/* * Copyright (C) 2024 Puter Technologies Inc. * * This file is part of Puter. * * Puter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // TODO: accessing these imports directly from a mod is not really // the way mods are intended to work; this is temporary until // we have these things registered in "useapi". const { get_user, invalidate_cached_user, deleteUser, } = require('../../../src/backend/src/helpers.js'); const { HLWrite } = require('../../../src/backend/src/filesystem/hl_operations/hl_write.js'); const { LLRead } = require('../../../src/backend/src/filesystem/ll_operations/ll_read.js'); const { Actor, UserActorType } = require('../../../src/backend/src/services/auth/Actor.js'); const { DB_WRITE } = require('../../../src/backend/src/services/database/consts.js'); const { RootNodeSelector, NodeChildSelector, NodePathSelector, } = require('../../../src/backend/src/filesystem/node/selectors.js'); const { Context } = require('../../../src/backend/src/util/context.js'); class ShareTestService extends use.Service { static MODULES = { uuidv4: require('uuid').v4, } async _init () { const svc_commands = this.services.get('commands'); this._register_commands(svc_commands); this.scenarios = require('./data/sharetest_scenarios'); const svc_db = this.services.get('database'); this.db = svc_db.get(svc_db.DB_WRITE, 'share-test'); } _register_commands (commands) { commands.registerCommands('share-test', [ { id: 'start', description: '', handler: async (_, log) => { const results = await this.runit(); for ( const result of results ) { log.log(`=== ${result.title} ===`); if ( ! result.report ) { log.log(`\x1B[32;1mSUCCESS\x1B[0m`); continue; } log.log( `\x1B[31;1mSTOPPED\x1B[0m at ` + `${result.report.step}: ` + result.report.report.message, ); } } } ]); } async runit () { await this.teardown_(); await this.setup_(); const results = []; for ( const scenario of this.scenarios ) { if ( ! scenario.title ) { scenario.title = scenario.sequence.map( step => step.title).join('; ') } results.push({ title: scenario.title, report: await this.run_scenario_(scenario) }); } await this.teardown_(); return results; } async setup_ () { await this.create_test_user_('testuser_eric'); await this.create_test_user_('testuser_stan'); await this.create_test_user_('testuser_kyle'); await this.create_test_user_('testuser_kenny'); } async run_scenario_ (scenario) { let error; // Run sequence for ( const step of scenario.sequence ) { const method = this[`__scenario:${step.call}`]; const user = await get_user({ username: step.as }) const actor = await Actor.create(UserActorType, { user }); const generated = { user, actor }; const report = await Context.get().sub({ user, actor }) .arun(async () => { return await method.call(this, generated, step.with); }); if ( report ) { error = { step: step.title, report }; break; } } return error; } async teardown_ () { await this.delete_test_user_('testuser_eric'); await this.delete_test_user_('testuser_stan'); await this.delete_test_user_('testuser_kyle'); await this.delete_test_user_('testuser_kenny'); } async create_test_user_ (username) { await this.db.write( ` INSERT INTO user (uuid, username, email, free_storage, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) `, [ this.modules.uuidv4(), username, username + '@example.com', 1024 * 1024 * 500, // 500 MiB this.modules.uuidv4(), ], ); const user = await get_user({ username }); const svc_user = this.services.get('user'); await svc_user.generate_default_fsentries({ user }); invalidate_cached_user(user); return user; } async delete_test_user_ (username) { const user = await get_user({ username }); if ( ! user ) return; await deleteUser(user.id); } // API for scenarios async ['__scenario:create-example-file'] ( { actor, user }, { name, contents }, ) { const svc_fs = this.services.get('filesystem'); const parent = await svc_fs.node(new NodePathSelector( `/${user.username}/Desktop` )); console.log('test -> create-example-file', user, name, contents); const buffer = Buffer.from(contents); const file = { size: buffer.length, name: name, type: 'application/octet-stream', buffer, }; const hl_write = new HLWrite(); await hl_write.run({ actor, user, destination_or_parent: parent, specified_name: name, file, }); } async ['__scenario:assert-no-access'] ( { actor, user }, { path }, ) { const svc_fs = this.services.get('filesystem'); const node = await svc_fs.node(new NodePathSelector(path)); const ll_read = new LLRead(); let expected_e; try { const stream = await ll_read.run({ fsNode: node, actor, }) } catch (e) { expected_e = e; } if ( ! expected_e ) { return { message: 'expected error, got none' }; } } async ['__scenario:grant'] ( { actor, user }, { to, permission }, ) { const svc_permission = this.services.get('permission'); await svc_permission.grant_user_user_permission( actor, to, permission, {}, {}, ); } async ['__scenario:assert-access'] ( { actor, user }, { path, level } ) { const svc_fs = this.services.get('filesystem'); const svc_acl = this.services.get('acl'); const node = await svc_fs.node(new NodePathSelector(path)); const has_read = await svc_acl.check(actor, node, 'read'); const has_write = await svc_acl.check(actor, node, 'write'); if ( level !== 'write' && level !== 'read' ) { return { message: 'unexpected value for "level" parameter' }; } if ( level === 'read' && has_write ) { return { message: 'expected read-only but actor can write' }; } if ( level === 'read' && !has_read ) { return { message: 'expected read access but no read access' }; } if ( level === 'write' && (!has_write || !has_read) ) { return { message: 'expected write access but no write access' }; } } } module.exports = { ShareTestService, };