't the only way to eliminate duplication. For example, our
+`largest` function only works for vectors of `i32`. What if we wanted to find
+the largest number in a list of floats? Or the largest value in some sort of
+custom `struct` or `enum`? We can't solve those kinds of duplication with
+regular functions.
+To solve these kinds of problems, Rust provides a feature called *generics*. In
+the same way that functions allow us to abstract over common code, generics
+allow us to abstract over types. This ability gives us tremendous power to
+write code that works in a large number of situations. First, we'll examine the
+syntax of generics. Then, we'll talk about another feature that's used to
+augment generics: traits. Finally, we'll discuss one of Rust's most unique uses
+of generics: lifetimes.
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+## Generics Syntax
+We've already hinted at the idea of generics in previous chapters, but we
+never dug into what exactly they are or how to use them. In places where we
+specify a type, like function signatures or structs, instead we can use
+*generics*. Generics are stand-ins that represent an abstract set instead of something concrete. In this section, we're going to cover generic *data types*.
+You can recognize when any kind of generics are used by the way that they fit
+into Rust's syntax: any time you see angle brackets, `<>`, you're dealing with
+generics. Types we've seen before, like in Chapter 8 where we discussed vectors
+with types like `Vec`, employ generics. The type that the standard library
+defines for vectors is `Vec`. That `T` is called a *type parameter*, and it
+serves a similar function as parameters to functions: you fill in the parameter
+with a concrete type, and that determines how the overall type works. In the
+same way that a function like `foo(x: i32)` can be called with a specific value
+such as `foo(5)`, a `Vec` can be created with a specific type, like
+### Duplicated Enum Definitions
+Let's dive into generic data types in more detail. We learned about how to use
+the `Option` enum in Chapter 6, but we never examined its definition. Let's
+try to imagine how we'd write it! We'll start from duplicated code like we did
+in the "Removing Duplication by Extracting a Function" section. This time,
+we'll remove the duplication by extracting a generic data type instead of
+extracting a function, but the mechanics of doing the extraction will be
+similar. First, let's consider an `Option` enum with a `Some` variant that can
+only hold an `i32`. We'll call this enum `OptionalNumber`:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+enum OptionalNumber {
+ Some(i32),
+ None,
+fn main() {
+ let number = OptionalNumber::Some(5);
+ let no_number = OptionalNumber::None;
+This works just fine for `i32`s. But what if we also wanted to store `f64`s? We
+would have to duplicate code to define a separate `Option` enum type for each
+type we wanted to be able to hold in the `Some` variants. For example, here is
+how we could define and use `OptionalFloatingPointNumber`:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
+ Some(f64),
+ None,
+fn main() {
+ let number = OptionalFloatingPointNumber::Some(5.0);
+ let no_number = OptionalFloatingPointNumber::None;
+We've made the enum's name a bit long in order to drive the point home. With
+what we currently know how to do in Rust, we would have to write a unique type
+for every single kind of value we wanted to have either `Some` or `None` of. In
+other words, the idea of "an optional value" is a more abstract concept than one
+specific type. We want it to work for any type at all.
+### Removing Duplication by Extracting a Generic Data Type
+Let's see how to get from duplicated types to the generic type. Here are the
+definitions of our two enums side-by-side:
+enum OptionalNumber { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
+ Some(i32), Some(f64),
+ None, None,
+} }
+Aside from the names, we have one line where the two definitions are very
+close, but still different: the line with the `Some` definitions. The only
+difference is the type of the data in that variant, `i32` and `f64`.
+Just like we can parameterize arguments to a function by choosing a name, we
+can parameterize the type by choosing a name. In this case, we've chosen the
+name `T`. We could choose any identifier here, but Rust style has type
+parameters follow the same style as types themselves: CamelCase. In addition,
+they tend to be short, often one letter. `T` is the traditional default choice,
+short for 'type'. Let's use that name in our `Some` variant definitions where
+the `i32` and `f64` types were:
+enum OptionalNumber { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
+ Some(T), Some(T),
+ None, None,
+} }
+There's one problem, though: we've *used* `T`, but not defined it. This would
+be similar to using an argument to a function in the body without declaring it
+in the signature. We need to tell Rust that we've introduced a generic
+parameter. The syntax to do that is the angle brackets, like this:
+enum OptionalNumber { enum OptionalFloatingPointNumber {
+ Some(T), Some(T),
+ None, None,
+} }
+The `<>`s after the enum name indicate a list of type parameters, just like
+`()` after a function name indicates a list of value parameters. Now the only
+difference between our two `enum`s is the name. Since we've made them generic,
+they're not specific to integers or floating point numbers anymore, so they can
+have the same name:
+enum Option { enum Option {
+ Some(T), Some(T),
+ None, None,
+} }
+Now they're identical! We've made our type fully generic. This definition is
+also how `Option` is defined in the standard library. If we were to read this
+definition aloud, we'd say, "`Option` is an `enum` with one type parameter,
+`T`. It has two variants: `Some`, which has a value with type `T`, and `None`,
+which has no value." We can now use the same `Option` type whether we're holding an `i32` or an `f64`:
+let integer = Option::Some(5);
+let float = Option::Some(5.0);
+We've left in the `Option::` namespace for consistency with the previous
+examples, but since `use Option::*` is in the prelude, it's not needed. Usually
+using `Option` looks like this:
+let integer = Some(5);
+let float = Some(5.0);
+When you recognize situations with almost-duplicate types like this in your
+code, you can follow this process to reduce duplication using generics.
