/** * Copyright (C) 2024 Puter Technologies Inc. * * This file is part of Puter. * * Puter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import UIAlert from './UIAlert.js'; import UIContextMenu from './UIContextMenu.js'; import path from '../lib/path.js'; import UITaskbarItem from './UITaskbarItem.js'; import UIWindowLogin from './UIWindowLogin.js'; import UIWindowPublishWebsite from './UIWindowPublishWebsite.js'; import UIWindowItemProperties from './UIWindowItemProperties.js'; import new_context_menu_item from '../helpers/new_context_menu_item.js'; const el_body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; async function UIWindow(options) { const win_id = global_element_id++; last_window_zindex++; // options.dominant places the window in center close to top. options.dominant = options.dominant ?? false; // in case of file dialogs, the window is automatically dominant if(options.is_openFileDialog || options.is_saveFileDialog || options.is_directoryPicker) options.dominant = true; // we don't want to increment window_counter for dominant windows if(!options.dominant) window.window_counter++; // add this window's id to the window_stack window_stack.push(win_id); // ===================================== // set options defaults // ===================================== // indicates if sidebar is hidden, only applies to directory windows let sidebar_hidden = false; const default_window_top = ('calc(15% + ' + ((window.window_counter-1) % 10 * 20) + 'px)'); // list of file types that are allowed, other types will be disabled but still shown options.allowed_file_types = options.allowed_file_types ?? ''; options.app = options.app ?? ''; options.allow_context_menu = options.allow_context_menu ?? true; options.allow_native_ctxmenu = options.allow_native_ctxmenu ?? false; options.allow_user_select = options.allow_user_select ?? false; options.backdrop = options.backdrop ?? false; options.body_css = options.body_css ?? {}; options.border_radius = options.border_radius ?? undefined; options.draggable_body = options.draggable_body ?? false; options.element_uuid = options.element_uuid ?? uuidv4(); options.center = options.center ?? false; options.close_on_backdrop_click = options.close_on_backdrop_click ?? true; options.disable_parent_window = options.disable_parent_window ?? false; options.has_head = options.has_head ?? true; options.height = options.height ?? 380; options.icon = options.icon ?? null; options.iframe_msg_uid = options.iframe_msg_uid ?? null; options.is_droppable = options.is_droppable ?? true; options.is_draggable = options.is_draggable ?? true; options.is_dir = options.is_dir ?? false; options.is_minimized = options.is_minimized ?? false; options.is_maximized = options.is_maximized ?? false; options.is_openFileDialog = options.is_openFileDialog ?? false; options.is_resizable = options.is_resizable ?? true; // if this is a fullpage window, it won't be resizable if(options.is_fullpage) options.is_resizable = false; // in the embedded/fullpage mode every window is on top since there is no taskbar to switch between windows // if user has specifically asked for this window to NOT stay on top, honor it. if((is_embedded || window.is_fullpage_mode) && !options.parent_uuid && options.stay_on_top !== false) options.stay_on_top = true; // Keep the window on top of all previously opened windows options.stay_on_top = options.stay_on_top ?? false; options.is_saveFileDialog = options.is_saveFileDialog ?? false; options.show_minimize_button = options.show_minimize_button ?? true; options.on_close = options.on_close ?? undefined; options.parent_uuid = options.parent_uuid ?? null; options.selectable_body = options.selectable_body ?? true; options.show_in_taskbar = options.show_in_taskbar ?? true; options.show_maximize_button = options.show_maximize_button ?? true; options.single_instance = options.single_instance ?? false; options.sort_by = options.sort_by ?? 'name'; options.sort_order = options.sort_order ?? 'asc'; options.title = options.title ?? null; options.top = options.top ?? default_window_top; options.type = options.type ?? null; options.update_window_url = options.update_window_url ?? false; options.layout = options.layout ?? 'icons'; options.width = options.width ?? 680; options.window_css = options.window_css ?? {}; options.window_class = (options.window_class !== undefined ? ' ' + options.window_class : ''); // if only one instance is allowed, bring focus to the window that is already open if(options.single_instance && options.app !== ''){ let $already_open_window = $(`.window[data-app="${html_encode(options.app)}"]`); if($already_open_window.length){ $(`.window[data-app="${html_encode(options.app)}"]`).focusWindow(); return; } } // left if(!options.dominant && !options.center){ options.left = options.left ?? ((window.innerWidth/2 - options.width/2) +(window.window_counter-1) % 10 * 30) + 'px'; }else if(!options.dominant && options.center){ options.left = options.left ?? ((window.innerWidth/2 - options.width/2)) + 'px'; } else if(options.dominant){ options.left = (window.innerWidth/2 - options.width/2) + 'px'; } else options.left = options.left ?? ((window.innerWidth/2 - options.width/2) + 'px'); // top if(!options.dominant && !options.center){ options.top = options.top ?? ((window.innerHeight/2 - options.height/2) +(window.window_counter-1) % 10 * 30) + 'px'; }else if(!options.dominant && options.center){ options.top = options.top ?? ((window.innerHeight/2 - options.height/2)) + 'px'; } else if(options.dominant){ options.top = (window.innerHeight * 0.15); } else if(isMobile.phone) options.top = 100; if(isMobile.phone){ options.left = 0; options.top = window.toolbar_height + 'px'; options.width = '100%'; options.height = 'calc(100% - ' + window.toolbar_height + 'px)'; }else{ options.width += 'px' options.height += 'px' } // ===================================== // cover page // ===================================== if(options.cover_page){ options.left = 0; options.top = 0; options.width = '100%'; options.height = '100%'; } // -------------------------------------------------------- // HTML for Window // -------------------------------------------------------- let h = ''; // Window let zindex = options.stay_on_top ? (99999999 + last_window_zindex + 1 + ' !important') : last_window_zindex; h += `
`; // window mask h += `
`; //busy indicator h += `
`; h += `
`; // Head if(options.has_head){ h += `
`; // draggable handle which also contains icon and title h+=`
`; // icon if(options.icon) h += ``; // title h += ``; h += `
`; // Minimize button, only if window is resizable and not embedded if(options.is_resizable && options.show_minimize_button && !is_embedded) h += ``; // Maximize button if(options.is_resizable && options.show_maximize_button) h += ``; // Close button h += ``; h += `
`; } // Sidebar if(options.is_dir && !isMobile.phone){ h += `
`; // favorites h += `


`; h += `
`; h += `
`; h += `
`; h += `
`; h += `
`; h += `
`; } // Navbar if(options.is_dir){ h += `
`; h += `
`; // Back h += ``; // Forward h += ``; // Up h += ``; h += `
`; // Path h += `
${navbar_path(options.path, window.user.username)}
`; // Path editor h += ``; // Layout settings h += ``; h += `
`; } // Body h += `
`; // iframe, for apps if(options.iframe_url || options.iframe_srcdoc){ // iframe h += ``; } // custom body else if(options.body_content !== undefined){ h += options.body_content; } // Directory if(options.is_dir){ // Detail layout header h += window.explore_table_headers(); // Add 'This folder is empty' message by default h += `
This folder is empty
`; // Loading spinner h += `
`; h +=`circle anim`; h += `


`; h += `
`; } h += `
`; // Explorer footer if(options.is_dir && !options.is_saveFileDialog && !options.is_openFileDialog && !options.is_directoryPicker){ h += ``; } // is_saveFileDialog if(options.is_saveFileDialog){ h += `
`; h += `
`; h += ``; h += ``; h += ``; h += `
`; h += `
`; } // is_openFileDialog else if(options.is_openFileDialog){ h += `
`; h += `
`; h += ``; h += ``; h += `
`; h += `
`; } // is_directoryPicker else if(options.is_directoryPicker){ h += `
`; h += `
`; h += ``; h += ``; h += `
`; h += `
`; } h += `
`; // backdrop if(options.backdrop){ let backdrop_zindex; // backdrop should also cover over taskbar let taskbar_zindex = $('.taskbar').css('z-index'); if(taskbar_zindex === null || taskbar_zindex === undefined) backdrop_zindex = zindex; else{ taskbar_zindex = parseInt(taskbar_zindex); backdrop_zindex = taskbar_zindex > zindex ? taskbar_zindex : zindex; } h = `
` + h + `
`; } // Append $(el_body).append(h); // disable_parent_window if(options.disable_parent_window && options.parent_uuid !== null){ const $el_parent_window = $(`.window[data-element_uuid="${options.parent_uuid}"]`); const $el_parent_disable_mask = $el_parent_window.find('.window-disable-mask'); //disable parent window $el_parent_window.addClass('window-disabled') $el_parent_disable_mask.show(); $el_parent_disable_mask.css('z-index', parseInt($el_parent_window.css('z-index')) + 1); $el_parent_window.find('iframe').blur(); } // Add Taskbar Item if(!options.is_openFileDialog && !options.is_saveFileDialog && !options.is_directoryPicker && options.show_in_taskbar){ // add icon if there is no similar app already open if($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${options.app}"]`).length === 0){ UITaskbarItem({ icon: options.icon, name: options.title, app: options.app, open_windows_count: 1, onClick: function(){ let open_window_count = parseInt($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${options.app}"]`).attr('data-open-windows')); if(open_window_count === 0){ launch_app({ name: options.app, }) }else{ return false; } } }); if(options.app) $(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${options.app}"] .active-taskbar-indicator`).show(); }else{ if(options.app){ $(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${options.app}"]`).attr('data-open-windows', parseInt($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${options.app}"]`).attr('data-open-windows')) + 1); $(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${options.app}"] .active-taskbar-indicator`).show(); } } } // if directory, set window_nav_history and window_nav_history_current_position if(options.is_dir){ window_nav_history[win_id] = [options.path]; window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] = 0; } // get all the elements needed const el_window = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id}`); const el_window_head = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} > .window-head`); const el_window_sidebar = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} > .window-sidebar`); const el_window_head_title = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} > .window-head .window-head-title`); const el_window_head_icon = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} > .window-head .window-head-icon`); const el_window_head_scale_btn = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} > .window-head > .window-scale-btn`); const el_window_navbar_back_btn = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} .window-navbar-btn-back`); const el_window_navbar_forward_btn = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} .window-navbar-btn-forward`); const el_window_navbar_up_btn = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} .window-navbar-btn-up`); const el_window_body = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} > .window-body`); const el_window_app_iframe = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} > .window-body > .window-app-iframe`); const el_savefiledialog_filename = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} .savefiledialog-filename`); const el_savefiledialog_save_btn = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} .savefiledialog-save-btn`); const el_filedialog_cancel_btn = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} .filedialog-cancel-btn`); const el_openfiledialog_open_btn = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} .openfiledialog-open-btn`); const el_directorypicker_select_btn = document.querySelector(`#window-${win_id} .directorypicker-select-btn`); if(options.is_maximized){ // save original size and position $(el_window).attr({ 'data-left-before-maxim': ((window.innerWidth/2 - 680/2) +(window.window_counter-1) % 10 * 30) + 'px', 'data-top-before-maxim': default_window_top, 'data-width-before-maxim': '680px', 'data-height-before-maxim': '350px', 'data-is_maximized': '1', }); // shrink icon $(el_window).find('.window-scale-btn>img').attr('src', window.icons['scale-down-3.svg']); // set new size and position $(el_window).css({ 'top': window.toolbar_height + 'px', 'left': '0', 'width': '100%', 'height': `calc(100% - ${window.taskbar_height + window.toolbar_height + 1}px)`, 'transform': 'none', }); } // when a window is created, focus is brought to it and // therefore it is the current active element window.active_element = el_window; // set name $(el_window_head_title).html(html_encode(options.title)); // set icon if(options.icon) $(el_window_head_icon).attr('src', options.icon.image ?? options.icon); // root folder of a shared user? if(options.is_dir && (options.path.split('/').length - 1) === 1 && options.path !== '/'+window.user.username){ $(el_window_head_icon).attr('src', window.icons['shared.svg']); } // focus on this window and deactivate other windows $(el_window).focusWindow(); if (animate_window_opening) { // animate window opening $(el_window).css({ 'opacity': '0', 'transition': 'opacity 70ms ease-in-out', }); // Use requestAnimationFrame to schedule a function to run at the next repaint of the browser window requestAnimationFrame(() => { // Change the window's opacity to 1 and scale to 1 to create an opening effect $(el_window).css({ 'opacity': '1', }) // Set a timeout to run after the transition duration (100ms) setTimeout(function () { // Remove the transition property, so future CSS changes won't be animated $(el_window).css({ 'transition': 'none', }) }, 70); }); } // onAppend() - using show() is a hack to make sure window is visible AND onAppend is called when // window is actually appended and usable. $(el_window).show(0, function(e){ // if SaveFileDialog, bring focus to the el_savefiledialog_filename and select all if(options.is_saveFileDialog){ let item_name = el_savefiledialog_filename.value; const extname = path.extname('/' + item_name); if(extname !== '') el_savefiledialog_filename.setSelectionRange(0, item_name.length - extname.length) else $(el_savefiledialog_filename).select(); $(el_savefiledialog_filename).get(0).focus({preventScroll:true}); } //set custom window css $(el_window).css(options.window_css); // onAppend() if(options.onAppend && typeof options.onAppend === 'function'){ options.onAppend(el_window); } }) if(options.is_saveFileDialog){ //------------------------------------------------ // SaveFileDialog > Save button //------------------------------------------------ $(el_savefiledialog_save_btn).on('click', function(e){ const filename = $(el_savefiledialog_filename).val(); try{ validate_fsentry_name(filename) }catch(err){ UIAlert(err.message, 'error', 'OK') return; } const target_path = path.join($(el_window).attr('data-path'), filename); if(options.onSaveFileDialogSave && typeof options.onSaveFileDialogSave === 'function') options.onSaveFileDialogSave(target_path, el_window) }) //------------------------------------------------ // SaveFileDialog > Enter //------------------------------------------------ $(el_savefiledialog_filename).on('keypress', function(event) { if(event.which === 13){ $(el_savefiledialog_save_btn).trigger('click'); } }) //------------------------------------------------ // Enable/disable Save button based on input //------------------------------------------------ $(el_savefiledialog_filename).bind('keydown change input paste', function(){ if($(this).val() !== '') $(el_savefiledialog_save_btn).removeClass('disabled'); else $(el_savefiledialog_save_btn).addClass('disabled'); }) $(el_savefiledialog_filename).get(0).focus({preventScroll:true}); } if(options.is_openFileDialog){ //------------------------------------------------ // OpenFileDialog > Open button //------------------------------------------------ $(el_openfiledialog_open_btn).on('click', async function(e){ const selected_els = $(el_window).find('.item-selected[data-is_dir="0"]'); let selected_files; // No item selected if(selected_els.length === 0) return; // ------------------------------------------------ // Item(s) selected // ------------------------------------------------ else{ selected_files = [] // an array that hold the items to sign const items_to_sign = []; // prepare items to sign for(let i=0; i Select button //------------------------------------------------ $(el_directorypicker_select_btn).on('click', async function(e){ const selected_els = $(el_window).find('.item-selected[data-is_dir="1"]'); let selected_dirs; // ------------------------------------------------ // No item selected, return current directory // ------------------------------------------------ if(selected_els.length === 0){ selected_dirs = await puter.fs.sign(options.initiating_app_uuid, {uid: $(el_window).attr('data-uid'), action: 'write'}) selected_dirs = selected_dirs.items; } // ------------------------------------------------ // directorie(s) selected // ------------------------------------------------ else{ selected_dirs = [] // an array that hold the items to sign const items_to_sign = []; // prepare items to sign for(let i=0; i Cancel button //------------------------------------------------ $(el_filedialog_cancel_btn).on('click', function(e){ if(options.return_to_parent_window){ window.close(); window.open('','_self').close(); } $(el_window).hide(0, ()=>{ // re-anable parent window $(`.window[data-element_uuid="${options.parent_uuid}"]`).removeClass('window-disabled'); $(`.window[data-element_uuid="${options.parent_uuid}"]`).find('.window-disable-mask').hide(); $(el_window).close(); }) }) } if(options.is_dir){ navbar_path_droppable(el_window); sidebar_item_droppable(el_window); // -------------------------------------------------------- // Back button // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_navbar_back_btn).on('click', function(e){ // if history menu is open don't continue if($(el_window_navbar_back_btn).hasClass('has-open-contextmenu')) return; // if ctrl/cmd are pressed, open in new window if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey){ const dirpath = window_nav_history[win_id].at(window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] - 1); UIWindow({ path: dirpath, title: dirpath === '/' ? root_dirname : path.basename(dirpath), icon: window.icons['folder.svg'], // uid: $(el_item).attr('data-uid'), is_dir: true, }); } // ... otherwise, open in same window else{ window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] > 0 && window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]--; const new_path = window_nav_history[win_id].at(window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]); // update window path update_window_path(el_window, new_path); } }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Back button click-hold // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_navbar_back_btn).on('taphold', function() { let items = []; const pos = el_window_navbar_back_btn.getBoundingClientRect(); for(let index = window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] - 1; index >= 0; index--){ const history_item = window_nav_history[win_id].at(index); // build item for context menu items.push({ html: `${history_item === window.home_path ? 'Home' : path.basename(history_item)}`, val: index, onClick: async function(e){ let history_index = e.value; window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] = history_index; const new_path = window_nav_history[win_id].at(window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]); // if ctrl/cmd are pressed, open in new window if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey && (new_path !== undefined && new_path !== null)){ UIWindow({ path: new_path, title: new_path === '/' ? root_dirname : path.basename(new_path), icon: window.icons['folder.svg'], is_dir: true, }); } // update window path else{ update_window_path(el_window, new_path); } } }) } // Menu UIContextMenu({ position: {top: pos.top + pos.height + 3, left: pos.left}, parent_element: el_window_navbar_back_btn, items: items, }) }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Forward button // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_navbar_forward_btn).on('click', function(e){ // if history menu is open don't continue if($(el_window_navbar_forward_btn).hasClass('has-open-contextmenu')) return; // if ctrl/cmd are pressed, open in new window if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey){ const dirpath = window_nav_history[win_id].at(window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] + 1); UIWindow({ path: dirpath, title: dirpath === '/' ? root_dirname : path.basename(dirpath), icon: window.icons['folder.svg'], // uid: $(el_item).attr('data-uid'), is_dir: true, }); } // ... otherwise, open in same window else{ window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]++; // get last path in history const target_path = window_nav_history[win_id].at(window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]); // update window path if(target_path !== undefined){ update_window_path(el_window, target_path); } } }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // forward button click-hold // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_navbar_forward_btn).on('taphold', function() { let items = []; const pos = el_window_navbar_forward_btn.getBoundingClientRect(); for(let index = window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] + 1; index < window_nav_history[win_id].length; index++){ const history_item = window_nav_history[win_id].at(index); // build item for context menu items.push({ html: `${history_item === window.home_path ? 'Home' : path.basename(history_item)}`, val: index, onClick: async function(e){ let history_index = e.value; window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] = history_index; const new_path = window_nav_history[win_id].at(window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]); // if ctrl/cmd are pressed, open in new window if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey && (new_path !== undefined && new_path !== null)){ UIWindow({ path: new_path, title: new_path === '/' ? root_dirname : path.basename(new_path), icon: window.icons['folder.svg'], is_dir: true, }); } // update window path else{ update_window_path(el_window, new_path); } } }) } // Menu UIContextMenu({ parent_element: el_window_navbar_forward_btn, position: {top: pos.top + pos.height + 3, left: pos.left}, items: items, }) }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Up button // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_navbar_up_btn).on('click', function(e){ const target_path = path.resolve(path.join($(el_window).attr('data-path'), '..')); // if ctrl/cmd are pressed, open in new window if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey && (target_path !