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synced 2025-02-02 18:28:41 +08:00
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Normal file
Normal file
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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<option name="myName" value="Project Default" />
<inspection_tool class="Eslint" enabled="true" level="WARNING" enabled_by_default="true" />
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<component name="JavaScriptSettings">
<option name="languageLevel" value="ES6" />
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<project version="4">
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<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/hotgo.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/hotgo.iml" />
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# hotgo
# HotGO-V2
<div align="center">
<img width="140px" src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/logo.sig.png">
<h1>HotGO V2.0</h1>
<p align="center">
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#### HotGo 是一个基于 vue 和 goframe2.0 开发的全栈前后端分离的开发基础平台和移动应用平台,集成jwt鉴权,动态路由,动态菜单,casbin鉴权,消息队列,定时任务等功能,提供多种常用场景文件,让您把更多时间专注在业务开发上。
## 技术选型
## 平台简介
* 基于全新Go Frame 2.0+Vue3+Naive UI开发的全栈前后端分离的管理系统
* 前端采用naive-ui-admin 、Vue、Naive UI。
* 后端:用 goframe2.0 快速搭建基础API,goframe2.0 是一个go语言编写的Web框架。
## 特征
* 前端:用基于 JeeSite Mobile Uni-App+aidex-sharp 构建基础页面。
* 高生产率:几分钟即可搭建一个后台管理系统
* 数据库:采用MySql(8.0)版本,使用 gorm 实现对数据库的基本操作。
* 模块化:单应用多系统的模式,将一个完整的应用拆分为多个系统,后续扩展更加便捷,增加代码复用性。
* 缓存:使用Redis实现记录当前活跃用户的jwt令牌并实现多点登录限制。
* 插件化: 可通过插件的方式扩展系统功能
* API文档:使用Swagger构建自动化文档。
* 认证机制:采用jwt的用户状态认证及casbin的权限认证
* 消息队列:同时兼容 kafka、redis、rocketmq,一键配置切换到自己想用的MQ。
* 路由模式:得利于goframe2.0提供了规范化的路由注册方式,无需注解自动生成api文档
* 面向接口开发
## 系统截图
#### * web端
## 内置功能
1. 用户管理:用户是系统操作者,该功能主要完成系统用户配置。
2. 部门管理:配置系统组织机构(公司、部门、岗位),树结构展现支持数据权限。
3. 岗位管理:配置系统用户所属担任职务。
4. 菜单管理:配置系统菜单,操作权限,按钮权限标识等。
5. 角色管理:角色菜单权限分配、设置角色按机构进行数据范围权限划分。
6. 字典管理:对系统中经常使用的一些较为固定的数据进行维护。
7. 配置管理:对系统动态配置常用参数。
8. 操作日志:系统正常操作日志记录和查询;系统异常信息日志记录和查询。
9. 登录日志:系统登录日志记录查询包含登录异常。
10. 调度日志:服务端运行所产生的警告、异常、崩溃日志的详细数据和堆栈信息。
11. 在线用户:当前系统中活跃用户状态监控。
12. 定时任务:在线(添加、修改、删除)任务调度包含执行结果日志。
13. 代码生成:前后端代码的生成。
14. 服务监控:监视当前系统CPU、内存、磁盘、网络、堆栈等相关信息。
15. 附件管理:文件上传,多种上传方式适配。
16. 消息队列:同时兼容 kafka、redis、rocketmq,一键配置切换到自己想用的MQ。
17. 通知公告:采用websocket及时推送在线用户最新公告。
18. 地区编码:整合国内通用省市区编码,运用于项目于一身。
19. 常用工具:集成常用的工具包和命令行工具,可以快速开发自定义命令行,多种启动入口。
#### * 移动端
> HotGo开源以来得到了大家的很多支持,本项目初衷只为互相学习交流,没有任何盈利性目的!欢迎为HotGO贡献代码或提供建议!
## 演示地址
- [https://hotgo.facms.cn/admin](https://hotgo.facms.cn/admin)
> 账号:admin 密码:123456
## 环境要求
## 环境要求
- node版本 >= v14.0.0
- node版本 >= v16.0.0
- golang版本 >= v1.16
- golang版本 >= v1.18
- gf版本 >=2.1
- IDE推荐:Goland
- IDE推荐:Goland
- mysql版本 >=8.0
- mysql版本 >=5.7
- redis版本 >=5.0
- redis版本 >=3.0
## 快速开始
## 快速开始
```shell script
```shell script
git clone https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo.git
git clone https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo.git && cd hotgo
- 创建mysql数据库,将数据库文件导入你的mysql,目录地址:/hotgo-server/storage/hotgo.sql
- 项目数据库文件 `resource/data/db.sql` 创建数据库并导入
- 将/hotgo-server/config/config.example.yaml 改为:config.yaml,并根据你实际环境情况进行配置
- 修改配置 `manifest/config/config.yaml.bak` 复制改为`manifest/config/config.yaml`
- 配置服务端地址,包含在一下文件中:
* hotgo-uniapp/common/config.js
* /hotgo-uniapp/manifest.json
debug: true # debug开关,开启后:接口出现错误时会输出堆栈信息,默认为true
* hotgo-uniapp/common/config.js
ipMethod: "cz88" # IP归属地解析方法,可选:cz88|whois,默认为cz88
wsAddr: "ws://你的IP:8000/socket" # 客户端websocket连接地址,如果项目在公网,请填写公网IP:运行端口
isDemo: false # 是否為演示系統 false | true
ssl: # https
switch: false # 是否开启https访问,需要配置sslCrtPath、sslKeyPath证书夹
crtPath: "resource/ssl/server.crt"
keyPath: "resource/ssl/server.key"
log: # 全局请求日志
switch: true # 日志开关,默认为true
queue: true # 是否启用队列,启用时需要配置队列信息,默认为true
module: [ "admin", "api", "default" ] # 需要记录的模块
skipCode: [ ] # 不记录的状态码,如: ["0", "-1"]
superIds: [ 1,2 ] # 后台超管账号ID,通过ID验证超管
superRoleKey: "super" # 超管角色唯一标识符,通过角色验证超管
defaultPage: 10 # 列表分页默认加载数量
defaultPageSize: 1 # 列表分页默认加载页码
- 配置服务端地址,包含在以下文件中:
* /hotgo/web/.env.development
* /hotgo/web/.env.production
* /hotgo/web/.env
三、 启动服务
三、 启动服务
```shell script
```shell script
cd hotgo-server
cd server
go mod tidy #更新包
go run main.go #启动服务
# 更新包
go mod tidy
# 查看命令行方法
go run main.go
# 启动所有服务
gf run main.go --args "all"
# 如果顺利,至此到浏览器打开:http://你的IP:8000/admin,即可看到后台登录地址
# 登录账号:admin, 密码:123456
# 好奇为什么没有运行前端代码就能将后台运行起来?这要得益于gf强大的pack功能!
# 当然这只是为了降低运行门槛,如果想对前端进行开发请继续往下看
```shell script
```shell script
cd hotgo-web
cd web
npm install #安装依赖
# 首先确定你以安装node16.0以上版本并安装了包[npm、yarn],否则可能会出现一些未知报错
npm run dev #启动web项目
# 安装依赖
yarn install
# 启动web项目
npm run dev
# 如果顺利,至此到浏览器打开:http://你的IP:8001/admin
- 1、下载并安装:集成开发环境 HBuilderX (推荐,也可以使用 VSCode 或 WebStorm)
- 2、菜单:文件 -> 导入 -> 从本地目录导入,选择 “jeesite4-uniapp” 文件夹。
- 3、菜单:运行 -> 运行到内置浏览器(或运行到浏览器 -> Chrome 浏览器)。
- 4、等待 HBuliderX 控制台编译完成后,会自动弹出手机登录页面。
## 特别感谢(以下排名不分先后)
## 文档地址
> 文档正在书写中,请耐心等一等。
## 演示图
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/1.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/2.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/3.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/4.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/5.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/6.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/7.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/8.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/9.png"/></td>
<td><img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/example/10.png"/></td>
## 感谢(排名不分先后)
> gf框架 [https://github.com/gogf/gf](https://github.com/gogf/gf)
> naive-ui [https://www.naiveui.com](https://www.naiveui.com)
> naive-ui-admin [https://github.com/jekip/naive-ui-admin](https://github.com/jekip/naive-ui-admin)
> websocket [https://github.com/gorilla/websocket](github.com/gorilla/websocket)
> casbin [https://github.com/casbin/casbin](https://github.com/casbin/casbin)
## 交流QQ群
交流群①:190966648 <a target="_blank" href="https://qm.qq.com/cgi-bin/qm/qr?k=mJafkvme3VNyiQlCFIFNRtY8Xlr7pj9U&jump_from=webapi&authKey=jL10vIESr+vO8wpxwyd6DlChzkrbHpzN9uhAsIHgAinL/Vvd+nvuRyilf2UqUlCy"><img border="0" src="//pub.idqqimg.com/wpa/images/group.png" alt="HotGo框架交流1群" title="HotGo框架交流1群"></a>
> <img src="https://bufanyun.cn-bj.ufileos.com/hotgo/hotgo1qun.png" width="400px"/>
> 感谢你使用HotGo,公司团队精力时间有限,因此我们不再提供免费的技术服务!
> 同时您也可以联系我们,雇佣我们团队为您干活,谢谢合作!
## 商用说明
> HotGo 是开源免费的,遵循 MIT 开源协议,意味着您无需支付任何费用,也无需授权,即可将它应用到您的产品中。
* 使用本项目必须保留所有版权信息。
* 本项目包含的第三方源码和二进制文件之版权信息另行标注。
* 版权所有Copyright © 2022-2024 by Ms (https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo)
* All rights reserved。
## 免责声明:
* HotGo为开源学习项目,一切商业行为与HotGo无关。
* 用户不得利用HotGo从事非法行为,用户应当合法合规的使用,发现用户在使用产品时有任何的非法行为,HotGo有权配合有关机关进行调查或向政府部门举报,HotGo不承担用户因非法行为造成的任何法律责任,一切法律责任由用户自行承担,如因用户使用造成第三方损害的,用户应当依法予以赔偿。
* 所有与使用HotGo相关的资源直接风险均由用户承担。
#### 如果对您有帮助,您可以点右上角 💘Star💘支持
## [感谢JetBrains提供的免费GoLand](https://jb.gg/OpenSource)
* goframe2.0 https://goframe.org
* JeeSite Mobile Uni-App https://gitee.com/thinkgem/jeesite4-uniapp
* aidex-sharp https://gitee.com/big-hedgehog/aidex-sharp
## 开源声明
* 目前项目还在持续更新中,仅供参考学习,如遇到问题请联系作者下方微信!
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 john@goframe.org https://goframe.org
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
# hotgo 服务端代码
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package com
import (
// 上下文
var Context = new(comContext)
type comContext struct{}
// @Title 初始化上下文对象指针到上下文对象中,以便后续的请求流程中可以修改
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
// @Param customCtx
func (component *comContext) Init(r *ghttp.Request, customCtx *model.Context) {
r.SetCtxVar(consts.ContextKey, customCtx)
// @Title 获得上下文变量,如果没有设置,那么返回nil
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Return *model.Context
func (component *comContext) Get(ctx context.Context) *model.Context {
value := ctx.Value(consts.ContextKey)
if value == nil {
return nil
if localCtx, ok := value.(*model.Context); ok {
return localCtx
return nil
// @Title 将上下文信息设置到上下文请求中,注意是完整覆盖
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param user
func (component *comContext) SetUser(ctx context.Context, user *model.Identity) {
component.Get(ctx).User = user
// @Title 设置组件响应 用于全局日志使用
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param response
func (component *comContext) SetResponse(ctx context.Context, response *model.Response) {
component.Get(ctx).ComResponse = response
// @Title 设置应用模块
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param module
func (component *comContext) SetModule(ctx context.Context, module string) {
component.Get(ctx).Module = module
// @Title 设置请求耗时
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param module
func (component *comContext) SetTakeUpTime(ctx context.Context, takeUpTime int64) {
component.Get(ctx).TakeUpTime = takeUpTime
// @Title 获取用户ID
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Return int
func (component *comContext) GetUserId(ctx context.Context) int64 {
user := component.Get(ctx).User
if user == nil {
return 0
return user.Id
@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package com
import (
// IP归属地
var Ip = new(ip)
type ip struct{}
type IpLocationData struct {
Ip string `json:"ip"`
Country string `json:"country"`
Region string `json:"region"`
Province string `json:"province"`
ProvinceCode int `json:"province_code"`
City string `json:"city"`
CityCode int `json:"city_code"`
Area string `json:"area"`
AreaCode int `json:"area_code"`
// @Title 通过Whois接口查询IP归属地
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param ip
// @Return IpLocationData
func (component *ip) WhoisLocation(ctx context.Context, ip string) IpLocationData {
type whoisRegionData struct {
Ip string `json:"ip"`
Pro string `json:"pro" `
ProCode string `json:"proCode" `
City string `json:"city" `
CityCode string `json:"cityCode"`
Region string `json:"region"`
RegionCode string `json:"regionCode"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
Err string `json:"err"`
if !utils.Validate.IsIp(ip) {
return IpLocationData{}
response, err := g.Client().Timeout(10*time.Second).Get(ctx, "http://whois.pconline.com.cn/ipJson.jsp?ip="+ip+"&json=true")
if err != nil {
err = gerror.New(err.Error())
return IpLocationData{
Ip: ip,
defer response.Close()
var enc mahonia.Decoder
enc = mahonia.NewDecoder("gbk")
data := enc.ConvertString(response.ReadAllString())
g.Log().Print(ctx, "data:", data)
whoisData := whoisRegionData{}
if err := gconv.Struct(data, &whoisData); err != nil {
err = gerror.New(err.Error())
g.Log().Print(ctx, "err:", err)
return IpLocationData{
Ip: ip,
g.Log().Print(ctx, "whoisData:", whoisData)
return IpLocationData{
Ip: whoisData.Ip,
//Country string `json:"country"`
Region: whoisData.Addr,
Province: whoisData.Pro,
ProvinceCode: gconv.Int(whoisData.ProCode),
City: whoisData.City,
CityCode: gconv.Int(whoisData.CityCode),
Area: whoisData.Region,
AreaCode: gconv.Int(whoisData.RegionCode),
// @Title 通过Cz88的IP库查询IP归属地
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param ip
// @Return IpLocationData
func (component *ip) Cz88Find(ctx context.Context, ip string) IpLocationData {
if !utils.Validate.IsIp(ip) {
g.Log().Print(ctx, "ip格式错误:", ip)
return IpLocationData{}
loc, err := iploc.OpenWithoutIndexes("./storage/ip/qqwry-utf8.dat")
if err != nil {
err = gerror.New(err.Error())
return IpLocationData{
Ip: ip,
detail := loc.Find(ip)
if detail == nil {
return IpLocationData{
Ip: ip,
locationData := IpLocationData{
Ip: ip,
Country: detail.Country,
Region: detail.Region,
Province: detail.Province,
City: detail.City,
Area: detail.County,
if gstr.LenRune(locationData.Province) == 0 {
return locationData
var (
provinceModel *entity.SysProvinces
cityModel *entity.SysProvinces
areaModel *entity.SysProvinces
err = g.DB().Model("hg_sys_provinces").