+### Monomorphization at Compile Time
+Understanding this refactoring process is also useful in understanding how
+generics work behind the scenes: the compiler does the exact opposite of this
+process when compiling your code. *Monomorphization* means taking code that
+uses generic type parameters and generating code that is specific for each
+concrete type that is used with the generic code. Monomorphization is why
+Rust's generics are extremely efficient at runtime. Consider this code that
+uses the standard library's `Option`:
+let integer = Some(5);
+let float = Some(5.0);
+When Rust compiles this code, it will perform monomorphization. What this means
+is the compiler will see that we've used two kinds of `Option`: one where
+`T` is `i32`, and one where `T` is `f64`. As such, it will expand the generic
+definition of `Option` into `Option_i32` and `Option_f64`, thereby replacing
+the generic definition with the specific ones. The more specific version looks
+like the duplicated code we started with at the beginning of this section:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+enum Option_i32 {
+ Some(i32),
+ None,
+enum Option_f64 {
+ Some(f64),
+ None,
+fn main() {
+ let integer = Option_i32::Some(5);
+ let float = Option_f64::Some(5.0);
+In other words, we can write the non-duplicated form that uses generics in our
+code, but Rust will compile that into code that acts as though we wrote the
+specific type out in each instance. This means we pay no runtime cost for using
+generics; it's just like we duplicated each particular definition.
+### Generic Structs
+In a similar fashion as we did with enums, we can use `<>`s with structs as
+well in order to define structs that have a generic type parameter in one or
+more of their fields. Generic structs also get monomorphized into specialized
+types at compile time. Listing 10-2 shows the definition and use of a `Point`
+struct that could hold `x` and `y` coordinate values that are any type:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+struct Point {
+ x: T,
+ y: T,
+fn main() {
+ let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
+ let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
+Listing 10-2: A `Point` struct that holds `x` and `y` values of type `T`
+The syntax is the same with structs: add a `` after the name of the struct,
+then use `T` in the definition where you want to use that generic type instead
+of a specific type.
+### Multiple Type Parameters
+Note that in the `Point` definition in Listing 10-2, we've used the same `T`
+parameter for both fields. This means `x` and `y` must always be values of the
+same type. Trying to instantiate a `Point` that uses an `i32` for `x` and an
+`f64` for `y`, like this:
+let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
+results in a compile-time error that indicates the type of `y` must match the
+type of `x`:
+error[E0308]: mismatched types
+ |
+7 | let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
+ | ^^^^ expected integral variable, found floating-point variable
+ |
+ = note: expected type `{integer}`
+ = note: found type `{float}`
+If we need to be able to have fields with generic but different types, we can
+declare multiple type parameters within the angle brackets, separated by a
+comma. Listing 10-3 shows how to define a `Point` that can have different types
+for `x` and `y`:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+struct Point {
+ x: X,
+ y: Y,
+fn main() {
+ let integer = Point { x: 5, y: 10 };
+ let float = Point { x: 1.0, y: 4.0 };
+ let p = Point { x: 5, y: 20.0 };
+Listing 10-2: A `Point` struct that holds an `x` value of type `X` and a `y`
+value of type `Y`
+Now `x` will have the type of `X`, and `y` will have the type of `Y`, and we
+can instantiate a `Point` with an `i32` for `x` and an `f64` for `y`.
+We can make `enum`s with multiple type parameters as well. Recall the enum
+`Result` from Chapter 9 that we used for recoverable errors. Here's its
+enum Result {
+ Ok(T),
+ Err(E),
+Each variant stores a different kind of information, and they're both generic.
+You can have as many type parameters as you'd like. Similarly to parameters of
+values in function signatures, if you have a lot of parameters, the code can
+get quite confusing, so try to keep the number of parameters defined in any one
+type small if you can.