== undefined && target_path !== null)){ UIWindow({ path: target_path, title: target_path === '/' ? root_dirname : path.basename(target_path), icon: window.icons['folder.svg'], // uid: $(el_item).attr('data-uid'), is_dir: true, }); } // ... otherwise, open in same window else if(target_path !== undefined && target_path !== null){ // update history window_nav_history[win_id] = window_nav_history[win_id].slice(0, window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]+1); window_nav_history[win_id].push(target_path); window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]++; // update window path update_window_path(el_window, target_path); } }) const layouts = ['icons', 'list', 'details']; $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-layout-settings').on('contextmenu taphold', function() { let cur_layout = $(el_window).attr('data-layout'); let items = []; for(let i=0; i${layouts[i]}`, icon: cur_layout === layouts[i] ? '✓' : '', onClick: async function(e){ update_window_layout(el_window, layouts[i]); window.set_layout($(el_window).attr('data-uid'), layouts[i]); } }) } UIContextMenu({ parent_element: this, items: items, }) }) $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-layout-settings').on('click', function() { let cur_layout = $(el_window).attr('data-layout'); for(let i=0; i { selected_ctrl_items = []; return $(event.target).is(`#window-body-${win_id}`) }) .on('beforedrag', evt => { }) .on('start', ({store, event}) => { if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) { for (const el of store.stored) { el.classList.remove('item-selected'); } selection.clearSelection(); } }) .on('move', ({store: {changed: {added, removed}}, event}) => { for (const el of added) { // if ctrl or meta key is pressed and the item is already selected, then unselect it if((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && $(el).hasClass('item-selected')){ el.classList.remove('item-selected'); selected_ctrl_items.push(el); } // otherwise select it else{ el.classList.add('item-selected'); // the latest selected item is the active element active_element = el; } } for (const el of removed) { el.classList.remove('item-selected'); // in case this item was selected by ctrl+click before, then reselect it again if(selected_ctrl_items.includes(el)) $(el).addClass('item-selected'); } update_explorer_footer_selected_items_count(el_window); // If this is openFileDialog, enable/disable the Open button accordingly if(options.is_openFileDialog && $(el_window).find('.item-selected').length) $(el_openfiledialog_open_btn).removeClass('disabled') else $(el_openfiledialog_open_btn).addClass('disabled') }) .on('stop', ({store, event}) => { // If this is openFileDialog, enable/disable the Open button accordingly if(options.is_openFileDialog && $(el_window).find('.item-selected').length) $(el_openfiledialog_open_btn).removeClass('disabled') else $(el_openfiledialog_open_btn).addClass('disabled') }); } // -------------------------------------------------------- // Droppable // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_body).droppable({ accept: '.item', greedy: true, tolerance: "pointer", drop: async function( e, ui ) { // check if item was actually dropped on this window if($(mouseover_window).attr('data-id') !== $(el_window).attr('data-id')) return; // can't drop anything here but a UIItem if(!$(ui.draggable).hasClass('item')) return; // -------------------------------------------------- // In case this was dropped on an App window // -------------------------------------------------- if(el_window_app_iframe !== null){ const items_to_move = [] // first item items_to_move.push(ui.draggable); // all subsequent items const cloned_items = document.getElementsByClassName('item-selected-clone'); for(let i =0; i { create_shortcut( path.basename($(item_to_move).attr('data-path')), $(item_to_move).attr('data-is_dir') === '1', $(mouseover_window).attr('data-path'), null, $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to') === '' ? $(item_to_move).attr('data-uid') : $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to'), $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to_path') === '' ? $(item_to_move).attr('data-path') : $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to_path'), ); }); } // otherwise, move items else{ move_items(items_to_move, $(mouseover_window).attr('data-path')); } }, over: function(event, ui){ // Don't do anything if the dragged item is NOT a UIItem if(!$(ui.draggable).hasClass('item')) return; }, out: function(event, ui){ // Don't do anything if the dragged item is NOT a UIItem if(!$(ui.draggable).hasClass('item')) return; } }); // -------------------------------------------------------- // Double Click on Head // double click on a window head will maximize or shrink window // only maximize/shrink if window is marked `is_resizable` // -------------------------------------------------------- if(options.is_resizable){ $(el_window_head).dblclick(function () { scale_window(el_window); }) } $(el_window_head).mousedown(function () { if(window_is_snapped){ $( el_window ).draggable( "option", "cursorAt", { left: width_before_snap/2 } ); } }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Click On The `Scale` Button // (the little rectangle in the window head) // -------------------------------------------------------- if(options.is_resizable){ $(el_window_head_scale_btn).click(function () { scale_window(el_window); }) } // -------------------------------------------------------- // Dragster // If a local item is dragged over this window, bring it to front // -------------------------------------------------------- let drag_enter_timeout; $(el_window).dragster({ enter: function (dragsterEvent, event) { // make sure to cancel any previous timeouts otherwise the window will be brought to front multiple times clearTimeout(drag_enter_timeout); // If items are dragged over this window long enough, bring it to front drag_enter_timeout = setTimeout(function(){ // focus window $(el_window).focusWindow(); }, 1400); }, leave: function (dragsterEvent, event) { // cancel the timeout for 'bringing window to front' clearTimeout(drag_enter_timeout); }, drop: function (dragsterEvent, event) { // cancel the timeout for 'bringing window to front' clearTimeout(drag_enter_timeout); }, over: function (dragsterEvent, event) { // cancel the timeout for 'bringing window to front' clearTimeout(drag_enter_timeout); } }); // -------------------------------------------------------- // Dragster // Allow dragging of local files onto this window, if it's is_dir // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_body).dragster({ enter: function (dragsterEvent, event) { if(options.is_dir){ // remove any context menu that might be open $('.context-menu').remove(); // highlight this item container $(el_window).find('.item-container').addClass('item-container-active'); } }, leave: function (dragsterEvent, event) { if(options.is_dir){ $(el_window).find('.item-container').removeClass('item-container-active'); } }, drop: function (dragsterEvent, event) { const e = event.originalEvent; if(options.is_dir){ // if files were dropped... if(e.dataTransfer?.items?.length>0){ upload_items(e.dataTransfer.items, $(el_window).attr('data-path')) } // de-highlight all windows $('.item-container').removeClass('item-container-active'); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); // -------------------------------------------------------- // Close button // -------------------------------------------------------- $(`#window-${win_id} > .window-head > .window-close-btn`).click(function () { $(el_window).close({ shrink_to_target: options.on_close_shrink_to_target }); }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Minimize button // -------------------------------------------------------- $(`#window-${win_id} > .window-head > .window-minimize-btn`).click(function () { $(el_window).hideWindow(); }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Draggable // -------------------------------------------------------- let width_before_snap = 0; let height_before_snap = 0; let window_is_snapped = false; let snap_placeholder_active = false; let snap_trigger_timeout; if(options.is_draggable){ let window_snap_placeholder = $( `
` ); $(el_window).draggable({ start: function(e, ui){ // if window is snapped, unsnap it and reset its position to where it was before snapping if(options.is_resizable && window_is_snapped){ window_is_snapped = false; $(el_window).css({ 'width': width_before_snap, 'height': height_before_snap + 'px', }); // if at any point the window's width is "too small", hide the sidebar if($(el_window).width() < window_width_threshold_for_sidebar){ if(width_before_snap >= window_width_threshold_for_sidebar && !sidebar_hidden){ $(el_window_sidebar).hide(); } sidebar_hidden = true; } // if at any point the window's width is "big enough", show the sidebar else if($(el_window).width() >= window_width_threshold_for_sidebar){ if(sidebar_hidden){ $(el_window_sidebar).show(); } sidebar_hidden = false; } } $(el_window).addClass('window-dragging'); // rm window from original_window_position window.original_window_position[$(el_window).attr('id')] = undefined; // since jquery draggable sets the z-index automatically we need this to // bring windows to the front when they are clicked. last_window_zindex = parseInt($(el_window).css('z-index')); //transform causes draggable to start inaccurately $(el_window).css('transform', 'none'); }, drag: function ( e, ui ) { $(el_window_app_iframe).css('pointer-events', 'none'); $('.window').css('pointer-events', 'none'); // jqueryui changes the z-index automatically, if the stay_on_top flag is set // make sure window stays on top $(`.window[data-stay_on_top="true"]`).css('z-index', 999999999) if($(el_window).attr('data-is_maximized') === '1'){ $(el_window).attr('data-is_maximized', '0'); // maximize icon $(el_window_head_scale_btn).find('img').attr('src', window.icons['scale.svg']); } // -------------------------------------------------------- // Snap to screen edges // -------------------------------------------------------- if(options.is_resizable){ clearTimeout(snap_trigger_timeout); // if window is not snapped, check if it should be snapped snap_trigger_timeout = setTimeout(function(){ // if cursor is not in a snap zone, don't snap if(!current_active_snap_zone){ return; } // if dragging has stopped by now, don't snap if(!