import UITaskbarItem from './UITaskbarItem.js' import UIPopover from './UIPopover.js' async function UITaskbar(options){ global_element_id++; options = options ?? {}; options.content = options.content ?? ''; // get launch apps $.ajax({ url: api_origin + "/get-launch-apps", type: 'GET', async: true, contentType: "application/json", headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer "+auth_token }, success: function (apps){ window.launch_apps = apps; } }); let h = ''; h += `
`; $('.desktop').append(h); //--------------------------------------------- // add `Start` to taskbar //--------------------------------------------- UITaskbarItem({ icon: window.icons['start.svg'], name: 'Start', sortable: false, keep_in_taskbar: true, disable_context_menu: true, onClick: async function(item){ // skip if popover already open if($(item).hasClass('has-open-popover')) return; // show popover let popover = UIPopover({ content: `
`, snapToElement: item, parent_element: item, width: 500, height: 500, center_horizontally: true, }); // In the rare case that launch_apps is not populated yet, get it from the server // then populate the popover if(!launch_apps || !launch_apps.recent || launch_apps.recent.length === 0){ // get launch apps launch_apps = await $.ajax({ url: api_origin + "/get-launch-apps", type: 'GET', async: true, contentType: "application/json", headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer "+auth_token }, }); } let apps_str = ''; apps_str += `
` apps_str += ``; apps_str += ``; apps_str += `
`; // ------------------------------------------- // Recent apps // ------------------------------------------- if(launch_apps.recent.length > 0){ // heading apps_str += `


`; // apps apps_str += `
`; for (let index = 0; index < window.launch_recent_apps_count && index < launch_apps.recent.length; index++) { const app_info = launch_apps.recent[index]; apps_str += `
`; apps_str += `
`; apps_str += ``; apps_str += `${html_encode(app_info.title)}`; apps_str += `
`; apps_str += `
`; } apps_str += `
`; } // ------------------------------------------- // Reccomended apps // ------------------------------------------- if(launch_apps.recommended.length > 0){ // heading apps_str += `


`; // apps apps_str += ``; } // add apps to popover $(popover).find('.launch-popover').append(apps_str); // focus on search input only if not on mobile if(! $(popover).find('.launch-search').focus(); // make apps draggable $(popover).find('.start-app').draggable({ appendTo: "body", helper: "clone", revert: "invalid", connectToSortable: ".taskbar", //containment: "document", zIndex: parseInt($(popover).css('z-index')) + 1, scroll: false, distance: 5, revertDuration: 100, helper: 'clone', cursorAt: { left: 18, top: 20 }, start: function(event, ui){ }, drag: function(event, ui){ }, stop: function(){ } }); } }); //--------------------------------------------- // add `Explorer` to the taskbar //--------------------------------------------- UITaskbarItem({ icon: window.icons['folders.svg'], app: 'explorer', name: 'Explorer', sortable: false, keep_in_taskbar: true, lock_keep_in_taskbar: true, onClick: function(){ let open_window_count = parseInt($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="explorer"]`).attr('data-open-windows')); if(open_window_count === 0){ launch_app({ name: 'explorer', path: window.home_path}); }else{ return false; } } }) //--------------------------------------------- // Add other useful apps to the taskbar //--------------------------------------------- if(window.user.taskbar_items && window.user.taskbar_items.length > 0){ for (let index = 0; index < window.user.taskbar_items.length; index++) { const app_info = window.user.taskbar_items[index]; // add taskbar item for each app UITaskbarItem({ icon: app_info.icon, app:, name: app_info.title, keep_in_taskbar: true, onClick: function(){ let open_window_count = parseInt($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${}"]`).attr('data-open-windows')); if(open_window_count === 0){ launch_app({ name:, }) }else{ return false; } } }); } } //--------------------------------------------- // add `Trash` to the taskbar //--------------------------------------------- const trash = await puter.fs.stat(trash_path); if(window.socket){ window.socket.emit('trash.is_empty', {is_empty: trash.is_empty}); } UITaskbarItem({ icon: trash.is_empty ? window.icons['trash.svg'] : window.icons['trash-full.svg'], app: 'trash', name: 'Trash', sortable: false, keep_in_taskbar: true, lock_keep_in_taskbar: true, onClick: function(){ let open_windows = $(`.window[data-path="${html_encode(trash_path)}"]`); if(open_windows.length === 0){ launch_app({ name: 'explorer', path: window.trash_path}); }else{ open_windows.focusWindow(); } }, onItemsDrop: function(items){ move_items(items, trash_path); } }) make_taskbar_sortable(); } window.make_taskbar_sortable = function(){ //------------------------------------------- // Taskbar is sortable //------------------------------------------- $('.taskbar').sortable({ axis: "x", items: '.taskbar-item-sortable:not(.has-open-contextmenu)', cancel: '.has-open-contextmenu', placeholder: "taskbar-item-sortable-placeholder", helper : 'clone', distance: 5, revert: 10, receive: function(event, ui){ if(!$(ui.item).hasClass('taskbar-item')){ // if app is already in taskbar, cancel if($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${$(ui.item).attr('data-app-name')}"]`).length !== 0){ $(this).sortable('cancel'); $('.taskbar .start-app').remove(); return; }else{ } } }, update: function(event, ui){ if(!$(ui.item).hasClass('taskbar-item')){ // if app is already in taskbar, cancel if($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${$(ui.item).attr('data-app-name')}"]`).length !== 0){ $(this).sortable('cancel'); $('.taskbar .start-app').remove(); return; } let item = UITaskbarItem({ icon: $(ui.item).attr('data-app-icon'), app: $(ui.item).attr('data-app-name'), name: $(ui.item).attr('data-app-title'), append_to_taskbar: false, keep_in_taskbar: true, onClick: function(){ let open_window_count = parseInt($(`.taskbar-item[data-app="${$(ui.item).attr('data-app-name')}"]`).attr('data-open-windows')); if(open_window_count === 0){ launch_app({ name: $(ui.item).attr('data-app-name'), }) }else{ return false; } } }); let el = ($(item).detach()) $(el).insertAfter(ui.item); // $(ui.item).insertBefore(`


`); $(el).show(); $(ui.item).removeItems(); update_taskbar(); } // only proceed to update DB if the item sorted was a pinned item otherwise no point in updating the taskbar in DB else if($(ui.item).attr('data-keep-in-taskbar') === 'true'){ update_taskbar(); } }, }); } export default UITaskbar;