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synced 2025-02-03 02:54:41 +08:00
679 lines
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679 lines
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// Package views
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2023 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package views
import (
var Curd = gCurd{}
type gCurd struct{}
type CurdStep struct {
HasMaxSort bool `json:"hasMaxSort"`
HasAdd bool `json:"hasAdd"`
HasBatchDel bool `json:"hasBatchDel"`
HasExport bool `json:"hasExport"`
HasEdit bool `json:"hasEdit"`
HasDel bool `json:"hasDel"`
HasView bool `json:"hasView"`
HasStatus bool `json:"hasStatus"`
HasSwitch bool `json:"hasSwitch"`
HasCheck bool `json:"hasCheck"`
HasMenu bool `json:"hasMenu"`
type CurdOptionsJoin struct {
Uuid string `json:"uuid"`
LinkTable string `json:"linkTable"`
Alias string `json:"alias"`
LinkMode int `json:"linkMode"`
Field string `json:"field"`
MasterField string `json:"masterField"`
DaoName string `json:"daoName"`
Columns []*sysin.GenCodesColumnListModel `json:"columns"`
type CurdOptionsMenu struct {
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Pid int `json:"pid"`
Sort int `json:"sort"`
type CurdOptions struct {
AutoOps []string `json:"autoOps"`
ColumnOps []string `json:"columnOps"`
HeadOps []string `json:"headOps"`
Join []*CurdOptionsJoin `json:"join"`
Menu *CurdOptionsMenu `json:"menu"`
Step *CurdStep // 转换后的流程控制条件
dictMap g.Map // 字典选项 -> 字段映射关系
TemplateGroup string `json:"templateGroup"`
ApiPrefix string `json:"apiPrefix"`
type CurdPreviewInput struct {
In sysin.GenCodesPreviewInp // 提交参数
DaoConfig gendao.CGenDaoInput // 生成dao配置
Config *model.GenerateConfig // 生成配置
view *gview.View // 视图模板
content *sysin.GenCodesPreviewModel // 页面代码
masterFields []*sysin.GenCodesColumnListModel // 主表字段属性
pk *sysin.GenCodesColumnListModel // 主键属性
options *CurdOptions // 生成选项
type CurdBuildEvent map[string]func(ctx context.Context) (err error)
type CurdBuildInput struct {
PreviewIn *CurdPreviewInput // 预览参数
BeforeEvent CurdBuildEvent // 前置事件
AfterEvent CurdBuildEvent // 后置事件
func (l *gCurd) initInput(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
in.content = new(sysin.GenCodesPreviewModel)
in.content.Views = make(map[string]*sysin.GenFile)
// 加载主表配置
err = in.In.MasterColumns.Scan(&in.masterFields)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(in.masterFields) == 0 {
in.masterFields, err = DoTableColumns(ctx, sysin.GenCodesColumnListInp{Name: in.In.DbName, Table: in.In.TableName}, in.DaoConfig)
// 主键属性
in.pk = l.getPkField(in)
if in.pk == nil {
return gerror.New("initInput no primary key is set in the table!")
// 加载选项
err = in.In.Options.Scan(&in.options)
if err != nil {
return err
initStep(ctx, in)
in.options.dictMap = make(g.Map)
if len(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates)-1 < in.In.GenTemplate {
return gerror.New("没有找到生成模板的配置,请检查!")