$(el_window).hasClass('window-dragging')){ return; } // W if(!window_is_snapped && current_active_snap_zone === 'w'){ window_snap_placeholder.css({ 'display': 'block', 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height, 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': 0, 'z-index': last_window_zindex - 1, }) } // NW else if(!window_is_snapped && current_active_snap_zone === 'nw'){ window_snap_placeholder.css({ 'display': 'block', 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height/2, 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': 0, 'z-index': last_window_zindex - 1, }) } // NE else if(!window_is_snapped && current_active_snap_zone ==='ne'){ window_snap_placeholder.css({ 'display': 'block', 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height/2, 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': desktop_width/2, 'z-index': last_window_zindex - 1, }) } // E else if(!window_is_snapped && current_active_snap_zone ==='e'){ window_snap_placeholder.css({ 'display': 'block', 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height, 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': 'initial', 'right': 0, 'z-index': last_window_zindex - 1, }) } // N else if(!window_is_snapped && current_active_snap_zone ==='n'){ window_snap_placeholder.css({ 'display': 'block', 'width': desktop_width, 'height': desktop_height, 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': 0, 'z-index': last_window_zindex - 1, }) } // SW else if(!window_is_snapped && current_active_snap_zone ==='sw'){ window_snap_placeholder.css({ 'display': 'block', 'top': toolbar_height + desktop_height/2, 'left': 0, 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height/2, 'z-index': last_window_zindex - 1, }) } // SE else if(!window_is_snapped && current_active_snap_zone ==='se'){ window_snap_placeholder.css({ 'display': 'block', 'top': toolbar_height + desktop_height/2, 'left': desktop_width/2, 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height/2, 'z-index': last_window_zindex - 1, }) } // If snap placeholder is not active, append it and make it active if(!window_is_snapped && !snap_placeholder_active){ snap_placeholder_active = true; $(el_body).append(window_snap_placeholder); } // save window size before snap width_before_snap = $(el_window).width(); height_before_snap = $(el_window).height(); }, 500); // if mouse is not in a snap zone, hide snap placeholder if(snap_placeholder_active && !current_active_snap_zone){ snap_placeholder_active = false; window_snap_placeholder.fadeOut(80); } } }, stop: function () { let window_will_snap = false; $( el_window ).draggable( "option", "cursorAt", false ); $(el_window).removeClass('window-dragging'); $(el_window).attr({ 'data-orig-top': $(el_window).position().top, 'data-orig-left': $(el_window).position().left, }) $(el_window_app_iframe).css('pointer-events', 'all'); $('.window').css('pointer-events', 'initial'); // jqueryui changes the z-index automatically, if the stay_on_top flag is set // make sure window stays on top with the initial zindex though $(`.window[data-stay_on_top="true"]`).each(function(){ $(this).css('z-index', $(this).attr('data-initial_zindex')) }) if(options.is_resizable && snap_placeholder_active && !window_is_snapped){ window_will_snap = true; $(window_snap_placeholder).css('padding', 0); setTimeout(function(){ // snap to w if(current_active_snap_zone === 'w'){ $(el_window).css({ 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': 0, 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height, }) } // snap to nw else if(current_active_snap_zone === 'nw'){ $(el_window).css({ 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': 0, 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height/2, }) } // snap to ne else if(current_active_snap_zone === 'ne'){ $(el_window).css({ 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': '50%', 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height/2, }) } // snap to sw else if(current_active_snap_zone === 'sw'){ $(el_window).css({ 'top': toolbar_height + desktop_height/2, 'left': 0, 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height/2, }) } // snap to se else if(current_active_snap_zone === 'se'){ $(el_window).css({ 'top': toolbar_height + desktop_height/2, 'left': desktop_width/2, 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height/2, }) } // snap to e else if(current_active_snap_zone === 'e'){ $(el_window).css({ 'top': toolbar_height, 'left': '50%', 'width': '50%', 'height': desktop_height, }) } // snap to n else if(current_active_snap_zone === 'n'){ scale_window(el_window); } // snap placeholder is no longer active snap_placeholder_active = false; // hide snap placeholder window_snap_placeholder.css('display', 'none'); window_snap_placeholder.css('padding', '10px'); // mark window as snapped window_is_snapped = true; // if at any point the window's width is "too small", hide the sidebar if($(el_window).width() < window_width_threshold_for_sidebar){ if(width_before_snap >= window_width_threshold_for_sidebar && !sidebar_hidden){ $(el_window_sidebar).hide(); } sidebar_hidden = true; } // if at any point the window's width is "big enough", show the sidebar else if($(el_window).width() >= window_width_threshold_for_sidebar){ if(sidebar_hidden){ $(el_window_sidebar).show(); } sidebar_hidden = false; } }, 100); } // if window is dropped below the taskbar, move it up // the lst '- 30' is to account for the window head if($(el_window).position().top > window.innerHeight - taskbar_height - 30 && !window_will_snap){ $(el_window).animate({ top: window.innerHeight - taskbar_height - 60, }, 100); } // if window is dropped too far to the right, move it left if($(el_window).position().left > window.innerWidth - 50 && !window_will_snap){ $(el_window).animate({ left: window.innerWidth - 50, }, 100); } // if window is dropped too far to the left, move it right if(($(el_window).position().left + $(el_window).width() - 150 )< 0 && !window_will_snap){ $(el_window).animate({ left: -1 * ($(el_window).width() - 150), }, 100); } }, handle: `.window-head-draggable` + (options.draggable_body ? `, .window-body` : ``), stack: `.window`, scroll: false, containment: '.window-container', }); } // -------------------------------------------------------- // Resizable // -------------------------------------------------------- if(options.is_resizable){ if($(el_window).width() < window_width_threshold_for_sidebar){ $(el_window_sidebar).hide(); sidebar_hidden = true; } $(el_window).resizable({ handles: "n, ne, nw, e, s, se, sw, w", minWidth: 200, minHeight: 200, start: function(){ $(el_window_app_iframe).css('pointer-events', 'none'); $('.window').css('pointer-events', 'none'); }, resize: function (e, ui) { // if at any point the window's width is "too small", hide the sidebar if(ui.size.width < window_width_threshold_for_sidebar){ if(ui.originalSize.width >= window_width_threshold_for_sidebar && !sidebar_hidden){ $(el_window_sidebar).hide(); } sidebar_hidden = true; } // if at any point the window's width is "big enough", show the sidebar else if(ui.size.width >= window_width_threshold_for_sidebar){ if(sidebar_hidden){ $(el_window_sidebar).show(); } sidebar_hidden = false; } // when resizing the top of the window, make sure the window head is not hidden behind the toolbar if($(el_window).position().top < toolbar_height){ var difference = toolbar_height - $(el_window).position().top; $(el_window).css({ 'top': toolbar_height, 'height': ui.size.height - difference // Reduce the height by the difference }); // don't resize return false; } }, stop: function () { $(el_window_app_iframe).css('pointer-events', 'all'); $('.window').css('pointer-events', 'initial'); $(el_window_sidebar).resizable("option", "maxWidth", el_window.getBoundingClientRect().width/2); $(el_window).attr({ 'data-orig-width': $(el_window).width(), 'data-orig-height': $(el_window).height(), }) // maximize icon $(el_window_head_scale_btn).find('img').attr('src', window.icons['scale.svg']); $(el_window).attr('data-is_maximized', '0'); }, containment: 'parent', }) } let side = $(el_window).find('.window-sidebar') side.resizable({ handles: "e,w", minWidth: 100, maxWidth: el_window.getBoundingClientRect().width/2, start: function(){ $(el_window_app_iframe).css('pointer-events', 'none'); $('.window').css('pointer-events', 'none'); }, stop: function () { $(el_window_app_iframe).css('pointer-events', 'all'); $('.window').css('pointer-events', 'initial'); const new_width = $(el_window_sidebar).width(); // save new width in the cloud, to user's settings setItem({key: "window_sidebar_width", value: new_width}); // save new width locally, to window object window.window_sidebar_width = new_width; } }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Alt/Option + Shift + click on window head will open a prompt to enter iframe url // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_head).on('click', function(e){ if(e.altKey && e.shiftKey && el_window_app_iframe !== null){ let url = prompt("Enter URL", options.iframe_url); if(url){ $(el_window_app_iframe).attr('src', url); } } }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Head Context Menu // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_head).bind("contextmenu taphold", function (event) { // dimiss taphold on regular devices if(event.type==='taphold' && !isMobile.phone && !isMobile.tablet) return; const $target = $(event.target); // Cases in which native ctx menu should be preserved if(options.allow_native_ctxmenu || $target.hasClass('allow-native-ctxmenu') || $target.is('input') || $target.is('textarea')) return true; // custom ctxmenu for all other elements event.preventDefault(); // If window has no head, don't show ctxmenu if(!options.has_head) return; let menu_items = []; // ------------------------------------------- // Maximize/Minimize // ------------------------------------------- if(options.is_resizable){ menu_items.push({ html: $(el_window).attr('data-is_maximized') === '0' ? 'Maximize' : 'Restore', onClick: function(){ // maximize window scale_window(el_window); } }); menu_items.push({ html: 'Minimize', onClick: function(){ $(el_window).hideWindow(); } }); // - menu_items.push('-') } // ------------------------------------------- // Close // ------------------------------------------- menu_items.push({ html: 'Close', onClick: function(){ $(el_window).close(); } }); UIContextMenu({ parent_element: el_window_head, items: menu_items, parent_id: win_id, }) }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Body Context Menu // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window_body).bind("contextmenu taphold", function (event) { // dimiss taphold on regular devices if(event.type==='taphold' && !isMobile.phone && !isMobile.tablet) return; const $target = $(event.target); // Cases in which native ctx menu should be preserved if(options.allow_native_ctxmenu || $target.hasClass('allow-native-ctxmenu') || $target.is('input') || $target.is('textarea')) return true // custom ctxmenu for all other elements event.preventDefault(); if(options.allow_context_menu && event.target === el_window_body){ // Regular directories if($(el_window).attr('data-path') !