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synced 2025-02-02 18:28:41 +08:00
@ -6,19 +6,19 @@
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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
1. 前往https://nodejs.org/zh-cn/下载当前版本node
2. 命令行运行 `node -v` 若控制台输出版本号则node安装成功
3. node 版本需大于 `16.0`
3. node 版本需大于等于 `16.0`
4. 安装yarn:`npm install -g yarn`
5. 命令行运行 `yarn -v` 若控制台输出版本号则前端环境搭建成功
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- node版本 >= v16.0.0
- golang版本 >= v1.19
- goframe版本 >=v2.4.1
- goframe版本 >=v2.6.1
- mysql版本 >=5.7
> 必须先看[环境搭建文档](start-environment.md),如果安装遇到问题务必先查看[常见问题文档](start-issue.md)
@ -42,7 +42,21 @@
- http服务没有启动或正在启动
- 通过一键启动所有服务运行时属正常情况,多服务启动时存在先后顺序问题,`tcpClient`比`tcpServer`先启动完成导致的,等`tcpServer`启动完成后会自动重连
详细请参考 - [系统安装](start-installation.md)
### 四、前端相关
#### 1、Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:8000
11:44:52 [vite] http proxy error at /member/info:
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:8000
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1246:16)
- 服务端没有启动
- `.\wen\.env.development`中的`VITE_PROXY`配置的服务器地址或端口与实际不一致
@ -11,6 +11,16 @@
> 如果升级(覆盖)代码后打开会出现 sql 报错, 请检查更新的数据库格式或自行调整
### v2.12.1
updated 2023.12.29
- 修复:修复访问日志权限过滤
- 优化:gf版本升级到v2.6.1
- 优化:naive-ui版本升级到2.36.0,vue版本升级到3.4.0,vite版本升级到4.2.7
- 优化:优化curd代码生成,编辑表单增加自适应,详情改为`抽屉`,修复菜单权限关系树,简化`State`
- 优化:优化字典编辑和查询
- 优化:优化角色列表数据加载缓慢问题
### v2.11.5
updated 2023.11.25
@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ require (
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github.com/gogf/gf/contrib/nosql/redis/v2 v2.5.7
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github.com/gogf/selfupdate v0.0.0-20231215043001-5c48c528462f
github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v5 v5.0.0
github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.5.1
github.com/kayon/iploc v0.0.0-20200312105652-bda3e968a794
github.com/minio/minio-go/v7 v7.0.63
github.com/minio/selfupdate v0.6.0
github.com/mojocn/base64Captcha v1.3.5
github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.5
github.com/qiniu/go-sdk/v7 v7.14.0
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ require (
github.com/fatih/color v1.16.0 // indirect
github.com/fatih/structs v1.1.0 // indirect
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.7.0 // indirect
github.com/go-logr/logr v1.3.0 // indirect
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github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2 // indirect
github.com/go-ole/go-ole v1.2.6 // indirect
github.com/go-redis/redis/v8 v8.11.5 // indirect
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ require (
github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect
github.com/power-devops/perfstat v0.0.0-20210106213030-5aafc221ea8c // indirect
github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics v0.0.0-20201227073835-cf1acfcdf475 // indirect
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github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 v9.3.1 // indirect
github.com/richardlehane/mscfb v1.0.4 // indirect
github.com/richardlehane/msoleps v1.0.1 // indirect
github.com/rivo/uniseg v0.4.4 // indirect
@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ require (
go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk v1.21.0 // indirect
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github.com/go-logr/stdr v1.2.2 h1:hSWxHoqTgW2S2qGc0LTAI563KZ5YKYRhT3MFKZMbjag=
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golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0 h1:h48lPFYpsTvQJZF4EKyI4aLHaev3CxivZmv7yZig9pc=
golang.org/x/sys v0.15.0/go.mod h1:/VUhepiaJMQUp4+oa/7Zr1D23ma6VTLIYjOOTFZPUcA=
golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201117132131-f5c789dd3221/go.mod h1:Nr5EML6q2oocZ2LXRh80K7BxOlk5/8JxuGnuhpl+muw=
golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201126162022-7de9c90e9dd1/go.mod h1:bj7SfCRtBDWHUb9snDiAeCFNEtKQo2Wmx5Cou7ajbmo=
golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20210927222741-03fcf44c2211/go.mod h1:jbD1KX2456YbFQfuXm/mYQcufACuNUgVhRMnK/tPxf8=
@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ const (
UploadDriveCos = "cos" // 腾讯云cos
UploadDriveOss = "oss" // 阿里云oss
UploadDriveQiNiu = "qiniu" // 七牛云对象存储
UploadDriveMinio = "minio" // minio
UploadDriveMinio = "minio" // minio对象存储
@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ package consts
// VersionApp HotGo版本
const (
VersionApp = "2.11.5"
VersionApp = "2.12.1"
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ type (
Path string `name:"path" short:"p" brief:"{cRunPathBrief}" d:"./"`
Extra string `name:"extra" short:"e" brief:"{cRunExtraBrief}"`
Args string `name:"args" short:"a" brief:"{cRunArgsBrief}"`
WatchPaths string `name:"watchPaths" short:"w" brief:"{cRunWatchPathsBrief}"`
WatchPaths []string `name:"watchPaths" short:"w" brief:"{cRunWatchPathsBrief}"`
cRunOutput struct{}
@ -97,12 +97,16 @@ func (c cRun) Index(ctx context.Context, in cRunInput) (out *cRunOutput, err err
mlog.Fatalf(`command "go" not found in your environment, please install golang first to proceed this command`)
if len(in.WatchPaths) == 1 {
in.WatchPaths = strings.Split(in.WatchPaths[0], ",")
app := &cRunApp{
File: in.File,
Path: in.Path,
Options: in.Extra,
Args: in.Args,
WatchPaths: strings.Split(in.WatchPaths, ","),
WatchPaths: in.WatchPaths,
dirty := gtype.NewBool()
_, err = gfsnotify.Add(gfile.RealPath("."), func(event *gfsnotify.Event) {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
@ -6,6 +6,33 @@
package cmd
import "context"
import (
var ctx = context.Background()
var (
ctx = context.Background()
testDB gdb.DB
link = "mysql:root:12345678@tcp("
func init() {
var err error
testDB, err = gdb.New(gdb.ConfigNode{
Link: link,
if err != nil {
func dropTableWithDb(db gdb.DB, table string) {
dropTableStmt := fmt.Sprintf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`", table)
if _, err := db.Exec(ctx, dropTableStmt); err != nil {
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
@ -20,22 +19,11 @@ import (
func dropTableWithDb(db gdb.DB, table string) {
dropTableStmt := fmt.Sprintf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`", table)
if _, err := db.Exec(ctx, dropTableStmt); err != nil {
func Test_Gen_Dao_Default(t *testing.T) {
link := "mysql:root:12345678@tcp("
db, err := gdb.New(gdb.ConfigNode{
Link: link,
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
var (
err error
db = testDB
table = "table_user"
sqlContent = fmt.Sprintf(
gtest.DataContent(`gendao`, `user.tpl.sql`),
@ -123,14 +111,10 @@ func Test_Gen_Dao_Default(t *testing.T) {
func Test_Gen_Dao_TypeMapping(t *testing.T) {
link := "mysql:root:12345678@tcp("
db, err := gdb.New(gdb.ConfigNode{
Link: link,
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
var (
err error
db = testDB
table = "table_user"
sqlContent = fmt.Sprintf(
gtest.DataContent(`gendao`, `user.tpl.sql`),
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright GoFrame gf Author(https://goframe.org). All Rights Reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the MIT License.
// If a copy of the MIT was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://github.com/gogf/gf.
package cmd
import (
func Test_Gen_Pbentity_NameCase(t *testing.T) {
gtest.C(t, func(t *gtest.T) {
var (
err error
db = testDB
table = "table_user"
sqlContent = fmt.Sprintf(
gtest.DataContent(`genpbentity`, `user.tpl.sql`),
dropTableWithDb(db, table)
array := gstr.SplitAndTrim(sqlContent, ";")
for _, v := range array {
if _, err = db.Exec(ctx, v); err != nil {
defer dropTableWithDb(db, table)
var path = gfile.Temp(guid.S())
err = gfile.Mkdir(path)
defer gfile.Remove(path)
root, err := gcmd.NewFromObject(GF)
err = root.AddObject(
os.Args = []string{"gf", "gen", "pbentity", "-l", link, "-p", path, "-package=unittest", "-nameCase=SnakeScreaming"}
err = root.RunWithError(ctx)
files := []string{
filepath.FromSlash(path + "/table_user.proto"),
testPath := gtest.DataPath("genpbentity", "generated_user")
expectFiles := []string{
filepath.FromSlash(testPath + "/table_user.proto"),
// check files content
for i := range files {
t.Assert(gfile.GetContents(files[i]), gfile.GetContents(expectFiles[i]))
CGenDaoBriefTablesEx = `generate models excluding given tables, multiple table names separated with ','`
CGenDaoBriefPrefix = `add prefix for all table of specified link/database tables`
CGenDaoBriefRemovePrefix = `remove specified prefix of the table, multiple prefix separated with ','`
CGenDaoBriefRemoveFieldPrefix = `remove specified prefix of the field, multiple prefix separated with ','`
CGenDaoBriefStdTime = `use time.Time from stdlib instead of gtime.Time for generated time/date fields of tables`
CGenDaoBriefWithTime = `add created time for auto produced go files`
CGenDaoBriefGJsonSupport = `use gJsonSupport to use *gjson.Json instead of string for generated json fields of tables`
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@ func init() {
`CGenDaoBriefTablesEx`: CGenDaoBriefTablesEx,
`CGenDaoBriefPrefix`: CGenDaoBriefPrefix,
`CGenDaoBriefRemovePrefix`: CGenDaoBriefRemovePrefix,
`CGenDaoBriefRemoveFieldPrefix`: CGenDaoBriefRemoveFieldPrefix,
`CGenDaoBriefStdTime`: CGenDaoBriefStdTime,
`CGenDaoBriefWithTime`: CGenDaoBriefWithTime,
`CGenDaoBriefDaoPath`: CGenDaoBriefDaoPath,
@ -180,6 +182,7 @@ type (
Group string `name:"group" short:"g" brief:"{CGenDaoBriefGroup}" d:"default"`
Prefix string `name:"prefix" short:"f" brief:"{CGenDaoBriefPrefix}"`
RemovePrefix string `name:"removePrefix" short:"r" brief:"{CGenDaoBriefRemovePrefix}"`
RemoveFieldPrefix string `name:"removeFieldPrefix" short:"rf" brief:"{CGenDaoBriefRemoveFieldPrefix}"`
JsonCase string `name:"jsonCase" short:"j" brief:"{CGenDaoBriefJsonCase}" d:"CamelLower"`
ImportPrefix string `name:"importPrefix" short:"i" brief:"{CGenDaoBriefImportPrefix}"`
DaoPath string `name:"daoPath" short:"d" brief:"{CGenDaoBriefDaoPath}" d:"dao"`
@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ type generateDaoInternalInput struct {
func generateDaoInternal(in generateDaoInternalInput) {
path := filepath.FromSlash(gfile.Join(in.DirPathDaoInternal, in.FileName+".go"))
removeFieldPrefixArray := gstr.SplitAndTrim(in.RemoveFieldPrefix, ",")
modelContent := gstr.ReplaceByMap(
getTemplateFromPathOrDefault(in.TplDaoInternalPath, consts.TemplateGenDaoInternalContent),
@ -146,8 +147,8 @@ func generateDaoInternal(in generateDaoInternalInput) {
tplVarGroupName: in.Group,
tplVarTableNameCamelCase: in.TableNameCamelCase,
tplVarTableNameCamelLowerCase: in.TableNameCamelLowerCase,
tplVarColumnDefine: gstr.Trim(generateColumnDefinitionForDao(in.FieldMap)),
tplVarColumnNames: gstr.Trim(generateColumnNamesForDao(in.FieldMap)),
tplVarColumnDefine: gstr.Trim(generateColumnDefinitionForDao(in.FieldMap, removeFieldPrefixArray)),
tplVarColumnNames: gstr.Trim(generateColumnNamesForDao(in.FieldMap, removeFieldPrefixArray)),
modelContent = replaceDefaultVar(in.CGenDaoInternalInput, modelContent)
if err := gfile.PutContents(path, strings.TrimSpace(modelContent)); err != nil {
@ -160,16 +161,23 @@ func generateDaoInternal(in generateDaoInternalInput) {
// generateColumnNamesForDao generates and returns the column names assignment content of column struct
// for specified table.
func generateColumnNamesForDao(fieldMap map[string]*gdb.TableField) string {
func generateColumnNamesForDao(fieldMap map[string]*gdb.TableField, removeFieldPrefixArray []string) string {
var (
buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
array = make([][]string, len(fieldMap))
names = sortFieldKeyForDao(fieldMap)
for index, name := range names {
field := fieldMap[name]
newFiledName := field.Name
for _, v := range removeFieldPrefixArray {
newFiledName = gstr.TrimLeftStr(newFiledName, v, 1)
array[index] = []string{
" #" + gstr.CaseCamel(field.Name) + ":",
" #" + gstr.CaseCamel(newFiledName) + ":",
fmt.Sprintf(` #"%s",`, field.Name),
@ -189,12 +197,13 @@ func generateColumnNamesForDao(fieldMap map[string]*gdb.TableField) string {
// generateColumnDefinitionForDao generates and returns the column names definition for specified table.