Where("level", 1).
WhereLike("title", "%"+locationData.Province+"%").
if err != nil {
err = gerror.New(err.Error())
return locationData
if provinceModel != nil {
locationData.ProvinceCode = provinceModel.Id
locationData.Province = provinceModel.Title
if gstr.LenRune(locationData.City) == 0 {
return locationData
// 是否为直辖市
} else if component.IsJurisdictionByIpTitle(locationData.City) {
locationData.CityCode = provinceModel.Id + 100
locationData.City = "直辖市"
} else {
locationData.City = gstr.Replace(locationData.City, "地区", "")
err = g.DB().Model("hg_sys_provinces").
Where("level", 2).
Where("pid", locationData.ProvinceCode).
WhereLike("title", "%"+locationData.City+"%").
if err != nil {
err = gerror.New(err.Error())
return locationData
if cityModel != nil {
locationData.CityCode = cityModel.Id
locationData.City = cityModel.Title
if gstr.LenRune(locationData.Area) == 0 {
return locationData
err = g.DB().Model("hg_sys_provinces").
Where("level", 3).
Where("pid", locationData.CityCode).
WhereLike("title", "%"+locationData.Area+"%").
if err != nil {
err = gerror.New(err.Error())
return locationData
if areaModel != nil {
locationData.AreaCode = areaModel.Id
locationData.Area = areaModel.Title
return locationData
// @Title 判断地区名称是否为直辖市
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param title
// @Return bool
func (component *ip) IsJurisdictionByIpTitle(title string) bool {
lists := []string{"北京市", "天津市", "重庆市", "上海市"}
for i := 0; i < len(lists); i++ {
if gstr.Contains(lists[i], title) {
return true
return false
// @Title 获取IP归属地信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param ip
// @Return IpLocationData
func (component *ip) GetLocation(ctx context.Context, ip string) IpLocationData {
method, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "hotgo.ipMethod", "cz88")
if method.String() == "whois" {
return component.WhoisLocation(ctx, ip)
return component.Cz88Find(ctx, ip)
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package com
import (
// jwt鉴权
type JWT struct{}
var Jwt = new(JWT)
// @Title 为指定用户生成token
// @Description 主要用于登录成功的jwt鉴权绑定
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param user 用户信息
// @Param isRefresh 是否是刷新token
// @Return interface{}
// @Return error
func (component *JWT) GenerateLoginToken(ctx context.Context, user *model.Identity, isRefresh bool) (interface{}, error) {
jwtVersion, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "jwt.version", "1.0")
jwtSign, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "jwt.sign", "hotGo")
token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.MapClaims{
"id": user.Id,
"username": user.Username,
"realname": user.Realname,
"avatar": user.Avatar,
"email": user.Email,
"mobile": user.Mobile,
"last_time": user.LastTime,
"last_ip": user.LastIp,
"exp": user.Exp,
"expires": user.Expires,
"app": user.App,
"role": user.Role,
"visit_count": user.VisitCount,
"is_refresh": isRefresh,
"jwt_version": jwtVersion.String(),
tokenString, err := token.SignedString(jwtSign.Bytes())
if err != nil {
err := gerror.New(err.Error())
return nil, err
tokenStringMd5 := gmd5.MustEncryptString(tokenString)
// TODO 绑定登录token
cache := Cache.New()
key := consts.RedisJwtToken + tokenStringMd5
// TODO 将有效期转为持续时间,单位:秒
expires, _ := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("+%vs", user.Expires))
err = cache.Set(ctx, key, tokenString, expires)
if err != nil {
err := gerror.New(err.Error())
return nil, err
_ = cache.Set(ctx, consts.RedisJwtUserBind+user.App+":"+gconv.String(user.Id), key, expires)
return tokenString, err
// @Title 解析token
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param tokenString
// @Param secret
// @Return jwt.MapClaims
// @Return error
func (component *JWT) ParseToken(tokenString string, secret []byte) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
if tokenString == "" {
err := gerror.New("token 为空")
return nil, err
token, err := jwt.Parse(tokenString, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := token.Method.(*jwt.SigningMethodHMAC); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected signing method: %v", token.Header["alg"])
return secret, nil
if token == nil {
err := gerror.New("token不存在")
return nil, err
if claims, ok := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims); ok && token.Valid {
return claims, nil
} else {
return nil, err
//func(component *JWT) VerifyLoginToken(tokenString string) (uint, err error) {
// //if tokenString == "" {
// // err = gerror.New("token不能为空")
// // return 0, err
// //}
// @Title 获取 authorization
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
// @Return string
func (component *JWT) GetAuthorization(r *ghttp.Request) string {
// TODO 默认从请求头获取
var authorization = r.Header.Get("Authorization")
// TODO 如果请求头不存在则从get参数获取
if authorization == "" {
return r.Get("authorization").String()
return gstr.Replace(authorization, "Bearer ", "")
func (component *JWT) Layout(adminUserId int, tokenString string) {
if tokenString == "" {
//g.Redis().Do("HDEL", "VerifyLoginToken", gmd5.MustEncryptString(tokenString))
//// 删除
//g.Redis().Do("HDEL", "VerifyLoginTokenAdminUserId", adminUserId)
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package com
import (
var Redis = new(redis)
type redis struct{}
// @Title 实例化redis
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param name
// @Return *gredis.Redis
func (component *redis) Instance(name ...string) *gredis.Redis {
return g.Redis(name...)
// @Title 获取
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param key
// @Return *gvar.Var
// @Return error
func (component *redis) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*gvar.Var, error) {
data, err := Redis.Instance().Do(ctx, "GET", key)
if err != nil {
err := gerror.New(err.Error())
return nil, err
return data, nil
// @Title 设置
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param key
// @Param value
// @Param expire
// @Return *gvar.Var
// @Return error
func (component *redis) Set(ctx context.Context, key string, value string, expire interface{}) (*gvar.Var, error) {
redisInstance := Redis.Instance()
response, err := redisInstance.Do(ctx, "SET", key, value)
if err != nil {
err := gerror.New(err.Error())
return nil, err
exp := gconv.Int(expire)
// TODO 设置有效期
if exp > 0 {
_, err = redisInstance.Do(ctx, "EXPIRE", key, exp)
if err != nil {
err := gerror.New(err.Error())
return nil, err
return response, nil
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package com
import (
// 统一响应
var Response = new(response)
type response struct{}
// @Title 返回JSON数据并退出当前HTTP执行函数
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
// @Param code
// @Param message
// @Param data
func (component *response) JsonExit(r *ghttp.Request, code int, message string, data ...interface{}) {
component.RJson(r, code, message, data...)
// @Title 标准返回结果数据结构封装
// @Description 返回固定数据结构的JSON
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
// @Param code 状态码(200:成功,302跳转,和http请求状态码一至)
// @Param message 请求结果信息
// @Param data 请求结果,根据不同接口返回结果的数据结构不同
func (component *response) RJson(r *ghttp.Request, code int, message string, data ...interface{}) {
responseData := interface{}(nil)
if len(data) > 0 {
responseData = data[0]
Res := &model.Response{
Code: code,
Message: message,
Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(),
ReqId: Context.Get(r.Context()).ReqId,
// TODO 如果不是正常的返回,则将data转为error
if consts.CodeOK == code {
Res.Data = responseData
} else {
Res.Error = responseData
// TODO 清空响应
// TODO 写入响应
if err := r.Response.WriteJson(Res); err != nil {
g.Log().Error(r.Context(), "响应异常:", err)
// TODO 加入到上下文
Context.SetResponse(r.Context(), Res)
// @Title 返回成功JSON
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param isExit
// @Param r
// @Param message
// @Param data
func (component *response) SusJson(isExit bool, r *ghttp.Request, message string, data ...interface{}) {
if isExit {
component.JsonExit(r, consts.CodeOK, message, data...)
component.RJson(r, consts.CodeOK, message, data...)
// @Title 返回失败JSON
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param isExit
// @Param r
// @Param message
// @Param data
func (component *response) FailJson(isExit bool, r *ghttp.Request, message string, data ...interface{}) {
if isExit {
component.JsonExit(r, consts.CodeNil, message, data...)
component.RJson(r, consts.CodeNil, message, data...)
// @Title 重定向
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
// @Param location
// @Param code
func (component *response) Redirect(r *ghttp.Request, location string, code ...int) {
r.Response.RedirectTo(location, code...)
func (component *response) Download(r *ghttp.Request, location string, code ...int) {
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
package consts
// 碎片
const (
// 默认分页
DebrisPageSize = 10
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
package adminController
import (
// 配置
var Config = config{}
type config struct{}
// @Title 名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *config) GetValue(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.ConfigGetValueReq) (*adminForm.ConfigGetValueRes, error) {
data, err := sysService.Config.GetValue(ctx, input.SysConfigGetValueInp{Key: req.Key})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.ConfigGetValueRes
res.Value = data.Value
return &res, nil
// @Title 名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *config) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.ConfigNameUniqueReq) (*adminForm.ConfigNameUniqueRes, error) {
data, err := sysService.Config.NameUnique(ctx, input.SysConfigNameUniqueInp{Id: req.Id, Name: req.Name})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.ConfigNameUniqueRes
res.IsUnique = data.IsUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *config) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.ConfigDeleteReq) (res *adminForm.ConfigDeleteRes, err error) {
var in input.SysConfigDeleteInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = sysService.Config.Delete(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *config) Edit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.ConfigEditReq) (res *adminForm.ConfigEditRes, err error) {
var in input.SysConfigEditInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = sysService.Config.Edit(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *config) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.ConfigMaxSortReq) (*adminForm.ConfigMaxSortRes, error) {
data, err := sysService.Config.MaxSort(ctx, input.SysConfigMaxSortInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.ConfigMaxSortRes
res.Sort = data.Sort
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *config) View(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.ConfigViewReq) (*adminForm.ConfigViewRes, error) {
data, err := sysService.Config.View(ctx, input.SysConfigViewInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.ConfigViewRes
res.SysConfigViewModel = data
return &res, nil
// @Title 查看列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *config) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.ConfigListReq) (*adminForm.ConfigListRes, error) {
var (
in input.SysConfigListInp
res adminForm.ConfigListRes
if err := gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
list, totalCount, err := sysService.Config.List(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.List = list
res.TotalCount = totalCount
res.Limit = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
return &res, nil
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
package adminController
import (
// 部门
var Dept = dept{}
type dept struct{}
// @Title 名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dept) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DeptNameUniqueReq) (*adminForm.DeptNameUniqueRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Dept.NameUnique(ctx, input.AdminDeptNameUniqueInp{Id: req.Id, Name: req.Name})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.DeptNameUniqueRes
res.IsUnique = data.IsUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dept) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DeptDeleteReq) (res *adminForm.DeptDeleteRes, err error) {
var in input.AdminDeptDeleteInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Dept.Delete(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dept) Edit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DeptEditReq) (res *adminForm.DeptEditRes, err error) {
var in input.AdminDeptEditInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Dept.Edit(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dept) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DeptMaxSortReq) (*adminForm.DeptMaxSortRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Dept.MaxSort(ctx, input.AdminDeptMaxSortInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.DeptMaxSortRes
res.Sort = data.Sort
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dept) View(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DeptViewReq) (*adminForm.DeptViewRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Dept.View(ctx, input.AdminDeptViewInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.DeptViewRes
res.AdminDeptViewModel = data
return &res, nil
// @Title 查看列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dept) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DeptListReq) (*adminForm.DeptListRes, error) {
var (
in input.AdminDeptListInp
res adminForm.DeptListRes
if err := gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
data, err := adminService.Dept.List(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_ = gconv.Structs(data, &res)
return &res, nil
// @Title 查看列表树
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dept) ListTree(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DeptListTreeReq) (*adminForm.DeptListTreeRes, error) {
var (
in input.AdminDeptListTreeInp
res adminForm.DeptListTreeRes
if err := gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
data, err := adminService.Dept.ListTree(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_ = gconv.Structs(data, &res)
return &res, nil
@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
package adminController
import (
// 字典
var Dict = dict{}
type dict struct{}
// @Title 数据键值是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) DataUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataUniqueReq) (res *adminForm.DictDataUniqueRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.DataUnique(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 查询字典数据最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) DataMaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortReq) (res *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.DataMaxSort(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 删除字典数据
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) DataDelete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataDeleteReq) (res *adminForm.DictDataDeleteRes, err error) {
if err = sysService.Dict.DataDelete(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改/新增字典数据
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) DataEdit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataEditReq) (res *adminForm.DictDataEditRes, err error) {
if err = sysService.Dict.DataEdit(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) DataView(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataViewReq) (res *adminForm.DictDataViewRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.DataView(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取字典数据列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) DataList(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataListReq) (res *adminForm.DictDataListRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.DataList(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型的属性数据
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) Attribute(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictAttributeReq) (res *adminForm.DictAttributeRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.Attribute(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 导出字典类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) TypeExport(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeExportReq) (res *adminForm.DictTypeExportRes, err error) {
if err = sysService.Dict.TypeExport(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
// @Title 刷新字典缓存
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) TypeRefreshCache(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeRefreshCacheReq) (res *adminForm.DictTypeRefreshCacheRes, err error) {
return nil, nil
// @Title 删除字典类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) TypeDelete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeDeleteReq) (res *adminForm.DictTypeDeleteRes, err error) {
if err = sysService.Dict.TypeDelete(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改/新增字典类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) TypeEdit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeEditReq) (res *adminForm.DictTypeEditRes, err error) {
if err = sysService.Dict.TypeEdit(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 类型是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) TypeUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueReq) (res *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.TypeUnique(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) TypeView(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeViewReq) (res *adminForm.DictTypeViewRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.TypeView(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取字典类型列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) TypeList(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeListReq) (res *adminForm.DictTypeListRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.TypeList(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
package adminController
import (
// 日志
var Log = log{}
type log struct{}
// @Title 清空日志
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *log) Clear(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.LogClearReq) (res *adminForm.LogClearRes, err error) {
err = gerror.New("考虑安全,请到数据库清空")
// @Title 导出
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *log) Export(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.LogExportReq) (res *adminForm.LogExportRes, err error) {
err = sysService.Log.Export(ctx, input.LogListInp{
Page: req.Page,
Limit: req.Limit,
Module: req.Module,
Method: req.Method,
Url: req.Url,
Ip: req.Ip,
ErrorCode: req.ErrorCode,
StartTime: req.StartTime,
EndTime: req.EndTime,
MemberId: req.MemberId,
TakeUpTime: req.TakeUpTime,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// @Title 获取全局日志列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *log) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.LogListReq) (*adminForm.LogListRes, error) {
list, totalCount, err := sysService.Log.List(ctx, input.LogListInp{
Page: req.Page,
Limit: req.Limit,
Module: req.Module,
Method: req.Method,
Url: req.Url,
Ip: req.Ip,
ErrorCode: req.ErrorCode,
StartTime: req.StartTime,
EndTime: req.EndTime,
MemberId: req.MemberId,
TakeUpTime: req.TakeUpTime,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.LogListRes
res.List = list
res.TotalCount = totalCount
res.Limit = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
return &res, nil
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminController
import (
var Login = login{}
type login struct{}
// @Title 登录验证码
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *login) Captcha(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.LoginCaptchaReq) (res *adminForm.LoginCaptchaRes, err error) {
// TODO 获取生成的验证码图片
Cid, Base64 := com.Captcha.GetVerifyImgString(ctx)
res = &adminForm.LoginCaptchaRes{Cid: Cid, Base64: Base64}
// @Title 提交登录
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *login) Sign(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.LoginReq) (res *adminForm.LoginRes, err error) {
//// 校验 验证码
//if !com.Captcha.VerifyString(req.Cid, req.Code) {
// err = gerror.New("验证码错误")
// return
var in input.AdminMemberLoginSignInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
model, err := adminService.Member.Login(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = gconv.Scan(model, &res); err != nil {
return nil, err
// @Title 注销登录
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *login) Logout(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.LoginLogoutReq) (res *adminForm.LoginLogoutRes, err error) {
var authorization = com.Jwt.GetAuthorization(com.Context.Get(ctx).Request)
// TODO 获取jwtToken
jwtToken := consts.RedisJwtToken + gmd5.MustEncryptString(authorization)
if len(jwtToken) == 0 {
err = gerror.New("当前用户未登录!")