== trash_path){ UIContextMenu({ parent_element: el_window_body, items: [ // ------------------------------------------- // Sort by // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('sort_by'), items: [ { html: i18n('name'), icon: $(el_window).attr('data-sort_by') === 'name' ? '✓' : '', onClick: async function(){ sort_items(el_window_body, 'name', $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order')); set_sort_by($(el_window).attr('data-uid'), 'name', $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order')) } }, { html: i18n('date_modified'), icon: $(el_window).attr('data-sort_by') === 'modified' ? '✓' : '', onClick: async function(){ sort_items(el_window_body, 'modified', $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order')); set_sort_by($(el_window).attr('data-uid'), 'modified', $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order')) } }, { html: i18n('type'), icon: $(el_window).attr('data-sort_by') === 'type' ? '✓' : '', onClick: async function(){ sort_items(el_window_body, 'type', $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order')); set_sort_by($(el_window).attr('data-uid'), 'type', $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order')) } }, { html: i18n('size'), icon: $(el_window).attr('data-sort_by') === 'size' ? '✓' : '', onClick: async function(){ sort_items(el_window_body, 'size', $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order')); set_sort_by($(el_window).attr('data-uid'), 'size', $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order')) } }, // ------------------------------------------- // - // ------------------------------------------- '-', { html: i18n('ascending'), icon: $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order') === 'asc' ? '✓' : '', onClick: async function(){ const sort_by = $(el_window).attr('data-sort_by') sort_items(el_window_body, sort_by, 'asc'); set_sort_by($(el_window).attr('data-uid'), sort_by, 'asc') } }, { html: i18n('descending'), icon: $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order') === 'desc' ? '✓' : '', onClick: async function(){ const sort_by = $(el_window).attr('data-sort_by') sort_items(el_window_body, sort_by, 'desc'); set_sort_by($(el_window).attr('data-uid'), sort_by, 'desc') } }, ] }, // ------------------------------------------- // Refresh // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('refresh'), onClick: function(){ refresh_item_container(el_window_body, options); } }, // ------------------------------------------- // Show/Hide hidden files // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('show_hidden'), icon: window.user_preferences.show_hidden_files ? '✓' : '', onClick: function(){ window.mutate_user_preferences({ show_hidden_files : !window.user_preferences.show_hidden_files, }); window.show_or_hide_files(document.querySelectorAll('.item-container')); } }, // ------------------------------------------- // - // ------------------------------------------- '-', // ------------------------------------------- // New // ------------------------------------------- new_context_menu_item($(el_window).attr('data-path'), el_window_body), // ------------------------------------------- // - // ------------------------------------------- '-', // ------------------------------------------- // Paste // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('paste'), disabled: (clipboard.length === 0 || $(el_window).attr('data-path') === '/') ? true : false, onClick: function(){ if(clipboard_op === 'copy') copy_clipboard_items($(el_window).attr('data-path'), el_window_body); else if(clipboard_op === 'move') move_clipboard_items(el_window_body) } }, // ------------------------------------------- // Undo // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('undo'), disabled: actions_history.length > 0 ? false : true, onClick: function(){ undo_last_action(); } }, // ------------------------------------------- // Upload Here // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('upload_here'), disabled: $(el_window).attr('data-path') === '/' ? true : false, onClick: function(){ init_upload_using_dialog(el_window_body, $(el_window).attr('data-path') + '/'); } }, // ------------------------------------------- // - // ------------------------------------------- '-', // ------------------------------------------- // Publish As Website // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('publish_as_website'), disabled: !options.is_dir, onClick: async function () { if (window.require_email_verification_to_publish_website) { if (window.user.is_temp && !await UIWindowSaveAccount({ send_confirmation_code: true, message: i18n('save_account_to_publish_website'), window_options: { backdrop: true, close_on_backdrop_click: false, } })) return; else if (!window.user.email_confirmed && !await UIWindowEmailConfirmationRequired()) return; } UIWindowPublishWebsite($(el_window).attr('data-uid'), $(el_window).attr('data-name'), $(el_window).attr('data-path')); } }, // ------------------------------------------- // Deploy as App // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('deploy_as_app'), disabled: !options.is_dir, onClick: async function () { launch_app({ name: 'dev-center', file_path: $(el_window).attr('data-path'), file_uid: $(el_window).attr('data-uid'), params: { source_path: $(el_window).attr('data-path'), } }) } }, // ------------------------------------------- // - // ------------------------------------------- '-', // ------------------------------------------- // Properties // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('properties'), onClick: function(){ let window_height = 500; let window_width = 450; let left = mouseX; left -= 200; left = left > (window.innerWidth - window_width)? (window.innerWidth - window_width) : left; let top = mouseY; top = top > (window.innerHeight - (window_height + window.taskbar_height + window.toolbar_height))? (window.innerHeight - (window_height + window.taskbar_height + window.toolbar_height)) : top; UIWindowItemProperties(options.title, options.path, options.uid, left, top, window_width, window_height); } }, ] }); } // Trash conext menu else{ UIContextMenu({ parent_element: el_window_body, items: [ // ------------------------------------------- // Empty Trash // ------------------------------------------- { html: i18n('empty_trash'), disabled: false, onClick: async function(){ const alert_resp = await UIAlert({ message: i18n('empty_trash_confirmation'), buttons:[ { label: i18n('yes'), value: 'yes', type: 'primary', }, { label: i18n('no'), value: 'no', }, ] }) if(alert_resp === 'no') return; // todo this has to be case-insensitive but the `i` selector doesn't work on ^= $(`.item[data-path^="${html_encode(trash_path)}/"]`).each(function(){ delete_item(this); }) // update other clients if(window.socket){ window.socket.emit('trash.is_empty', {is_empty: true}); } // use the 'empty trash' icon $(`.item[data-path="${html_encode(trash_path)}" i], .item[data-shortcut_to_path="${html_encode(trash_path)}" i]`).find('.item-icon > img').attr('src', window.icons['trash.svg']); } }, ] }); } } }); // -------------------------------------------------------- // Head Context Menu // -------------------------------------------------------- if(options.has_head){ $(el_window_head).bind("contextmenu taphold", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); return false; }) } // -------------------------------------------------------- // Droppable sidebar items // -------------------------------------------------------- $(el_window).find('.window-sidebar-item').each(function (index){ // todo only continue if this item is a dir const el_item = this; $(el_item).dragster({ enter: function (dragsterEvent, event) { $(el_item).addClass('item-selected'); }, leave: function (dragsterEvent, event) { $(el_item).removeClass('item-selected'); }, drop: function (dragsterEvent, event) { const e = event.originalEvent; $(el_item).removeClass('item-selected'); // if files were dropped... if(e.dataTransfer?.items?.length > 0){ upload_items(e.dataTransfer.items, $(el_item).attr('data-path')) } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); }) //set styles $(el_window_body).css(options.body_css); // is fullpage? if(options.is_fullpage){ $(el_window).hide() setTimeout(function(){ enter_fullpage_mode(el_window); $(el_window).show() }, 5); } return el_window; } function delete_window_element (el_window){ // if this is the active element, set it to null if(active_element === el_window){ active_element = null; } // remove DOM element $(el_window).remove(); // if no other windows open, reset window_counter // resetting window counter is important so that next window opens at the center of the screen if($('.window').length === 0) window.window_counter = 0; } $(document).on('click', '.window-sidebar-item', async function(e){ const el_window = $(this).closest('.window'); const parent_win_id = $(el_window).attr('data-id'); const item_path = $(this).attr('data-path'); // ctrl/cmd + click will open in new window if(e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey){ UIWindow({ path: item_path, title: path.basename(item_path), icon: await item_icon({is_dir: true, path: item_path}), // todo // uid: $(el_item).attr('data-uid'), is_dir: true, // todo // sort_by: $(el_item).attr('data-sort_by'), app: 'explorer', // top: options.maximized ? 0 : undefined, // left: options.maximized ? 0 : undefined, // height: options.maximized ? `calc(100% - ${window.taskbar_height + 1}px)` : undefined, // width: options.maximized ? `100%` : undefined, }); } // update window path only if it's a new path AND no ctrl/cmd key pressed else if(item_path !== $(el_window).attr('data-path')){ window_nav_history[parent_win_id] = window_nav_history[parent_win_id].slice(0, window_nav_history_current_position[parent_win_id] + 1); window_nav_history[parent_win_id].push(item_path); window_nav_history_current_position[parent_win_id]++; update_window_path(el_window, item_path); } }) $(document).on('contextmenu', '.window-sidebar', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }) $(document).on('contextmenu taphold', '.window-sidebar-item', function(event){ // dismiss taphold on regular devices if(event.type==='taphold' && !isMobile.phone && !isMobile.tablet) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); // todo // $(this).addClass('window-sidebar-item-highlighted'); const item = this; UIContextMenu({ parent_element: $(this), items: [ //-------------------------------------------------- // Open //-------------------------------------------------- { html: "Open", onClick: function(){ $(item).trigger('click'); } }, //-------------------------------------------------- // Open in New Window //-------------------------------------------------- { html: "Open in New Window", onClick: async function(){ let item_path = $(item).attr('data-path'); UIWindow({ path: item_path, title: path.basename(item_path), icon: await item_icon({is_dir: true, path: item_path}), // todo // uid: $(el_item).attr('data-uid'), is_dir: true, // todo // sort_by: $(el_item).attr('data-sort_by'), app: 'explorer', // top: options.maximized ? 0 : undefined, // left: options.maximized ? 0 : undefined, // height: options.maximized ? `calc(100% - ${window.taskbar_height + 1}px)` : undefined, // width: options.maximized ? `100%` : undefined, }); } } ] }); return false; }) $(document).on('dblclick', '.window .ui-resizable-handle', function(e){ let el_window = $(this).closest('.window'); // bottom if($(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-s')){ let height = window.innerHeight - $(el_window).position().top - window.taskbar_height -1; $(el_window).height(height); } // top else if($(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-n')){ let height = $(el_window).height() + $(el_window).position().top - window.toolbar_height; $(el_window).css({ height: height, top: window.toolbar_height, }); } // right else if($(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-e')){ let width = window.innerWidth - $(el_window).position().left; $(el_window).css({ width: width, }); } // left else if($(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-w')){ let width = $(el_window).width() + $(el_window).position().left; $(el_window).css({ width: width, left: 0 }); } // bottom left else if($(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-sw')){ let width = $(el_window).width() + $(el_window).position().left; let height = window.innerHeight - $(el_window).position().top - window.taskbar_height -1; $(el_window).css({ width: width, height: height, left: 0 }); } // bottom right else if($(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-se')){ let width = window.innerWidth - $(el_window).position().left; let height = window.innerHeight - $(el_window).position().top - window.taskbar_height -1; $(el_window).css({ width: width, height: height, }); } // top right else if($(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-ne')){ let width = window.innerWidth - $(el_window).position().left; let height = $(el_window).height() + $(el_window).position().top - window.toolbar_height; $(el_window).css({ width: width, height: height, top: window.toolbar_height, }); } // top left else if($(this).hasClass('ui-resizable-nw')){ let width = $(el_window).width() + $(el_window).position().left; let height = $(el_window).height() + $(el_window).position().top - window.toolbar_height; $(el_window).css({ width: width, height: height, top: window.toolbar_height, left:0, }); } }) $(document).on('click', '.window-navbar-path', function(e){ if(!