+### Generic Functions and Methods
+In a similar way to data structures, we can use the `<>` syntax in function or
+method definitions. The angle brackets for type parameters go after the
+function or method name and before the argument list in parentheses:
+fn generic_function(value: T) {
+ // code goes here
+We can use the same process that we used to refactor duplicated type
+definitions using generics to refactor duplicated function definitions using
+generics. Consider these two side-by-side function signatures that differ in
+the type of `value`:
+fn takes_integer(value: i32) { fn takes_float(value: f64) {
+ // code goes here // code goes here
+} }
+We can add a type parameter list that declares the generic type `T` after the
+function names, then use `T` where the specific `i32` and `f64` types were:
+fn takes_integer(value: T) { fn takes_float(value: T) {
+ // code goes here // code goes here
+} }
+At this point, only the names differ, so we could unify the two functions into
+fn takes(value: T) {
+ // code goes here
+There's one problem though. We've got some function *definitions* that work,
+but if we try to use `value` in code in the function body, we'll get an
+error. For example, the function definition in Listing 10-3 tries to print out
+`value` in its body:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn show_anything(value: T) {
+ println!("I have something to show you!");
+ println!("It's: {}", value);
+Listing 10-3: A `show_anything` function definition that does not yet compile
+Compiling this definition results in an error:
+ error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: std::fmt::Display` is not satisfied
+ --> :3:37
+ |
+3 | println!("It's: {}", value);
+ | ^^^^^ trait `T: std::fmt::Display` not satisfied
+ |
+ = help: consider adding a `where T: std::fmt::Display` bound
+ = note: required by `std::fmt::Display::fmt`
+error: aborting due to previous error(s)
+This error mentions something we haven't learned about yet: traits. In the next
+section, we'll learn how to make this compile.
diff --git a/src/ch10-02-traits.md b/src/ch10-02-traits.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49bd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch10-02-traits.md
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+## Traits
+*Traits* are similar to a feature often called 'interfaces' in other languages,
+but are also different. Traits let us do another kind of abstraction: they let
+us abstract over *behavior* that types can have in common.
+When we use a generic type parameter, we are telling Rust that any type is
+valid in that location. When other code *uses* a value that could be of any
+type, we need to also tell Rust that the type has the functionality that we
+need. Traits let us specify that, for example, we need any type `T` that has
+methods defined on it that allow us to print a value of that type. This is
+powerful because we can still leave our definitions generic to allow use of
+many different types, but we can constrain the type at compile-time to types
+that have the behavior we need to be able to use.
+Here's an example definition of a trait named `Printable` that has a method
+named `print`:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+trait Printable {
+ fn print(&self);
+Listing 10-4: A `Printable` trait definition with one method, `print`
+We declare a trait with the `trait` keyword, then the trait's name. In this
+case, our trait will describe types which can be printed. Inside of curly
+braces, we declare a method signature, but instead of providing an
+implementation inside curly braces, we put a semicolon after the signature. A
+trait can have multiple methods in its body, with the method signatures listend one per line and each line ending in a semicolon.
+Implementing a trait for a particular type looks similar to implementing
+methods on a type since it's also done with the `impl` keyword, but we specify
+the trait name as well. Inside the `impl` block, we specify definitions for the
+trait's methods in the context of the specific type. Listing 10-5 has an
+example of implementing the `Printable` trait from Listing 10-4 (that only has
+the `print` method) for a `Temperature` enum:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+# trait Printable {
+# fn print(&self);
+# }
+enum Temperature {
+ Celsius(i32),
+ Fahrenheit(i32),
+impl Printable for Temperature {
+ fn print(&self) {
+ match *self {
+ Temperature::Celsius(val) => println!("{}°C", val),
+ Temperature::Fahrenheit(val) => println!("{}°F", val),
+ }
+ }
+Listing 10-5: Implementing the `Printable` trait on a `Temperature` enum
+In the same way `impl` lets us define methods, we've used it to define methods
+that pertain to our trait. We can call methods that our trait has defined just
+like we can call other methods:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+# trait Printable {
+# fn print(&self);
+# }
+# enum Temperature {
+# Celsius(i32),
+# Fahrenheit(i32),
+# }
+# impl Printable for Temperature {
+# fn print(&self) {
+# match *self {
+# Temperature::Celsius(val) => println!("{}°C", val),
+# Temperature::Fahrenheit(val) => println!("{}°F", val),
+# }
+# }
+# }
+fn main() {
+ let t = Temperature::Celsius(37);
+ t.print();
+Note that in order to use a trait's methods, the trait itself must be in scope.
+If the definition of `Printable` was in a module, the definition would need to
+be defined as `pub` and we would need to `use` the trait in the scope where we
+wanted to call the `print` method. This is because it's possible to have two
+traits that both define a method named `print`, and our `Temperature` enum might
+implement both. Rust wouldn't know which `print` method we wanted unless we
+brought the trait we wanted into our current scope with `use`.
+### Trait Bounds
+Defining traits with methods and implementing the trait methods on a particular
+type gives Rust more information than just defining methods on a type directly.
+The information Rust gets is that the type that implements the trait can be
+used in places where the code specifies that it needs some type that implements
+a trait. To illustrate this, Listing 10-6 has a `print_anything` function
+definition. This is similar to the `show_anything` function from Listing 10-3,
+but this function has a *trait bound* on the generic type `T` and uses the
+`print` function from the trait. A trait bound constrains the generic type to
+be any type that implements the trait specified, instead of any type at all.