return res, err
// TODO 删除登录token
cache := com.Cache.New()
_, err = cache.Remove(ctx, jwtToken)
if err != nil {
return res, err
@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminController
import (
// 会员
var Member = member{}
type member struct{}
// @Title 修改登录密码
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) UpdateProfile(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberUpdateProfileReq) (res *adminForm.MemberUpdateProfileRes, err error) {
var in input.AdminMemberUpdateProfileInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Member.UpdateProfile(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
// @Title 修改登录密码
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) UpdatePwd(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberUpdatePwdReq) (res *adminForm.MemberUpdatePwdRes, err error) {
memberId := com.Context.Get(ctx).User.Id
if memberId <= 0 {
err := gerror.New("获取用户信息失败!")
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Member.
UpdatePwd(ctx, input.AdminMemberUpdatePwdInp{Id: memberId, OldPassword: req.OldPassword, NewPassword: req.NewPassword}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// @Title 获取登录用户的基本信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) Profile(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberProfileReq) (*adminForm.MemberProfileRes, error) {
var res adminForm.MemberProfileRes
memberId := com.Context.Get(ctx).User.Id
if memberId <= 0 {
err := gerror.New("获取用户信息失败!")
return nil, err
// TODO 用户基本信息
memberInfo, err := adminService.Member.View(ctx, input.AdminMemberViewInp{Id: memberId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.User = memberInfo
// TODO 所在部门
sysDept, err := adminService.Dept.View(ctx, input.AdminDeptViewInp{Id: memberInfo.DeptId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.SysDept = sysDept
// TODO 角色列表
sysRoles, err := adminService.Role.GetMemberList(ctx, memberInfo.Role)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.SysRoles = sysRoles
// TODO 获取角色名称
roleGroup, err := adminService.Role.GetName(ctx, memberInfo.Role)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.RoleGroup = roleGroup
// TODO 获取第一岗位名称
postGroup, err := adminService.Post.GetMemberByStartName(ctx, memberInfo.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.PostGroup = postGroup
return &res, nil
// @Title 重置密码
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) ResetPwd(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberResetPwdReq) (res *adminForm.MemberResetPwdRes, err error) {
if err = adminService.Member.
ResetPwd(ctx, input.AdminMemberResetPwdInp{Id: req.Id, Password: req.Password}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// @Title 邮箱是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) EmailUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberEmailUniqueReq) (*adminForm.MemberEmailUniqueRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Member.EmailUnique(ctx, input.AdminMemberEmailUniqueInp{Id: req.Id, Email: req.Email})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.MemberEmailUniqueRes
res.IsUnique = data.IsUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 手机号是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) MobileUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberMobileUniqueReq) (*adminForm.MemberMobileUniqueRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Member.MobileUnique(ctx, input.AdminMemberMobileUniqueInp{Id: req.Id, Mobile: req.Mobile})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.MemberMobileUniqueRes
res.IsUnique = data.IsUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberNameUniqueReq) (*adminForm.MemberNameUniqueRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Member.NameUnique(ctx, input.AdminMemberNameUniqueInp{Id: req.Id, Username: req.Username})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.MemberNameUniqueRes
res.IsUnique = data.IsUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberDeleteReq) (res *adminForm.MemberDeleteRes, err error) {
err = gerror.New("考虑安全暂时不允许删除用户,请选择禁用!")
return nil, err
var in input.AdminMemberDeleteInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Member.Delete(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) Edit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberEditReq) (res *adminForm.MemberEditRes, err error) {
var in input.AdminMemberEditInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Member.Edit(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberMaxSortReq) (*adminForm.MemberMaxSortRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Member.MaxSort(ctx, input.AdminMemberMaxSortInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.MemberMaxSortRes
res.Sort = data.Sort
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) View(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberViewReq) (*adminForm.MemberViewRes, error) {
postsList, _, err := adminService.Post.List(ctx, input.AdminPostListInp{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
roleList, _, err := adminService.Role.List(ctx, input.AdminRoleListInp{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.MemberViewRes
res.Posts = postsList
res.Roles = roleList
if req.Id <= 0 {
return &res, err
memberInfo, err := adminService.Member.View(ctx, input.AdminMemberViewInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.AdminMemberViewModel = memberInfo
res.PostIds, err = adminService.MemberPost.GetMemberByIds(ctx, memberInfo.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.RoleIds = []int64{memberInfo.Role}
res.DeptName, err = adminService.Dept.GetName(ctx, memberInfo.DeptId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 查看列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberListReq) (*adminForm.MemberListRes, error) {
var (
in input.AdminMemberListInp
res adminForm.MemberListRes
if err := gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
list, totalCount, err := adminService.Member.List(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.List = list
res.TotalCount = totalCount
res.Limit = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
return &res, nil
// @Title 登录用户信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) Info(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberInfoReq) (res *adminForm.MemberInfoRes, err error) {
return adminService.Member.LoginMemberInfo(ctx, req)
@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminController
import (
// 菜单
var Menu = menu{}
type menu struct{}
// @Title 查询角色菜单列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) RoleList(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuRoleListReq) (*adminForm.MenuRoleListRes, error) {
var in input.MenuRoleListInp
if err := gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
data, err := adminService.Menu.RoleList(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.MenuRoleListRes
res.CheckedKeys = data.CheckedKeys
res.Menus = data.Menus
return &res, nil
// @Title 查询菜单列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) SearchList(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuSearchListReq) (res *adminForm.MenuSearchListRes, err error) {
res, err = adminService.Menu.SearchList(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuMaxSortReq) (res *adminForm.MenuMaxSortRes, err error) {
res, err = adminService.Menu.MaxSort(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 菜单名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuNameUniqueReq) (res *adminForm.MenuNameUniqueRes, err error) {
res, err = adminService.Menu.NameUnique(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 菜单编码是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) CodeUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuCodeUniqueReq) (res *adminForm.MenuCodeUniqueRes, err error) {
res, err = adminService.Menu.CodeUnique(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuDeleteReq) (res *adminForm.MenuDeleteRes, err error) {
if err = adminService.Menu.Delete(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) Edit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuEditReq) (res *adminForm.MenuEditRes, err error) {
if err = adminService.Menu.Edit(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) View(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuViewReq) (res *adminForm.MenuViewRes, err error) {
res, err = adminService.Menu.View(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *menu) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuListReq) (res *adminForm.MenuListRes, err error) {
res, err = adminService.Menu.List(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
package adminController
import (
// 公告
var Notice = notice{}
type notice struct{}
// @Title 名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *notice) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.NoticeNameUniqueReq) (*adminForm.NoticeNameUniqueRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Notice.NameUnique(ctx, input.AdminNoticeNameUniqueInp{Id: req.Id, Title: req.Title})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.NoticeNameUniqueRes
res.IsUnique = data.IsUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *notice) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.NoticeDeleteReq) (res *adminForm.NoticeDeleteRes, err error) {
var in input.AdminNoticeDeleteInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Notice.Delete(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *notice) Edit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.NoticeEditReq) (res *adminForm.NoticeEditRes, err error) {
var in input.AdminNoticeEditInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Notice.Edit(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *notice) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.NoticeMaxSortReq) (*adminForm.NoticeMaxSortRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Notice.MaxSort(ctx, input.AdminNoticeMaxSortInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.NoticeMaxSortRes
res.Sort = data.Sort
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *notice) View(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.NoticeViewReq) (*adminForm.NoticeViewRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Notice.View(ctx, input.AdminNoticeViewInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.NoticeViewRes
res.AdminNoticeViewModel = data
return &res, nil
// @Title 查看列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *notice) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.NoticeListReq) (*adminForm.NoticeListRes, error) {
var (
in input.AdminNoticeListInp
res adminForm.NoticeListRes
if err := gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
list, totalCount, err := adminService.Notice.List(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.List = list
res.TotalCount = totalCount
res.Limit = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
return &res, nil
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
package adminController
import (
// 岗位
var Post = post{}
type post struct{}
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *post) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.PostDeleteReq) (res *adminForm.PostDeleteRes, err error) {
var in input.AdminPostDeleteInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Post.Delete(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *post) Edit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.PostEditReq) (res *adminForm.PostEditRes, err error) {
var in input.AdminPostEditInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = adminService.Post.Edit(ctx, in); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *post) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.PostMaxSortReq) (*adminForm.PostMaxSortRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Post.MaxSort(ctx, input.AdminPostMaxSortInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.PostMaxSortRes
res.Sort = data.Sort
return &res, nil
// @Title 名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *post) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.PostNameUniqueReq) (*adminForm.PostNameUniqueRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Post.NameUnique(ctx, input.AdminPostNameUniqueInp{Id: req.Id, Name: req.Name})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.PostNameUniqueRes
res.IsUnique = data.IsUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 编码是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *post) CodeUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.PostCodeUniqueReq) (*adminForm.PostCodeUniqueRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Post.CodeUnique(ctx, input.AdminPostCodeUniqueInp{Id: req.Id, Code: req.Code})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.PostCodeUniqueRes
res.IsUnique = data.IsUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *post) View(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.PostViewReq) (*adminForm.PostViewRes, error) {
data, err := adminService.Post.View(ctx, input.AdminPostViewInp{Id: req.Id})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.PostViewRes
res.AdminPostViewModel = data
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *post) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.PostListReq) (*adminForm.PostListRes, error) {
list, totalCount, err := adminService.Post.List(ctx, input.AdminPostListInp{
Page: req.Page,
Limit: req.Limit,
Name: req.Name,
Code: req.Code,
Status: req.Status,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.PostListRes
res.List = list
res.TotalCount = totalCount
res.Limit = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
return &res, nil
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminController
import (
// 角色
var Role = role{}
type role struct{}
// @Title 获取角色下的会员列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *role) RoleMemberList(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.RoleMemberListReq) (*adminForm.RoleMemberListRes, error) {
var in input.AdminRoleMemberListInp
if err := gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
list, totalCount, err := adminService.Member.RoleMemberList(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.RoleMemberListRes
res.List = list
res.TotalCount = totalCount
res.Limit = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *role) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.RoleListReq) (*adminForm.RoleListRes, error) {
list, totalCount, err := adminService.Role.List(ctx, input.AdminRoleListInp{
Page: req.Page,
Limit: req.Limit,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res adminForm.RoleListRes
res.List = list
res.TotalCount = totalCount
res.Limit = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
return &res, nil
// @Title 动态路由
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *role) Dynamic(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.RoleDynamicReq) (res *adminForm.RoleDynamicRes, err error) {
res, err = adminService.Menu.GetMenuList(ctx, com.Context.GetUserId(ctx))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 修改角色菜单权限
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *role) Edit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.RoleMenuEditReq) (res *adminForm.RoleMenuEditRes, err error) {
err = adminService.Role.EditRoleMenu(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package apiController
import (
// 基础
var Base = base{}
type base struct{}
// @Title 获取lang信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *base) Lang(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.BaseLangReq) (res *apiForm.BaseLangRes, err error) {
// @Title 获取IP归属地信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *base) IpLocation(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.IpLocationReq) (res *apiForm.IpLocationRes, err error) {
data := com.Ip.GetLocation(ctx, req.Ip)
res = &apiForm.IpLocationRes{data}
func (controller *base) Excel(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.ExportReq) (res *apiForm.ExportRes, err error) {
w := com.Context.Get(ctx).Request.Response
// 文件名
fileName := "demo.xlsx"
// 创建excel文件 (第三方excel包)
file := excelize.NewFile()
// 填充数据
index := file.NewSheet("Sheet1")
err = file.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "A1", "Hello world.")