$(e.target).hasClass('window-navbar-path')) return; $(e.target).hide(); $(e.target).siblings('.window-navbar-path-input').show().select(); }) $(document).on('blur', '.window-navbar-path-input', function(e){ $(e.target).hide(); $(e.target).siblings('.window-navbar-path').show().select(); }) $(document).on('keyup', '.window-navbar-path-input', function(e){ if (e.key === 'Enter' || e.keyCode === 13) { update_window_path($(e.target).closest('.window'), $(e.target).val()); $(e.target).hide(); $(e.target).siblings('.window-navbar-path').show().select(); } }) $(document).on('click', '.window-navbar-path-dirname', function(e){ const $el_parent_window = $(this).closest('.window'); const parent_win_id = $($el_parent_window).attr('data-id'); // open in new window if(e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey){ const dirpath = $(this).attr('data-path'); UIWindow({ path: dirpath, title: dirpath === '/' ? root_dirname : path.basename(dirpath), icon: window.icons['folder.svg'], // uid: $(el_item).attr('data-uid'), is_dir: true, app: 'explorer', }); } // only change dir if target is not the same as current path else if($el_parent_window.attr('data-path') !== $(this).attr('data-path')){ window_nav_history[parent_win_id] = window_nav_history[parent_win_id].slice(0, window_nav_history_current_position[parent_win_id]+1); window_nav_history[parent_win_id].push($(this).attr('data-path')); window_nav_history_current_position[parent_win_id] = window_nav_history[parent_win_id].length - 1; update_window_path($el_parent_window, $(this).attr('data-path')); } }) $(document).on('contextmenu taphold', '.window-navbar', function(event){ // don't disable system ctxmenu on the address bar input if($(event.target).hasClass('window-navbar-path-input')) return; // dismiss taphold on regular devices if(event.type==='taphold' && !isMobile.phone && !isMobile.tablet) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }) $(document).on('contextmenu taphold', '.window-navbar-path-dirname', function(event){ // dismiss taphold on regular devices if(event.type==='taphold' && !isMobile.phone && !isMobile.tablet) return; event.preventDefault(); const menu_items = []; const el = this; // ------------------------------------------- // Open // ------------------------------------------- menu_items.push({ html: 'Open', onClick: ()=>{ $(this).trigger('click'); } }); // ------------------------------------------- // Open in New Window // (only if the item is on a window) // ------------------------------------------- menu_items.push({ html: 'Open in New Window', onClick: function(){ UIWindow({ path: $(el).attr('data-path'), title: $(el).attr('data-path') === '/' ? root_dirname : path.basename($(el).attr('data-path')), icon: window.icons['folder.svg'], uid: $(el).attr('data-uid'), is_dir: true, app: 'explorer', }); } }); // ------------------------------------------- // - // ------------------------------------------- menu_items.push('-'), // ------------------------------------------- // Paste // ------------------------------------------- menu_items.push({ html: "Paste", disabled: clipboard.length > 0 ? false : true, onClick: function(){ if(clipboard_op === 'copy') copy_clipboard_items($(el).attr('data-path'), null); else if(clipboard_op === 'move') move_clipboard_items(null, $(el).attr('data-path')) } }) UIContextMenu({ parent_element: $(this), items: menu_items }); }) // if the click is on the mask, bring focus to the active child window $(document).on('click', '.window-disable-mask', async function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Navbar Dir Droppable // -------------------------------------------------------- window.navbar_path_droppable = (el_window)=>{ $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-path-dirname').droppable({ accept: '.item', tolerance: 'pointer', drop: function( event, ui ) { // check if item was actually dropped on this navbar path if($(mouseover_window).attr('data-id') !== $(el_window).attr('data-id')){ return; } const items_to_move = [] // first item items_to_move.push(ui.draggable); // all subsequent items const cloned_items = document.getElementsByClassName('item-selected-clone'); for(let i =0; i { create_shortcut( path.basename($(item_to_move).attr('data-path')), $(item_to_move).attr('data-is_dir') === '1', $(this).attr('data-path'), null, $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to') === '' ? $(item_to_move).attr('data-uid') : $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to'), $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to_path') === '' ? $(item_to_move).attr('data-path') : $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to_path'), ); }); } // move items else{ move_items(items_to_move, $(this).attr('data-path')); } $('.item-container').droppable('enable') $(this).removeClass('window-navbar-path-dirname-active'); return false; }, over: function(event, ui){ // check if item was actually hovered over this window if($(mouseover_window).attr('data-id') !== $(el_window).attr('data-id')) return; // Don't do anything if the dragged item is NOT a UIItem if(!$(ui.draggable).hasClass('item')) return; // highlight this dirname $(this).addClass('window-navbar-path-dirname-active'); $('.ui-draggable-dragging').css('opacity', 0.2) $('.item-selected-clone').css('opacity', 0.2) // disable all window bodies $('.item-container').droppable( 'disable' ) }, out: function(event, ui){ // Don't do anything if the dragged element is NOT a UIItem if(!$(ui.draggable).hasClass('item')) return; // unselect directory if item is dragged out $(this).removeClass('window-navbar-path-dirname-active'); $('.ui-draggable-dragging').css('opacity', 'initial') $('.item-selected-clone').css('opacity', 'initial') $('.item-container').droppable( 'enable' ) } }); } /** * Constructs a XSS-safe string that represents a navigation bar path. * The result is a string with HTML span elements for each directory in the path, each accompanied by a separator icon. * Each span element has a `data-path` attribute holding the encoded path to that directory, and contains the encoded directory name as text. * The root directory name is a constant defined in globals.js, represented as 'root_dirname'. * * @param {string} abs_path - The absolute path to be displayed in the navigation bar. It should be a string with directories separated by slashes ('/'). * * @returns {string} A string of HTML spans and separators, each span representing a directory in the navigation bar. * */ window.navbar_path = (abs_path)=>{ const dirs = (abs_path === '/' ? [''] : abs_path.split('/')); const dirpaths = (abs_path === '/' ? ['/'] : []) const path_seperator_html = ``; if(dirs.length > 1){ for(let i=0; i${html_encode(window.root_dirname)}`; for(let k=1; k${dirs[k] === 'Trash' ? i18n('trash') : html_encode(dirs[k])}`; } return str; } window.update_window_path = async function(el_window, target_path){ const win_id = $(el_window).attr('data-id'); const el_window_navbar_forward_btn = $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-btn-forward'); const el_window_navbar_back_btn = $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-btn-back'); const el_window_navbar_up_btn = $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-btn-up'); const el_window_body = $(el_window).find('.window-body'); const el_window_item_container = $(el_window).find('.item-container'); const el_window_navbar_path_input = $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-path-input'); const is_dir = ($(el_window).attr('data-is_dir') === '1' || $(el_window).attr('data-is_dir') === 'true'); const old_path = $(el_window).attr('data-path'); // update sidebar items' active status $(el_window).find(`.window-sidebar-item`).removeClass('window-sidebar-item-active'); $(el_window).find(`.window-sidebar-item[data-path="${html_encode(target_path)}"]`).addClass('window-sidebar-item-active'); // clean $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th > .header-sort-icon').html(''); if(is_dir){ // if nav history for this window is empty, disable forward btn if(window_nav_history[win_id] && window_nav_history[win_id].length - 1 === window_nav_history_current_position[win_id]) $(el_window_navbar_forward_btn).addClass('window-navbar-btn-disabled'); // ... else, enable forawrd btn else $(el_window_navbar_forward_btn).removeClass('window-navbar-btn-disabled'); // disable back button if path is root if(window_nav_history_current_position[win_id] === 0) $(el_window_navbar_back_btn).addClass('window-navbar-btn-disabled'); // ... enable back btn in all other cases else $(el_window_navbar_back_btn).removeClass('window-navbar-btn-disabled'); // disabled Up button if this is root if(target_path === '/') $(el_window_navbar_up_btn).addClass('window-navbar-btn-disabled'); // ... enable back btn in all other cases else $(el_window_navbar_up_btn).removeClass('window-navbar-btn-disabled'); $(el_window_item_container).attr('data-path', target_path); $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-path').html(navbar_path(target_path, window.user.username)); // empty body to be filled with the results of /readdir $(el_window_body).find('.item').removeItems() // add the 'Detail View' table header if($(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers').length === 0) $(el_window_body).prepend(window.explore_table_headers()); // 'Detail View' table header is hidden by default $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers').hide(); // system directories with custom icons and predefined names if(target_path === window.desktop_path){ $(el_window).find('.window-head-icon').attr('src', window.icons['folder-desktop.svg']); $(el_window).find('.window-head-title').text('Desktop') }else if (target_path === window.home_path){ $(el_window).find('.window-head-icon').attr('src', window.icons['folder-home.svg']); $(el_window).find('.window-head-title').text('Home') }else if (target_path === window.docs_path){ $(el_window).find('.window-head-icon').attr('src', window.icons['folder-documents.svg']); $(el_window).find('.window-head-title').text('Documents') }else if (target_path === window.videos_path){ $(el_window).find('.window-head-icon').attr('src', window.icons['folder-videos.svg']); $(el_window).find('.window-head-title').text('Videos') }else if (target_path === window.pictures_path){ $(el_window).find('.window-head-icon').attr('src', window.icons['folder-pictures.svg']); $(el_window).find('.window-head-title').text('Pictures') }// root folder of a shared user? else if((target_path.split('/').length - 1) === 1 && target_path !