// api前缀
apiPrefix := gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName)
if in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].IsAddon {
apiPrefix = in.In.AddonName + "/" + apiPrefix
in.options.ApiPrefix = apiPrefix
err = checkCurdPath(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate], in.In.AddonName)
if err != nil {
in.options.TemplateGroup = in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].MasterPackage
func initStep(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) {
in.options.Step = new(CurdStep)
in.options.Step.HasMaxSort = HasMaxSort(in.masterFields)
in.options.Step.HasAdd = gstr.InArray(in.options.HeadOps, "add")
in.options.Step.HasBatchDel = gstr.InArray(in.options.HeadOps, "batchDel")
in.options.Step.HasExport = gstr.InArray(in.options.HeadOps, "export")
in.options.Step.HasEdit = gstr.InArray(in.options.ColumnOps, "edit")
in.options.Step.HasDel = gstr.InArray(in.options.ColumnOps, "del")
in.options.Step.HasView = gstr.InArray(in.options.ColumnOps, "view")
in.options.Step.HasStatus = HasStatus(in.options.ColumnOps, in.masterFields)
in.options.Step.HasSwitch = HasSwitch(in.options.ColumnOps, in.masterFields)
in.options.Step.HasCheck = gstr.InArray(in.options.ColumnOps, "check")
in.options.Step.HasMenu = gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "genMenuPermissions")
func (l *gCurd) loadView(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
temp := in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate]
view := gview.New()
err = view.SetConfigWithMap(g.Map{
"Paths": temp.TemplatePath,
"Delimiters": in.Config.Delimiters,
if err != nil {
"NowYear": gtime.Now().Year, // 当前年
"ToLower": strings.ToLower, // 全部小写
"LcFirst": gstr.LcFirst, // 首字母小写
"UcFirst": gstr.UcFirst, // 首字母大写
dictOptions, err := l.generateWebModelDictOptions(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
modName, err := GetModName(ctx)
if err != nil {
importApi := gstr.Replace(temp.ApiPath, "./", modName+"/") + "/" + strings.ToLower(in.In.VarName)
importInput := gstr.Replace(temp.InputPath, "./", modName+"/")
importController := gstr.Replace(temp.ControllerPath, "./", modName+"/")
importService := "hotgo/internal/service"
if temp.IsAddon {
importService = "hotgo/addons/" + in.In.AddonName + "/service"
importWebApi := "@/api/" + gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName)
if temp.IsAddon {
importWebApi = "@/api/addons/" + in.In.AddonName + "/" + gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName)
componentPrefix := gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName)
if temp.IsAddon {
componentPrefix = "addons/" + in.In.AddonName + "/" + componentPrefix
"templateGroup": in.options.TemplateGroup, // 生成模板分组名称
"servFunName": l.parseServFunName(in.options.TemplateGroup, in.In.VarName), // 业务服务名称
"nowTime": gtime.Now().Format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), // 当前时间
"version": runtime.Version(), // GO 版本
"hgVersion": consts.VersionApp, // HG 版本
"varName": in.In.VarName, // 实体名称
"tableComment": in.In.TableComment, // 对外名称
"daoName": in.In.DaoName, // ORM模型
"masterFields": in.masterFields, // 主表字段
"pk": in.pk, // 主键属性
"options": in.options, // 提交选项
"dictOptions": dictOptions, // web字典选项
"importApi": importApi, // 导入goApi包
"importInput": importInput, // 导入input包
"importController": importController, // 导入控制器包
"importService": importService, // 导入业务服务
"importWebApi": importWebApi, // 导入webApi
"apiPrefix": in.options.ApiPrefix, // api前缀
"componentPrefix": componentPrefix, // vue子组件前缀
in.view = view
func (l *gCurd) DoBuild(ctx context.Context, in *CurdBuildInput) (err error) {
preview, err := l.DoPreview(ctx, in.PreviewIn)
if err != nil {
// 前置操作
if len(in.BeforeEvent) > 0 {
for name, f := range in.BeforeEvent {
if gstr.InArray(in.PreviewIn.options.AutoOps, name) {
if err = f(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("in doBuild operation beforeEvent to '%s' failed::%v", name, err)
var needExecSql bool
for _, vi := range preview.Views {
// 无需生成
if vi.Meth != consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate && vi.Meth != consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover {
if gstr.Str(vi.Path, `.`) == ".sql" && !gfile.Exists(vi.Path) {
needExecSql = true
if err = gfile.PutContents(vi.Path, strings.TrimSpace(vi.Content)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing content to '%s' failed: %v", vi.Path, err)
if gstr.Str(vi.Path, `.`) == ".sql" && needExecSql {
if err = ImportSql(ctx, vi.Path); err != nil {
return err
if gstr.Str(vi.Path, `.`) == ".go" {
// 后置操作
if len(in.AfterEvent) > 0 {
for name, f := range in.AfterEvent {
if gstr.InArray(in.PreviewIn.options.AutoOps, name) {
if err = f(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("in doBuild operation afterEvent to '%s' failed::%v", name, err)
func (l *gCurd) DoPreview(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (res *sysin.GenCodesPreviewModel, err error) {
// 初始化
if err = l.initInput(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
// 加载模板