func generateColumnDefinitionForDao(fieldMap map[string]*gdb.TableField) string {
func generateColumnDefinitionForDao(fieldMap map[string]*gdb.TableField, removeFieldPrefixArray []string) string {
var (
buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
array = make([][]string, len(fieldMap))
names = sortFieldKeyForDao(fieldMap)
for index, name := range names {
var (
field = fieldMap[name]
@ -203,8 +212,12 @@ func generateColumnDefinitionForDao(fieldMap map[string]*gdb.TableField) string
"\r", " ",
newFiledName := field.Name
for _, v := range removeFieldPrefixArray {
newFiledName = gstr.TrimLeftStr(newFiledName, v, 1)
array[index] = []string{
" #" + gstr.CaseCamel(field.Name),
" #" + gstr.CaseCamel(newFiledName),
" # " + "string",
" #" + fmt.Sprintf(`// %s`, comment),
@ -126,8 +126,13 @@ func generateStructFieldDefinition(
tagKey = "`"
descriptionTag = gstr.Replace(formatComment(field.Comment), `"`, `\"`)
removeFieldPrefixArray := gstr.SplitAndTrim(in.RemoveFieldPrefix, ",")
newFiledName := field.Name
for _, v := range removeFieldPrefixArray {
newFiledName = gstr.TrimLeftStr(newFiledName, v, 1)
attrLines = []string{
" #" + gstr.CaseCamel(field.Name),
" #" + gstr.CaseCamel(newFiledName),
" #" + localTypeNameStr,
attrLines = append(attrLines, " #"+fmt.Sprintf(tagKey+`json:"%s"`, jsonTag))
@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ type (
Tables string `name:"tables" short:"t" brief:"{CGenPbEntityBriefTables}"`
Prefix string `name:"prefix" short:"f" brief:"{CGenPbEntityBriefPrefix}"`
RemovePrefix string `name:"removePrefix" short:"r" brief:"{CGenPbEntityBriefRemovePrefix}"`
RemoveFieldPrefix string `name:"removeFieldPrefix" short:"rf" brief:"{CGenPbEntityBriefRemoveFieldPrefix}"`
NameCase string `name:"nameCase" short:"n" brief:"{CGenPbEntityBriefNameCase}" d:"Camel"`
JsonCase string `name:"jsonCase" short:"j" brief:"{CGenPbEntityBriefJsonCase}" d:"CamelLower"`
JsonCase string `name:"jsonCase" short:"j" brief:"{CGenPbEntityBriefJsonCase}" d:"none"`
Option string `name:"option" short:"o" brief:"{CGenPbEntityBriefOption}"`
CGenPbEntityOutput struct{}
CGenPbEntityBriefTables = `generate models only for given tables, multiple table names separated with ','`
CGenPbEntityBriefPrefix = `add specified prefix for all entity names and entity proto files`
CGenPbEntityBriefRemovePrefix = `remove specified prefix of the table, multiple prefix separated with ','`
CGenPbEntityBriefRemoveFieldPrefix = `remove specified prefix of the field, multiple prefix separated with ','`
CGenPbEntityBriefOption = `extra protobuf options`
CGenPbEntityBriefGroup = `
specifying the configuration group name of database for generated ORM instance,
@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ func init() {
`CGenPbEntityBriefTables`: CGenPbEntityBriefTables,
`CGenPbEntityBriefPrefix`: CGenPbEntityBriefPrefix,
`CGenPbEntityBriefRemovePrefix`: CGenPbEntityBriefRemovePrefix,
`CGenPbEntityBriefRemoveFieldPrefix`: CGenPbEntityBriefRemoveFieldPrefix,
`CGenPbEntityBriefGroup`: CGenPbEntityBriefGroup,
`CGenPbEntityBriefNameCase`: CGenPbEntityBriefNameCase,
`CGenPbEntityBriefJsonCase`: CGenPbEntityBriefJsonCase,
@ -339,6 +342,7 @@ func generateMessageFieldForPbEntity(index int, field *gdb.TableField, in CGenPb
comment = gstr.Replace(comment, `\n`, " ")
comment, _ = gregex.ReplaceString(`\s{2,}`, ` `, comment)
if jsonTagName := formatCase(field.Name, in.JsonCase); jsonTagName != "" {
jsonTagStr = fmt.Sprintf(`[json_name = "%s"]`, jsonTagName)
// beautiful indent.
if index < 10 {
// 3 spaces
@ -351,9 +355,16 @@ func generateMessageFieldForPbEntity(index int, field *gdb.TableField, in CGenPb
jsonTagStr = " " + jsonTagStr
removeFieldPrefixArray := gstr.SplitAndTrim(in.RemoveFieldPrefix, ",")
newFiledName := field.Name
for _, v := range removeFieldPrefixArray {
newFiledName = gstr.TrimLeftStr(newFiledName, v, 1)
return []string{
" #" + localTypeNameStr,
" #" + formatCase(field.Name, in.NameCase),
" #" + formatCase(newFiledName, in.NameCase),
" #= " + gconv.String(index) + jsonTagStr + ";",
" #" + fmt.Sprintf(`// %s`, comment),
@ -368,32 +379,10 @@ func getTplPbEntityContent(tplEntityPath string) string {
// formatCase call gstr.Case* function to convert the s to specified case.
func formatCase(str, caseStr string) string {
switch gstr.ToLower(caseStr) {
case gstr.ToLower("Camel"):
return gstr.CaseCamel(str)
case gstr.ToLower("CamelLower"):
return gstr.CaseCamelLower(str)
case gstr.ToLower("Kebab"):
return gstr.CaseKebab(str)
case gstr.ToLower("KebabScreaming"):
return gstr.CaseKebabScreaming(str)
case gstr.ToLower("Snake"):
return gstr.CaseSnake(str)
case gstr.ToLower("SnakeFirstUpper"):
return gstr.CaseSnakeFirstUpper(str)
case gstr.ToLower("SnakeScreaming"):
return gstr.CaseSnakeScreaming(str)
case "none":
if caseStr == "none" {
return ""
return str
return gstr.CaseConvert(str, gstr.CaseTypeMatch(caseStr))
func sortFieldKeyForPbEntity(fieldMap map[string]*gdb.TableField) []string {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// ==========================================================================
// Code generated and maintained by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// ==========================================================================
syntax = "proto3";
package unittest;
option go_package = "unittest";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message TableUser {
uint32 ID = 1; // User ID
string PASSPORT = 2; // User Passport
string PASSWORD = 3; // User Password
string NICKNAME = 4; // User Nickname
string SCORE = 5; // Total score amount.
google.protobuf.Timestamp CREATE_AT = 6; // Created Time
google.protobuf.Timestamp UPDATE_AT = 7; // Updated Time
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
`id` int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'User ID',
`passport` varchar(45) NOT NULL COMMENT 'User Passport',
`password` varchar(45) NOT NULL COMMENT 'User Password',
`nickname` varchar(45) NOT NULL COMMENT 'User Nickname',
`score` decimal(10,2) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Total score amount.',
`create_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Created Time',
`update_at` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Updated Time',
@ -24,15 +24,19 @@ var (
func init() {
if genv.Get(headerPrintEnvName).String() == "1" {
} else {
if gcmd.GetOpt("debug") != nil || gcmd.GetOpt("gf.debug") != nil {
logger.SetFlags(logger.GetFlags() | glog.F_FILE_LONG)
} else {
@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ func IsNumberType(goType string) bool {
switch goType {
case GoTypeInt, GoTypeUint, GoTypeInt64, GoTypeUint64:
return true
case GoTypeFloat32, GoTypeFloat64:
return true
return false
@ -14,8 +14,10 @@ import (
@ -668,6 +670,15 @@ func (l *gCurd) generateSqlContent(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (e
genFile = new(sysin.GenFile)
tplData["dirPid"], tplData["dirLevel"], tplData["dirTree"], err = hgorm.AutoUpdateTree(ctx, &dao.AdminMenu, 0, int64(in.options.Menu.Pid))
if err != nil {
return err
tplData["listLevel"] = tplData["dirLevel"].(int) + 1
tplData["btnLevel"] = tplData["dirLevel"].(int) + 2
tplData["sortLevel"] = tplData["dirLevel"].(int) + 3
if in.options.Menu.Pid > 0 {
tplData["mainComponent"] = "ParentLayout"
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ func (l *gCurd) generateWebEditFormItem(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInpu
var (
defaultComponent = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-input placeholder=\"请输入%s\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.Dc, field.TsName)
defaultComponent = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-input placeholder=\"请输入%s\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.Dc, field.TsName)
component string
@ -41,63 +41,63 @@ func (l *gCurd) generateWebEditFormItem(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInpu
component = defaultComponent
case FormModeInputNumber:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-input-number placeholder=\"请输入%s\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.Dc, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-input-number placeholder=\"请输入%s\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.Dc, field.TsName)
case FormModeInputTextarea:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-input type=\"textarea\" placeholder=\"%s\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.Dc, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-input type=\"textarea\" placeholder=\"%s\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.Dc, field.TsName)
case FormModeInputEditor:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <Editor style=\"height: 450px\" id=\"%s\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <Editor style=\"height: 450px\" id=\"%s\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeInputDynamic:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-dynamic-input\n v-model:value=\"params.%s\"\n preset=\"pair\"\n key-placeholder=\"键名\"\n value-placeholder=\"键值\"\n />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-dynamic-input\n v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\"\n preset=\"pair\"\n key-placeholder=\"键名\"\n value-placeholder=\"键值\"\n />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeDate:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <DatePicker v-model:formValue=\"params.%s\" type=\"date\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <DatePicker v-model:formValue=\"formValue.%s\" type=\"date\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
// case FormModeDateRange: // 必须要有两个字段,后面优化下
case FormModeTime:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <DatePicker v-model:formValue=\"params.%s\" type=\"datetime\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <DatePicker v-model:formValue=\"formValue.%s\" type=\"datetime\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
// case FormModeTimeRange: // 必须要有两个字段,后面优化下
case FormModeRadio:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-radio-group v-model:value=\"params.%s\" name=\"%s\">\n <n-radio-button\n v-for=\"%s in options.%s\"\n :key=\"%s.value\"\n :value=\"%s.value\"\n :label=\"%s.label\"\n />\n </n-radio-group>\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, field.TsName, field.TsName, in.options.dictMap[field.TsName], field.TsName, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-radio-group v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" name=\"%s\">\n <n-radio-button\n v-for=\"%s in options.%s\"\n :key=\"%s.value\"\n :value=\"%s.value\"\n :label=\"%s.label\"\n />\n </n-radio-group>\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, field.TsName, field.TsName, in.options.dictMap[field.TsName], field.TsName, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeCheckbox:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-checkbox-group v-model:value=\"params.%s\">\n <n-space>\n <n-checkbox\n v-for=\"item in options.%s\"\n :key=\"item.value\"\n :value=\"item.value\"\n :label=\"item.label\"\n />\n </n-space>\n </n-checkbox-group>\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, in.options.dictMap[field.TsName])
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-checkbox-group v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\">\n <n-space>\n <n-checkbox\n v-for=\"item in options.%s\"\n :key=\"item.value\"\n :value=\"item.value\"\n :label=\"item.label\"\n />\n </n-space>\n </n-checkbox-group>\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, in.options.dictMap[field.TsName])
case FormModeSelect:
if in.options.dictMap[field.TsName] != nil {
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-select v-model:value=\"params.%s\" :options=\"options.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, in.options.dictMap[field.TsName])
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-select v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" :options=\"options.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, in.options.dictMap[field.TsName])
} else {
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-select v-model:value=\"params.%s\" options=\"\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-select v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" options=\"\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeSelectMultiple:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-select multiple v-model:value=\"params.%s\" :options=\"options.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, in.options.dictMap[field.TsName])
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-select multiple v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" :options=\"options.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, in.options.dictMap[field.TsName])
case FormModeUploadImage:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <UploadImage :maxNumber=\"1\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <UploadImage :maxNumber=\"1\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeUploadImages:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <UploadImage :maxNumber=\"10\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <UploadImage :maxNumber=\"10\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeUploadFile:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <UploadFile :maxNumber=\"1\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <UploadFile :maxNumber=\"1\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeUploadFiles:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <UploadFile :maxNumber=\"10\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <UploadFile :maxNumber=\"10\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeSwitch:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-switch :unchecked-value=\"2\" :checked-value=\"1\" v-model:value=\"params.%s\"\n />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-switch :unchecked-value=\"2\" :checked-value=\"1\" v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\"\n />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
case FormModeRate:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-rate allow-half :default-value=\"params.%s\" :on-update:value=\"update%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, field.GoName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <n-rate allow-half :default-value=\"formValue.%s\" :on-update:value=\"update%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName, field.GoName)
case FormModeCitySelector:
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <CitySelector v-model:value=\"params.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = fmt.Sprintf("<n-form-item label=\"%s\" path=\"%s\">\n <CitySelector v-model:value=\"formValue.%s\" />\n </n-form-item>", field.Dc, field.TsName, field.TsName)
component = defaultComponent
@ -120,21 +120,21 @@ func (l *gCurd) generateWebEditScript(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput)
if in.options.Step.HasMaxSort {
importBuffer.WriteString(" import { onMounted, ref, computed, watch } from 'vue';\n")
importBuffer.WriteString(" import { ref } from 'vue';\n")
if in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].IsAddon {
importBuffer.WriteString(" import { Edit, MaxSort, View } from '@/api/addons/" + in.In.AddonName + "/" + gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName) + "';\n")
} else {
importBuffer.WriteString(" import { Edit, MaxSort, View } from '@/api/" + gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName) + "';\n")
setupBuffer.WriteString(" function loadForm(value) {\n loading.value = true;\n\n // 新增\n if (value.id < 1) {\n params.value = newState(value);\n MaxSort()\n .then((res) => {\n params.value.sort = res.sort;\n })\n .finally(() => {\n loading.value = false;\n });\n return;\n }\n\n // 编辑\n View({ id: value.id })\n .then((res) => {\n params.value = res;\n })\n .finally(() => {\n loading.value = false;\n });\n }\n\n watch(\n () => props.formParams,\n (value) => {\n loadForm(value);\n }\n );")