== '/'+window.user.username) $(el_window).find('.window-head-icon').attr('src', window.icons['shared.svg']); else $(el_window).find('.window-head-icon').attr('src', window.icons['folder.svg']); } $(el_window).attr('data-path', html_encode(target_path)); $(el_window).attr('data-name', html_encode(path.basename(target_path))); // /stat if(target_path !== '/'){ try{ puter.fs.stat(target_path, function(fsentry){ $(el_window).removeClass('window-' + $(el_window).attr('data-uid')); $(el_window).addClass('window-' + fsentry.id); $(el_window).attr('data-uid', fsentry.id); $(el_window).attr('data-sort_by', fsentry.sort_by ?? 'name'); $(el_window).attr('data-sort_order', fsentry.sort_order ?? 'asc'); $(el_window).attr('data-layout', fsentry.layout ?? 'icons'); $(el_window_item_container).attr('data-uid', fsentry.id); // title if (target_path === window.home_path) $(el_window).find('.window-head-title').text('Home') else $(el_window).find('.window-head-title').text(fsentry.name); // data-name $(el_window).attr('data-name', html_encode(fsentry.name)); // data-path $(el_window).attr('data-path', html_encode(target_path)); $(el_window_navbar_path_input).val(target_path); $(el_window_navbar_path_input).attr('data-path', target_path); // update layout update_window_layout(el_window, fsentry.layout); // update explore header if in details view if(fsentry.layout === 'details'){ update_details_layout_sort_visuals(el_window, fsentry.sort_by, fsentry.sort_order); } }); }catch(err){ UIAlert(err.responseText) // todo optim: this is dumb because updating the window should only happen if this /readdir request is successful, // in that case there is no need for using update_window_path on error!! update_window_path(el_window, old_path); } } // path is '/' (global root) else{ $(el_window).removeClass('window-' + $(el_window).attr('data-uid')); $(el_window).addClass('window-null'); $(el_window).attr('data-uid', 'null'); $(el_window).attr('data-name', ''); $(el_window).find('.window-head-title').text(root_dirname); } if(is_dir){ refresh_item_container(el_window_body); navbar_path_droppable(el_window) } update_explorer_footer_selected_items_count(el_window); } // -------------------------------------------------------- // Sidebar Item Droppable // -------------------------------------------------------- window.sidebar_item_droppable = (el_window)=>{ $(el_window).find('.window-sidebar-item').droppable({ accept: '.item', tolerance: 'pointer', drop: function( event, ui ) { // check if item was actually dropped on this navbar path if($(mouseover_window).attr('data-id') !== $(el_window).attr('data-id')){ return; } const items_to_move = [] // first item items_to_move.push(ui.draggable); // all subsequent items const cloned_items = document.getElementsByClassName('item-selected-clone'); for(let i =0; i { create_shortcut( path.basename($(item_to_move).attr('data-path')), $(item_to_move).attr('data-is_dir') === '1', $(this).attr('data-path'), null, $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to') === '' ? $(item_to_move).attr('data-uid') : $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to'), $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to_path') === '' ? $(item_to_move).attr('data-path') : $(item_to_move).attr('data-shortcut_to_path'), ); }); } // move items else{ move_items(items_to_move, $(this).attr('data-path')); } $('.item-container').droppable('enable') $(this).removeClass('window-sidebar-item-drag-active'); return false; }, over: function(event, ui){ // check if item was actually hovered over this window if($(mouseover_window).attr('data-id') !== $(el_window).attr('data-id')) return; // Don't do anything if the dragged item is NOT a UIItem if(!$(ui.draggable).hasClass('item')) return; // highlight this item $(this).addClass('window-sidebar-item-drag-active'); $('.ui-draggable-dragging').css('opacity', 0.2) $('.item-selected-clone').css('opacity', 0.2) // disable all window bodies $('.item-container').droppable( 'disable' ) }, out: function(event, ui){ // Don't do anything if the dragged element is NOT a UIItem if(!$(ui.draggable).hasClass('item')) return; // unselect item if item is dragged out $(this).removeClass('window-sidebar-item-drag-active'); $('.ui-draggable-dragging').css('opacity', 'initial') $('.item-selected-clone').css('opacity', 'initial') $('.item-container').droppable( 'enable' ) } }); } // closes a window $.fn.close = async function(options) { options = options || {}; $(this).each(async function() { const el_iframe = $(this).find('.window-app-iframe'); // tell child app that this window is about to close, get its response if(el_iframe.length > 0 && el_iframe.attr('data-appUsesSDK') === 'true'){ if(!options.bypass_iframe_messaging){ const resp = await sendWindowWillCloseMsg(el_iframe.get(0)); if(!resp.msg){ return false; } } } // Process window close if this is a window if($(this).hasClass('window')){ const win_id = parseInt($(this).attr('data-id')); let window_uuid = $(this).attr('data-element_uuid'); // remove all instances of win_id from window_stack _.pullAll(window_stack, [win_id]); // taskbar update let open_window_count = parseInt($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${$(this).attr('data-app')}"]`).attr('data-open-windows')); // update open window count of corresponding taskbar item if(open_window_count > 0){ $(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${$(this).attr('data-app')}"]`).attr('data-open-windows', open_window_count - 1); } // decide whether to remove taskbar item if(open_window_count === 1){ $(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${$(this).attr('data-app')}"] .active-taskbar-indicator`).hide(); remove_taskbar_item($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${$(this).attr('data-app')}"][data-keep-in-taskbar="false"]`)); } // if no more windows of this app are open, remove taskbar item if(open_window_count - 1 === 0) $(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${$(this).attr('data-app')}"] .active-taskbar-indicator`).hide(); // if a fullpage window is closed, show desktop and taskbar if($(this).attr('data-is_fullpage') === '1'){ exit_fullpage_mode(); } // FileDialog closed if($(this).hasClass('window-filedialog') || $(this).attr('data-disable_parent_window') === 'true'){ // re-enable this FileDialog's parent window $(`.window[data-element_uuid="${$(this).attr('data-parent_uuid')}"]`).addClass('window-active'); $(`.window[data-element_uuid="${$(this).attr('data-parent_uuid')}"]`).removeClass('window-disabled'); $(`.window[data-element_uuid="${$(this).attr('data-parent_uuid')}"]`).find('.window-disable-mask').hide(); // bring focus back to app iframe, if needed $(`.window[data-element_uuid="${$(this).attr('data-parent_uuid')}"]`).focusWindow(); } // Other types of windows closed else{ // close any open FileDialogs belonging to this window $(`.window-filedialog[data-parent_uuid="${window_uuid}"]`).close(); // bring focus to the last window in the window-stack (only if not minimized) if(!_.isEmpty(window_stack)){ const $last_window_in_stack = $(`.window[data-id="${window_stack[window_stack.length - 1]}"]`); // check if previous window is not minimized if($last_window_in_stack !== null && $last_window_in_stack.attr('data-is_minimized') !== '1' && $last_window_in_stack.attr('data-is_minimized') !== 'true'){ $(`.window[data-id="${window_stack[window_stack.length - 1]}"]`).focusWindow(); } // otherwise, change URL/Title to desktop else{ window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, '/'); document.title = 'Puter'; } // if it's explore if($last_window_in_stack.attr('data-app') && $last_window_in_stack.attr('data-app').toLowerCase() === 'explorer'){ window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, '/'); document.title = 'Puter'; } } // otherwise, change URL/Title to desktop else{ window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, '/'); document.title = 'Puter'; } } // close child windows $(`.window[data-parent_uuid="${window_uuid}"]`).close(); // remove backdrop $(this).closest('.window-backdrop').remove(); // remove DOM element if(options?.shrink_to_target){ // get target location const target_pos = $(options.shrink_to_target).position(); const target_size = $(options.shrink_to_target).get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); // animate window to target location $(this).animate({ width: `1`, height: `1`, top: target_pos.top + target_size.height / 2, left: target_pos.left + target_size.width / 2, }, 300, () => { // remove DOM element delete_window_element(this); }); } else if(window.animate_window_closing){ // start shrink animation $(this).css({ 'transition': 'transform 400ms', 'transform': 'scale(0)', }); // remove DOM element after fadeout animation $(this).fadeOut(80, function(){ delete_window_element(this); }) }else{ delete_window_element(this); } } // focus back to desktop? if(_.isEmpty(window_stack)){ // The following is to make sure the iphone keyboard is dismissed when the last window is closed if(isMobile.phone || isMobile.tablet){ document.activeElement.blur(); $("input").blur(); } // focus back to desktop $('.desktop').find('.item-blurred').removeClass('item-blurred'); active_item_container = $('.desktop.item-container').get(0); } }) return this; }; window.scale_window = (el_window)=>{ //maximize if ($(el_window).attr('data-is_maximized') !== '1') { // save original size and position let el_window_rect = el_window.getBoundingClientRect(); $(el_window).attr({ 'data-left-before-maxim': el_window_rect.left + 'px', 'data-top-before-maxim': el_window_rect.top + 'px', 'data-width-before-maxim': $(el_window).css('width'), 'data-height-before-maxim': $(el_window).css('height'), 'data-is_maximized': '1', }); // shrink icon $(el_window).find('.window-scale-btn>img').attr('src', window.icons['scale-down-3.svg']); // set new size and position $(el_window).css({ 'top': toolbar_height+'px', 'left': '0', 'width': '100%', 'height': `calc(100% - ${window.taskbar_height + window.toolbar_height + 1}px)`, 'transform': 'none', }); } //shrink else { // set size and position to original before maximization $(el_window).css({ 'top': $(el_window).attr('data-top-before-maxim'), 'left': $(el_window).attr('data-left-before-maxim'), 'width': $(el_window).attr('data-width-before-maxim'), 'height': $(el_window).attr('data-height-before-maxim'), 'transform': 'none', }); // maximize icon $(el_window).find('.window-scale-btn>img').attr('src', window.icons['scale.svg']); $(el_window).attr({ 'data-is_maximized': 0, }); } // record window size and position before scaling $(el_window).attr({ 'data-orig-width': $(el_window).width(), 'data-orig-height': $(el_window).height(), 'data-orig-top': $(el_window).position().top, 'data-orig-left': $(el_window).position().left, 'data-is_minimized': false, }) } window.update_explorer_footer_item_count = function(el_window){ //update dir count in explorer footer let item_count = $(el_window).find('.item').length; $(el_window).find('.explorer-footer .explorer-footer-item-count').html(item_count + ` ${i18n('item')}` + (item_count == 0 || item_count > 1 ? `${i18n('plural_suffix')}` : '')); } window.update_explorer_footer_selected_items_count = function(el_window){ //update dir count in explorer footer let item_count = $(el_window).find('.item-selected').length; if(item_count > 0){ $(el_window).find('.explorer-footer-seperator, .explorer-footer-selected-items-count').show(); $(el_window).find('.explorer-footer .explorer-footer-selected-items-count').html(item_count + ` ${i18n('item')}` + (item_count == 0 || item_count > 1 ? `${i18n('plural_suffix')}` : '') + ` ${i18n('selected')}`); }else{ $(el_window).find('.explorer-footer-seperator, .explorer-footer-selected-items-count').hide(); } } window.set_sort_by = function(item_uid, sort_by, sort_order){ if(sort_order !== 'asc' && sort_order !== 'desc') sort_order = 'asc'; $.ajax({ url: api_origin + "/set_sort_by", type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ sort_by: sort_by, item_uid: item_uid, sort_order: sort_order, }), async: true, contentType: "application/json", headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer "+auth_token }, statusCode: { 401: function () { logout(); }, }, success: function (){ } }) // update the sort_by & sort_order attr of every matching element $(`[data-uid="${item_uid}"]`).attr({ 'data-sort_by': sort_by, 'data-sort_order': sort_order, }); } window.explore_table_headers = function(){ let h = ``; h += `
