ROOT_DIR = $(shell pwd) NAMESPACE = "default" DEPLOY_NAME = "template-single" DOCKER_NAME = "template-single" ADMIN_RESOURCE_PATH = "/resource/public/admin/" # 一键编译。编译web前端,并将编译后的包移动到服务端对应静态资源路径下,最后编译服务端 .PHONY: build build: @rm -rf ./$(ADMIN_RESOURCE_PATH) @mkdir ./$(ADMIN_RESOURCE_PATH) @cd ../web && yarn build && \cp -rf ./dist/* ../server$(ADMIN_RESOURCE_PATH) @cd ../server @echo "y" | gf build # 通过热编译启动所有服务 .PHONY: all all: gf run main.go --args "all" .PHONY: http http: gf run main.go --args "http" .PHONY: queue queue: gf run main.go --args "queue" .PHONY: cron cron: gf run main.go --args "cron" .PHONY: auth auth: gf run main.go --args "auth" # 启动web服务 .PHONY: web web: @cd ../web && yarn dev # 刷新casbin权限 .PHONY: refresh refresh: @go run main.go tools -m=casbin -a1=refresh # 清理casbin权限 .PHONY: clear clear: @go run main.go tools -m=casbin -a1=clear # 运行代码质量分析工具 # .PHONY: lint lint: golangci-lint run .PHONY: killmain killmain: @kill -9 $(ps -ef|grep main|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}') # Install/Update to the latest CLI tool. .PHONY: cli cli: @set -e; \ wget -O gf$(shell go env GOOS)_$(shell go env GOARCH) && \ chmod +x gf && \ ./gf install -y && \ rm ./gf # Check and install CLI tool. .PHONY: cli.install cli.install: @set -e; \ gf -v > /dev/null 2>&1 || if [[ "$?" -ne "0" ]]; then \ echo "GoFame CLI is not installed, start proceeding auto installation..."; \ make cli; \ fi; # Generate Go files for DAO/DO/Entity. .PHONY: dao dao: cli.install @gf gen dao # Generate Go files for Service. .PHONY: service service: cli.install @gf gen service # Build image, deploy image and yaml to current kubectl environment and make port forward to local machine. .PHONY: start start: @set -e; \ make image; \ make deploy; \ make port; # Build docker image and commit to the repository. # example: make image tag=v0.0.1 .PHONY: image image: @echo "y" | gf docker main.go -p -tn hotgo:$(tag) # Deploy image and yaml to current kubectl environment. .PHONY: deploy deploy: $(eval _TAG = $(if ${TAG}, ${TAG}, develop)) @set -e; \ mkdir -p $(ROOT_DIR)/temp/kustomize;\ cd $(ROOT_DIR)/manifest/deploy/kustomize/overlays/${_TAG};\ kustomize build > $(ROOT_DIR)/temp/kustomize.yaml;\ kubectl apply -f $(ROOT_DIR)/temp/kustomize.yaml; \ kubectl patch -n $(NAMESPACE) deployment/$(DEPLOY_NAME) -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"labels\":{\"date\":\"$(shell date +%s)\"}}}}}";