if err != nil {
g.Log().Print(ctx, "SetCellValue:", err)
return nil, err
err = file.SetCellValue("Sheet1", "B1", 100)
if err != nil {
g.Log().Print(ctx, "SetCellValue2:", err)
return nil, err
// 设置header头
w.Header().Add("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+fileName)
w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")
// 写入字节数据
err = file.Write(w.Writer)
if err != nil {
g.Log().Print(ctx, "Write:", err)
return nil, err
// TODO 加入到上下文
com.Context.SetResponse(ctx, &model.Response{
Code: consts.CodeOK,
Message: "",
Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(),
ReqId: com.Context.Get(ctx).ReqId,
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package apiController
import (
// 字典
var Dict = dict{}
type dict struct{}
// @Title 获取指定字典类型的属性数据
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *dict) Attribute(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictAttributeReq) (res *adminForm.DictAttributeRes, err error) {
res, err = sysService.Dict.Attribute(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
package apiController
import (
// 日志
var Log = log{}
type log struct{}
// @Title 清空日志
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *log) Clear(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.LogClearReq) (res *apiForm.LogClearRes, err error) {
err = gerror.New("考虑安全,请到数据库清空")
// @Title 导出
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *log) Export(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.LogExportReq) (res *apiForm.LogExportRes, err error) {
err = sysService.Log.Export(ctx, input.LogListInp{
Page: req.Page,
Limit: req.Limit,
Module: req.Module,
Method: req.Method,
Url: req.Url,
Ip: req.Ip,
ErrorCode: req.ErrorCode,
StartTime: req.StartTime,
EndTime: req.EndTime,
MemberId: req.MemberId,
TakeUpTime: req.TakeUpTime,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// @Title 获取全局日志列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *log) List(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.LogListReq) (*apiForm.LogListRes, error) {
list, totalCount, err := sysService.Log.List(ctx, input.LogListInp{
Page: req.Page,
Limit: req.Limit,
Module: req.Module,
Method: req.Method,
Url: req.Url,
Ip: req.Ip,
ErrorCode: req.ErrorCode,
StartTime: req.StartTime,
EndTime: req.EndTime,
MemberId: req.MemberId,
TakeUpTime: req.TakeUpTime,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var res apiForm.LogListRes
res.List = list
res.TotalCount = totalCount
res.Limit = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
return &res, nil
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
package apiController
import (
// 登录
var Login = login{}
type login struct{}
// @Title 检查登录
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *login) Check(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.LoginCheckReq) (*apiForm.LoginCheckRes, error) {
var res apiForm.LoginCheckRes
res.IsValidCodeLogin = false
res.Result = "login"
return &res, nil
// @Title 提交登录
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *login) Sign(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.LoginReq) (res *apiForm.LoginRes, err error) {
//// 校验 验证码
//if !com.Captcha.VerifyString(req.Cid, req.Code) {
// err = gerror.New("验证码错误")
// return
var in input.AdminMemberLoginSignInp
if err = gconv.Scan(req, &in); err != nil {
return nil, err
model, err := adminService.Member.Login(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = gconv.Scan(model, &res); err != nil {
return nil, err
// @Title 注销登录
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *login) Logout(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.LoginLogoutReq) (res *apiForm.LoginLogoutRes, err error) {
var authorization = com.Jwt.GetAuthorization(com.Context.Get(ctx).Request)
// TODO 获取jwtToken
jwtToken := consts.RedisJwtToken + gmd5.MustEncryptString(authorization)
if len(jwtToken) == 0 {
err = gerror.New("当前用户未登录!")
return res, err
// TODO 删除登录token
cache := com.Cache.New()
_, err = cache.Remove(ctx, jwtToken)
if err != nil {
return res, err
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package apiController
import (
// 会员
var Member = member{}
type member struct{}
// @Title 获取登录用户的基本信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (controller *member) Profile(ctx context.Context, req *apiForm.MemberProfileReq) (*apiForm.MemberProfileRes, error) {
var res apiForm.MemberProfileRes
memberId := com.Context.Get(ctx).User.Id
if memberId <= 0 {
err := gerror.New("获取用户信息失败!")
return nil, err
// TODO 用户基本信息
memberInfo, err := adminService.Member.View(ctx, input.AdminMemberViewInp{Id: memberId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.User = memberInfo
// TODO 所在部门
sysDept, err := adminService.Dept.View(ctx, input.AdminDeptViewInp{Id: memberInfo.DeptId})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.SysDept = sysDept
// TODO 角色列表
sysRoles, err := adminService.Role.GetMemberList(ctx, memberInfo.Role)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.SysRoles = sysRoles
// TODO 获取角色名称
roleGroup, err := adminService.Role.GetName(ctx, memberInfo.Role)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.RoleGroup = roleGroup
// TODO 获取第一岗位名称
postGroup, err := adminService.Post.GetMemberByStartName(ctx, memberInfo.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.PostGroup = postGroup
return &res, nil
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
package queue
import (
type Queue struct {
l *list.List
m sync.Mutex
func NewQueue() *Queue {
return &Queue{l: list.New()}
func (q *Queue) LPush(v interface{}) {
if v == nil {
defer q.m.Unlock()
func (q *Queue) RPush(v interface{}) {
if v == nil {
defer q.m.Unlock()
func (q *Queue) LPop() interface{} {
defer q.m.Unlock()
element := q.l.Front()
if element == nil {
return nil
return element.Value
func (q *Queue) RPop() interface{} {
defer q.m.Unlock()
element := q.l.Back()
if element == nil {
return nil
return element.Value
func (q *Queue) Len() int {
return q.l.Len()
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package queue
import (
// MqProducer
// @Description
type MqProducer interface {
SendMsg(topic string, body string) (mqMsg MqMsg, err error)
SendByteMsg(topic string, body []byte) (mqMsg MqMsg, err error)
// MqConsumer
// @Description
type MqConsumer interface {
ListenReceiveMsgDo(topic string, receiveDo func(mqMsg MqMsg)) (err error)
const (
_ = iota
type MqMsg struct {
RunType int `json:"run_type"`
Topic string `json:"topic"`
MsgId string `json:"msg_id"`
Offset int64 `json:"offset"`
Partition int32 `json:"partition"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
Body []byte `json:"body"`
var (
ctx = gctx.New()
mqProducerInstanceMap map[string]MqProducer
mqConsumerInstanceMap map[string]MqConsumer
mutex sync.Mutex
func init() {
mqProducerInstanceMap = make(map[string]MqProducer)
mqConsumerInstanceMap = make(map[string]MqConsumer)
// @Title 实例化消费者
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Return mqClient
// @Return err
func InstanceConsumer() (mqClient MqConsumer, err error) {
groupName, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.groupName", "hotgo")
return NewConsumer(groupName.String())
// @Title 实例化生产者
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Return mqClient
// @Return err
func InstanceProducer() (mqClient MqProducer, err error) {
groupName, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.groupName", "hotgo")
return NewProducer(groupName.String())
// @Title 新建一个生产者实例
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param groupName
// @Return mqClient
// @Return err
func NewProducer(groupName string) (mqClient MqProducer, err error) {
if item, ok := mqProducerInstanceMap[groupName]; ok {
return item, nil
if groupName == "" {
return mqClient, gerror.New("mq groupName is empty.")
// 驱动
driver, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.driver", "")
// 重试次数
retryCount, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.retry", 2)
retry := retryCount.Int()
switch driver.String() {
case "rocketmq":
address, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.rocketmq.address", nil)
if len(address.Strings()) == 0 {
panic("queue rocketmq address is not support")
mqClient = RegisterRocketProducerMust(address.Strings(), groupName, retry)
case "kafka":
address, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.kafka.address", nil)
if len(address.Strings()) == 0 {
panic("queue kafka address is not support")
version, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.kafka.version", "2.0.0")
mqClient = RegisterKafkaProducerMust(KafkaConfig{
Brokers: address.Strings(),
GroupID: groupName,
Version: version.String(),
case "redis":
address, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.redis.address", nil)
if len(address.String()) == 0 {
panic("queue redis address is not support")
db, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.redis.db", 0)
pass, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.redis.pass", "")
timeout, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.redis.timeout", 0)
mqClient = RegisterRedisMqProducerMust(RedisOption{
Addr: address.String(),
Passwd: pass.String(),
DBnum: db.Int(),
Timeout: timeout.Int(),
}, PoolOption{
5, 50, 5,
}, groupName, retry)
panic("queue driver is not support")
defer mutex.Unlock()
mqProducerInstanceMap[groupName] = mqClient
return mqClient, nil
// @Title 新建一个消费者实例
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param groupName
// @Return mqClient
// @Return err
func NewConsumer(groupName string) (mqClient MqConsumer, err error) {
// 是否支持创建多个消费者
multiComsumer, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.multiComsumer", true)
randTag := string(utils.Charset.RandomCreateBytes(6))
if multiComsumer.Bool() == false {
randTag = "001"
if item, ok := mqConsumerInstanceMap[groupName+"-"+randTag]; ok {
return item, nil
driver, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.driver", "")
if groupName == "" {
return mqClient, gerror.New("mq groupName is empty.")
switch driver.String() {
case "rocketmq":
address, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.rocketmq.address", nil)
if address == nil {
return nil, gerror.New("queue.rocketmq.address is empty.")
mqClient = RegisterRocketConsumerMust(address.Strings(), groupName)
case "kafka":
address, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.kafka.address", nil)
if len(address.Strings()) == 0 {
panic("queue kafka address is not support")
version, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.kafka.version", "2.0.0")
clientId := "HOTGO-Consumer-" + groupName
randClient, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.kafka.randClient", true)
if randClient.Bool() {
clientId += "-" + randTag
mqClient = RegisterKafkaMqConsumerMust(KafkaConfig{
Brokers: address.Strings(),
GroupID: groupName,
Version: version.String(),
ClientId: clientId,
case "redis":
address, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.redis.address", nil)
if len(address.String()) == 0 {
panic("queue redis address is not support")
db, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.redis.db", 0)
pass, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.redis.pass", "")
timeout, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "queue.redis.pass", 0)
mqClient = RegisterRedisMqConsumerMust(RedisOption{
Addr: address.String(),
Passwd: pass.String(),
DBnum: db.Int(),
Timeout: timeout.Int(),
}, PoolOption{
5, 50, 5,
}, groupName)
panic("queue driver is not support")
defer mutex.Unlock()
mqConsumerInstanceMap[groupName] = mqClient
return mqClient, nil
// @Title 返回消息体
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Return string
func (m *MqMsg) BodyString() string {
return string(m.Body)
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
package queue
import (
func TestRPushQueue(t *testing.T) {
ll := NewQueue()
go func() {
go func() {
go func() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if ll.Len() != 6 {
t.Error("list Len() do error #1")
listVal := fmt.Sprintf("num=>%v,%v,%v", ll.LPop(), ll.LPop(), ll.LPop())
if listVal != "num=>1,2,3" {
t.Error("list do error #2")
if ll.Len() != 3 {
t.Error("list Len() do error #3")
c := ll.LPop()
if c != nil {
t.Error("list LPop() do error #4")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
func TestLPushQueue(t *testing.T) {
ll := NewQueue()
go func() {
go func() {
go func() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if ll.Len() != 6 {
t.Error("list Len() do error #1")
listVal := fmt.Sprintf("num=>%v,%v,%v", ll.RPop(), ll.RPop(), ll.RPop())
if listVal != "num=>1,2,3" {
t.Error("list do error #2")
if ll.Len() != 3 {
t.Error("list Len() do error #3")
c := ll.RPop()
if c != nil {
t.Error("list RPop() do error #4")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
func TestRegisterRocketMqProducer(t *testing.T) {
ins, err := RegisterRocketMqProducer([]string{}, "tests", 2)
if err == nil {
t.Error("RegisterRocketMqProducer err #1")
ins, err = RegisterRocketMqProducer([]string{""}, "tests", 2)
if err != nil {
t.Error("RegisterRocketMqProducer err #2")
if ins.endPoints[0] != "" {
t.Error("RegisterRocketMqProducer err #3")
func TestRegisterRocketMqConsumer(t *testing.T) {
ins, err := RegisterRocketMqConsumer([]string{}, "tests")
if err == nil {
t.Error("RegisterRocketMqConsumer err #1")
ins, err = RegisterRocketMqProducer([]string{""}, "tests", 2)
if err != nil {
t.Error("RegisterRocketMqConsumer err #2")
if ins.endPoints[0] != "" {
t.Error("RegisterRocketMqConsumer err #3")
@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminForm
import (
// 获取指定配置键的值
type ConfigGetValueReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/config/get_value" method:"get" tags:"配置" summary:"获取指定配置键的值"`
Key string `json:"key" v:"required#配置键不能为空" dc:"配置键"`
type ConfigGetValueRes struct {
Value string `json:"value" dc:"配置值"`
// 名称是否唯一
type ConfigNameUniqueReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/config/name_unique" method:"get" tags:"配置" summary:"配置名称是否唯一"`
Name string `json:"name" v:"required#配置名称不能为空" dc:"配置名称"`
Id int64 `json:"id" dc:"配置ID"`
type ConfigNameUniqueRes struct {
IsUnique bool `json:"is_unique" dc:"是否唯一"`
// 查询列表
type ConfigListReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/config/list" method:"get" tags:"配置" summary:"获取配置列表"`
Name string `json:"name" dc:"配置名称"`
type ConfigListRes struct {
List []*input.SysConfigListModel `json:"list" dc:"数据列表"`
// 获取指定信息
type ConfigViewReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/config/view" method:"get" tags:"配置" summary:"获取指定信息"`
Id string `json:"id" v:"required#配置ID不能为空" dc:"配置ID"`
type ConfigViewRes struct {
// 修改/新增
type ConfigEditReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/config/edit" method:"post" tags:"配置" summary:"修改/新增配置"`
type ConfigEditRes struct{}
// 删除
type ConfigDeleteReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/config/delete" method:"post" tags:"配置" summary:"删除配置"`
Id interface{} `json:"id" v:"required#配置ID不能为空" dc:"配置ID"`
type ConfigDeleteRes struct{}
// 最大排序
type ConfigMaxSortReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/config/max_sort" method:"get" tags:"配置" summary:"配置最大排序"`
Id int64 `json:"id" dc:"配置ID"`
type ConfigMaxSortRes struct {
Sort int `json:"sort" dc:"排序"`
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminForm
import (
/************************ 字典数据 *****************/
// 数据键值是否唯一
type DictDataUniqueReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_data/unique" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"数据键值是否唯一"`
Value string `json:"value" v:"required#数据键值不能为空" dc:"数据键值"`
Type string `json:"type" example:"sys_common_status" v:"required#字典类型不能为空" dc:"字典类型"`
Id int64 `json:"id" dc:"字典数据ID"`
type DictDataUniqueRes struct {
IsUnique bool `json:"is_unique" dc:"是否唯一"`
// 查询字典数据最大排序
type DictDataMaxSortReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_data/max_sort" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"查询字典数据最大排序"`
Type string `json:"type" example:"sys_common_status" v:"required#字典类型不能为空" dc:"字典类型"`
type DictDataMaxSortRes struct {
Sort int `json:"sort" dc:"排序"`
// 修改/新增字典数据
type DictDataEditReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_data/edit" method:"post" tags:"字典" summary:"修改/新增字典数据"`
type DictDataEditRes struct{}
// 删除字典类型
type DictDataDeleteReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_data/delete" method:"post" tags:"字典" summary:"删除字典数据"`
Id interface{} `json:"id" v:"required#字典数据ID不能为空" dc:"字典数据ID"`
type DictDataDeleteRes struct{}
// 获取指定字典数据信息
type DictDataViewReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_data/view" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"获取指定字典数据信息"`
Id string `json:"id" v:"required#字典数据ID不能为空" dc:"字典数据ID"`
type DictDataViewRes struct {
// 获取字典数据列表
type DictDataListReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_data/list" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"获取字典数据列表"`
Type string `json:"type" example:"sys_common_status" v:"required#字典类型不能为空" dc:"字典类型"`
type DictDataListRes struct {
List []*entity.SysDictData `json:"list" dc:"数据列表"`
// 获取指定字典类型的属性数据
type DictAttributeReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict/attribute" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"获取指定字典类型的属性数据"`
Type string `json:"type" example:"sys_common_status" v:"required#字典类型不能为空" dc:"字典类型"`
type DictAttributeRes []*entity.SysDictData
/************************ 字典类型 *****************/
// 修改/新增字典类型
type DictTypeExportReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_type/export" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"导出字典类型"`
Name string `json:"name" dc:"字典名称"`
Type string `json:"type" dc:"字典类型"`
type DictTypeExportRes struct{}
// 刷新字典缓存
type DictTypeRefreshCacheReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_type/refresh_cache" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"刷新字典缓存"`
type DictTypeRefreshCacheRes struct{}
// 获取字典类型列表
type DictTypeListReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_type/list" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"获取字典类型列表"`
Name string `json:"name" dc:"字典名称"`
Type string `json:"type" dc:"字典类型"`
type DictTypeListRes struct {
List []*entity.SysDictType `json:"list" dc:"数据列表"`
// 修改/新增字典类型
type DictTypeEditReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_type/edit" method:"post" tags:"字典" summary:"修改/新增字典类型"`
type DictTypeEditRes struct{}
// 删除字典类型
type DictTypeDeleteReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_type/delete" method:"post" tags:"字典" summary:"删除字典类型"`
Id interface{} `json:"id" v:"required#字典类型ID不能为空" dc:"字典类型ID"`
type DictTypeDeleteRes struct{}
// 获取指定字典类型信息
type DictTypeViewReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_type/view" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"获取指定字典类型信息"`
Id string `json:"id" v:"required#字典类型ID不能为空" dc:"字典类型ID"`
type DictTypeViewRes struct {
// 类型是否唯一
type DictTypeUniqueReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict_type/unique" method:"get" tags:"字典" summary:"类型是否唯一"`
Type string `json:"type" example:"sys_common_status" v:"required#字典类型不能为空" dc:"字典类型"`
Id int64 `json:"id" dc:"字典类型ID"`
type DictTypeUniqueRes struct {
IsUnique bool `json:"is_unique" dc:"是否唯一"`
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminForm
import (
// 清空日志
type LogClearReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/log/clear" method:"post" tags:"日志" summary:"清空日志"`
type LogClearRes struct{}
// 导出
type LogExportReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/log/export" method:"get" tags:"日志" summary:"导出日志"`
Module string `json:"module" dc:"应用端口"`
MemberId int `json:"member_id" dc:"用户ID"`
TakeUpTime int `json:"take_up_time" dc:"请求耗时"`
Method string `json:"method" dc:"请求方式"`
Url string `json:"url" dc:"请求路径"`
Ip string `json:"ip" dc:"访问IP"`
ErrorCode string `json:"error_code" dc:"状态码"`
type LogExportRes struct{}
// 获取菜单列表
type LogListReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/log/list" method:"get" tags:"日志" summary:"获取日志列表"`
Module string `json:"module" dc:"应用端口"`
MemberId int `json:"member_id" dc:"用户ID"`
TakeUpTime int `json:"take_up_time" dc:"请求耗时"`
Method string `json:"method" dc:"请求方式"`
Url string `json:"url" dc:"请求路径"`
Ip string `json:"ip" dc:"访问IP"`
ErrorCode string `json:"error_code" dc:"状态码"`
type LogListRes struct {
List []*input.LogListModel `json:"list" dc:"数据列表"`
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminForm
import (
// 注销登录
type LoginLogoutReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/login/logout" method:"post" tags:"登录" summary:"注销登录"`
type LoginLogoutRes struct{}
// 获取登录验证码
type LoginCaptchaReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/login/captcha" method:"get" tags:"登录" summary:"获取登录验证码"`
type LoginCaptchaRes struct {
Cid string `json:"cid" dc:"验证码ID"`
Base64 string `json:"base64" dc:"验证码"`
// 提交登录
type LoginReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/login/sign" method:"post" tags:"登录" summary:"提交登录"`
Username string `json:"username" v:"required#用户名不能为空" dc:"用户名"`
Password string `json:"password" v:"required#密码不能为空" dc:"密码"`
Cid string `json:"cid" v:"required#验证码ID不能为空" dc:"验证码ID"`
Code string `json:"code" v:"required#验证码不能为空" dc:"验证码"`
Device string `json:"device" dc:"登录设备"`
type LoginRes struct {
Token string `json:"token" dc:"登录token"`
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminForm
import (
// 名称是否唯一
type NoticeNameUniqueReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/notice/name_unique" method:"get" tags:"公告" summary:"公告名称是否唯一"`
Title string `json:"name" v:"required#公告名称不能为空" dc:"公告名称"`
Id int64 `json:"id" dc:"公告ID"`
type NoticeNameUniqueRes struct {
IsUnique bool `json:"is_unique" dc:"是否唯一"`
// 查询列表
type NoticeListReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/notice/list" method:"get" tags:"公告" summary:"获取公告列表"`
Name string `json:"name" dc:"公告名称"`
type NoticeListRes struct {
List []*input.AdminNoticeListModel `json:"list" dc:"数据列表"`
// 获取指定信息
type NoticeViewReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/notice/view" method:"get" tags:"公告" summary:"获取指定信息"`
Id string `json:"id" v:"required#公告ID不能为空" dc:"公告ID"`
type NoticeViewRes struct {
// 修改/新增
type NoticeEditReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/notice/edit" method:"post" tags:"公告" summary:"修改/新增公告"`
type NoticeEditRes struct{}
// 删除
type NoticeDeleteReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/notice/delete" method:"post" tags:"公告" summary:"删除公告"`
Id interface{} `json:"id" v:"required#公告ID不能为空" dc:"公告ID"`
type NoticeDeleteRes struct{}
// 最大排序
type NoticeMaxSortReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/notice/max_sort" method:"get" tags:"公告" summary:"公告最大排序"`
Id int64 `json:"id" dc:"公告ID"`
type NoticeMaxSortRes struct {
Sort int `json:"sort" dc:"排序"`
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminForm
import (
// 查询列表
type RoleMemberListReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/role/member_list" method:"get" tags:"角色" summary:"获取角色下的会员列表"`
Role int `json:"role" description:"角色ID"`
DeptId int `json:"dept_id" description:"部门ID"`
Mobile int `json:"mobile" description:"手机号"`
Username string `json:"username" description:"用户名"`
Realname string `json:"realname" description:"真实姓名"`
StartTime string `json:"start_time" description:"开始时间"`
EndTime string `json:"end_time" description:"结束时间"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"岗位名称"`
Code string `json:"code" description:"岗位编码"`
type RoleMemberListRes struct {
List []*input.AdminMemberListModel `json:"list" description:"数据列表"`
// 查询列表
type RoleListReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/role/list" method:"get" tags:"角色" summary:"获取角色列表"`
DeptId int `json:"dept_id" description:"部门ID"`
Mobile int `json:"mobile" description:"手机号"`
Username string `json:"username" description:"用户名"`
Realname string `json:"realname" description:"真实姓名"`
StartTime string `json:"start_time" description:"开始时间"`
EndTime string `json:"end_time" description:"结束时间"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"岗位名称"`
Code string `json:"code" description:"岗位编码"`
type RoleListRes struct {
List []*input.AdminRoleListModel `json:"list" description:"数据列表"`
// 动态路由
type RoleDynamicReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/role/dynamic" method:"get" tags:"路由" summary:"获取动态路由" description:"获取登录用户动态路由"`
type RoleDynamicMeta struct {
Title string `json:"title" description:"菜单标题"`
Icon string `json:"icon" description:"菜单图标"`
NoCache bool `json:"noCache" description:"是否缓存"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
type RoleDynamicBase struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"菜单ID"`
Pid int64 `json:"pid" description:"父ID"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"菜单名称"`
Code string `json:"code" description:"菜单编码"`
Path string `json:"path" description:"路由地址"`
Hidden bool `json:"hidden" description:"是否隐藏"`
Redirect string `json:"redirect" description:"重定向"`
Component string `json:"component" description:"组件路径"`
AlwaysShow bool `json:"alwaysShow" description:"暂时不知道干啥"`
IsFrame string `json:"isFrame" description:"是否为外链(0是 1否)"`
Meta *RoleDynamicMeta `json:"meta" description:"配置数据集"`
type RoleDynamicMenu struct {
Children []*RoleDynamicBase `json:"children" description:"子菜单"`
type RoleDynamicRes []*RoleDynamicMenu
type RoleMenuEditReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/role/edit" method:"post" tags:"角色" summary:"编辑角色菜单权限"`
RoleId int64 `json:"id"`
MenuIds []int64 `json:"menuIds"`
type RoleMenuEditRes struct{}
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package apiForm
import (
// 获取lang信息
type BaseLangReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/base/lang" method:"get" tags:"基础接口" summary:"获取lang信息"`
L string `json:"l" v:"required#语言不能为空" dc:"语言"`
type BaseLangRes struct {
// 获取登录验证码
type IpLocationReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/base/ip_location" method:"get" tags:"基础接口" summary:"获取IP归属地信息"`
Ip string `json:"ip" v:"required#ip不能为空" dc:"ipv4地址"`
type IpLocationRes struct {
type ExportReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/base/export" method:"get" tags:"字典接口" summary:"导出字典类型"`
type ExportRes struct{}
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package apiForm
import (
// 获取指定字典类型的属性数据
type DictAttributeReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/dict/attribute" method:"get" tags:"字典接口" summary:"获取指定字典类型的属性数据"`
Type string `json:"type" example:"sys_common_status" v:"required#字典类型不能为空" dc:"字典类型"`
type DictAttributeRes []*entity.SysDictData
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package apiForm
import (
// 清空日志
type LogClearReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/log/clear" method:"post" tags:"日志接口" summary:"清空日志"`
type LogClearRes struct{}
// 导出
type LogExportReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/log/export" method:"get" tags:"日志接口" summary:"导出日志"`
Module string `json:"module" dc:"应用端口"`
MemberId int `json:"member_id" dc:"用户ID"`
TakeUpTime int `json:"take_up_time" dc:"请求耗时"`
Method string `json:"method" dc:"请求方式"`
Url string `json:"url" dc:"请求路径"`
Ip string `json:"ip" dc:"访问IP"`
ErrorCode string `json:"error_code" dc:"状态码"`
type LogExportRes struct{}
// 获取菜单列表
type LogListReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/log/list" method:"get" tags:"日志接口" summary:"获取日志列表"`
Module string `json:"module" dc:"应用端口"`
MemberId int `json:"member_id" dc:"用户ID"`
TakeUpTime int `json:"take_up_time" dc:"请求耗时"`
Method string `json:"method" dc:"请求方式"`
Url string `json:"url" dc:"请求路径"`
Ip string `json:"ip" dc:"访问IP"`
ErrorCode string `json:"error_code" dc:"状态码"`
type LogListRes struct {
List []*input.LogListModel `json:"list" dc:"数据列表"`
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package apiForm
import (
// 注销登录
type LoginLogoutReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/login/logout" method:"get" tags:"登录接口" summary:"注销登录"`
type LoginLogoutRes struct{}
// 登录效验
type LoginCheckReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/login/check" method:"get" tags:"登录接口" summary:"登录效验"`
type LoginCheckRes struct {
IsValidCodeLogin bool `json:"isValidCodeLogin" dc:"是否验证码"`
Message string `json:"message" dc:"消息"`
Result string `json:"result" dc:"响应"`
// Sessionid string `json:"sessionid" dc:"sessionid"`
// 提交登录
type LoginReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/login/sign" method:"post" tags:"登录接口" summary:"提交登录"`
Username string `json:"username" v:"required#用户名不能为空" dc:"用户名"`
Password string `json:"password" v:"required#密码不能为空" dc:"密码"`
Cid string `json:"cid" v:"required#验证码ID不能为空" dc:"验证码ID"`
Code string `json:"code" v:"required#验证码不能为空" dc:"验证码"`
Device string `json:"device" dc:"登录设备"`
type LoginRes struct {
Token string `json:"token" dc:"登录token"`
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package apiForm
import (
// 获取登录用户的基本信息
type MemberProfileReq struct {
g.Meta `path:"/member/profile" method:"get" tags:"会员接口" summary:"获取登录用户的基本信息"`
type MemberProfileRes struct {
PostGroup string `json:"postGroup" dc:"岗位名称"`
RoleGroup string `json:"roleGroup" dc:"角色名称"`
User *input.AdminMemberViewModel `json:"user" dc:"用户基本信息"`
SysDept *input.AdminDeptViewModel `json:"sysDept" dc:"部门信息"`
SysRoles []*input.AdminRoleListModel `json:"sysRoles" dc:"角色列表"`
PostIds int64 `json:"postIds" dc:"当前岗位"`