if err = l.loadView(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateApiContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateInputContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateControllerContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateLogicContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateRouterContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateWebApiContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateWebModelContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateWebIndexContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateWebEditContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateWebViewContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = l.generateSqlContent(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
in.content.Config = in.Config
res = new(sysin.GenCodesPreviewModel)
res = in.content
func (l *gCurd) generateApiContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "api.go"
tplData = g.Map{}
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].ApiPath, strings.ToLower(in.In.VarName), strings.ToLower(in.In.VarName)+".go")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateInputContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "input.go"
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
tplData, err := l.inputTplData(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].InputPath, convert.CamelCaseToUnderline(in.In.VarName)+".go")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateControllerContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "controller.go"
tplData = g.Map{"name": "test generateControllerContent..."}
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].ControllerPath, convert.CamelCaseToUnderline(in.In.VarName)+".go")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateLogicContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "logic.go"
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
tplData, err := l.logicTplData(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].LogicPath, convert.CamelCaseToUnderline(in.In.VarName)+".go")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateRouterContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "router.go"
tplData = g.Map{}
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].RouterPath, convert.CamelCaseToUnderline(in.In.VarName)+".go")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateWebApiContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "web.api.ts"
tplData = g.Map{}
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].WebApiPath, gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName), "index.ts")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateWebModelContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "web.model.ts"
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
tplData, err := l.webModelTplData(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].WebViewsPath, gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName), "model.ts")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateWebIndexContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "web.index.vue"
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
tplData, err := l.webIndexTplData(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].WebViewsPath, gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName), "index.vue")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateWebEditContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "web.edit.vue"
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
tplData, err := l.webEditTplData(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].WebViewsPath, gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName), "edit.vue")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
if !in.options.Step.HasEdit {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildIgnore
genFile.Required = false
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateWebViewContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "web.view.vue"
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
tplData, err := l.webViewTplData(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].WebViewsPath, gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName), "view.vue")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if genFile.Meth == consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip && gstr.InArray(in.options.AutoOps, "forcedCover") {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCover
if !in.options.Step.HasView {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildIgnore
genFile.Required = false
in.content.Views[name] = genFile
func (l *gCurd) generateSqlContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (err error) {
var (
name = "source.sql"
config = g.DB(in.In.DbName).GetConfig()
tplData = g.Map{
"dbName": config.Name,
"menuTable": config.Prefix + "admin_menu",
"mainComponent": "LAYOUT",
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
if in.options.Menu.Pid > 0 {
tplData["mainComponent"] = "ParentLayout" //gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName)
genFile.Path = file.MergeAbs(in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].SqlPath, convert.CamelCaseToUnderline(in.In.VarName)+"_menu.sql")
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethCreate
if gfile.Exists(genFile.Path) {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildMethSkip
genFile.Required = true
if !in.options.Step.HasMenu {
genFile.Meth = consts.GenCodesBuildIgnore
genFile.Required = false
tplData["generatePath"] = genFile.Path
genFile.Content, err = in.view.Parse(ctx, name+".template", tplData)
if err != nil {
return err
in.content.Views[name] = genFile