setupBuffer.WriteString(" function openModal(state: State) {\n adaModalWidth(dialogWidth);\n showModal.value = true;\n loading.value = true;\n\n // 新增\n if (!state || state.id < 1) {\n formValue.value = newState(state);\n MaxSort()\n .then((res) => {\n formValue.value.sort = res.sort;\n })\n .finally(() => {\n loading.value = false;\n });\n return;\n }\n\n // 编辑\n View({ id: state.id })\n .then((res) => {\n formValue.value = res;\n })\n .finally(() => {\n loading.value = false;\n });\n }")
} else {
importBuffer.WriteString(" import { onMounted, ref, computed, watch } from 'vue';\n")
importBuffer.WriteString(" import { ref } from 'vue';\n")
if in.Config.Application.Crud.Templates[in.In.GenTemplate].IsAddon {
importBuffer.WriteString(" import { Edit, View } from '@/api/addons/" + in.In.AddonName + "/" + gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName) + "';\n")
} else {
importBuffer.WriteString(" import { Edit, View } from '@/api/" + gstr.LcFirst(in.In.VarName) + "';\n")
setupBuffer.WriteString(" function loadForm(value) {\n // 新增\n if (value.id < 1) {\n params.value = newState(value);\n loading.value = false;\n return;\n }\n\n loading.value = true;\n // 编辑\n View({ id: value.id })\n .then((res) => {\n params.value = res;\n })\n .finally(() => {\n loading.value = false;\n });\n }\n\n watch(\n () => props.formParams,\n (value) => {\n loadForm(value);\n }\n );")
setupBuffer.WriteString(" function openModal(state: State) {\n adaModalWidth(dialogWidth);\n showModal.value = true;\n loading.value = true;\n\n // 新增\n if (!state || state.id < 1) {\n formValue.value = newState(state);\n return;\n }\n\n // 编辑\n View({ id: state.id })\n .then((res) => {\n formValue.value = res;\n })\n .finally(() => {\n loading.value = false;\n });\n }")
for _, field := range in.masterFields {
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (l *gCurd) generateWebEditScript(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput)
importBuffer.WriteString(" import UploadFile from '@/components/Upload/uploadFile.vue';\n")
case FormModeRate:
setupBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" function update%s(num) {\n params.value.%s = num;\n }\n", field.GoName, field.TsName))
setupBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" function update%s(num) {\n formValue.value.%s = num;\n }\n", field.GoName, field.TsName))
case FormModeCitySelector:
if !gstr.Contains(importBuffer.String(), `import CitySelector`) {
importBuffer.WriteString(" import CitySelector from '@/components/CitySelector/citySelector.vue';\n")
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ const (
func (l *gCurd) webModelTplData(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (data g.Map, err error) {
data = make(g.Map)
data["state"] = l.generateWebModelState(ctx, in)
data["defaultState"] = l.generateWebModelDefaultState(ctx, in)
data["rules"] = l.generateWebModelRules(ctx, in)
data["formSchema"] = l.generateWebModelFormSchema(ctx, in)
if data["columns"], err = l.generateWebModelColumns(ctx, in); err != nil {
@ -33,18 +32,7 @@ func (l *gCurd) webModelTplData(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) (data
func (l *gCurd) generateWebModelState(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) string {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
buffer.WriteString("export interface State {\n")
for _, field := range in.masterFields {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s: %s;\n", field.TsName, field.TsType))
return buffer.String()
func (l *gCurd) generateWebModelDefaultState(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreviewInput) string {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
buffer.WriteString("export const defaultState: State = {\n")
buffer.WriteString("export class State {\n")
for _, field := range in.masterFields {
var value = field.DefaultValue
if value == nil {
@ -56,10 +44,9 @@ func (l *gCurd) generateWebModelDefaultState(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPrevie
if field.Name == "status" {
value = 1
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s: %v,\n", field.TsName, value))
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" public %s = %v; // %s\n", field.TsName, value, field.Dc))
return buffer.String()
@ -107,8 +94,10 @@ func (l *gCurd) generateWebModelDictOptions(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreview
switchLoadOptions string
interfaceOptionsBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
interfaceOptionsBuffer.WriteString("export interface IOptions extends Options {\n")
constOptionsBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
constOptionsBuffer.WriteString("export const options = ref<Options>({\n")
constOptionsBuffer.WriteString("export const options = ref<IOptions>({\n")
for _, v := range dictTypeList {
// 字段映射字典
@ -120,14 +109,17 @@ func (l *gCurd) generateWebModelDictOptions(ctx context.Context, in *CurdPreview
awaitLoadOptions = fmt.Sprintf("%s '%s',\n", awaitLoadOptions, v.Type)
interfaceOptionsBuffer.WriteString(" " + v.Type + ": Option[]; \n")
constOptionsBuffer.WriteString(" " + v.Type + ": [],\n")
loadOptionsBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
loadOptionsBuffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(ModelLoadOptionsTemplate, awaitLoadOptions, switchLoadOptions))
options["interface"] = interfaceOptionsBuffer.String()
options["const"] = constOptionsBuffer.String()
options["load"] = loadOptionsBuffer.String()
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func (s *sAdminRole) Edit(ctx context.Context, in *adminin.RoleEditInp) (err err
func updateRoleChildrenTree(ctx context.Context, _id int64, _level int, _tree string) (err error) {
var list []*entity.AdminDept
var list []*entity.AdminRole
if err = dao.AdminRole.Ctx(ctx).Where("pid", _id).Scan(&list); err != nil {
@ -147,10 +147,6 @@ func (s *sSysDictData) GetTypes(ctx context.Context, id int64) (types []string,
// Select 获取列表
func (s *sSysDictData) Select(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DataSelectInp) (list sysin.DataSelectModel, err error) {
mod := dao.SysDictData.Ctx(ctx).Where("type", in.Type)
if in.Type != "" {
mod = mod.Where("type", in.Type)
if err = mod.Order("sort asc,id desc").Scan(&list); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ func (s *sSysLog) AnalysisLog(ctx context.Context) entity.SysLog {
// View 获取指定字典类型信息
func (s *sSysLog) View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogViewInp) (res *sysin.LogViewModel, err error) {
if err = dao.SysLog.Ctx(ctx).Hook(hook.CityLabel).Where("id", in.Id).Scan(&res); err != nil {
if err = dao.SysLog.Ctx(ctx).Handler(handler.FilterAuth).Hook(hook.CityLabel).Where("id", in.Id).Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
@ -253,13 +254,13 @@ func (s *sSysLog) View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogViewInp) (res *sysin.Lo
// Delete 删除
func (s *sSysLog) Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogDeleteInp) (err error) {
_, err = dao.SysLog.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Delete()
_, err = dao.SysLog.Ctx(ctx).Handler(handler.FilterAuth).Where("id", in.Id).Delete()
// List 列表
func (s *sSysLog) List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogListInp) (list []*sysin.LogListModel, totalCount int, err error) {
mod := dao.SysLog.Ctx(ctx).FieldsEx("get_data", "header_data", "post_data")
mod := dao.SysLog.Ctx(ctx).Handler(handler.FilterAuth).FieldsEx("get_data", "header_data", "post_data")
// 访问路径
if in.Url != "" {
@ -18,6 +18,167 @@ import (
type (
ISysCurdDemo interface {
// Model 生成演示ORM模型
Model(ctx context.Context, option ...*handler.Option) *gdb.Model
// List 获取生成演示列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoListInp) (list []*sysin.CurdDemoListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Export 导出生成演示
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoListInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增生成演示
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoEditInp) (err error)
// Delete 删除生成演示
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoDeleteInp) (err error)
// MaxSort 获取生成演示最大排序
MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoMaxSortInp) (res *sysin.CurdDemoMaxSortModel, err error)
// View 获取生成演示指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoViewInp) (res *sysin.CurdDemoViewModel, err error)
// Status 更新生成演示状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoStatusInp) (err error)
// Switch 更新生成演示开关
Switch(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoSwitchInp) (err error)
ISysDictData interface {
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DictDataDeleteInp) error
// Edit 修改/新增
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DictDataEditInp) (err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DictDataListInp) (list []*sysin.DictDataListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// GetId 获取指定类型的ID
GetId(ctx context.Context, t string) (id int64, err error)
// GetType 获取指定ID的类型标识
GetType(ctx context.Context, id int64) (types string, err error)
// GetTypes 获取指定ID的所有类型标识,包含下级
GetTypes(ctx context.Context, id int64) (types []string, err error)
// Select 获取列表
Select(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DataSelectInp) (list sysin.DataSelectModel, err error)
ISysEmsLog interface {
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogDeleteInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogEditInp) (err error)
// Status 更新部门状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogStatusInp) (err error)
// View 获取指定字典类型信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogViewInp) (res *sysin.EmsLogViewModel, err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogListInp) (list []*sysin.EmsLogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Send 发送邮件
Send(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SendEmsInp) (err error)
// GetTemplate 获取指定邮件模板
GetTemplate(ctx context.Context, template string, config *model.EmailConfig) (val string, err error)
// AllowSend 是否允许发送
AllowSend(ctx context.Context, models *entity.SysEmsLog, config *model.EmailConfig) (err error)
// NowDayCount 当天发送次数
NowDayCount(ctx context.Context, event, email string) (count int, err error)
// VerifyCode 效验验证码
VerifyCode(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.VerifyEmsCodeInp) (err error)
ISysLoginLog interface {
// Model 登录日志Orm模型
Model(ctx context.Context) *gdb.Model
// List 获取登录日志列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogListInp) (list []*sysin.LoginLogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Export 导出登录日志
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogListInp) (err error)
// Delete 删除登录日志
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogDeleteInp) (err error)
// View 获取登录日志指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogViewInp) (res *sysin.LoginLogViewModel, err error)
// Push 推送登录日志
Push(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogPushInp)
// RealWrite 真实写入
RealWrite(ctx context.Context, models entity.SysLoginLog) (err error)
ISysAddons interface {
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsListInp) (list []*sysin.AddonsListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Selects 选项
Selects(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsSelectsInp) (res *sysin.AddonsSelectsModel, err error)
// Build 提交生成
Build(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsBuildInp) (err error)
// Install 安装模块
Install(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsInstallInp) (err error)
// Upgrade 更新模块
Upgrade(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsUpgradeInp) (err error)
// UnInstall 卸载模块
UnInstall(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsUnInstallInp) (err error)
ISysAttachment interface {
// Model ORM模型
Model(ctx context.Context, option ...*handler.Option) *gdb.Model
// Delete 删除附件
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AttachmentDeleteInp) (err error)
// View 获取附件信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AttachmentViewInp) (res *sysin.AttachmentViewModel, err error)
// List 获取附件列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AttachmentListInp) (list []*sysin.AttachmentListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// ClearKind 清空上传类型
ClearKind(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AttachmentClearKindInp) (err error)
ISysCron interface {
StartCron(ctx context.Context)
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronDeleteInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronEditInp) (err error)
// Status 更新状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronStatusInp) (err error)
// MaxSort 最大排序
MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronMaxSortInp) (res *sysin.CronMaxSortModel, err error)
// View 获取指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronViewInp) (res *sysin.CronViewModel, err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronListInp) (list []*sysin.CronListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// GetName 获取分组名称
GetName(ctx context.Context, id int64) (name string, err error)
// OnlineExec 在线执行
OnlineExec(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.OnlineExecInp) (err error)
// DispatchLog 查看指定任务的调度日志
DispatchLog(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DispatchLogInp) (res *sysin.DispatchLogModel, err error)
ISysServeLicense interface {
// Model 服务许可证ORM模型
Model(ctx context.Context, option ...*handler.Option) *gdb.Model
// List 获取服务许可证列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseListInp) (list []*sysin.ServeLicenseListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Export 导出服务许可证
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseListInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增服务许可证
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseEditInp) (err error)
// Delete 删除服务许可证
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseDeleteInp) (err error)
// View 获取服务许可证指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseViewInp) (res *sysin.ServeLicenseViewModel, err error)
// Status 更新服务许可证状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseStatusInp) (err error)
// AssignRouter 分配服务许可证路由
AssignRouter(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseAssignRouterInp) (err error)
ISysSmsLog interface {
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogDeleteInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogEditInp) (err error)
// Status 更新短信状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogStatusInp) (err error)
// View 获取指定字典类型信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogViewInp) (res *sysin.SmsLogViewModel, err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogListInp) (list []*sysin.SmsLogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// SendCode 发送验证码
SendCode(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SendCodeInp) (err error)
// GetTemplate 获取指定短信模板
GetTemplate(ctx context.Context, template string, config *model.SmsConfig) (val string, err error)
// AllowSend 是否允许发送
AllowSend(ctx context.Context, models *entity.SysSmsLog, config *model.SmsConfig) (err error)
// NowDayCount 当天发送次数
NowDayCount(ctx context.Context, event, mobile string) (count int, err error)
// VerifyCode 效验验证码
VerifyCode(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.VerifyCodeInp) (err error)
ISysAddonsConfig interface {
// GetConfigByGroup 获取指定分组的配置
GetConfigByGroup(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.GetAddonsConfigInp) (res *sysin.GetAddonsConfigModel, err error)
@ -46,6 +207,58 @@ type (
// ClusterSync 集群同步