RoleIds int64 `json:"roleIds" dc:"当前角色"`
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package form
// 分页
type PageReq struct {
Page int `json:"page" example:"10" d:"1" v:"min:1#页码最小值不能低于1" dc:"当前页码"`
Limit int `json:"limit" example:"1" d:"10" v:"min:1|max:100#|每页数量最小值不能低于1|最大值不能大于100" dc:"每页数量"`
type PageRes struct {
TotalCount int `json:"total_count" example:"0" dc:"全部数据量"`
// 时间查询
type RangeDateReq struct {
StartTime string `json:"start_time" v:"date#开始日期格式不正确" dc:"开始日期"`
EndTime string `json:"end_time" v:"date#结束日期格式不正确" dc:"结束日期"`
// 状态查询
type StatusReq struct {
Status int `json:"status" v:"in:0,1,2,3#状态可选范围:0~3" dc:"状态"`
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
package input
import "github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/app/model/entity"
// 名称是否唯一
type AdminDeptNameUniqueInp struct {
Name string
Id int64
type AdminDeptNameUniqueModel struct {
IsUnique bool
// 最大排序
type AdminDeptMaxSortInp struct {
Id int64
type AdminDeptMaxSortModel struct {
Sort int
// 修改/新增字典数据
type AdminDeptEditInp struct {
type AdminDeptEditModel struct{}
// 删除字典类型
type AdminDeptDeleteInp struct {
Id interface{}
type AdminDeptDeleteModel struct{}
// 获取信息
type AdminDeptViewInp struct {
Id int64
type AdminDeptViewModel struct {
// 获取列表
type AdminDeptListInp struct {
Name string
// 树
type AdminDeptTreeDept struct {
Children []*AdminDeptTreeDept `json:"children"`
type AdminDeptListModel AdminDeptTreeDept
// 获取列表树
type AdminDeptListTreeInp struct {
Name string
// 树
type AdminDeptListTreeDept struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" `
Key int64 `json:"key" `
Pid int64 `json:"pid" `
Label string `json:"label"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Children []*AdminDeptListTreeDept `json:"children"`
type AdminDeptListTreeModel AdminDeptListTreeDept
@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
package input
import (
// 更新会员资料
type AdminMemberUpdateProfileInp struct {
Mobile int
Email string
Realname string
// 获取指定会员资料
type AdminMemberProfileInp struct {
Id int64
type AdminMemberProfileModel struct {
PostGroup string `json:"postGroup" description:"岗位名称"`
RoleGroup string `json:"roleGroup" description:"角色名称"`
User *AdminMemberViewModel `json:"user" description:"用户基本信息"`
SysDept *AdminDeptViewModel `json:"sysDept" description:"部门信息"`
SysRoles []*AdminRoleListModel `json:"sysRoles" description:"角色列表"`
PostIds int64 `json:"postIds" description:"当前岗位"`
RoleIds int64 `json:"roleIds" description:"当前角色"`
// 更新会员资料
type MemberUpdateProfileInp struct {
Mobile int
Email string
Realname string
// 修改登录密码
type AdminMemberUpdatePwdInp struct {
Id int64
OldPassword string
NewPassword string
// 重置密码
type AdminMemberResetPwdInp struct {
Password string
Id int64
// 邮箱是否唯一
type AdminMemberEmailUniqueInp struct {
Email string
Id int64
type AdminMemberEmailUniqueModel struct {
IsUnique bool
// 手机号是否唯一
type AdminMemberMobileUniqueInp struct {
Mobile string
Id int64
type AdminMemberMobileUniqueModel struct {
IsUnique bool
// 名称是否唯一
type AdminMemberNameUniqueInp struct {
Username string
Id int64
type AdminMemberNameUniqueModel struct {
IsUnique bool
// 最大排序
type AdminMemberMaxSortInp struct {
Id int64
type AdminMemberMaxSortModel struct {
Sort int
// 修改/新增字典数据
type AdminMemberEditInp struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:""`
PostIds []int64 `json:"postIds" v:"required#岗位不能为空" description:"岗位ID"`
DeptId int64 `json:"dept_id" v:"required#部门不能为空" description:"部门ID"`
Username string `json:"username" v:"required#账号不能为空" description:"帐号"`
Password string `json:"password" description:"密码"`
Realname string `json:"realname" description:"真实姓名"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar" description:"头像"`
Sex string `json:"sex" description:"性别[0:未知;1:男;2:女]"`
Qq string `json:"qq" description:"qq"`
Email string `json:"email" description:"邮箱"`
Birthday *gtime.Time `json:"birthday" description:"生日"`
ProvinceId int `json:"province_id" description:"省"`
CityId int `json:"city_id" description:"城市"`
AreaId int `json:"area_id" description:"地区"`
Address string `json:"address" description:"默认地址"`
Mobile string `json:"mobile" description:"手机号码"`
HomePhone string `json:"home_phone" description:"家庭号码"`
DingtalkRobotToken string `json:"dingtalk_robot_token" description:"钉钉机器人token"`
Role int `json:"role" v:"required#角色不能为空" description:"权限"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"修改时间"`
type AdminMemberAddInp struct {
PasswordHash string `json:"password_hash" description:"密码hash"`
Salt string `json:"salt" description:"密码盐"`
type AdminMemberEditModel struct{}
// 删除字典类型
type AdminMemberDeleteInp struct {
Id interface{}
type AdminMemberDeleteModel struct{}
// 获取信息
type AdminMemberViewInp struct {
Id int64
type AdminMemberViewModel struct {
// 获取列表
type AdminMemberListInp struct {
Page int
Limit int
Name string
Code string
DeptId int
Mobile int
Username string
Realname string
StartTime string
EndTime string
Status int
type AdminMemberListModel struct {
DeptName string `json:"dept_name"`
RoleName string `json:"role_name"`
// 登录
type AdminMemberLoginSignInp struct {
Username string
Password string
Device string
Cid string
Code string
type AdminMemberLoginSignModel struct {
Token string `json:"token" v:"" description:"登录token"`
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
package input
import "github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/app/model/entity"
// 名称是否唯一
type AdminNoticeNameUniqueInp struct {
Title string
Id int64
type AdminNoticeNameUniqueModel struct {
IsUnique bool
// 最大排序
type AdminNoticeMaxSortInp struct {
Id int64
type AdminNoticeMaxSortModel struct {
Sort int
// 修改/新增字典数据
type AdminNoticeEditInp struct {
type AdminNoticeEditModel struct{}
// 删除字典类型
type AdminNoticeDeleteInp struct {
Id interface{}
type AdminNoticeDeleteModel struct{}
// 获取信息
type AdminNoticeViewInp struct {
Id string
type AdminNoticeViewModel struct {
// 获取列表
type AdminNoticeListInp struct {
Page int
Limit int
Name string
Code string
DeptId int
Mobile int
Username string
Realname string
StartTime string
EndTime string
Status int
type AdminNoticeListModel struct {
DeptName string `json:"dept_name"`
RoleName string `json:"role_name"`
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
package input
import (
// 获取列表
type AdminPostListInp struct {
Page int
Limit int
Name string
Code string
Status int
type AdminPostListModel struct {
// 获取信息
type AdminPostViewInp struct {
Id string
type AdminPostViewModel struct {
// 编码是否唯一
type AdminPostCodeUniqueInp struct {
Code string
Id int64
type AdminPostCodeUniqueModel struct {
IsUnique bool
// 名称是否唯一
type AdminPostNameUniqueInp struct {
Name string
Id int64
type AdminPostNameUniqueModel struct {
IsUnique bool
// 最大排序
type AdminPostMaxSortInp struct {
Id int64
type AdminPostMaxSortModel struct {
Sort int
// 修改/新增字典数据
type AdminPostEditInp struct {
type AdminPostEditModel struct{}
// 删除字典类型
type AdminPostDeleteInp struct {
Id interface{}
type AdminPostDeleteModel struct{}
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package input
import "github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/app/model/entity"
// 获取指定配置键的值
type SysConfigGetValueInp struct {
Key string
type SysConfigGetValueModel struct {
Value string
// 名称是否唯一
type SysConfigNameUniqueInp struct {
Name string
Id int64
type SysConfigNameUniqueModel struct {
IsUnique bool
// 最大排序
type SysConfigMaxSortInp struct {
Id int64
type SysConfigMaxSortModel struct {
Sort int
// 修改/新增字典数据
type SysConfigEditInp struct {
type SysConfigEditModel struct{}
// 删除字典类型
type SysConfigDeleteInp struct {
Id interface{}
type SysConfigDeleteModel struct{}
// 获取信息
type SysConfigViewInp struct {
Id string
type SysConfigViewModel struct {
// 获取列表
type SysConfigListInp struct {
Page int
Limit int
Name string
Code string
DeptId int
Mobile int
Username string
Realname string
StartTime string
EndTime string
Status int
type SysConfigListModel struct {
DeptName string `json:"dept_name"`
RoleName string `json:"role_name"`
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
package input
import (
// 获取菜单列表
type LogListInp struct {
Page int
Limit int
Module string
MemberId int
TakeUpTime int
Method string
Url string
Ip string
ErrorCode string
StartTime string
EndTime string
type LogListModel struct {
MemberName string `json:"member_name"`
Region string `json:"region"`
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package hook
import (
type (
// sHook is service struct of module Hook.
sHook struct{}
var (
// insHook is the instance of service Hook.
insHook = sHook{}
// Hook returns the interface of Hook service.
func Instance() *sHook {
return &insHook
// @Title 全局日志
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
func (s *sHook) GlobalLog(r *ghttp.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
// 没有上下文的请求不记录,如:doc、favicon.ico等非服务类业务
modelCtx := com.Context.Get(ctx)
if modelCtx == nil {
// 计算运行耗时
com.Context.SetTakeUpTime(ctx, gtime.TimestampMilli()-r.EnterTime)
go sysService.Log.AutoLog(ctx)
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// @Package interfaces
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
package interfaces
// QueueProducer
// @Description
type QueueProducer interface {
// @Title
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Return string
Push() string
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package middleware
import (
// @Title 后台中间件
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
func (s *sMiddleware) AdminAuth(r *ghttp.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
user = new(model.Identity)
authorization = com.Jwt.GetAuthorization(r)
// TODO 替换掉模块前缀
routerPrefix, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "router.admin.prefix", "/admin")
path := gstr.Replace(r.URL.Path, routerPrefix.String(), "", 1)
/// TODO 不需要验证登录的路由地址
if utils.Auth.IsExceptLogin(ctx, path) {
if authorization == "" {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "请先登录!")
// TODO 获取jwtToken
jwtToken := consts.RedisJwtToken + gmd5.MustEncryptString(authorization)
jwtSign, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "jwt.sign", "hotgo")
data, ParseErr := com.Jwt.ParseToken(authorization, jwtSign.Bytes())
if ParseErr != nil {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "token不正确或已过期!", ParseErr.Error())
parseErr := gconv.Struct(data, &user)
if parseErr != nil {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "登录信息解析异常,请重新登录!", parseErr.Error())
// TODO 判断token跟redis的缓存的token是否一样
cache := com.Cache.New()
isContains, containsErr := cache.Contains(ctx, jwtToken)
if containsErr != nil {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "token无效!", containsErr.Error())
if !isContains {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "token已过期!")
// TODO 是否开启多端登录
if multiPort, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "jwt.multiPort", true); !multiPort.Bool() {
key := consts.RedisJwtUserBind + consts.AppAdmin + ":" + gconv.String(user.Id)
originJwtToken, originErr := cache.Get(ctx, key)
if originErr != nil {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "信息异常,请重新登录!", originErr.Error())
if originJwtToken == nil || originJwtToken.IsEmpty() {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "token已过期!")
if jwtToken != originJwtToken.String() {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "账号已在其他地方登录!")
// TODO 保存到上下文
customCtx := &model.Context{}
if user != nil {
customCtx.User = &model.Identity{
Id: user.Id,
Username: user.Username,
Realname: user.Realname,
Avatar: user.Avatar,
Email: user.Email,
Mobile: user.Mobile,
VisitCount: user.VisitCount,
LastTime: user.LastTime,
LastIp: user.LastIp,
Role: user.Role,
Exp: user.Exp,
Expires: user.Expires,
App: user.App,
com.Context.SetUser(ctx, customCtx.User)
com.Context.SetModule(ctx, consts.AppAdmin)
//// TODO 验证路由访问权限
//verify := adminService.Role.Verify(ctx, customCtx.User.Id, path)
//if !verify {
// com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeSecurityReason.Code(), "你没有访问权限!")
// return
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package middleware
import (
// @Title 接口中间件
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
func (s *sMiddleware) ApiAuth(r *ghttp.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
user = new(model.Identity)
authorization = com.Jwt.GetAuthorization(r)
// TODO 替换掉模块前缀
routerPrefix, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "router.api.prefix", "/api")
path := gstr.Replace(r.URL.Path, routerPrefix.String(), "", 1)
/// TODO 不需要验证登录的路由地址
if utils.Auth.IsExceptLogin(ctx, path) {
if authorization == "" {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "请先登录!")
// TODO 获取jwtToken
jwtToken := consts.RedisJwtToken + gmd5.MustEncryptString(authorization)
jwtSign, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "jwt.sign", "hotgo")
data, ParseErr := com.Jwt.ParseToken(authorization, jwtSign.Bytes())
if ParseErr != nil {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "token不正确或已过期!", ParseErr.Error())
parseErr := gconv.Struct(data, &user)
if parseErr != nil {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "登录信息解析异常,请重新登录!", parseErr.Error())
// TODO 判断token跟redis的缓存的token是否一样
cache := com.Cache.New()
isContains, containsErr := cache.Contains(ctx, jwtToken)
if containsErr != nil {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "token无效!", containsErr.Error())
if !isContains {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "token已过期!")
// TODO 是否开启多端登录
if multiPort, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "jwt.multiPort", true); !multiPort.Bool() {
key := consts.RedisJwtUserBind + consts.AppApi + ":" + gconv.String(user.Id)
originJwtToken, originErr := cache.Get(ctx, key)
if originErr != nil {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "信息异常,请重新登录!", originErr.Error())
if originJwtToken == nil || originJwtToken.IsEmpty() {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "token已过期!")
if jwtToken != originJwtToken.String() {
com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeNotAuthorized.Code(), "账号已在其他地方登录!")
// TODO 保存到上下文
customCtx := &model.Context{}
if user != nil {
customCtx.User = &model.Identity{
Id: user.Id,
Username: user.Username,
Realname: user.Realname,
Avatar: user.Avatar,
Email: user.Email,
Mobile: user.Mobile,
VisitCount: user.VisitCount,
LastTime: user.LastTime,
LastIp: user.LastIp,
Role: user.Role,
Exp: user.Exp,
Expires: user.Expires,
App: user.App,
com.Context.SetUser(ctx, customCtx.User)
com.Context.SetModule(ctx, consts.AppApi)
//// TODO 验证路由访问权限
//verify := adminService.Role.Verify(ctx, customCtx.User.Id, path)
//if !verify {
// com.Response.JsonExit(r, gcode.CodeSecurityReason.Code(), "你没有访问权限!")
