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synced 2025-01-22 23:20:24 +08:00
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245 lines
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package kis
import (
var _poolOnce sync.Once
// KisPool manages all Function and Flow configurations
type KisPool struct {
fnRouter funcRouter // All Function management routes
fnLock sync.RWMutex // fnRouter lock
flowRouter flowRouter // All flow objects
flowLock sync.RWMutex // flowRouter lock
cInitRouter connInitRouter // All Connector initialization routes
ciLock sync.RWMutex // cInitRouter lock
cTree connTree // All Connector management routes
cLock sync.RWMutex // cTree lock
// Singleton
var _pool *KisPool
// Pool Singleton constructor
func Pool() *KisPool {
_poolOnce.Do(func() {
// Create KisPool object
_pool = &KisPool{}
// Initialize fnRouter
_pool.fnRouter = make(funcRouter)
// Initialize flowRouter
_pool.flowRouter = make(flowRouter)
// Initialize connTree
_pool.cTree = make(connTree)
_pool.cInitRouter = make(connInitRouter)
return _pool
func (pool *KisPool) AddFlow(name string, flow Flow) {
pool.flowLock.Lock() // Write lock
defer pool.flowLock.Unlock()
if _, ok := pool.flowRouter[name]; !ok {
pool.flowRouter[name] = flow
} else {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("Pool AddFlow Repeat FlowName=%s\n", name)
log.Logger().InfoF("Add FlowRouter FlowName=%s", name)
func (pool *KisPool) GetFlow(name string) Flow {
pool.flowLock.RLock() // Read lock
defer pool.flowLock.RUnlock()
if flow, ok := pool.flowRouter[name]; ok {
return flow
} else {
return nil
// FaaS registers Function computation business logic, indexed and registered by Function Name
func (pool *KisPool) FaaS(fnName string, f FaaS) {
// When registering the FaaS computation logic callback, create a FaaSDesc description object
faaSDesc, err := NewFaaSDesc(fnName, f)
if err != nil {
pool.fnLock.Lock() // Write lock
defer pool.fnLock.Unlock()
if _, ok := pool.fnRouter[fnName]; !ok {
// Register the FaaSDesc description object to fnRouter
pool.fnRouter[fnName] = faaSDesc
} else {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("KisPoll FaaS Repeat FuncName=%s", fnName)
log.Logger().InfoF("Add KisPool FuncName=%s", fnName)
// CallFunction schedules Function
func (pool *KisPool) CallFunction(ctx context.Context, fnName string, flow Flow) error {
pool.fnLock.RLock() // Read lock
defer pool.fnLock.RUnlock()
if funcDesc, ok := pool.fnRouter[fnName]; ok {
// Parameters list for the scheduled Function
params := make([]reflect.Value, 0, funcDesc.ArgNum)
for _, argType := range funcDesc.ArgsType {
// If it is a Flow type parameter, pass in the value of flow
if isFlowType(argType) {
params = append(params, reflect.ValueOf(flow))
// If it is a Context type parameter, pass in the value of ctx
if isContextType(argType) {
params = append(params, reflect.ValueOf(ctx))
// If it is a Slice type parameter, pass in the value of flow.Input()
if isSliceType(argType) {
// Deserialize the raw data in flow.Input() to data of type argType
value, err := funcDesc.Serialize.UnMarshal(flow.Input(), argType)
if err != nil {
log.Logger().ErrorFX(ctx, "funcDesc.Serialize.DecodeParam err=%v", err)
} else {
params = append(params, value)
// If the passed parameter is neither a Flow type, nor a Context type, nor a Slice type, it defaults to zero value
params = append(params, reflect.Zero(argType))
// Call the computation logic of the current Function
retValues := funcDesc.FuncValue.Call(params)
// Extract the first return value, if it is nil, return nil
ret := retValues[0].Interface()
if ret == nil {
return nil
// If the return value is of type error, return error
return retValues[0].Interface().(error)
log.Logger().ErrorFX(ctx, "FuncName: %s Can not find in KisPool, Not Added.\n", fnName)
return errors.New("FuncName: " + fnName + " Can not find in NsPool, Not Added.")
// CaaSInit registers Connector initialization business
func (pool *KisPool) CaaSInit(cname string, c ConnInit) {
pool.ciLock.Lock() // Write lock
defer pool.ciLock.Unlock()
if _, ok := pool.cInitRouter[cname]; !ok {
pool.cInitRouter[cname] = c
} else {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("KisPool Reg CaaSInit Repeat CName=%s\n", cname)
log.Logger().InfoF("Add KisPool CaaSInit CName=%s", cname)
// CallConnInit schedules ConnInit
func (pool *KisPool) CallConnInit(conn Connector) error {
pool.ciLock.RLock() // Read lock
defer pool.ciLock.RUnlock()
init, ok := pool.cInitRouter[conn.GetName()]
if !ok {
panic(errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("init connector cname = %s not reg..", conn.GetName())))
return init(conn)
// CaaS registers Connector Call business
func (pool *KisPool) CaaS(cname string, fname string, mode common.KisMode, c CaaS) {
pool.cLock.Lock() // Write lock
defer pool.cLock.Unlock()
if _, ok := pool.cTree[cname]; !ok {
//cid First registration, does not exist, create a second-level tree NsConnSL
pool.cTree[cname] = make(connSL)
// Initialize various FunctionMode
pool.cTree[cname][common.S] = make(connFuncRouter)
pool.cTree[cname][common.L] = make(connFuncRouter)
if _, ok := pool.cTree[cname][mode][fname]; !ok {
pool.cTree[cname][mode][fname] = c
} else {
errString := fmt.Sprintf("CaaS Repeat CName=%s, FName=%s, Mode =%s\n", cname, fname, mode)
log.Logger().InfoF("Add KisPool CaaS CName=%s, FName=%s, Mode =%s", cname, fname, mode)
// CallConnector schedules Connector
func (pool *KisPool) CallConnector(ctx context.Context, flow Flow, conn Connector, args interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
pool.cLock.RLock() // Read lock
defer pool.cLock.RUnlock()
fn := flow.GetThisFunction()
fnConf := fn.GetConfig()
mode := common.KisMode(fnConf.FMode)
if callback, ok := pool.cTree[conn.GetName()][mode][fnConf.FName]; ok {
return callback(ctx, conn, fn, flow, args)
log.Logger().ErrorFX(ctx, "CName:%s FName:%s mode:%s Can not find in KisPool, Not Added.\n", conn.GetName(), fnConf.FName, mode)
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("CName:%s FName:%s mode:%s Can not find in KisPool, Not Added.", conn.GetName(), fnConf.FName, mode))
// GetFlows retrieves all Flows
func (pool *KisPool) GetFlows() []Flow {
pool.flowLock.RLock() // Read lock
defer pool.flowLock.RUnlock()
var flows []Flow
for _, flow := range pool.flowRouter {
flows = append(flows, flow)
return flows