This was a really small refactor - about 30mins - that moves the concern
of common constructor args for modules outside of each individual call.
A Context object is now used for common constructor arguments. Some of
the values on this object - such as APIOrigin and authToken - are
following values on the instance of the Puter class. This means that for
some modules it is already possible to eliminate the setAuthToken and
setAPIOrigin listeners (out of scope for this commit). Any which remain
could eventually be replaced with a listener on the Context object
This commit also moves the initSubmodules method to the top of the class
so that it's easier for new devs to find, in case they're looking into
an issue on a specific module rather than the Puter class itself.
Adds a filesystem relay service to GUI-side which currently reports an
exmaple fsentry for /stat and /readdir. Added filesystem services for
both sides. Moved filesystem implementations from src/modules to src/lib
since they're being called by services now rather than modules.
This functionality is effectively disabled unless
src/puter-js/src/services/Filesystem.js is updated to use init_app_fs_()
when the environment is 'app'.
Adds XDIncomingService to manage messages from another window. IPC now
registers with XDIncoming and reports whether it was handled, that way
messages intended to reach GUI can be reliably ignored.
On GUI-side, XDIncomingService will be used by FSRelayService (not yet
implemented) to handle requests for filesystem operations from another
On App-side, XDIncomingService might be used by the PostMessageFS
client-side filesystem implementation terminal to listen for filesystem
events that were relayed by GUI (after a permission check) from their
original websocket source. Either that, or we'll open a filesystem
socket for each app using that app's token.
NoPuterYetService was added because IPC.js is loaded before
globalThis.puter exists, and was the easiest way to still allow IPC's
listener to be registered with XDIncomingService.
APIAccessService was added. This service currently holds auth_token and
api_token and does nothing else. FilesystemService listens to this to
maintain a websocket connection. APIAccessService will help to manage
the complexity of all further code dependent on being informed about
changes to the auth token or origin. Currently in puter.js these are
passed around to several modules which manage the same piece of state
information independantly.
Adds CachedFilesystem layer to client filesystem chain. Currently only
stat is implemented. The stat implementation will hold onto an entry for
3 seconds as per hardcoded configuration. Eventually, once invalidation
via websockets is working, this TTL should be extended.
- de-coupled xhr callback passing from the interface of the underlying
filesystem implementation.
- This makes the interface to delegate calls more suitable for use with
the decorator pattern.
- The decorator pattern will be used to manage the complexity of the
caching layer by separating the concerns of different caching methods.
This involves establishing the protocol through which phoenix instances
run a command on the emulator. The pty is able to communicate with the
terminal in both directions. This commit adds logs to be removed later.
There are a few things left that this commit does not address:
- handling close of delegate process
- handling sigint from phoenix to delegate process
- closing the connection to twisp
I'll elaborate here because the commit name is confusing. Any time an
app gets a connection to another app, either because it launched that
app (or was launched by that app) or requested a connection to that app,
the ID the app gets to represent the app it's communicating with is now
a pseudo app id rather than the app instance ID. This accomplishes two
1. It's more secure. There are multiple places where GUI assumes that
knowing an app's instance ID means you can do things as that app.
2. Between the same two apps, there may now be more than one connection.
This is useful for situations like Phoenix shell talking to the
emulator in multiple separate instances to pipe commands. (this is
coming later)