// return
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package middleware
import (
type (
// sMiddleware is service struct of module Middleware.
sMiddleware struct{}
var (
// insMiddleware is the instance of service Middleware.
insMiddleware = sMiddleware{}
// Middleware returns the interface of Middleware service.
func Instance() *sMiddleware {
return &insMiddleware
// @Title 初始化请求上下文
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param r
func (s *sMiddleware) Ctx(r *ghttp.Request) {
spanCtx := trace.SpanContextFromContext(r.Context())
reqId := guid.S(grand.B(64))
if traceId := spanCtx.TraceID(); traceId.IsValid() {
reqId = traceId.String()
customCtx := &model.Context{
Data: make(g.Map),
Request: r,
ReqId: reqId,
com.Context.Init(r, customCtx)
// CORS allows Cross-origin resource sharing.
func (s *sMiddleware) CORS(r *ghttp.Request) {
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// AdminDept is the golang structure for table admin_dept.
type AdminDept struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"部门id"`
Pid int64 `json:"pid" description:"父部门id"`
Ancestors string `json:"ancestors" description:"祖级列表"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"部门名称"`
Code string `json:"code" description:"部门编码"`
Type string `json:"type" description:"部门类型"`
Leader string `json:"leader" description:"负责人"`
Phone string `json:"phone" description:"联系电话"`
Email string `json:"email" description:"邮箱"`
Sort int `json:"sort" description:"排序"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"部门状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// AdminMember is the golang structure for table admin_member.
type AdminMember struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:""`
DeptId int64 `json:"dept_id" description:"部门ID"`
Username string `json:"username" description:"帐号"`
PasswordHash string `json:"password_hash" description:"密码"`
Salt string `json:"salt" description:"密码盐"`
AuthKey string `json:"auth_key" description:"授权令牌"`
PasswordResetToken string `json:"password_reset_token" description:"密码重置令牌"`
Type string `json:"type" description:"1:普通管理员;10超级管理员"`
Realname string `json:"realname" description:"真实姓名"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar" description:"头像"`
Sex string `json:"sex" description:"性别[0:未知;1:男;2:女]"`
Qq string `json:"qq" description:"qq"`
Email string `json:"email" description:"邮箱"`
Birthday *gtime.Time `json:"birthday" description:"生日"`
ProvinceId int `json:"province_id" description:"省"`
CityId int `json:"city_id" description:"城市"`
AreaId int `json:"area_id" description:"地区"`
Address string `json:"address" description:"默认地址"`
Mobile string `json:"mobile" description:"手机号码"`
HomePhone string `json:"home_phone" description:"家庭号码"`
DingtalkRobotToken string `json:"dingtalk_robot_token" description:"钉钉机器人token"`
VisitCount uint `json:"visit_count" description:"访问次数"`
LastTime int `json:"last_time" description:"最后一次登录时间"`
LastIp string `json:"last_ip" description:"最后一次登录ip"`
Role int64 `json:"role" description:"权限"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"修改时间"`
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// AdminMenu is the golang structure for table admin_menu.
type AdminMenu struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"菜单ID"`
Pid int64 `json:"pid" description:"父菜单ID"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"菜单名称"`
Code string `json:"code" description:"菜单编码"`
Icon string `json:"icon" description:"菜单图标"`
Type string `json:"type" description:"菜单类型(M目录 C菜单 F按钮)"`
Perms string `json:"perms" description:"权限标识"`
Path string `json:"path" description:"路由地址"`
Component string `json:"component" description:"组件路径"`
Query string `json:"query" description:"路由参数"`
IsFrame string `json:"is_frame" description:"是否内嵌"`
IsCache string `json:"is_cache" description:"是否不缓存"`
IsVisible string `json:"is_visible" description:"是否隐藏"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Level int `json:"level" description:"级别"`
Tree string `json:"tree" description:"树"`
Sort int `json:"sort" description:"排序"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"菜单状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// AdminMenuOld is the golang structure for table admin_menu_old.
type AdminMenuOld struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"菜单ID"`
Pid int64 `json:"pid" description:"父菜单ID"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"菜单名称"`
Icon string `json:"icon" description:"菜单图标"`
Type string `json:"type" description:"菜单类型(M目录 C菜单 F按钮)"`
Perms string `json:"perms" description:"权限标识"`
Path string `json:"path" description:"路由地址"`
Component string `json:"component" description:"组件路径"`
Query string `json:"query" description:"路由参数"`
IsFrame int `json:"is_frame" description:"是否为外链(0是 1否)"`
IsCache int `json:"is_cache" description:"是否缓存(0缓存 1不缓存)"`
IsVisible int `json:"is_visible" description:"菜单状态(0显示 1隐藏)"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Level int `json:"level" description:"级别"`
Tree string `json:"tree" description:"树"`
Sort int `json:"sort" description:"排序"`
Status int `json:"status" description:"菜单状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// AdminNotice is the golang structure for table admin_notice.
type AdminNotice struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"公告ID"`
Title string `json:"title" description:"公告标题"`
Type string `json:"type" description:"公告类型(1通知 2公告)"`
Content string `json:"content" description:"公告内容"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"公告状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// AdminPost is the golang structure for table admin_post.
type AdminPost struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"岗位ID"`
Code string `json:"code" description:"岗位编码"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"岗位名称"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Sort int `json:"sort" description:"显示顺序"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// AdminRole is the golang structure for table admin_role.
type AdminRole struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"角色ID"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"角色名称"`
Key string `json:"key" description:"角色权限字符串"`
DataScope int `json:"data_scope" description:"数据范围(1:全部数据权限 2:自定数据权限 3:本部门数据权限 4:本部门及以下数据权限)"`
MenuCheckStrictly int `json:"menu_check_strictly" description:"菜单树选择项是否关联显示"`
DeptCheckStrictly int `json:"dept_check_strictly" description:"部门树选择项是否关联显示"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Sort int `json:"sort" description:"排序"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"角色状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// SysConfig is the golang structure for table sys_config.
type SysConfig struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"配置ID"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"参数名称"`
Key string `json:"key" description:"参数键名"`
Value string `json:"value" description:"参数键值"`
IsDefault string `json:"is_default" description:"是否默认"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"状态"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// SysDictData is the golang structure for table sys_dict_data.
type SysDictData struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"字典编码"`
Label string `json:"label" description:"字典标签"`
Value string `json:"value" description:"字典键值"`
Type string `json:"type" description:"字典类型"`
ListClass string `json:"list_class" description:"表格回显样式"`
IsDefault string `json:"is_default" description:"是否默认"`
Sort int `json:"sort" description:"字典排序"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// SysDictType is the golang structure for table sys_dict_type.
type SysDictType struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:"字典主键"`
Name string `json:"name" description:"字典名称"`
Type string `json:"type" description:"字典类型"`
Sort int `json:"sort" description:"排序"`
Remark string `json:"remark" description:"备注"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"更新时间"`
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
import (
// SysLog is the golang structure for table sys_log.
type SysLog struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" description:""`
AppId string `json:"app_id" description:"应用id"`
MerchantId uint `json:"merchant_id" description:"商户id"`
MemberId int `json:"member_id" description:"用户id"`
Method string `json:"method" description:"提交类型"`
Module string `json:"module" description:"模块"`
Url string `json:"url" description:"提交url"`
GetData string `json:"get_data" description:"get数据"`
PostData string `json:"post_data" description:"post数据"`
HeaderData string `json:"header_data" description:"header数据"`
Ip string `json:"ip" description:"ip地址"`
ProvinceId int `json:"province_id" description:"省编码"`
CityId int `json:"city_id" description:"市编码"`
ErrorCode int `json:"error_code" description:"报错code"`
ErrorMsg string `json:"error_msg" description:"报错信息"`
ErrorData string `json:"error_data" description:"报错日志"`
ReqId string `json:"req_id" description:"对外id"`
Timestamp int `json:"timestamp" description:"响应时间"`
UserAgent string `json:"user_agent" description:"UA信息"`
TakeUpTime int64 `json:"take_up_time" description:"请求耗时"`
Status string `json:"status" description:"状态"`
CreatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"created_at" description:"创建时间"`
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time `json:"updated_at" description:"修改时间"`
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package entity
// SysProvinces is the golang structure for table sys_provinces.
type SysProvinces struct {
Id int `json:"id" description:"ID"`
Title string `json:"title" description:"栏目名"`
Pid int `json:"pid" description:"父栏目"`
ShortTitle string `json:"short_title" description:"缩写"`
Areacode int `json:"areacode" description:"区域编码"`
Zipcode int `json:"zipcode" description:"邮政编码"`
Pinyin string `json:"pinyin" description:"拼音"`
Lng string `json:"lng" description:"经度"`
Lat string `json:"lat" description:"纬度"`
Level int `json:"level" description:"级别"`
Tree string `json:"tree" description:""`
Sort uint `json:"sort" description:"排序"`
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package model
// HTTP响应
type Response struct {
Code int `json:"code" example:"0" description:"状态码"`
Message string `json:"message" example:"操作成功" description:"提示消息"`
Data interface{} `json:"data" description:"数据集"`
Error interface{} `json:"error" description:"错误信息"`
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp" example:"1640966400" description:"服务器时间戳"`
ReqId string `json:"req_id" v:"0" example:"d0bb93048bc5c9164cdee845dcb7f820" description:"唯一请求ID"`
@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
package adminService
import (
var Dept = dept{}
type dept struct{}
// @Title 菜单名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *dept) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminDeptNameUniqueInp) (*input.AdminDeptNameUniqueModel, error) {
var res input.AdminDeptNameUniqueModel
isUnique, err := dao.AdminDept.IsUniqueName(ctx, in.Id, in.Name)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.IsUnique = isUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *dept) Delete(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminDeptDeleteInp) error {
exist, err := dao.AdminRoleDept.Ctx(ctx).Where("dept_id", in.Id).One()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !exist.IsEmpty() {
return gerror.New("请先解除该部门下所有已关联用户关联关系!")
_, err = dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Delete()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *dept) Edit(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminDeptEditInp) (err error) {
if in.Name == "" {
err = gerror.New("名称不能为空")
return err
uniqueName, err := dao.AdminDept.IsUniqueName(ctx, in.Id, in.Name)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !uniqueName {
err = gerror.New("名称已存在")
return err
// 修改
in.UpdatedAt = gtime.Now()
if in.Id > 0 {
_, err = dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Data(in).Update()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// 新增
in.CreatedAt = gtime.Now()
_, err = dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx).Data(in).Insert()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes
// @Return error
func (service *dept) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminDeptMaxSortInp) (*input.AdminDeptMaxSortModel, error) {
var res input.AdminDeptMaxSortModel
if in.Id > 0 {
if err := dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Order("sort desc").Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.Sort = res.Sort + 10
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeViewRes
// @Return error
func (service *dept) View(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminDeptViewInp) (res *input.AdminDeptViewModel, err error) {
if err = dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *dept) List(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminDeptListInp) (list []*input.AdminDeptListModel, err error) {
mod := dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx)
var (
dataList []*entity.AdminDept
models []*DeptTree
//searchResult []*entity.AdminDept
//id int64
//ids []int64
// 部门名称
if in.Name != "" {
//err = dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx).WhereLike("name", "%"+in.Name+"%").Scan(&searchResult)
//if err != nil {
// err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
// return nil, err
//for i := 0; i < len(searchResult); i++ {
// id, err = dao.AdminDept.TopPid(ctx, searchResult[i])
// ids = append(ids, id)
//if len(ids) == 0 {
// return nil, nil
//mod = mod.Where("id", ids)
err = mod.Order("id desc").Scan(&dataList)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, err
_ = gconv.Structs(dataList, &models)
childIds := service.getDeptChildIds(ctx, models, 0)
_ = gconv.Structs(childIds, &list)
return list, nil
type DeptTree struct {
Children []*DeptTree `json:"children"`
// @Title 将列表转为父子关系列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param lists
// @Param pid
// @Return []*RelationTree
func (service *dept) getDeptChildIds(ctx context.Context, lists []*DeptTree, pid int64) []*DeptTree {
var (
count = len(lists)
newLists []*DeptTree
if count == 0 {
return nil
for i := 0; i < len(lists); i++ {
if lists[i].Id > 0 && lists[i].Pid == pid {
var row *DeptTree
if err := gconv.Structs(lists[i], &row); err != nil {
row.Children = service.getDeptChildIds(ctx, lists, row.Id)
newLists = append(newLists, row)
return newLists
type DeptListTree struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" `
Key int64 `json:"key" `
Pid int64 `json:"pid" `
Label string `json:"label"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Children []*DeptListTree `json:"children"`
// @Title 获取列表树
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *dept) ListTree(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminDeptListTreeInp) (list []*input.AdminDeptListTreeModel, err error) {
mod := dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx)
var (
dataList []*entity.AdminDept
models []*DeptListTree
err = mod.Order("id desc").Scan(&dataList)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, err
_ = gconv.Structs(dataList, &models)
// TODO 重写树入参
for i := 0; i < len(models); i++ {
models[i].Key = models[i].Id
models[i].Title = models[i].Name
models[i].Label = models[i].Name
childIds := service.getDeptTreeChildIds(ctx, models, 0)
_ = gconv.Structs(childIds, &list)
return list, nil
// @Title 将列表转为父子关系列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param lists
// @Param pid
// @Return []*RelationTree
func (service *dept) getDeptTreeChildIds(ctx context.Context, lists []*DeptListTree, pid int64) []*DeptListTree {
var (
count = len(lists)
newLists []*DeptListTree
if count == 0 {
return nil
for i := 0; i < len(lists); i++ {
if lists[i].Id > 0 && lists[i].Pid == pid {
var row *DeptListTree
if err := gconv.Structs(lists[i], &row); err != nil {
row.Children = service.getDeptTreeChildIds(ctx, lists, row.Id)
newLists = append(newLists, row)
return newLists
// @Title 获取部门名称
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param id
// @Return name
// @Return err
func (service *dept) GetName(ctx context.Context, id int64) (name string, err error) {
var data entity.AdminDept
err = dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx).
Where("id", id).
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return name, err
return data.Name, nil
@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminService
import (
var Member = new(member)
type member struct{}
// @Title 修改登录密码
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *member) UpdateProfile(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberUpdateProfileInp) (err error) {
memberId := com.Context.Get(ctx).User.Id
if memberId <= 0 {
err := gerror.New("获取用户信息失败!")
return err
var memberInfo entity.AdminMember
if err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", memberId).Scan(&memberInfo); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
_, err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).
Where("id", memberId).
"mobile": in.Mobile,
"email": in.Email,
"realname": in.Realname,
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
// @Title 修改登录密码
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *member) UpdatePwd(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberUpdatePwdInp) (err error) {
var memberInfo entity.AdminMember
if err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Scan(&memberInfo); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if gmd5.MustEncryptString(in.OldPassword+memberInfo.Salt) != memberInfo.PasswordHash {
err = gerror.New("原密码不正确")
return err
_, err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).
Where("id", in.Id).
"password_hash": gmd5.MustEncryptString(in.NewPassword + memberInfo.Salt),
"updated_at": gtime.Now(),
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
// @Title 重置密码
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *member) ResetPwd(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberResetPwdInp) (err error) {
var memberInfo entity.AdminMember
if err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Scan(&memberInfo); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
_, err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).
Where("id", in.Id).