ClusterSync(ctx context.Context, message *gredis.Message)
ISysLog interface {
// Export 导出
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogListInp) (err error)
// RealWrite 真实写入
RealWrite(ctx context.Context, log entity.SysLog) (err error)
// AutoLog 根据配置自动记录请求日志
AutoLog(ctx context.Context) error
// AnalysisLog 解析日志数据
AnalysisLog(ctx context.Context) entity.SysLog
// View 获取指定字典类型信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogViewInp) (res *sysin.LogViewModel, err error)
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogDeleteInp) (err error)
// List 列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogListInp) (list []*sysin.LogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
ISysProvinces interface {
// Tree 关系树选项列表
Tree(ctx context.Context) (list []*sysin.ProvincesTree, err error)
// Delete 删除省市区数据
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesDeleteInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增省市区数据
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesEditInp) (err error)
// Status 更新省市区状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesStatusInp) (err error)
// MaxSort 最大排序
MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesMaxSortInp) (res *sysin.ProvincesMaxSortModel, err error)
// View 获取省市区信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesViewInp) (res *sysin.ProvincesViewModel, err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesListInp) (list []*sysin.ProvincesListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// ChildrenList 获取省市区下级列表
ChildrenList(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesChildrenListInp) (list []*sysin.ProvincesChildrenListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// UniqueId 获取省市区下级列表
UniqueId(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesUniqueIdInp) (res *sysin.ProvincesUniqueIdModel, err error)
// Select 省市区选项
Select(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesSelectInp) (res *sysin.ProvincesSelectModel, err error)
ISysServeLog interface {
// Model 服务日志Orm模型
Model(ctx context.Context) *gdb.Model
// List 获取服务日志列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLogListInp) (list []*sysin.ServeLogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Export 导出服务日志
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLogListInp) (err error)
// Delete 删除服务日志
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLogDeleteInp) (err error)
// View 获取服务日志指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLogViewInp) (res *sysin.ServeLogViewModel, err error)
// RealWrite 真实写入
RealWrite(ctx context.Context, models entity.SysServeLog) (err error)
ISysConfig interface {
// InitConfig 初始化系统配置
InitConfig(ctx context.Context)
@ -104,64 +317,6 @@ type (
// Select 选项
Select(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronGroupSelectInp) (res *sysin.CronGroupSelectModel, err error)
ISysCurdDemo interface {
// Model 生成演示ORM模型
Model(ctx context.Context, option ...*handler.Option) *gdb.Model
// List 获取生成演示列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoListInp) (list []*sysin.CurdDemoListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Export 导出生成演示
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoListInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增生成演示
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoEditInp) (err error)
// Delete 删除生成演示
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoDeleteInp) (err error)
// MaxSort 获取生成演示最大排序
MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoMaxSortInp) (res *sysin.CurdDemoMaxSortModel, err error)
// View 获取生成演示指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoViewInp) (res *sysin.CurdDemoViewModel, err error)
// Status 更新生成演示状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoStatusInp) (err error)
// Switch 更新生成演示开关
Switch(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CurdDemoSwitchInp) (err error)
ISysLog interface {
// Export 导出
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogListInp) (err error)
// RealWrite 真实写入
RealWrite(ctx context.Context, log entity.SysLog) (err error)
// AutoLog 根据配置自动记录请求日志
AutoLog(ctx context.Context) error
// AnalysisLog 解析日志数据
AnalysisLog(ctx context.Context) entity.SysLog
// View 获取指定字典类型信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogViewInp) (res *sysin.LogViewModel, err error)
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogDeleteInp) (err error)
// List 列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LogListInp) (list []*sysin.LogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
ISysSmsLog interface {
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogDeleteInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogEditInp) (err error)
// Status 更新短信状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogStatusInp) (err error)
// View 获取指定字典类型信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogViewInp) (res *sysin.SmsLogViewModel, err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SmsLogListInp) (list []*sysin.SmsLogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// SendCode 发送验证码
SendCode(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SendCodeInp) (err error)
// GetTemplate 获取指定短信模板
GetTemplate(ctx context.Context, template string, config *model.SmsConfig) (val string, err error)
// AllowSend 是否允许发送
AllowSend(ctx context.Context, models *entity.SysSmsLog, config *model.SmsConfig) (err error)
// NowDayCount 当天发送次数
NowDayCount(ctx context.Context, event, mobile string) (count int, err error)
// VerifyCode 效验验证码
VerifyCode(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.VerifyCodeInp) (err error)
ISysDictType interface {
// Tree 树
Tree(ctx context.Context) (list []*sysin.DictTypeTree, err error)
@ -172,28 +327,6 @@ type (
// TreeSelect 获取类型关系树选项
TreeSelect(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DictTreeSelectInp) (list []*sysin.DictTypeTree, err error)
ISysEmsLog interface {
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogDeleteInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogEditInp) (err error)
// Status 更新部门状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogStatusInp) (err error)
// View 获取指定字典类型信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogViewInp) (res *sysin.EmsLogViewModel, err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.EmsLogListInp) (list []*sysin.EmsLogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Send 发送邮件
Send(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.SendEmsInp) (err error)
// GetTemplate 获取指定邮件模板
GetTemplate(ctx context.Context, template string, config *model.EmailConfig) (val string, err error)
// AllowSend 是否允许发送
AllowSend(ctx context.Context, models *entity.SysEmsLog, config *model.EmailConfig) (err error)
// NowDayCount 当天发送次数
NowDayCount(ctx context.Context, event, email string) (count int, err error)
// VerifyCode 效验验证码
VerifyCode(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.VerifyEmsCodeInp) (err error)
ISysGenCodes interface {
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.GenCodesDeleteInp) (err error)
@ -220,206 +353,29 @@ type (
// Build 提交生成
Build(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.GenCodesBuildInp) (err error)
ISysProvinces interface {
// Tree 关系树选项列表
Tree(ctx context.Context) (list []*sysin.ProvincesTree, err error)
// Delete 删除省市区数据
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesDeleteInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增省市区数据
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesEditInp) (err error)
// Status 更新省市区状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesStatusInp) (err error)
// MaxSort 最大排序
MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesMaxSortInp) (res *sysin.ProvincesMaxSortModel, err error)
// View 获取省市区信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesViewInp) (res *sysin.ProvincesViewModel, err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesListInp) (list []*sysin.ProvincesListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// ChildrenList 获取省市区下级列表
ChildrenList(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesChildrenListInp) (list []*sysin.ProvincesChildrenListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// UniqueId 获取省市区下级列表
UniqueId(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesUniqueIdInp) (res *sysin.ProvincesUniqueIdModel, err error)
// Select 省市区选项
Select(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ProvincesSelectInp) (res *sysin.ProvincesSelectModel, err error)
ISysServeLog interface {
// Model 服务日志Orm模型
Model(ctx context.Context) *gdb.Model
// List 获取服务日志列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLogListInp) (list []*sysin.ServeLogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Export 导出服务日志
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLogListInp) (err error)
// Delete 删除服务日志
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLogDeleteInp) (err error)
// View 获取服务日志指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLogViewInp) (res *sysin.ServeLogViewModel, err error)
// RealWrite 真实写入
RealWrite(ctx context.Context, models entity.SysServeLog) (err error)
ISysAddons interface {
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsListInp) (list []*sysin.AddonsListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Selects 选项
Selects(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsSelectsInp) (res *sysin.AddonsSelectsModel, err error)
// Build 提交生成
Build(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsBuildInp) (err error)
// Install 安装模块
Install(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsInstallInp) (err error)
// Upgrade 更新模块
Upgrade(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsUpgradeInp) (err error)
// UnInstall 卸载模块
UnInstall(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AddonsUnInstallInp) (err error)
ISysAttachment interface {
// Model ORM模型
Model(ctx context.Context, option ...*handler.Option) *gdb.Model
// Delete 删除附件
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AttachmentDeleteInp) (err error)
// View 获取附件信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AttachmentViewInp) (res *sysin.AttachmentViewModel, err error)
// List 获取附件列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AttachmentListInp) (list []*sysin.AttachmentListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// ClearKind 清空上传类型
ClearKind(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.AttachmentClearKindInp) (err error)
ISysCron interface {
StartCron(ctx context.Context)
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronDeleteInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronEditInp) (err error)
// Status 更新状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronStatusInp) (err error)
// MaxSort 最大排序
MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronMaxSortInp) (res *sysin.CronMaxSortModel, err error)
// View 获取指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronViewInp) (res *sysin.CronViewModel, err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.CronListInp) (list []*sysin.CronListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// GetName 获取分组名称
GetName(ctx context.Context, id int64) (name string, err error)
// OnlineExec 在线执行
OnlineExec(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.OnlineExecInp) (err error)
// DispatchLog 查看指定任务的调度日志
DispatchLog(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DispatchLogInp) (res *sysin.DispatchLogModel, err error)
ISysDictData interface {
// Delete 删除
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DictDataDeleteInp) error
// Edit 修改/新增
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DictDataEditInp) (err error)
// List 获取列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DictDataListInp) (list []*sysin.DictDataListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// GetId 获取指定类型的ID
GetId(ctx context.Context, t string) (id int64, err error)
// GetType 获取指定ID的类型标识
GetType(ctx context.Context, id int64) (types string, err error)
// GetTypes 获取指定ID的所有类型标识,包含下级
GetTypes(ctx context.Context, id int64) (types []string, err error)
// Select 获取列表
Select(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.DataSelectInp) (list sysin.DataSelectModel, err error)
ISysLoginLog interface {
// Model 登录日志Orm模型
Model(ctx context.Context) *gdb.Model
// List 获取登录日志列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogListInp) (list []*sysin.LoginLogListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Export 导出登录日志
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogListInp) (err error)
// Delete 删除登录日志
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogDeleteInp) (err error)
// View 获取登录日志指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogViewInp) (res *sysin.LoginLogViewModel, err error)
// Push 推送登录日志
Push(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.LoginLogPushInp)
// RealWrite 真实写入
RealWrite(ctx context.Context, models entity.SysLoginLog) (err error)
ISysServeLicense interface {
// Model 服务许可证ORM模型
Model(ctx context.Context, option ...*handler.Option) *gdb.Model
// List 获取服务许可证列表
List(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseListInp) (list []*sysin.ServeLicenseListModel, totalCount int, err error)
// Export 导出服务许可证
Export(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseListInp) (err error)
// Edit 修改/新增服务许可证
Edit(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseEditInp) (err error)
// Delete 删除服务许可证
Delete(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseDeleteInp) (err error)
// View 获取服务许可证指定信息
View(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseViewInp) (res *sysin.ServeLicenseViewModel, err error)
// Status 更新服务许可证状态
Status(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseStatusInp) (err error)
// AssignRouter 分配服务许可证路由
AssignRouter(ctx context.Context, in *sysin.ServeLicenseAssignRouterInp) (err error)
var (
localSysAddons ISysAddons
localSysAttachment ISysAttachment
localSysCurdDemo ISysCurdDemo
localSysLog ISysLog
localSysDictData ISysDictData
localSysEmsLog ISysEmsLog
localSysLoginLog ISysLoginLog
localSysAddonsConfig ISysAddonsConfig
localSysBlacklist ISysBlacklist
localSysCron ISysCron
localSysServeLicense ISysServeLicense
localSysSmsLog ISysSmsLog
localSysConfig ISysConfig
localSysCronGroup ISysCronGroup
localSysLog ISysLog
localSysProvinces ISysProvinces
localSysServeLog ISysServeLog
localSysDictType ISysDictType
localSysEmsLog ISysEmsLog
localSysGenCodes ISysGenCodes
localSysDictData ISysDictData
localSysLoginLog ISysLoginLog
localSysServeLicense ISysServeLicense
localSysAddons ISysAddons
localSysAttachment ISysAttachment
localSysCron ISysCron
localSysCronGroup ISysCronGroup
localSysAddonsConfig ISysAddonsConfig
localSysBlacklist ISysBlacklist
localSysConfig ISysConfig
func SysDictData() ISysDictData {
if localSysDictData == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysDictData, forgot register?")
return localSysDictData
func RegisterSysDictData(i ISysDictData) {
localSysDictData = i
func SysLoginLog() ISysLoginLog {
if localSysLoginLog == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysLoginLog, forgot register?")
return localSysLoginLog
func RegisterSysLoginLog(i ISysLoginLog) {
localSysLoginLog = i
func SysServeLicense() ISysServeLicense {
if localSysServeLicense == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysServeLicense, forgot register?")
return localSysServeLicense
func RegisterSysServeLicense(i ISysServeLicense) {
localSysServeLicense = i
func SysAddons() ISysAddons {
if localSysAddons == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysAddons, forgot register?")
return localSysAddons
func RegisterSysAddons(i ISysAddons) {
localSysAddons = i
func SysAttachment() ISysAttachment {
if localSysAttachment == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysAttachment, forgot register?")