+With the trait bound, we're then allowed to use the trait method `print` in the
+function body:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+# trait Printable {
+# fn print(&self);
+# }
+fn print_anything(value: T) {
+ println!("I have something to print for you!");
+ value.print();
+Listing 10-6: A `print_anything` function that uses the trait bound `Printable`
+on type `T`
+Trait bounds are specified in the type name declarations within the angle
+brackets. After the name of the type that you want to apply the bound to, add a
+colon (`:`) and then specify the name of the trait. This function now specifies
+that it takes a `value` parameter that can be of any type, as long as that type
+implements the trait `Printable`. We need to specify the `Printable` trait in
+the type name declarations because we want to be able to call the `print`
+method that is part of the `Printable` trait.
+Now we are able to call the `print_anything` function from Listing 10-6 and
+pass it a `Temperature` instance as the `value` parameter, since we implemented
+the trait `Printable` on `Temperature` in Listing 10-5:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+# trait Printable {
+# fn print(&self);
+# }
+# enum Temperature {
+# Celsius(i32),
+# Fahrenheit(i32),
+# }
+# impl Printable for Temperature {
+# fn print(&self) {
+# match *self {
+# Temperature::Celsius(val) => println!("{}°C", val),
+# Temperature::Fahrenheit(val) => println!("{}°F", val),
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# fn print_anything(value: T) {
+# println!("I have something to print for you!");
+# value.print();
+# }
+fn main() {
+ let temperature = Temperature::Fahrenheit(98);
+ print_anything(temperature);
+If we implement the `Printable` trait on other types, we can use them with the
+`print_anything` method too. If we try to call `print_anything` with an `i32`,
+which does *not* implement the `Printable` trait, we get a compile-time error
+that looks like this:
+error[E0277]: the trait bound `{integer}: Printable` is not satisfied
+ |
+29 | print_anything(3);
+ | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ trait `{integer}: Printable` not satisfied
+ |
+ = help: the following implementations were found:
+ = help:
+ = note: required by `print_anything`
+Traits are an extremely useful feature of Rust. You'll almost never see generic
+functions without an accompanying trait bound. There are many traits in the
+standard library, and they're used for many, many different things. For
+example, our `Printable` trait is similar to one of those traits, `Display`.
+And in fact, that's how `println!` decides how to format things with `{}`. The
+`Display` trait has a `fmt` method that determines how to format something.
+Listing 10-7 shows our original example from Listing 10-3, but this time using
+the standard library's `Display` trait in the trait bound on the generic type
+in the `show_anything` function:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+use std::fmt::Display;
+fn show_anything(value: T) {
+ println!("I have something to show you!");
+ println!("It's: {}", value);
+Listing 10-7: The `show_anything` function with trait bounds
+Now that this function specifies that `T` can be any type as long as that type
+implements the `Display` trait, this code will compile.
+### Multiple Trait Bounds and `where` Syntax
+Each generic type can have its own trait bounds. The signature for a function
+that takes a type `T` that implements `Display` and a type `U` that implements
+`Printable` looks like:
+fn some_function(value: T, other_value: U) {
+To specify multiple trait bounds on one type, list the trait bounds in a list
+with a `+` between each trait. For example, here's the signature of a function
+that takes a type `T` that implements `Display` and `Clone` (which is another
+standard library trait we have mentioned):
+fn some_function(value: T) {
+When trait bounds start getting complicated, there is another syntax that's a
+bit cleaner: `where`. And in fact, the error we got when we ran the code from
+Listing 10-3 referred to it:
+help: consider adding a `where T: std::fmt::Display` bound
+The `where` syntax moves the trait bounds after the function arguments list.
+This definition of `show_anything` means the exact same thing as the definition
+in Listing 10-7, just said a different way:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+use std::fmt::Display;
+fn show_anything(value: T) where T: Display {
+ println!("I have something to show you!");
+ println!("It's: {}", value);
+Instead of `T: Display` going inside the angle brackets, they go after the
+`where` keyword at the end of the function signature. This can make complex
+signatures easier to read. The `where` clause and its parts can also go on new
+lines. Here's the signature of a function that takes three generic type
+parameters that each have multiple trait bounds:
+fn some_function(t: T, u: U, v: V)
+ where T: Display + Clone,
+ U: Printable + Debug,
+ V: Clone + Printable
+Generic type parameters and trait bounds are part of Rust's rich type system.
+Another important kind of generic in Rust interacts with Rust's ownership and
+references features, and they're called *lifetimes*.
diff --git a/src/ch10-03-lifetime-syntax.md b/src/ch10-03-lifetime-syntax.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba1d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch10-03-lifetime-syntax.md
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+## Lifetime Syntax
+Generic type parameters let us abstract over types, and traits let us abstract
+over behavior. There's one more way that Rust allows us to do something
+similar: *lifetimes* allow us to be generic over scopes of code.
