/* * Copyright (C) 2024-present Puter Technologies Inc. * * This file is part of Puter. * * Puter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ const path = require('path'); class CustomPuterService extends use.Service { async _init () { const svc_commands = this.services.get('commands'); this._register_commands(svc_commands); const svc_puterHomepage = this.services.get('puter-homepage'); svc_puterHomepage.register_script('/custom-gui/main.js'); } ['__on_install.routes'] (_, { app }) { const require = this.require; const express = require('express'); const path_ = require('path'); app.use('/custom-gui', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'gui'))); } async ['__on_boot.consolidation'] () { const then = Date.now(); this.tod_widget = () => { const s = 5 - Math.floor( (Date.now() - then) / 1000); const lines = [ "\x1B[36;1mKDMOD ENABLED\x1B[0m" + ` (👁️ ${s}s)` ]; // It would be super cool to be able to use this here // surrounding_box('33;1', lines); return lines; } const svc_devConsole = this.services.get('dev-console', { optional: true }); if ( ! svc_devConsole ) return; svc_devConsole.add_widget(this.tod_widget); setTimeout(() => { svc_devConsole.remove_widget(this.tod_widget); }, 5000) } _register_commands (commands) { commands.registerCommands('o', [ { id: 'k', description: '', handler: async (_, log) => { const svc_devConsole = this.services.get('dev-console', { optional: true }); if ( ! svc_devConsole ) return; svc_devConsole.remove_widget(this.tod_widget); const lines = this.tod_widget(); for ( const line of lines ) log.log(line); this.tod_widget = null; } } ]); } } module.exports = { CustomPuterService };