@ -431,61 +387,6 @@ func RegisterSysAttachment(i ISysAttachment) {
localSysAttachment = i
func SysCron() ISysCron {
if localSysCron == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysCron, forgot register?")
return localSysCron
func RegisterSysCron(i ISysCron) {
localSysCron = i
func SysCronGroup() ISysCronGroup {
if localSysCronGroup == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysCronGroup, forgot register?")
return localSysCronGroup
func RegisterSysCronGroup(i ISysCronGroup) {
localSysCronGroup = i
func SysAddonsConfig() ISysAddonsConfig {
if localSysAddonsConfig == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysAddonsConfig, forgot register?")
return localSysAddonsConfig
func RegisterSysAddonsConfig(i ISysAddonsConfig) {
localSysAddonsConfig = i
func SysBlacklist() ISysBlacklist {
if localSysBlacklist == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysBlacklist, forgot register?")
return localSysBlacklist
func RegisterSysBlacklist(i ISysBlacklist) {
localSysBlacklist = i
func SysConfig() ISysConfig {
if localSysConfig == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysConfig, forgot register?")
return localSysConfig
func RegisterSysConfig(i ISysConfig) {
localSysConfig = i
func SysCurdDemo() ISysCurdDemo {
if localSysCurdDemo == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysCurdDemo, forgot register?")
@ -497,15 +398,81 @@ func RegisterSysCurdDemo(i ISysCurdDemo) {
localSysCurdDemo = i
func SysLog() ISysLog {
if localSysLog == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysLog, forgot register?")
func SysDictData() ISysDictData {
if localSysDictData == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysDictData, forgot register?")
return localSysLog
return localSysDictData
func RegisterSysLog(i ISysLog) {
localSysLog = i
func RegisterSysDictData(i ISysDictData) {
localSysDictData = i
func SysEmsLog() ISysEmsLog {
if localSysEmsLog == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysEmsLog, forgot register?")
return localSysEmsLog
func RegisterSysEmsLog(i ISysEmsLog) {
localSysEmsLog = i
func SysLoginLog() ISysLoginLog {
if localSysLoginLog == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysLoginLog, forgot register?")
return localSysLoginLog
func RegisterSysLoginLog(i ISysLoginLog) {
localSysLoginLog = i
func SysAddons() ISysAddons {
if localSysAddons == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysAddons, forgot register?")
return localSysAddons
func RegisterSysAddons(i ISysAddons) {
localSysAddons = i
func SysBlacklist() ISysBlacklist {
if localSysBlacklist == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysBlacklist, forgot register?")
return localSysBlacklist
func RegisterSysBlacklist(i ISysBlacklist) {
localSysBlacklist = i
func SysCron() ISysCron {
if localSysCron == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysCron, forgot register?")
return localSysCron
func RegisterSysCron(i ISysCron) {
localSysCron = i
func SysServeLicense() ISysServeLicense {
if localSysServeLicense == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysServeLicense, forgot register?")
return localSysServeLicense
func RegisterSysServeLicense(i ISysServeLicense) {
localSysServeLicense = i
func SysSmsLog() ISysSmsLog {
@ -519,6 +486,39 @@ func RegisterSysSmsLog(i ISysSmsLog) {
localSysSmsLog = i
func SysAddonsConfig() ISysAddonsConfig {
if localSysAddonsConfig == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysAddonsConfig, forgot register?")
return localSysAddonsConfig
func RegisterSysAddonsConfig(i ISysAddonsConfig) {
localSysAddonsConfig = i
func SysCronGroup() ISysCronGroup {
if localSysCronGroup == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysCronGroup, forgot register?")
return localSysCronGroup
func RegisterSysCronGroup(i ISysCronGroup) {
localSysCronGroup = i
func SysLog() ISysLog {
if localSysLog == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysLog, forgot register?")
return localSysLog
func RegisterSysLog(i ISysLog) {
localSysLog = i
func SysProvinces() ISysProvinces {
if localSysProvinces == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysProvinces, forgot register?")
@ -541,26 +541,15 @@ func RegisterSysServeLog(i ISysServeLog) {
localSysServeLog = i
func SysDictType() ISysDictType {
if localSysDictType == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysDictType, forgot register?")
func SysConfig() ISysConfig {
if localSysConfig == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysConfig, forgot register?")
return localSysDictType
return localSysConfig
func RegisterSysDictType(i ISysDictType) {
localSysDictType = i
func SysEmsLog() ISysEmsLog {
if localSysEmsLog == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysEmsLog, forgot register?")
return localSysEmsLog
func RegisterSysEmsLog(i ISysEmsLog) {
localSysEmsLog = i
func RegisterSysConfig(i ISysConfig) {
localSysConfig = i
func SysGenCodes() ISysGenCodes {
@ -573,3 +562,14 @@ func SysGenCodes() ISysGenCodes {
func RegisterSysGenCodes(i ISysGenCodes) {
localSysGenCodes = i
func SysDictType() ISysDictType {
if localSysDictType == nil {
panic("implement not found for interface ISysDictType, forgot register?")
return localSysDictType
func RegisterSysDictType(i ISysDictType) {
localSysDictType = i
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ SET @now := now();
-- 菜单目录
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '@{.options.Menu.Pid}', '@{.tableComment}', '@{.varName | LcFirst}', '/@{.varName | LcFirst}', '@{.options.Menu.Icon}', '1', '', '', '', '@{.mainComponent}', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '1', '', '@{.options.Menu.Sort}', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '@{.options.Menu.Pid}', '@{.tableComment}', '@{.varName | LcFirst}', '/@{.varName | LcFirst}', '@{.options.Menu.Icon}', '1', '', '', '', '@{.mainComponent}', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '@{.dirLevel}', '@{.dirTree}', '@{.options.Menu.Sort}', '', '1', @now, @now);
@ -31,41 +31,41 @@ SET @dirId = LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- 菜单页面
-- 列表
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @dirId, '@{.tableComment}列表', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Index', 'index', '', '2', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/list', '', '/@{.componentPrefix}/index', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '2', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @dirId, '@{.tableComment}列表', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Index', 'index', '', '2', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/list', '', '/@{.componentPrefix}/index', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '@{.listLevel}', CONCAT('@{.dirTree}tr_', @dirId,' '), '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
@{ if or (eq .options.Step.HasView true) (eq .options.Step.HasEdit true) }
-- 详情
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @dirId, '@{.tableComment}详情', '@{.varName | LcFirst}View', 'view/:id?', '', '2', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/view', '', '/@{.componentPrefix}/view', '0', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Index', '0', '0', '', '0', '1', '0', '2', '', '20', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '@{.tableComment}详情', '@{.varName | LcFirst}View', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/view', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '1', '0', '@{.btnLevel}', CONCAT('@{.dirTree}tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
-- 菜单按钮
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasEdit true }
-- 编辑
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '编辑/新增@{.tableComment}', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Edit', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/edit', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '1', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '编辑/新增@{.tableComment}', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Edit', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/edit', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '1', '0', '@{.btnLevel}', CONCAT('@{.dirTree}tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '20', '', '1', @now, @now);
@{ if and (eq .options.Step.HasEdit true) (eq .options.Step.HasMaxSort true) }
-- 获取最大排序
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @editId, '获取@{.tableComment}最大排序', '@{.varName | LcFirst}MaxSort', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/maxSort', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @editId, '获取@{.tableComment}最大排序', '@{.varName | LcFirst}MaxSort', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/maxSort', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '@{.sortLevel}', CONCAT('@{.dirTree}tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId, ' tr_', @editId,' '), '30', '', '1', @now, @now);
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasDel true }
-- 删除
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '删除@{.tableComment}', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Delete', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/delete', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '删除@{.tableComment}', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Delete', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/delete', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '@{.btnLevel}', CONCAT('@{.dirTree}tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '40', '', '1', @now, @now);
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasStatus true }
-- 更新状态
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '修改@{.tableComment}状态', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Status', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/status', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '修改@{.tableComment}状态', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Status', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/status', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '@{.btnLevel}', CONCAT('@{.dirTree}tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '50', '', '1', @now, @now);
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasSwitch true }
-- 操作开关
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '操作@{.tableComment}开关', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Switch', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/switch', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '操作@{.tableComment}开关', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Switch', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/switch', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '@{.btnLevel}', CONCAT('@{.dirTree}tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '60', '', '1', @now, @now);
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasExport true }
-- 导出
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '导出@{.tableComment}', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Export', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/export', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `@{.menuTable}` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '导出@{.tableComment}', '@{.varName | LcFirst}Export', '', '', '3', '', '/@{.apiPrefix}/export', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '@{.btnLevel}', CONCAT('@{.dirTree}tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '70', '', '1', @now, @now);
@ -2,24 +2,28 @@
<n-spin :show="loading" description="请稍候...">
:title="params?.@{.pk.TsName} > 0 ? '编辑 #' + params?.@{.pk.TsName} : '添加'"
:title="formValue.@{.pk.TsName} > 0 ? '编辑 #' + formValue.@{.pk.TsName} : '添加'"
width: dialogWidth,
<n-scrollbar style="max-height: 87vh" class="pr-5">
:label-placement="settingStore.isMobile ? 'top' : 'left'"
<template #action>
<n-button @click="closeForm">取消</n-button>
@ -33,37 +37,18 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
@{.script.import} import { rules, options, State, newState } from './model';
import { useProjectSettingStore } from '@/store/modules/projectSetting';
import { useMessage } from 'naive-ui';
import { adaModalWidth } from '@/utils/hotgo';
const emit = defineEmits(['reloadTable', 'updateShowModal']);
interface Props {
showModal: boolean;
formParams?: State;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
showModal: false,
formParams: () => {
return newState(null);
const isShowModal = computed({
get: () => {
return props.showModal;
set: (value) => {
emit('updateShowModal', value);
const loading = ref(false);
const params = ref<State>(props.formParams);
const emit = defineEmits(['reloadTable']);
const message = useMessage();
const formRef = ref<any>({});
const settingStore = useProjectSettingStore();
const dialogWidth = ref('75%');
const loading = ref(false);
const showModal = ref(false);
const formValue = ref<State>(newState(null));
const formRef = ref<any>({});
const formBtnLoading = ref(false);
function confirmForm(e) {
@ -71,10 +56,10 @@
formBtnLoading.value = true;
formRef.value.validate((errors) => {
if (!errors) {
Edit(params.value).then((_res) => {
Edit(formValue.value).then((_res) => {
setTimeout(() => {
isShowModal.value = false;
showModal.value = false;
@ -85,15 +70,16 @@
onMounted(async () => {
function closeForm() {
isShowModal.value = false;
showModal.value = false;
loading.value = false;
<style lang="less"></style>
@ -76,12 +76,8 @@
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasEdit true } <Edit
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasEdit true } <Edit @reloadTable="reloadTable" ref="editRef" />@{end}
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasView true } <View ref="viewRef" />@{end}
@ -92,21 +88,21 @@
import { BasicForm, useForm } from '@/components/Form/index';
import { usePermission } from '@/hooks/web/usePermission';
import { State, columns, schemas, options, newState } from './model';
import { columns, schemas, options } from './model';
@{ if or (eq .options.Step.HasView true) (eq .options.Step.HasEdit true) } import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';@{end}
import { getOptionLabel } from '@/utils/hotgo';
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasEdit true } import Edit from './edit.vue';@{end}
const { hasPermission } = usePermission();