+Scopes of code? Yes, it's a bit unusual. Lifetimes are, in some ways, Rust's
+most distinctive feature. They are a bit different than the tools you have used
+in other programming languages. Lifetimes are a big topic, so we're not going
+to cover everything about them in this chapter. What we *are* going to do is
+talk about the very basics of lifetimes, so that when you see the syntax in
+documentation or other places, you'll be familiar with the concepts. Chapter 20
+will contain more advanced information about everything lifetimes can do.
+### Core Syntax
+We talked about references in Chapter 4, but we left out an important detail.
+As it turns out, every reference in Rust has a *lifetime*, which is the scope
+for which that reference is valid. Most of the time, lifetimes are implicit,
+but just like we can choose to annotate types everywhere, we can choose to
+annotate lifetimes.
+Lifetimes have a slightly unusual syntax:
+&i32 // a reference
+&'a i32 // a reference with an explicit lifetime
+The `'a` there is a *lifetime* with the name `a`. A single apostrophe indicates
+that this name is for a lifetime. Lifetime names need to be declared before
+they're used. Here's a function signature with lifetime declarations and
+fn some_function<'a>(argument: &'a i32) {
+Notice anything? In the same way that generic type declarations go inside angle
+brackets after the function name, lifetime declarations also go inside those
+same angle brackets. We can even write functions that take both a lifetime
+declaration and a generic type declaration:
+fn some_function<'a, T>(argument: &'a T) {
+This function takes one argument, a reference to some type, `T`, and the
+reference has the lifetime `'a`. In the same way that we parameterize functions
+that take generic types, we parameterize references with lifetimes.
+So, that's the syntax, but *why*? What does a lifetime do, anyway?
+### Lifetimes Prevent Dangling References
+Consider the program in listing 10-8. There's an outer scope and an inner
+scope. The outer scope declares a variable named `r` with no initial value, and
+the inner scope declares a variable named `x` with the initial value of 5.
+Inside the inner scope, we attempt to set the value of `r` to a reference to
+`x`. Then the inner scope ends and we attempt to print out the value in `r`:
+ let r;
+ {
+ let x = 5;
+ r = &x;
+ }
+ println!("r: {}", r);
+Listing 10-8: An attempt to use a reference whose value has gone out of scope
+If we compile this code, we get an error:
+ error: `x` does not live long enough
+ --> :6:10
+ |
+6 | r = &x;
+ | ^ does not live long enough
+7 | }
+ | - borrowed value only lives until here
+10 | }
+ | - borrowed value needs to live until here
+The variable `x` doesn't "live long enough." Why not? Well, `x` is going to go
+out of scope when we hit the closing curly brace on line 7, ending the inner
+scope. But `r` is valid for the outer scope; its scope is larger and we say
+that it "lives longer." If Rust allowed this code to work, `r` would be
+referencing memory that was deallocated when `x` went out of scope. That'd be
+bad! Once it's deallocated, it's meaningless.
+So how does Rust determine that this code should not be allowed? Part of the
+compiler called the *borrow checker* compares scopes to determine that all
+borrows are valid. Here's the same example from Listing 10-8 with some
+ let r; // -------+-- 'a
+ // |
+ { // |
+ let x = 5; // -+-----+-- 'b
+ r = &x; // | |
+ } // -+ |
+ // |
+ println!("r: {}", r); // |
+ // |
+ // -------+
+Here, we've annotated the lifetime of `r` with `'a` and the lifetime of `x`
+with `'b`. Rust looks at these lifetimes and sees that `r` has a lifetime of
+`'a`, but that it refers to something with a lifetime of `'b`. It rejects the
+program because the lifetime `'b` is shorter than the lifetime of `'a`-- the
+value that the reference is referring to does not live as long as the reference
+Let's look at a different example that compiles because it does not try to make
+a dangling reference, and see what the lifetimes look like:
+ let x = 5; // -----+-- 'b
+ // |
+ let r = &x; // --+--+-- 'a
+ // | |
+ println!("r: {}", r); // | |
+ // --+ |
+ // -----+
+Here, `x` lives for `'b`, which in this case is larger than `'a`. This is
+allowed: Rust knows that the reference in `r` will always be valid, as it has a
+smaller scope than `x`, the value it refers to.
+Note that we didn't have to name any lifetimes in the code itself; Rust figured
+it out for us. One situation in which Rust can't figure out the lifetimes is
+for a function or method when one of the arguments or return values is a
+reference, except for a few scenarios we'll discuss in the lifetime elision
+### Lifetime Annotations in Struct Definitions
+Another time that Rust can't figure out the lifetimes is when structs have a
+field that holds a reference. In that case, naming the lifetimes looks like
+struct Ref<'a> {
+ x: &'a i32,
+Again, the lifetime names are declared in the angle brackets where generic type
+parameters are declared, and this is because lifetimes are a form of generics.