`; h += `
`; h += `
`; h += `
`; h += `
`; h += `
`; return h; } window.update_window_layout = function(el_window, layout){ layout = layout ?? 'icons'; if(layout === 'icons'){ $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers').hide(); $(el_window).find('.item-container').removeClass('item-container-list'); $(el_window).find('.item-container').removeClass('item-container-details'); $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-layout-settings').attr('src', window.icons['layout-icons.svg']); $(el_window).attr('data-layout', layout) } else if(layout === 'list'){ $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers').hide(); $(el_window).find('.item-container').removeClass('item-container-details'); $(el_window).find('.item-container').addClass('item-container-list'); $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-layout-settings').attr('src', window.icons['layout-list.svg']) $(el_window).attr('data-layout', layout) } else if(layout === 'details'){ $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers').show(); $(el_window).find('.item-container').removeClass('item-container-list'); $(el_window).find('.item-container').addClass('item-container-details'); $(el_window).find('.window-navbar-layout-settings').attr('src', window.icons['layout-details.svg']) $(el_window).attr('data-layout', layout) } } $.fn.showWindow = async function(options) { $(this).each(async function() { if($(this).hasClass('window')){ // show window const el_window = this; $(el_window).css({ 'transition': `top 0.2s, left 0.2s, bottom 0.2s, right 0.2s, width 0.2s, height 0.2s`, top: $(el_window).attr('data-orig-top') + 'px', left: $(el_window).attr('data-orig-left') + 'px', width: $(el_window).attr('data-orig-width') + 'px', height: $(el_window).attr('data-orig-height') + 'px', }); $(el_window).css('z-index', ++last_window_zindex); setTimeout(() => { $(this).focusWindow(); }, 80); // remove `transitions` a good while after setting css to make sure // it doesn't interfere with an ongoing animation setTimeout(() => { $(el_window).css('transition', 'none'); }, 250); } }) return this; }; window.show_or_hide_empty_folder_message = function(el_item_container){ // if the item container is the desktop, don't show/hide the empty message if($(el_item_container).hasClass('desktop')) return; // if the item container is empty, show the empty message if($(el_item_container).has('.item').length === 0){ $(el_item_container).find('.explorer-empty-message').show(); } // if the item container is not empty, hide the empty message else{ $(el_item_container).find('.explorer-empty-message').hide(); } } $.fn.focusWindow = function(event) { if(this.hasClass('window')){ const $app_iframe = $(this).find('.window-app-iframe'); $('.window').not(this).removeClass('window-active'); $(this).addClass('window-active'); // disable pointer events on all other windows' iframes, except for this window's iframe $('.window-app-iframe').not($app_iframe).css('pointer-events', 'none'); // bring this window to front, only if it's not stay_on_top if($(this).attr('data-stay_on_top') !== 'true'){ $(this).css('z-index', ++last_window_zindex); } // if this window has a parent, bring them to the front too if($(this).attr('data-parent_uuid') !== 'null'){ $(`.window[data-element_uuid="${$(this).attr('data-parent_uuid')}"]`).css('z-index', last_window_zindex); } // if this window has child windows, bring them to the front too if($(this).attr('data-element_uuid') !== 'null'){ $(`.window[data-parent_uuid="${$(this).attr('data-element_uuid')}"]`).css('z-index', ++last_window_zindex); } // // if this has an iframe, focus on it if(!$(this).hasClass('window-disabled') && $app_iframe.length > 0){ $($app_iframe).css('pointer-events', 'all'); $app_iframe.get(0)?.focus({preventScroll:true}); $app_iframe.get(0)?.contentWindow?.focus({preventScroll:true}); // todo check if iframe is using SDK before sending messages $app_iframe.get(0).contentWindow.postMessage({msg: "focus"}, '*'); var rect = $app_iframe.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); // send click event to iframe, if this focus event was triggered by a click or similar mouse event if( event !== undefined && (event.type === 'click' || event.type === 'dblclick' || event.type === 'contextmenu' || event.type === 'mousedown' || event.type === 'mouseup' || event.type === 'mousemove') ){ $app_iframe.get(0).contentWindow.postMessage({msg: "click", x: (mouseX - rect.left), y: (mouseY - rect.top)}, '*'); } } // set active_item_container active_item_container = $(this).find('.item-container').get(0); // grey out all selected items on other windows/desktop $('.item-container').not(active_item_container).find('.item-selected').addClass('item-blurred'); // update window-stack window_stack.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-id'))); // remove blurred class from items on this window $(active_item_container).find('.item-blurred').removeClass('item-blurred'); //change window URL const update_window_url = $(this).attr('data-update_window_url'); if(update_window_url === 'true' || update_window_url === null){ window.history.replaceState({window_id: $(this).attr('data-id')}, '', '/app/'+$(this).attr('data-app')); document.title = $(this).attr('data-name'); } $(`.taskbar .taskbar-item[data-app="${$(this).attr('data-app')}"]`).addClass('taskbar-item-active'); }else{ $('.window').find('.item-selected').addClass('item-blurred'); $('.desktop').find('.item-blurred').removeClass('item-blurred'); } return this; } // hides a window $.fn.hideWindow = async function(options) { $(this).each(async function() { if($(this).hasClass('window')){ // get taskbar item location const taskbar_item_pos = $(`.taskbar .taskbar-item[data-app="${$(this).attr('data-app')}"]`).position(); $(this).attr({ 'data-orig-width': $(this).width(), 'data-orig-height': $(this).height(), 'data-orig-top': $(this).position().top, 'data-orig-left': $(this).position().left, 'data-is_minimized': true, }) $(this).css({ 'transition': `top 0.2s, left 0.2s, bottom 0.2s, right 0.2s, width 0.2s, height 0.2s`, width: `0`, height: `0`, top: 'calc(100% - 60px)', left: taskbar_item_pos.left + 29, }); // remove transitions a good while after setting css to make sure // it doesn't interfere with an ongoing animation setTimeout(() => { $(this).css({ 'transition': 'none', 'transform': 'none' }); }, 250); // update title and window URL window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, '/'); document.title = 'Puter'; } }) return this; }; $(document).on('click', '.explore-table-headers-th', function(e){ let sort_by = 'name'; let sort_icon = ``; // current sort order let sort_order = $(e.target).closest('.window').attr('data-sort_order') ?? 'asc'; // flip sort order if(sort_order === 'asc'){ sort_order = 'desc'; sort_icon = ``; }else if(sort_order === 'desc'){ sort_icon = ``; sort_order = 'asc'; } // remove active class from all headers $(e.target).closest('.window').find('.explore-table-headers-th').removeClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); // remove icons from all headers $(e.target).closest('.window').find('.header-sort-icon').html(''); // add active class to this header $(e.target).addClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); // set sort icon $(e.target).closest('.window').find('.explore-table-headers-th-active > .header-sort-icon').html(sort_icon); // set sort_by if($(e.target).hasClass('explore-table-headers-th--name')){ sort_by = 'name'; }else if($(e.target).hasClass('explore-table-headers-th--modified')){ sort_by = 'modified'; }else if($(e.target).hasClass('explore-table-headers-th--size')){ sort_by = 'size'; }else if($(e.target).hasClass('explore-table-headers-th--type')){ sort_by = 'type'; } // sort sort_items($(e.target).closest('.window-body'), sort_by, sort_order); set_sort_by($(e.target).closest('.window').attr('data-uid'), sort_by, sort_order) }) window.set_layout = function(item_uid, layout){ $.ajax({ url: api_origin + "/set_layout", type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ item_uid: item_uid, layout: layout, }), async: true, contentType: "application/json", headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer "+auth_token }, statusCode: { 401: function () { logout(); }, }, success: function (){ if(layout === 'details'){ let el_window = $(`.window[data-uid="${item_uid}"]`); if(el_window.length > 0){ let sort_by = el_window.attr('data-sort_by'); let sort_order = el_window.attr('data-sort_order'); update_details_layout_sort_visuals(el_window, sort_by, sort_order); } } } }) } window.update_details_layout_sort_visuals = function(el_window, sort_by, sort_order){ let sort_icon = ''; $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th > .header-sort-icon').html(''); if(!sort_order || sort_order === 'asc') sort_icon = ``; else if(sort_order === 'desc') sort_icon = ``; if(!sort_by || sort_by === 'name'){ $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th').removeClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th--name').addClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th--name > .header-sort-icon').html(sort_icon); }else if(sort_by === 'size'){ $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th').removeClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th--size').addClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th--size > .header-sort-icon').html(sort_icon); }else if(sort_by === 'modified'){ $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th').removeClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th--modified').addClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th--modified > .header-sort-icon').html(sort_icon); }else if(sort_by === 'type'){ $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th').removeClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th--type').addClass('explore-table-headers-th-active'); $(el_window).find('.explore-table-headers-th--type > .header-sort-icon').html(sort_icon); } } // This is a hack to fix the issue where the window scrolls to the bottom when an app scrolls. // this is due to an issue with iframes being able to hijack the scroll event for the parent object. // w3c is working on a fix for this, but it's not ready yet. // more info here: https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-permissions-policy/issues/171 document.addEventListener('scroll', function (event) { if($(event.target).hasClass('window-app') || $(event.target).hasClass('window-app-iframe') || $(event.target?.activeElement).hasClass('window-app-iframe')){ setTimeout(function(){ // scroll window back to top $('.window-app').scrollTop(0); // some times it's document that scrolls, so we need to check that too $(document).scrollTop(0); }, 1); } }, true); export default UIWindow;