@{ if or (eq .options.Step.HasView true) (eq .options.Step.HasEdit true) } const router = useRouter();@{end}
const actionRef = ref();
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasView true } import View from './view.vue';@{end}
const dialog = useDialog();
const message = useMessage();
const { hasPermission } = usePermission();
const actionRef = ref();
const searchFormRef = ref<any>({});
const viewRef = ref();
const editRef = ref();
const batchDeleteDisabled = ref(true);
const checkedIds = ref([]);
const showModal = ref(false);
const formParams = ref<State>();
const actionColumn = reactive({
width: 300,
@ -169,15 +165,6 @@
const loadDataTable = async (res) => {
return await List({ ...searchFormRef.value?.formModel, ...res });
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasAdd true }
function addTable() {
showModal.value = true;
formParams.value = newState(null);
@{ if or (eq .options.Step.HasAdd true) (eq .options.Step.HasEdit true) }
function updateShowModal(value) {
showModal.value = value;
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasCheck true } function onCheckedRow(rowKeys) {
batchDeleteDisabled.value = rowKeys.length <= 0;
@ -187,14 +174,17 @@
function reloadTable() {
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasView true }
function handleView(record: Recordable) {
router.push({ name: '@{.varName | LcFirst}View', params: { id: record.@{.pk.TsName} } });
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasAdd true }
function addTable() {
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasEdit true }
function handleEdit(record: Recordable) {
showModal.value = true;
formParams.value = newState(record as State);
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasView true }
function handleView(record: Recordable) {
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasDel true } function handleDelete(record: Recordable) {
@ -209,9 +199,6 @@
onNegativeClick: () => {
// message.error('取消');
@ -229,9 +216,6 @@
onNegativeClick: () => {
// message.error('取消');
@ -8,24 +8,25 @@ import { isArray, isNullObject } from '@/utils/is';
import { getFileExt } from '@/utils/urlUtils';
import { defRangeShortcuts, defShortcuts, formatToDate } from '@/utils/dateUtil';
import { validate } from '@/utils/validateUtil';
import { getOptionLabel, getOptionTag, Options, errorImg } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import { getOptionLabel, getOptionTag, Option, Options, errorImg } from '@/utils/hotgo';
@{ if eq .options.Step.HasSwitch true }
import { usePermission } from '@/hooks/web/usePermission';
const { hasPermission } = usePermission();
const $message = window['$message'];
export function newState(state: State | null): State {
export function newState(state: State | Record<string, any> | null): State {
if (state !== null) {
if (state instanceof State) {
return cloneDeep(state);
return cloneDeep(defaultState);
return new State(state);
return new State();
@ -1,28 +1,33 @@
<div class="n-layout-page-header">
<n-card :bordered="false" title="@{.tableComment}详情"> <!-- CURD详情页--> </n-card>
<n-card :bordered="false" class="proCard mt-4" size="small" :segmented="{ content: true }">
<n-descriptions label-placement="left" class="py-2" column="4">
<n-spin :show="loading" description="请稍候...">
<n-drawer v-model:show="showModal" :width="dialogWidth">
<template #header> 生成演示详情 </template>
<template #footer>
<n-button @click="showModal = false"> 关闭 </n-button>
<n-descriptions label-placement="left" class="py-2" column="1">
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
import { useMessage } from 'naive-ui';
import { View } from '@{.importWebApi}';
import { newState, options } from './model';
import { getOptionLabel, getOptionTag } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import { State, newState, options } from './model';
import { adaModalWidth, getOptionLabel, getOptionTag } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import { getFileExt } from '@/utils/urlUtils';
const message = useMessage();
const router = useRouter();
const id = Number(router.currentRoute.value.params.id);
const dialogWidth = ref('75%');
const loading = ref(false);
const showModal = ref(false);
const formValue = ref(newState(null));
const fileAvatarCSS = computed(() => {
return {
@ -36,12 +41,21 @@
onMounted(async () => {
if (id < 1) {
function openModal(state: State) {
adaModalWidth(dialogWidth, 580);
showModal.value = true;
loading.value = true;
View({ id: state.id })
.then((res) => {
formValue.value = res;
.finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
formValue.value = await View({ @{.pk.TsName}: id });
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- hotgo自动生成菜单权限SQL 通常情况下只在首次生成代码时自动执行一次
-- 如需再次执行请先手动删除生成的菜单权限和在SQL文件:E:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\gosrc\hotgo\server\resource\data\generate\curd_demo_menu.sql
-- Version: 2.1.0
-- Date: 2023-01-18 15:19:42
-- 如需再次执行请先手动删除生成的菜单权限和在SQL文件:C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\gosrc\hotgo_dev\server\storage\data\generate\curd_demo_menu.sql
-- Version: 2.11.5
-- Date: 2023-12-29 18:18:21
-- Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ SET @now := now();
-- 菜单目录
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2097', '生成演示', 'curdDemo', '/curdDemo', 'MenuOutlined', '1', '', '', '', 'ParentLayout', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '1', '', '200', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, '2097', '生成演示', 'curdDemo', '/curdDemo', 'MenuOutlined', '1', '', '', '', 'ParentLayout', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '2', 'tr_2097 ', '200', '', '1', @now, @now);
@ -31,41 +31,41 @@ SET @dirId = LAST_INSERT_ID();
-- 菜单页面
-- 列表
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @dirId, '生成演示列表', 'curdDemoIndex', 'index', '', '2', '', '/curdDemo/list', '', '/curdDemo/index', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '2', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @dirId, '生成演示列表', 'curdDemoIndex', 'index', '', '2', '', '/curdDemo/list', '', '/curdDemo/index', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', CONCAT('tr_2097 tr_', @dirId,' '), '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
-- 详情
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @dirId, '生成演示详情', 'curdDemoView', 'view/:id?', '', '2', '', '/curdDemo/view', '', '/curdDemo/view', '0', 'curdDemoIndex', '0', '0', '', '0', '1', '0', '2', '', '20', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '生成演示详情', 'curdDemoView', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/view', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '1', '0', '4', CONCAT('tr_2097 tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
-- 菜单按钮
-- 编辑
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '编辑/新增生成演示', 'curdDemoEdit', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/edit', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '1', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '编辑/新增生成演示', 'curdDemoEdit', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/edit', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '1', '0', '4', CONCAT('tr_2097 tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '20', '', '1', @now, @now);
-- 获取最大排序
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @editId, '获取生成演示最大排序', 'curdDemoMaxSort', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/maxSort', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @editId, '获取生成演示最大排序', 'curdDemoMaxSort', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/maxSort', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '5', CONCAT('tr_2097 tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId, ' tr_', @editId,' '), '30', '', '1', @now, @now);
-- 删除
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '删除生成演示', 'curdDemoDelete', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/delete', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '删除生成演示', 'curdDemoDelete', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/delete', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '4', CONCAT('tr_2097 tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '40', '', '1', @now, @now);
-- 更新状态
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '修改生成演示状态', 'curdDemoStatus', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/status', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '修改生成演示状态', 'curdDemoStatus', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/status', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '4', CONCAT('tr_2097 tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '50', '', '1', @now, @now);
-- 操作开关
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '操作生成演示开关', 'curdDemoSwitch', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/switch', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '操作生成演示开关', 'curdDemoSwitch', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/switch', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '4', CONCAT('tr_2097 tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '60', '', '1', @now, @now);
-- 导出
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '导出生成演示', 'curdDemoExport', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/export', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '3', '', '10', '', '1', @now, @now);
INSERT INTO `hg_admin_menu` (`id`, `pid`, `title`, `name`, `path`, `icon`, `type`, `redirect`, `permissions`, `permission_name`, `component`, `always_show`, `active_menu`, `is_root`, `is_frame`, `frame_src`, `keep_alive`, `hidden`, `affix`, `level`, `tree`, `sort`, `remark`, `status`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (NULL, @listId, '导出生成演示', 'curdDemoExport', '', '', '3', '', '/curdDemo/export', '', '', '1', '', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '4', CONCAT('tr_2097 tr_', @dirId, ' tr_', @listId,' '), '70', '', '1', @now, @now);
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'no-unused-vars': [
argsIgnorePattern: '^_',
varsIgnorePattern: '^_',
// we are only using this rule to check for unused arguments since TS
// catches unused variables but not args.
{ varsIgnorePattern: '.*', args: 'none' },
'space-before-function-paren': 'off',
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { http } from '@/utils/http/axios';
import { useUserStoreWidthOut } from '@/store/modules/user';
// 获取验证码
export function GetCaptcha() {
@ -10,9 +11,15 @@ export function GetCaptcha() {
// 上传图片
export function UploadImage(params) {
const useUserStore = useUserStoreWidthOut();
const headers = {
Authorization: useUserStore.token,
uploadType: 'default',
return http.request({
url: '/upload/image',
url: '/upload/file',
method: 'post',
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
<Preview ref="previewRef" />
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import { PageEnum } from '@/enums/pageEnum';
import { useGlobSetting } from '@/hooks/setting';
import { isString } from '@/utils/is/';
import { deepMerge, isUrl } from '@/utils';
import { isString, isUrl } from '@/utils/is/';
import { deepMerge } from '@/utils';
import { setObjToUrlParams } from '@/utils/urlUtils';
import { CreateAxiosOptions, RequestOptions, Result } from './types';
@ -250,9 +250,35 @@ export function lighten(color: string, amount: number) {
)}${addLight(color.substring(4, 6), amount)}`;
* 判断是否 url
* */
export function isUrl(url: string) {
return /^(http|https):\/\//g.test(url);
// 获取树的所有节点key
export function getAllExpandKeys(treeData: any): any[] {
let expandedKeys = [];
const expandKeys = (items: any[]) => {
items.forEach((item: any) => {
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) {
// 去重并转换为数组
expandedKeys = Array.from(new Set(expandedKeys));
return expandedKeys;
// 从树中查找指定ID
export function findTreeDataById(data: any[], id: number | string) {
for (const item of data) {
if (item.id === id) {
return item;
if (item.children) {
const found = findTreeDataById(item.children, id);
if (found) return found;
return null;
@ -1,33 +1,50 @@
import { CSSProperties, VNodeChild } from 'vue';
import { createTypes, VueTypeValidableDef, VueTypesInterface } from 'vue-types';
import {
} from 'vue-types';
export type VueNode = VNodeChild | JSX.Element;
type PropTypes = VueTypesInterface & {
type ExtendedPropTypes = VueTypesInterface & {
readonly style: VueTypeValidableDef<CSSProperties>;
readonly VNodeChild: VueTypeValidableDef<VueNode>;
const propTypes = createTypes({
class CustomVueTypes
extends (createTypes({
func: undefined,
bool: undefined,
string: undefined,
number: undefined,
object: undefined,
integer: undefined,
}) as PropTypes;
}) as VueTypesInterface)
implements ExtendedPropTypes
static extend(types: VueTypeExtendCallback[]): CustomVueTypes {
return types.reduce((result, { name, ...callbacks }) => {
result[name] = { getter: true, ...callbacks };
return result;
}, this);
readonly style!: VueTypeValidableDef<CSSProperties>;
readonly VNodeChild!: VueTypeValidableDef<VueNode>;
const propTypes = CustomVueTypes.extend([
name: 'style',
getter: true,
type: [String, Object],
default: undefined,
name: 'VNodeChild',
getter: true,
type: undefined,
export { propTypes };
@ -2,65 +2,69 @@
<n-spin :show="loading" description="请稍候...">
:title="params?.id > 0 ? '编辑 #' + params?.id : '添加'"
:title="formValue.id > 0 ? '编辑 #' + formValue.id : '添加'"
width: dialogWidth,
<n-scrollbar style="max-height: 87vh" class="pr-5">
:label-placement="settingStore.isMobile ? 'top' : 'left'"
<n-form-item label="分类ID" path="categoryId">
<n-input-number placeholder="请输入分类ID" v-model:value="params.categoryId" />
<n-input-number placeholder="请输入分类ID" v-model:value="formValue.categoryId" />
<n-form-item label="标题" path="title">
<n-input placeholder="请输入标题" v-model:value="params.title" />
<n-input placeholder="请输入标题" v-model:value="formValue.title" />
<n-form-item label="描述" path="description">
<n-input type="textarea" placeholder="描述" v-model:value="params.description" />
<n-input type="textarea" placeholder="描述" v-model:value="formValue.description" />
<n-form-item label="内容" path="content">
<Editor style="height: 450px" id="content" v-model:value="params.content" />
<Editor style="height: 450px" id="content" v-model:value="formValue.content" />
<n-form-item label="单图" path="image">
<UploadImage :maxNumber="1" v-model:value="params.image" />
<UploadImage :maxNumber="1" v-model:value="formValue.image" />