+In the examples above, `'a` and `'b` were concrete lifetimes: we knew about `r`
+and `x` and how long they would live exactly. However, when we write a
+function, we can't know beforehand exactly all of the arguments that it could
+be called with and how long they will be valid for. We have to explain to Rust
+what we expect the lifetime of the argument to be (we'll learn about how
+to know what you expect the lifetime to be in a bit). This is similar to
+writing a function that has an argument of a generic type: we don't know what
+type the arguments will actually end up being when the function gets called.
+Lifetimes are the same idea, but they are generic over the scope of a
+reference, rather than a type.
+### Lifetime Annotations in Function Signatures
+Lifetime annotations for functions go on the function signature, but we don't
+have to annotate any of the code in the function body with lifetimes. That's
+because Rust can analyze the specific code inside the function without any
+help. When a function interacts with references that come from or go to code
+outside that function, however, the lifetimes of those arguments or return
+values will potentially be different each time that function gets called. Rust
+would have to analyze every place the function is called to determine that
+there were no dangling references. That would be impossible because a library
+that you provide to someone else might be called in code that hasn't been
+written yet, at the time that you're compiling your library.
+Lifetime parameters specify generic lifetimes that will apply to any specific
+lifetimes the function gets called with. The annotation of lifetime parameters
+tell Rust what it needs to know in order to be able to analyze a function
+without knowing about all possible calling code. Lifetime annotations do not
+change how long any of the references involved live. In the same way that
+functions can accept any type when the signature specifies a generic type
+parameter, functions can accept references with any lifetime when the signature
+specifies a generic lifetime parameter.
+To understand lifetime annotations in context, let's write a function that will
+return the longest of two string slices. The way we want to be able to call
+this function is by passing two string slices, and we want to get back a string
+slice. The code in Listing 10-9 should print `The longest string is abcd` once
+we've implemented the `longest` function:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+# fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+# if x.len() > y.len() {
+# x
+# } else {
+# y
+# }
+# }
+fn main() {
+ let a = String::from("abcd");
+ let b = "xyz";
+ let c = longest(a.as_str(), b);
+ println!("The longest string is {}", c);
+Listing 10-9: A `main` function that demonstrates how we'd like to use the
+`longest` function
+Note that we want the function to take string slices because we don't want the
+`longest` function to take ownership of its arguments, and we want the function
+to be able to accept slices of a `String` (like `a`) is as well as string
+literals (`b`). Refer back to the "String Slices as Arguments" section of
+Chapter 4 for more discussion about why these are the arguments we want.
+Here's the start of an implementation of the `longest` function that won't
+compile yet:
+fn longest(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str {
+ if x.len() > y.len() {
+ x
+ } else {
+ y
+ }
+If we try to compile this, we get an error that talks about lifetimes:
+error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
+ |
+1 | fn longest(x: &str, y: &str) -> &str {
+ | ^ expected lifetime parameter
+ |
+ = help: this function's return type contains a borrowed value, but the signature does not say whether it is borrowed from `x` or `y`
+The help text is telling us that the return type needs a generic lifetime
+parameter on it because this function is returning a reference and Rust can't
+tell if the reference being returned refers to `x` or `y`. Actually, we don't
+know either, since in the `if` block in the body of this function returns a
+reference to `x` and the `else` block returns a reference to `y`! The way to
+specify the lifetime parameters in this case is to have the same lifetime for
+all of the input parameters and the return type:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+ if x.len() > y.len() {
+ x
+ } else {
+ y
+ }
+This will compile and will produce the result we want with the `main` function
+in Listing 10-9. This function signature is now saying that for some lifetime
+named `'a`, it will get two arguments, both which are string slices that live
+at least as long as the lifetime `'a`. The function will return a string slice
+that also will last at least as long as the lifetime `'a`. This is the contract
+we are telling Rust we want it to enforce. By specifying the lifetime
+parameters in this function signature, we are not changing the lifetimes of any
+values passed in or returned, but we are saying that any values that do not
+adhere to this contract should be rejected by the borrow checker. This function
+does not know (or need to know) exactly how long `x` and `y` will live since it
+knows that there is some scope that can be substituted for `'a` that will
+satisfy this signature.
+The exact way to specify lifetime parameters depends on what your function is
+doing. If the function didn't actually return the longest string slice but
+instead always returned the first argument, we wouldn't need to specify a
+lifetime on `y`. This code compiles:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
+ x
+The lifetime parameter for the return type needs to be specified and needs to
+match one of the arguments' lifetime parameters. If the reference returned does
+*not* refer to one of the arguments, the only other possibility is that it
+refers to a value created within this function, and that would be a dangling
+reference since the value will go out of scope at the end of the function.
+Consider this attempted implementation of `longest`:
+Filename: src/main.rs
+fn longest<'a>(x: &str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
+ let result = String::from("really long string");
+ result.as_str()
+Even though we've specified a lifetime for the return type, this function fails
+to compile with the following error message:
+error: `result` does not live long enough
+ |
+3 | result.as_str()
+ | ^^^^^^ does not live long enough
+4 | }
+ | - borrowed value only lives until here
+ |
+note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 1:44...