<n-form-item label="附件" path="attachfile">
<UploadFile :maxNumber="1" v-model:value="params.attachfile" />
<UploadFile :maxNumber="1" v-model:value="formValue.attachfile" />
<n-form-item label="所在城市" path="cityId">
<CitySelector v-model:value="params.cityId" />
<CitySelector v-model:value="formValue.cityId" />
<n-form-item label="显示开关" path="switch">
<n-switch :unchecked-value="2" :checked-value="1" v-model:value="params.switch"
<n-switch :unchecked-value="2" :checked-value="1" v-model:value="formValue.switch"
<n-form-item label="排序" path="sort">
<n-input-number placeholder="请输入排序" v-model:value="params.sort" />
<n-input-number placeholder="请输入排序" v-model:value="formValue.sort" />
<n-form-item label="状态" path="status">
<n-select v-model:value="params.status" :options="options.sys_normal_disable" />
<n-select v-model:value="formValue.status" :options="options.sys_normal_disable" />
<template #action>
<n-button @click="closeForm">取消</n-button>
@ -73,44 +77,25 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted, ref, computed, watch } from 'vue';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { Edit, MaxSort, View } from '@/api/curdDemo';
import Editor from '@/components/Editor/editor.vue';
import UploadImage from '@/components/Upload/uploadImage.vue';
import UploadFile from '@/components/Upload/uploadFile.vue';
import CitySelector from '@/components/CitySelector/citySelector.vue';
import { rules, options, State, newState } from './model';
import { useProjectSettingStore } from '@/store/modules/projectSetting';
import { useMessage } from 'naive-ui';
import { adaModalWidth } from '@/utils/hotgo';
const emit = defineEmits(['reloadTable', 'updateShowModal']);
interface Props {
showModal: boolean;
formParams?: State;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
showModal: false,
formParams: () => {
return newState(null);
const isShowModal = computed({
get: () => {
return props.showModal;
set: (value) => {
emit('updateShowModal', value);
const loading = ref(false);
const params = ref<State>(props.formParams);
const emit = defineEmits(['reloadTable']);
const message = useMessage();
const formRef = ref<any>({});
const settingStore = useProjectSettingStore();
const dialogWidth = ref('75%');
const loading = ref(false);
const showModal = ref(false);
const formValue = ref<State>(newState(null));
const formRef = ref<any>({});
const formBtnLoading = ref(false);
function confirmForm(e) {
@ -118,10 +103,10 @@
formBtnLoading.value = true;
formRef.value.validate((errors) => {
if (!errors) {
Edit(params.value).then((_res) => {
Edit(formValue.value).then((_res) => {
setTimeout(() => {
isShowModal.value = false;
showModal.value = false;
@ -132,23 +117,22 @@
onMounted(async () => {
function closeForm() {
isShowModal.value = false;
showModal.value = false;
loading.value = false;
function loadForm(value) {
function openModal(state: State) {
showModal.value = true;
loading.value = true;
// 新增
if (value.id < 1) {
params.value = newState(value);
if (!state || state.id < 1) {
formValue.value = newState(state);
.then((res) => {
params.value.sort = res.sort;
formValue.value.sort = res.sort;
.finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
@ -157,21 +141,18 @@
// 编辑
View({ id: value.id })
View({ id: state.id })
.then((res) => {
params.value = res;
formValue.value = res;
.finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
() => props.formParams,
(value) => {
<style lang="less"></style>
@ -76,12 +76,8 @@
<Edit @reloadTable="reloadTable" ref="editRef" />
<View ref="viewRef" />
@ -92,21 +88,21 @@
import { BasicForm, useForm } from '@/components/Form/index';
import { usePermission } from '@/hooks/web/usePermission';
import { List, Export, Delete, Status } from '@/api/curdDemo';
import { State, columns, schemas, options, newState } from './model';
import { columns, schemas, options } from './model';
import { PlusOutlined, ExportOutlined, DeleteOutlined } from '@vicons/antd';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { getOptionLabel } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import Edit from './edit.vue';
const { hasPermission } = usePermission();
const router = useRouter();
const actionRef = ref();
import View from './view.vue';
const dialog = useDialog();
const message = useMessage();
const { hasPermission } = usePermission();
const actionRef = ref();
const searchFormRef = ref<any>({});
const viewRef = ref();
const editRef = ref();
const batchDeleteDisabled = ref(true);
const checkedIds = ref([]);
const showModal = ref(false);
const formParams = ref<State>();
const actionColumn = reactive({
width: 300,
@ -170,15 +166,6 @@
return await List({ ...searchFormRef.value?.formModel, ...res });
function addTable() {
showModal.value = true;
formParams.value = newState(null);
function updateShowModal(value) {
showModal.value = value;
function onCheckedRow(rowKeys) {
batchDeleteDisabled.value = rowKeys.length <= 0;
checkedIds.value = rowKeys;
@ -188,13 +175,16 @@
function handleView(record: Recordable) {
router.push({ name: 'curdDemoView', params: { id: record.id } });
function addTable() {
function handleEdit(record: Recordable) {
showModal.value = true;
formParams.value = newState(record as State);
function handleView(record: Recordable) {
function handleDelete(record: Recordable) {
@ -209,9 +199,6 @@
onNegativeClick: () => {
// message.error('取消');
@ -229,9 +216,6 @@
onNegativeClick: () => {
// message.error('取消');
@ -8,59 +8,46 @@ import { isArray, isNullObject } from '@/utils/is';
import { getFileExt } from '@/utils/urlUtils';
import { defRangeShortcuts, defShortcuts, formatToDate } from '@/utils/dateUtil';
import { validate } from '@/utils/validateUtil';
import { getOptionLabel, getOptionTag, Options, errorImg } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import { getOptionLabel, getOptionTag, Option, Options, errorImg } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import { usePermission } from '@/hooks/web/usePermission';
const { hasPermission } = usePermission();
const $message = window['$message'];
export interface State {
id: number;
categoryId: number;
title: string;
description: string;
content: string;
image: string;
attachfile: string;
cityId: number;
switch: number;
sort: number;
status: number;
createdBy: number;
updatedBy: number;
createdAt: string;
updatedAt: string;
deletedAt: string;
export class State {
public id = 0; // ID
public categoryId = 0; // 分类ID
public title = ''; // 标题
public description = ''; // 描述
public content = ''; // 内容
public image = ''; // 单图
public attachfile = ''; // 附件
public cityId = 0; // 所在城市
public switch = 1; // 显示开关
public sort = 0; // 排序
public status = 1; // 状态
public createdBy = 0; // 创建者
public updatedBy = 0; // 更新者
public createdAt = ''; // 创建时间
public updatedAt = ''; // 修改时间
public deletedAt = ''; // 删除时间
export const defaultState: State = {
id: 0,
categoryId: 0,
title: '',
description: '',
content: '',
image: '',
attachfile: '',
cityId: 0,
switch: 1,
sort: 0,
status: 1,
createdBy: 0,
updatedBy: 0,
createdAt: '',
updatedAt: '',
deletedAt: '',
export function newState(state: State | null): State {
export function newState(state: State | Record<string, any> | null): State {
if (state !== null) {
if (state instanceof State) {
return cloneDeep(state);
return cloneDeep(defaultState);
return new State(state);
return new State();
export const options = ref<Options>({
export interface IOptions extends Options {
sys_normal_disable: Option[];
export const options = ref<IOptions>({
sys_normal_disable: [],
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
<div class="n-layout-page-header">
<n-card :bordered="false" title="生成演示详情"> <!-- CURD详情页--> </n-card>
<n-card :bordered="false" class="proCard mt-4" size="small" :segmented="{ content: true }">
<n-descriptions label-placement="left" class="py-2" column="4">
<n-spin :show="loading" description="请稍候...">
<n-drawer v-model:show="showModal" :width="dialogWidth">
<template #header> 生成演示详情 </template>
<template #footer>
<n-button @click="showModal = false"> 关闭 </n-button>
<n-descriptions label-placement="left" class="py-2" column="1">
<template #label>分类ID</template>
{{ formValue.categoryId }}
@ -70,22 +73,24 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
import { useMessage } from 'naive-ui';
import { View } from '@/api/curdDemo';
import { newState, options } from './model';
import { getOptionLabel, getOptionTag } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import { State, newState, options } from './model';
import { adaModalWidth, getOptionLabel, getOptionTag } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import { getFileExt } from '@/utils/urlUtils';
const message = useMessage();
const router = useRouter();
const id = Number(router.currentRoute.value.params.id);
const dialogWidth = ref('75%');
const loading = ref(false);
const showModal = ref(false);
const formValue = ref(newState(null));
const fileAvatarCSS = computed(() => {
return {
@ -99,12 +104,21 @@
onMounted(async () => {
if (id < 1) {
function openModal(state: State) {
adaModalWidth(dialogWidth, 580);
showModal.value = true;
loading.value = true;
View({ id: state.id })
.then((res) => {
formValue.value = res;
.finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
formValue.value = await View({ id: id });
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
<n-form ref="formRef" :model="formValue">
<n-alert :show-icon="false">关联表数量建议在三个以下</n-alert>
<div class="mt-4"></div>
<n-row :gutter="6" v-for="(join, index) in formValue.options.join" :key="index">
<n-col :span="6" style="min-width: 200px">
<n-form-item label="关联表" path="join.linkTable">
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
:title="formParams?.id > 0 ? '编辑用户 #' + formParams?.id : '添加用户'"
@ -25,7 +25,13 @@
<n-modal v-model:show="showModal" :show-icon="false" preset="dialog" :title="editRoleTitle">
<div class="py-3 menu-list" :style="{ maxHeight: '90vh', height: '70vh' }">
@ -164,10 +170,10 @@
} from '@/api/system/role';
import { getMenuList } from '@/api/system/menu';
import { EditMenu, getMenuList } from '@/api/system/menu';
import { columns } from './columns';
import { PlusOutlined } from '@vicons/antd';
import { getTreeAll } from '@/utils';
import { getAllExpandKeys, getTreeAll } from '@/utils';
import { statusOptions } from '@/enums/optionsiEnum';
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es';
import { getDeptList } from '@/api/org/dept';
@ -338,9 +344,6 @@
onNegativeClick: () => {
// message.error('取消');
@ -394,7 +397,7 @@
if (expandedKeys.value.length) {
expandedKeys.value = [];
} else {
expandedKeys.value = treeData.value.map((item: any) => item.key) as [];
expandedKeys.value = getAllExpandKeys(treeData) as [];
@ -409,15 +412,15 @@
onMounted(async () => {
await loadDataList();
await loadMenuList();
await loadDeptList();
await loadDataScopeSelect();
await loadDataTable({});
async function loadDataList() {
const data = await getRoleList({ pageSize: 100, page: 1 });
function loadDataList() {
getRoleList({ pageSize: 100, page: 1 }).then((res) => {
optionTreeData.value = [
id: 0,
@ -427,27 +430,31 @@
name: '顶级角色',
optionTreeData.value = optionTreeData.value.concat(data.list);
optionTreeData.value = optionTreeData.value.concat(res.list);
async function loadMenuList() {
const treeMenuList = await getMenuList();
expandedKeys.value = treeMenuList.list.map((item) => item.key);
treeData.value = treeMenuList.list;
function loadMenuList() {
getMenuList().then((res) => {
expandedKeys.value = getAllExpandKeys(res.list) as [];
treeData.value = res.list;
async function loadDeptList() {
const tmp = await getDeptList({});
if (tmp.list) {
deptList.value = tmp.list;
function loadDeptList() {
getDeptList({}).then((res) => {
if (res.list) {
deptList.value = res.list;
async function loadDataScopeSelect() {
const option = await DataScopeSelect();
if (option.list) {
dataScopeOption.value = option.list;
function loadDataScopeSelect() {
DataScopeSelect().then((res) => {
if (res.list) {
dataScopeOption.value = res.list;
function onUpdateValuePid(value: string | number) {
@ -12,15 +12,23 @@
<n-form-item label="提现最低手续费(元)" path="cashMinFee">
<n-input placeholder="" v-model:value="formValue.cashMinFee" />
<n-input-number placeholder="" v-model:value="formValue.cashMinFee" style="width: 100%" />
<n-form-item label="提现最低手续费比率" path="cashMinFeeRatio">
<n-input placeholder="" v-model:value="formValue.cashMinFeeRatio" />
style="width: 100%"
<n-form-item label="提现最低金额" path="cashMinMoney">
<n-input placeholder="" v-model:value="formValue.cashMinMoney" />
style="width: 100%"
<n-form-item label="提现提示信息" path="cashTips">
@ -50,8 +58,8 @@
const message = useMessage();
const formValue = ref({
cashSwitch: '',
cashMinFee: '',
cashMinFeeRatio: '',
cashMinFee: 0,
cashMinFeeRatio: 0,
cashMinMoney: 0,
cashTips: '',
@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
<n-spin :show="show" description="请稍候...">
<n-form :label-width="100" :model="formValue" :rules="rules" ref="formRef">
<n-form-item label="默认驱动" path="smsDrive">
@ -35,12 +41,15 @@
<n-divider title-placement="left">阿里云</n-divider>
<n-tabs type="card" size="small" v-model:value="tabName">
<n-tab-pane name="aliyun">
<template #tab> 阿里云 </template>
<n-divider title-placement="left"> 阿里云</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="AccessKeyID" path="smsAliYunAccessKeyID">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.smsAliYunAccessKeyID" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback
>应用key和密钥你可以通过 https://ram.console.aliyun.com/manage/ak 获取</template
<template #feedback>
应用key和密钥你可以通过 https://ram.console.aliyun.com/manage/ak 获取
<n-form-item label="AccessKeySecret" path="smsAliYunAccessKeySecret">
@ -60,9 +69,9 @@
<n-form-item label="签名" path="smsAliYunSign">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.smsAliYunSign" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback
<template #feedback>
<n-form-item label="短信模板" path="smsAliYunTemplate">
@ -73,16 +82,19 @@
<n-divider title-placement="left">腾讯云</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="SecretId" path="smsTencentSecretId">
<n-tab-pane name="tencent">
<template #tab> 腾讯云 </template>
<n-divider title-placement="left"> 腾讯云</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="APPID" path="smsTencentSecretId">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.smsTencentSecretId" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback
>应用key和密钥你可以通过 https://ram.console.aliyun.com/manage/ak 获取</template
<template #feedback>
<n-form-item label="SecretKey" path="smsTencentSecretKey">
<n-form-item label="密钥" path="smsTencentSecretKey">
@ -99,31 +111,33 @@
<n-form-item label="接入地域域名" path="smsTencentEndpoint">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.smsTencentEndpoint" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback
>默认就近地域接入域名为 sms.tencentcloudapi.com
<template #feedback>
默认就近地域接入域名为 <n-text code>sms.tencentcloudapi.com</n-text>
<n-text code>sms.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com</n-text>
<n-form-item label="地域信息" path="smsTencentRegion">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.smsTencentRegion" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback
<template #feedback>
<n-form-item label="短信应用ID" path="smsTencentAppId">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.smsTencentAppId" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback
<template #feedback>
<n-form-item label="签名" path="smsTencentSign">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.smsTencentSign" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>查看地址:https://console.cloud.tencent.com/smsv2/csms-sign</template>
<template #feedback>
<n-form-item label="短信模板" path="smsTencentTemplate">
@ -134,6 +148,10 @@
<!-- tencent -->
@ -184,7 +202,7 @@
<template #action>
<n-button @click="() => (showModal = false)">关闭</n-button>
<n-button type="info" :loading="formBtnLoading" @click="confirmForm">发送</n-button>
<n-button type="info" :loading="formBtnLoading" @click="confirmForm"> 发送 </n-button>
@ -192,7 +210,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { ref, onMounted, watch } from 'vue';
import { useMessage } from 'naive-ui';
import { getConfig, sendTestSms, updateConfig } from '@/api/sys/config';
import { Dicts } from '@/api/dict/dict';
@ -222,8 +240,13 @@
config_sms_drive: [],
/** 默认选项卡 */
const defaultTabName = 'aliyun';
/** 选项卡名称 */
const tabName = ref<string>(defaultTabName);
const formValue = ref({
smsDrive: 'aliyun',
smsDrive: defaultTabName,
smsMinInterval: 60,
smsMaxIpLimit: 10,
smsCodeExpire: 600,
@ -240,6 +263,14 @@
smsTencentTemplate: null,
/** 监听类型变化,同步到选项卡中 */
() => formValue.value.smsDrive,
(smsDrive: string) => {
tabName.value = smsDrive;
function sendTest() {
showModal.value = true;
formBtnLoading.value = false;
@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
<n-spin :show="show" description="请稍候...">
<n-form :label-width="100" :model="formValue" :rules="rules" ref="formRef">
<n-form-item label="默认驱动" path="uploadDrive">
@ -36,115 +42,18 @@
<n-form-item label="文件类型限制" path="uploadFileType">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadFileType" placeholder="" />
<template v-if="formValue.uploadDrive == 'local'">
<n-tabs type="card" size="small" v-model:value="tabName">
<n-tab-pane name="local">
<template #tab> 本地存储</template>
<n-divider title-placement="left">本地存储</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="本地存储路径" path="uploadLocalPath">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadLocalPath" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>填对外访问的相对路径</template>
<template v-if="formValue.uploadDrive == 'ucloud'">
<n-divider title-placement="left">ucloud对象存储</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="公钥" path="uploadUCloudPublicKey">
<template #password-visible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="GlassesOutline" />
<template #password-invisible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="Glasses" />
<template #feedback>获取地址:https://console.ucloud.cn/ufile/token</template>
<n-form-item label="私钥" path="uploadUCloudPrivateKey">
<template #password-visible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="GlassesOutline" />
<template #password-invisible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="Glasses" />
<n-form-item label="存储路径" path="uploadUCloudPath">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudPath" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>填对对象存储中的相对路径</template>
<n-form-item label="地域API" path="uploadUCloudBucketHost">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudBucketHost" placeholder="" />
<n-form-item label="存储桶名称" path="uploadUCloudBucketName">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudBucketName" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>存储空间名称</template>
<n-form-item label="存储桶地域host" path="uploadUCloudFileHost">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudFileHost" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>不需要包含桶名称</template>
<n-form-item label="访问域名" path="uploadUCloudEndpoint">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudEndpoint" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>格式,http://abc.com 或 https://abc.com,不可为空</template>
<template v-if="formValue.uploadDrive == 'cos'">
<n-divider title-placement="left">腾讯云COS存储</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="secretId" path="uploadCosSecretId">
<template #password-visible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="GlassesOutline" />
<template #password-invisible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="Glasses" />
<template #feedback
<n-form-item label="secretKey" path="uploadCosSecretKey">
<template #password-visible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="GlassesOutline" />
<template #password-invisible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="Glasses" />
<n-form-item label="存储路径" path="uploadCosBucketURL">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadCosBucketURL" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>填对对象存储中的相对路径</template>
<n-form-item label="地域API" path="uploadCosPath">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadCosPath" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback
<template v-if="formValue.uploadDrive == 'oss'">
<n-tab-pane name="oss">
<template #tab> 阿里云OSS存储</template>
<n-divider title-placement="left">阿里云OSS存储</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="AccessKey ID" path="uploadOssSecretId">
@ -159,7 +68,7 @@
<n-icon :size="16" :component="Glasses" />
<template #feedback>创建地址:https://ram.console.aliyun.com/manage/ak</template>
<template #feedback> 创建地址:https://ram.console.aliyun.com/manage/ak </template>
<n-form-item label="AccessKey Secret" path="uploadOssSecretKey">
@ -190,9 +99,46 @@
<n-form-item label="Bucket 域名" path="uploadOssBucketURL">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadOssBucketURL" placeholder="" />
<template v-if="formValue.uploadDrive == 'qiniu'">
<n-tab-pane name="cos">
<template #tab> 腾讯云COS存储</template>
<n-divider title-placement="left">腾讯云COS存储</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="APPID" path="uploadCosSecretId">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadCosSecretId" />
<template #feedback>
<n-form-item label="密钥" path="uploadCosSecretKey">
<template #password-visible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="GlassesOutline" />
<template #password-invisible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="Glasses" />
<n-form-item label="存储路径" path="uploadCosPath">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadCosPath" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>填对对象存储中的相对路径</template>
<n-form-item label="访问域名" path="uploadCosBucketURL">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadCosBucketURL" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback
<n-tab-pane name="qiniu">
<template #tab> 七牛云对象存储</template>
<n-divider title-placement="left">七牛云对象存储</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="AccessKey" path="uploadQiNiuAccessKey">
@ -234,10 +180,65 @@
<n-form-item label="访问域名" path="uploadQiNiuDomain">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadQiNiuDomain" placeholder="" />
<template v-if="formValue.uploadDrive == 'minio'">
<n-divider title-placement="left">minio配置</n-divider>
<n-tab-pane name="ucloud">
<template #tab> ucloud对象存储</template>
<n-divider title-placement="left">ucloud对象存储</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="公钥" path="uploadUCloudPublicKey">
<template #password-visible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="GlassesOutline" />
<template #password-invisible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="Glasses" />
<template #feedback> 获取地址:https://console.ucloud.cn/ufile/token </template>
<n-form-item label="私钥" path="uploadUCloudPrivateKey">
<template #password-visible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="GlassesOutline" />
<template #password-invisible-icon>
<n-icon :size="16" :component="Glasses" />
<n-form-item label="存储路径" path="uploadUCloudPath">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudPath" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>填对对象存储中的相对路径</template>
<n-form-item label="地域API" path="uploadUCloudBucketHost">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudBucketHost" placeholder="" />
<n-form-item label="存储桶名称" path="uploadUCloudBucketName">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudBucketName" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>存储空间名称</template>
<n-form-item label="存储桶地域host" path="uploadUCloudFileHost">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudFileHost" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback>不需要包含桶名称</template>
<n-form-item label="访问域名" path="uploadUCloudEndpoint">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadUCloudEndpoint" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback> 格式,http://abc.com 或 https://abc.com,不可为空 </template>
<n-tab-pane name="minio">
<template #tab> minio对象存储</template>
<n-divider title-placement="left">minio对象存储</n-divider>
<n-form-item label="AccessKey ID" path="uploadMinioAccessKey">
@ -272,14 +273,14 @@
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadMinioEndpoint" placeholder="" />
<template #feedback> Endpoint(不带http://和路径)</template>
<n-form-item path="uploadMinioUseSSL">
<n-form-item path="uploadMinioUseSSL" label="SSL">
<template #checked> 启用SSL</template>
<template #unchecked> 禁用SSL</template>
<template #checked> 已启用</template>
<template #unchecked> 已禁用</template>
<n-form-item label="储存路径" path="uploadMinioPath">
@ -288,10 +289,11 @@
<n-form-item label="存储桶名称" path="uploadMinioBucket">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadMinioBucket" placeholder="" />
<n-form-item label="对外访问域名" path="uploadMinioDomain">
<n-form-item label="访问域名" path="uploadMinioDomain">
<n-input v-model:value="formValue.uploadMinioDomain" placeholder="" />
<n-button type="primary" @click="formSubmit">保存更新</n-button>
@ -303,7 +305,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { useMessage } from 'naive-ui';
import { getConfig, updateConfig } from '@/api/sys/config';
import { Glasses, GlassesOutline } from '@vicons/ionicons5';
@ -327,8 +329,13 @@
config_upload_drive: [],
/** 默认选项卡 */
const defaultTabName = 'local';
/** 选项卡名称 */
const tabName = ref<string>(defaultTabName);
const formValue = ref({
uploadDrive: 'local',
uploadDrive: defaultTabName,
uploadImageSize: 2,
uploadImageType: '',
uploadFileSize: 10,
@ -365,6 +372,14 @@
uploadMinioDomain: '',
/** 监听类型变化,同步到选项卡中 */
() => formValue.value.uploadDrive,
(uploadDrive: string) => {
tabName.value = uploadDrive;
function formSubmit() {
formRef.value.validate((errors) => {
if (!errors) {
@ -34,18 +34,41 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';
import BasicSetting from './BasicSetting.vue';
import RevealSetting from './RevealSetting.vue';
import EmailSetting from './EmailSetting.vue';
import ThemeSetting from './ThemeSetting.vue';
import CashSetting from './CashSetting.vue';
import UploadSetting from './UploadSetting.vue';
import GeoSetting from './GeoSetting.vue';
import SmsSetting from './SmsSetting.vue';
import PaySetting from './PaySetting.vue';
import WechatSetting from './WechatSetting.vue';
import LoginSetting from './LoginSetting.vue';
import { defineAsyncComponent, defineComponent, reactive, toRefs } from 'vue';
/** 异步加载的组件,用到的时候再加载组件 */
const BasicSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./BasicSetting.vue');
RevealSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./RevealSetting.vue');
EmailSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./EmailSetting.vue');
ThemeSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./ThemeSetting.vue');
CashSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./CashSetting.vue');
UploadSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./UploadSetting.vue');
GeoSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./GeoSetting.vue');
SmsSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./SmsSetting.vue');
PaySetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./PaySetting.vue');
WechatSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./WechatSetting.vue');
LoginSetting = defineAsyncComponent(() => {
return import('./LoginSetting.vue');
const typeTabList = [
name: '基本设置',
@ -106,7 +106,8 @@
import { statusOptions } from '@/enums/optionsiEnum';
import { TypeSelect } from '@/api/sys/config';
import { Option } from '@/utils/hotgo';
import {cloneDeep} from "lodash-es";
import { findTreeDataById } from '@/utils';
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es';
const options = ref<Option>();
interface Props {
checkedId?: number;
@ -320,11 +321,14 @@
function handleUpdateTypeIdValue(
value: string | number | Array<string | number> | null,
_option: TreeSelectOption | null | Array<TreeSelectOption | null>
) {
function handleUpdateTypeIdValue(value) {
const row = findTreeDataById(typeList.value, value);
if (!row) {
formParams.value.typeId = value;
formParams.value.type = row.type;
async function loadOptions() {
@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ export default ({ command, mode }: ConfigEnv): UserConfig => {
const root = process.cwd();
const env = loadEnv(mode, root);
const viteEnv = wrapperEnv(env);
const isBuild = command === 'build';
return {
@ -44,6 +43,9 @@ export default ({ command, mode }: ConfigEnv): UserConfig => {
plugins: createVitePlugins(viteEnv, isBuild),
define: {
__APP_INFO__: JSON.stringify(__APP_INFO__),
__VUE_OPTIONS_API__: true,
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user