+ |
+1 | fn longest<'a>(x: &str, y: &str) -> &'a str {
+ | ^
+The problem is that `result` will go out of scope and get cleaned up at the end
+of the `longest` function, and we're trying to return a reference to `result`
+from the function. There's no way we can specify lifetime parameters that would
+change the dangling reference, and Rust won't let us create a dangling
+reference. In this case, the best fix would be to return an owned data type
+rather than a reference so that the calling function is then responsible for
+cleaning up the value.
+Ultimately, lifetime syntax is about connecting the lifetimes of various
+arguments and return values of functions. Once they're connected, Rust has
+enough information to allow memory-safe operations and disallow operations that
+would create dangling pointers or otherwise violate memory safety.
+### Lifetime Elision
+If every reference has a lifetime, and we need to provide them for functions
+that use references as arguments or return values, then why did this function
+from the "String Slices" section of Chapter 4 compile? We haven't annotated any
+lifetimes here, yet Rust happily compiles this function:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+fn first_word(s: &str) -> &str {
+ let bytes = s.as_bytes();
+ for (i, &item) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
+ if item == b' ' {
+ return &s[0..i];
+ }
+ }
+ &s[..]
+The answer is historical: in early versions of pre-1.0 Rust, this would not
+have compiled. Every reference needed an explicit lifetime. At that time, the
+function signature would have been written like this:
+fn first_word<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &'a str {
+After writing a lot of Rust code, some patterns developed. The Rust team
+noticed that the vast majority of code followed the pattern, and being forced
+to use explicit lifetime syntax on every reference wasn't a very great
+developer experience.
+To make it so that lifetime annotations weren't needed as often, they added
+*lifetime elision rules* to Rust's analysis of references. This feature isn't
+full inference: Rust doesn't try to guess what you meant in places where there
+could be ambiguity. The rules are a very basic set of particular cases, and if
+your code fits one of those cases, you don't need to write the lifetimes
+explicitly. Here are the rules:
+Lifetimes on function arguments are called *input lifetimes*, and lifetimes on
+return values are called *output lifetimes*. There's one rule related to how
+Rust infers input lifetimes in the absence of explicit annotations:
+1. Each argument that is a reference and therefore needs a lifetime parameter
+ gets its own. In other words, a function with one argument gets one lifetime
+ parameter: `fn foo<'a>(x: &'a i32)`, a function with two arguments gets two
+ separate lifetime parameters: `fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, y: &'b i32)`, and
+ so on.
+And two rules related to output lifetimes:
+2. If there is exactly one input lifetime parameter, that lifetime is assigned
+ to all output lifetime parameters: `fn foo<'a>(x: &'a i32) -> &'a i32`.
+3. If there are multiple input lifetime parameters, but one of them is `&self`
+ or `&mut self`, then the lifetime of `self` is the lifetime assigned to all
+ output lifetime parameters. This makes writing methods much nicer.
+If none of these three rules apply, then you must explicitly annotate input and
+output lifetimes. These rules do apply in the `first_word` function, which is
+why we didn't have to specify any lifetimes.
+These rules cover the vast majority of cases, allowing you to write a lot of
+code without needing to specify explicit lifetimes. However, Rust is always
+checking these rules and the lifetimes in your program, and cases in which the
+lifetime elision rules do not apply are cases where you'll need to add lifetime
+parameters to help Rust understand the contracts of your code.
+### Lifetime Annotations in Method Definitions
+Now that we've gone over the lifetime elision rules, defining methods on
+structs that hold references will make more sense. The lifetime name needs to
+be declared after the `impl` keyword and then used after the struct's name,
+since the lifetime is part of the struct's type. The lifetimes can be elided in
+any methods where the output type's lifetime is the same as that of the
+struct's because of the third elision rule. Here's a struct called `App` that
+holds a reference to another struct, `Config`, defined elsewhere. The
+`append_to_name` method does not need lifetime annotations even though the
+method has a reference as an argument and is returning a reference; the
+lifetime of the return value will be the lifetime of `self`:
+Filename: src/lib.rs
+# struct Config {}
+struct App<'a> {
+ name: String,
+ config: &'a Config,
+impl<'a> App<'a> {
+ fn append_to_name(&mut self, suffix: &str) -> &str {
+ self.name.push_str(suffix);
+ self.name.as_str()
+ }
+### The Static Lifetime
+There is *one* special lifetime that Rust knows about: `'static`. The `'static`
+lifetime is the entire duration of the program. All string literals have the
+`'static` lifetime:
+let s: &'static str = "I have a static lifetime.";
+The text of this string is stored directly in the binary of your program and
+the binary of your program is always available. Therefore, the lifetime of all
+string literals is `'static`. You may see suggestions to use the `'static`
+lifetime in error message help text, but before adding it, think about whether
+the reference you have is one that actually lives the entire lifetime of your
+program or not (or even if you want it to live that long, if it could). Most of
+the time, the problem in the code is an attempt to create a dangling reference
+or a mismatch of the available lifetimes, and the solution is fixing those
+problems, not specifying the `'static` lifetime.
+## Summary
+We've covered the basics of Rust's system of generics. Generics are the core to
+building good abstractions, and can be used in a number of ways. There's more
+to learn about them, particularly lifetimes, but we'll cover those in later
+chapters. Let's move on to I/O functionality.
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-# Generics
-We've been working with a `Point` struct that looks like this:
-struct Point {
- x: f64,
- y: f64,
-But what if we didn't want to always use an `f64` here? What about an `f32` for
-when we need less precision? Or an `i32` if we only want integer coordinates?
-While our simple `Point` struct may be a bit too simple to bother making
-generic in a real application, we're going to stick with it to show you the
-syntax. Especially when building library code, generics allow for more code
-re-use, and unlock a lot of powerful techniques.
-## Generic data types
-'Generics' let us write code that allows for several different types, while
-letting us have one definition. A more generic `Point` would look like this:
-struct Point {
- x: T,
- y: T,
-There are two changes here, and they both involve this new `T`. The first change
-is in the definition:
-# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
-struct Point {
-# x: T,
-# y: T,
-# }
-Our previous definition said, "We are defining a struct named Point." This
-definition says something slightly different: "We are defining a struct named
-Point with one type parameter `T`."
-Let's talk about this term *type parameter*. We've already seen one other thing
-called a "parameter" in Rust: function parameters:
-fn plus_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
- x + 1
-Here, `x` is a parameter to this function. We can call this function with a
-different value, and `x` will change each time it's called:
-# fn plus_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
-# x + 1
-# }
-let six = plus_one(5);
-let eleven = plus_one(10);
-In the same way, a type parameter allows us to define a data type which can be
-different each time we use it:
-struct Point {
- x: T,
- y: T,
-let integral_point = Point { x: 5, y: 5 };
-let floating_point = Point { x: 5.0, y: 5.0 };
-Here, `integral_point` uses `i32` values for `T`, and `floating_point` uses
-`f64` values. This also leads us to talk about the second change we made to `Point`:
-# #[derive(Debug,Copy,Clone)]
-# struct Point {
- x: T,
- y: T,
-# }
-Instead of saying `x: i32`, we say `x: T`. This `T` is the same one that we
-used above in the struct declaration. Because `x` and `y` both use `T`, they'll
-be the same type. We could give them different types:
-struct Point {
- x: T,
- y: OtherT,
-let different = Point { x: 5, y: 5.0 };
-let same = Point { x: 5.0, y: 5.0 };
-Here, instead of a single parameter, `T`, we have two: `T` and `OtherT`. Type
-parameters have the same naming convention as other types: `CamelCase`.
-However, you'll often see short, one-letter names used for types. `T` is very
-common, because it's short for "type", but you can name them something longer
-if you'd like. In this version of `Point`, we say that `x` has the type `T`,
-and `y` has the type `OtherT`. This lets us give them two different types, but
-they don't have to be.
-## Generic functions
-Regular old functions can also take generic parameters, with a syntax that looks
-very similar:
-fn foo(x: T) {
- // ...
-This `foo` function has one generic parameter, `T`, and takes one argument,
-`x`, which has the type `T`. Let's talk a little bit more about what this means.
-## Generic methods
-We've seen how to define methods with the `impl` keyword. Our generic `Point`
-can have generic methods, too:
-struct Point {
- x: T,
- y: T,
-impl Point {
- fn some_method(&self) {
- // ...
- }
-We also need the `` after `impl`. This line reads, "We will be implementing
-methods with one generic type parameter, `T`, for a type, `Point`, which takes
-one generic type `T`." In a sense, the `impl` says "we will be using a type
-`T`" and the `Point` says "that `T` is used for `Point`." In this simple
-case, this syntax can feel a bit redundant, but when we get into some of Rust's
-more advanced features later, this distinction will become more useful.
-## There's more to the story
-This section covered the basic syntax of generics, but it's not the full story.
-For example, let's try to implement our `foo` function: we'll have it print out
-the value of `x`:
-fn foo(x: T) {
- println!("x is: {}", x);
-We'll get an error:
-error: the trait `core::fmt::Display` is not implemented for the type `T` [E0277]
-println!("x is: {}", x);
- ^
-We can't print out `x`! The error messages reference something we talked about
-briefly before, the `Display` trait. In order to implement this function, we
-need to talk about traits. But we only need to talk about traits to implement
-our own generic functions; we don't need this understanding to use them. So
-rather than get into more details about this right now, let's talk about other
-useful Rust data types, and we can come back to implementing generic functions
-in the chapter about traits.
-For now, the important bits to understand:
-* Generic type parameters are kind of like function parameters, but for types
- instead of values.
-* Type parameters go inside `<>`s and are usually named things like `T`.
-With that, let's talk about another fundamental Rust data type: enums.