"password_hash": gmd5.MustEncryptString(in.Password + memberInfo.Salt),
"updated_at": gtime.Now(),
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
// @Title 菜单名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *member) EmailUnique(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberEmailUniqueInp) (*input.AdminMemberEmailUniqueModel, error) {
var res input.AdminMemberEmailUniqueModel
isUnique, err := dao.AdminMember.IsUniqueEmail(ctx, in.Id, in.Email)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.IsUnique = isUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 手机号是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *member) MobileUnique(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberMobileUniqueInp) (*input.AdminMemberMobileUniqueModel, error) {
var res input.AdminMemberMobileUniqueModel
isUnique, err := dao.AdminMember.IsUniqueMobile(ctx, in.Id, in.Mobile)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.IsUnique = isUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 菜单名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *member) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberNameUniqueInp) (*input.AdminMemberNameUniqueModel, error) {
var res input.AdminMemberNameUniqueModel
isUnique, err := dao.AdminMember.IsUniqueName(ctx, in.Id, in.Username)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.IsUnique = isUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *member) Delete(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberDeleteInp) error {
exist, err := dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("member_id", in.Id).One()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !exist.IsEmpty() {
return gerror.New("请先解除该部门下所有已关联用户关联关系!")
_, err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Delete()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *member) Edit(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberEditInp) (err error) {
if in.Username == "" {
err = gerror.New("帐号不能为空")
return err
uniqueName, err := dao.AdminMember.IsUniqueName(ctx, in.Id, in.Username)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !uniqueName {
err = gerror.New("帐号已存在")
return err
if in.Mobile != "" {
uniqueMobile, err := dao.AdminMember.IsUniqueMobile(ctx, in.Id, in.Mobile)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !uniqueMobile {
err = gerror.New("手机号已存在")
return err
if in.Email != "" {
uniqueEmail, err := dao.AdminMember.IsUniqueMobile(ctx, in.Id, in.Email)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !uniqueEmail {
err = gerror.New("邮箱已存在")
return err
// 修改
in.UpdatedAt = gtime.Now()
if in.Id > 0 {
_, err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Data(in).Update()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
// 更新岗位
err = MemberPost.UpdatePostIds(ctx, in.Id, in.PostIds)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// 新增
in.CreatedAt = gtime.Now()
// 新增用户时的额外属性
var data input.AdminMemberAddInp
data.AdminMemberEditInp = in
data.Salt = grand.S(6)
data.PasswordHash = gmd5.MustEncryptString(data.Password + data.Salt)
g.Log().Print(ctx, "data.Salt:", data)
insert, err := dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Data(data).Insert()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
// 更新岗位
id, err := insert.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
return err
err = MemberPost.UpdatePostIds(ctx, id, in.PostIds)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes
// @Return error
func (service *member) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberMaxSortInp) (*input.AdminMemberMaxSortModel, error) {
var res input.AdminMemberMaxSortModel
if in.Id > 0 {
if err := dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Order("sort desc").Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.Sort = res.Sort + 10
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeViewRes
// @Return error
func (service *member) View(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberViewInp) (res *input.AdminMemberViewModel, err error) {
if err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *member) List(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberListInp) (list []*input.AdminMemberListModel, totalCount int, err error) {
var authorization = com.Jwt.GetAuthorization(com.Context.Get(ctx).Request)
// TODO 获取jwtToken
jwtToken := consts.RedisJwtToken + gmd5.MustEncryptString(authorization)
g.Log().Print(ctx, "jwtToken:", jwtToken)
mod := dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx)
if in.Realname != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLike("realname", "%"+in.Realname+"%")
if in.Username != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLike("username", "%"+in.Username+"%")
if in.Mobile > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("mobile", in.Mobile)
if in.Status > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("status", in.Status)
if in.DeptId > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("dept_id", in.DeptId)
// 日期范围
if in.StartTime != "" {
mod = mod.WhereGTE("created_at", in.StartTime)
if in.EndTime != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLTE("created_at", in.EndTime)
totalCount, err = mod.Count()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
err = mod.Page(in.Page, in.Limit).Order("id desc").Scan(&list)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
// TODO 重写树入参
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
// TODO 部门
deptName, err := dao.AdminDept.Ctx(ctx).
Where("id", list[i].DeptId).
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
list[i].DeptName = deptName.String()
// TODO 角色
roleName, err := dao.AdminRole.Ctx(ctx).
Where("id", list[i].Role).
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
list[i].RoleName = roleName.String()
return list, totalCount, err
// //
// @Title 获取登录用户信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *member) LoginMemberInfo(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MemberInfoReq) (res *adminForm.MemberInfoRes, err error) {
var (
defaultPortalConfig adminForm.PortalConfig
defaultPortalConfigs []*adminForm.PortalConfig
configContent adminForm.PortalConfigContent
configContents []*adminForm.PortalConfigContent
configContentOptions []*adminForm.PortalConfigContentOptions
Options adminForm.PortalConfigContentOptions
g.Log().Print(ctx, "测试")
// TODO 配置内容选项
Options.TitleRequired = true
Options.Refresh = 1
configContentOptions = append(configContentOptions, &Options)
// TODO 配置内容
configContent.Options = configContentOptions
configContent.Id = 1
configContent.X = 0
configContent.Y = 0
configContent.W = 3
configContent.H = 262
configContent.I = 1
configContent.Key = "kuaijierukou"
configContent.IsShowTitle = "N"
configContent.IsAllowDrag = false
configContent.Name = "快捷入口"
configContent.Type = "smallPage"
configContent.Url = "dashboard/portal/CommonUse"
configContent.Moved = true
configContents = append(configContents, &configContent)
// TODO 默认配置
defaultPortalConfig.Id = "4ae60dd1debe462096698e1da993317a"
defaultPortalConfig.Name = "首页"
defaultPortalConfig.Code = "6c297eb4651940edbb45c87c75be00d7"
defaultPortalConfig.ApplicationRange = "U"
defaultPortalConfig.IsDefault = "Y"
defaultPortalConfig.ResourceId = "1"
defaultPortalConfig.SystemDefinedId = "app1"
defaultPortalConfig.PortalConfigContent = gconv.String(configContents)
defaultPortalConfigs = append(defaultPortalConfigs, &defaultPortalConfig)
member := com.Context.Get(ctx).User
noticeList, err := Notice.WhereAll(ctx, dto.AdminNotice{
Status: consts.StatusEnabled,
if err != nil {
noticeList = nil
res = &adminForm.MemberInfoRes{
LincenseInfo: consts.VersionApp,
Permissions: []string{"*:*:*"},
Roles: []string{"admin"},
User: *member,
DefaultPortalConfig: defaultPortalConfigs,
UserPortalConfig: defaultPortalConfigs,
SysNoticeList: noticeList,
// @Title 提交登录
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *member) Login(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminMemberLoginSignInp) (res *input.AdminMemberLoginSignModel, err error) {
var member *entity.AdminMember
err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Where("username", in.Username).Scan(&member)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
if member == nil {
err = gerror.New(consts.ErrorNotData)
if member.Salt == "" {
err = gerror.New("用户信息错误")
if member.PasswordHash != gmd5.MustEncryptString(in.Password+member.Salt) {
err = gerror.New("用户密码不正确")
// 默认设备
if in.Device != consts.AppAdmin && in.Device != consts.AppApi {
in.Device = consts.AppAdmin
// TODO 生成token
jwtExpires, err := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "jwt.expires", 1)
if err != nil {
err := gerror.New(err.Error())
return nil, err
// TODO 有效期
expires := jwtExpires.Int64()
// TODO 过期时间戳
exp := gconv.Int64(gtime.Timestamp()) + expires
var identity *model.Identity
identity = &model.Identity{
Id: member.Id,
Username: member.Username,
Realname: member.Realname,
Avatar: member.Avatar,
Email: member.Email,
Mobile: member.Mobile,
VisitCount: member.VisitCount,
LastTime: member.LastTime,
LastIp: member.LastIp,
Role: member.Role,
Exp: exp,
Expires: expires,
App: consts.AppAdmin,
token, err := com.Jwt.GenerateLoginToken(ctx, identity, false)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.New(err.Error())
// TODO 更新登录信息
authKey := gmd5.MustEncryptString(gconv.String(token))
_, err = dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx).Data(dto.AdminMember{
AuthKey: gmd5.MustEncryptString(authKey),
VisitCount: member.VisitCount + 1,
LastTime: gtime.Timestamp(),
LastIp: com.Context.Get(ctx).Request.GetClientIp(),
Id: member.Id,
if err != nil {
err = gerror.New(err.Error())
res = &input.AdminMemberLoginSignModel{
Identity: *identity,
Token: gconv.String(token),
return res, nil
// @Title 获取角色下的会员列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *member) RoleMemberList(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminRoleMemberListInp) (list []*input.AdminMemberListModel, totalCount int, err error) {
mod := dao.AdminMember.Ctx(ctx)
if in.Role > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("role", in.Role)
totalCount, err = mod.Count()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
err = mod.Page(in.Page, in.Limit).Order("id desc").Scan(&list)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
return list, totalCount, err
@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminService
import (
var Menu = new(menu)
type menu struct{}
// @Title 查询角色菜单列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.MenuSearchListRes
// @Return error
func (service *menu) RoleList(ctx context.Context, in input.MenuRoleListInp) (*input.MenuRoleListModel, error) {
var (
mod = dao.AdminRoleMenu.Ctx(ctx)
roleMenu []*entity.AdminRoleMenu
lst []*model.LabelTreeMenu
res input.MenuRoleListModel
err error
checkedKeys []int64
// TODO 获取选中菜单ID
if in.RoleId > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("role_id", in.RoleId)
err = mod.Fields().Scan(&roleMenu)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(roleMenu); i++ {
checkedKeys = append(checkedKeys, roleMenu[i].MenuId)
res.CheckedKeys = checkedKeys
// TODO 获取菜单树
lst, err = dao.AdminMenu.GenLabelTreeList(ctx, 0)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
_ = gconv.Structs(lst, &res.Menus)
return &res, nil
// @Title 查询菜单列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.MenuSearchListRes
// @Return error
func (service *menu) SearchList(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuSearchListReq) (*adminForm.MenuSearchListRes, error) {
var (
mod = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx)
lst []*model.TreeMenu
res adminForm.MenuSearchListRes
searchResult []*entity.AdminMenu
id int64
ids []int64
err error
if req.Name != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLike("name", "%"+req.Name+"%")
if req.Status > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("status", req.Status)
if req.Name != "" || req.Status > 0 {
err = mod.Scan(&searchResult)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(searchResult); i++ {
id, err = dao.AdminMenu.TopPid(ctx, searchResult[i])
ids = append(ids, id)
lst, err = dao.AdminMenu.GenTreeList(ctx, 0, ids)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
_ = gconv.Structs(lst, &res)
return &res, nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes
// @Return error
func (service *menu) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuMaxSortReq) (*adminForm.MenuMaxSortRes, error) {
var (
res adminForm.MenuMaxSortRes
err error
if req.Id > 0 {
if err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Id).Order("sort desc").Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.Sort = res.Sort + 10
return &res, nil
// @Title 菜单名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *menu) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuNameUniqueReq) (*adminForm.MenuNameUniqueRes, error) {
var (
res adminForm.MenuNameUniqueRes
err error
res.IsUnique, err = dao.AdminMenu.IsUniqueName(ctx, req.Id, req.Name)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 菜单编码是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *menu) CodeUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuCodeUniqueReq) (*adminForm.MenuCodeUniqueRes, error) {
var (
res adminForm.MenuCodeUniqueRes
err error
res.IsUnique, err = dao.AdminMenu.IsUniqueCode(ctx, req.Id, req.Code)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *menu) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuDeleteReq) error {
exist, err := dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where("pid", req.Id).One()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !exist.IsEmpty() {
return gerror.New("请先删除该菜单下的所有菜单!")
_, err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Id).Delete()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *menu) Edit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuEditReq) (err error) {
var (
pidData *dto.AdminMenu
uniqueName bool
uniqueCode bool
if req.Name == "" {
err = gerror.New("菜单名称不能为空")
return err
if req.Path == "" {
err = gerror.New("菜单路径不能为空")
return err
if req.Code == "" {
err = gerror.New("菜单编码不能为空")
return err
uniqueName, err = dao.AdminMenu.IsUniqueName(ctx, req.Id, req.Name)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !uniqueName {
err = gerror.New("菜单名称已存在")
return err
uniqueCode, err = dao.AdminMenu.IsUniqueCode(ctx, req.Id, req.Code)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !uniqueCode {
err = gerror.New("菜单编码已存在")
return err
// TODO 维护菜单等级
if req.Pid == 0 {
req.Level = 1
} else {
if err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Pid).Scan(&pidData); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if pidData == nil {
return gerror.New("上级菜单信息错误")
req.Level = gconv.Int(pidData.Level) + 1
// 修改
req.UpdatedAt = gtime.Now()
if req.Id > 0 {
if req.Pid == req.Id {
return gerror.New("上级菜单不能是当前菜单")
_, err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Id).Data(req).Update()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// 新增
req.CreatedAt = gtime.Now()
_, err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Data(req).Insert()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 获取信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeViewRes
// @Return error
func (service *menu) View(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuViewReq) (res *adminForm.MenuViewRes, err error) {
//var (
// res adminForm.MenuViewRes
if err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Id).Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取菜单列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *menu) List(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.MenuListReq) (*adminForm.MenuListRes, error) {
var (
m = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx)
list []*entity.AdminMenu
res adminForm.MenuListRes
totalCount int
err error
if req.Pid == 0 {
m = m.Where("level", 1)
} else {
m = m.Where("pid", req.Pid)
totalCount, err = m.Count()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
err = m.Page(req.Page, req.Limit).Scan(&list)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.List = list
res.Page = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
res.TotalCount = totalCount
return &res, nil
type RelationTree struct {
Children []*RelationTree `json:"children"`
// @Title 获取菜单列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param member_id
func (service *menu) GetMenuList(ctx context.Context, member_id int64) (lists *adminForm.RoleDynamicRes, err error) {
var (
results []*entity.AdminMenu
models []*RelationTree
recursion []*adminForm.RoleDynamicBase
finalResponse adminForm.RoleDynamicRes
err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Order("sort asc,id desc").Scan(&results)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < len(results); i++ {
// 元数据
var (
meta adminForm.RoleDynamicMeta
rec adminForm.RoleDynamicBase
meta.Title = results[i].Name
meta.Icon = results[i].Icon
meta.NoCache = gconv.Bool(results[i].IsCache)
meta.Remark = results[i].Remark
rec.Id = results[i].Id
rec.Pid = results[i].Pid
rec.IsFrame = results[i].IsFrame
rec.Name = results[i].Name
rec.Code = results[i].Code
rec.Path = results[i].Path
rec.Hidden = results[i].IsVisible == "1"
rec.Redirect = service.getRedirect(results[i])
rec.Component = service.getComponent(results[i])
rec.AlwaysShow = true
rec.Meta = &meta
recursion = append(recursion, &rec)
_ = gconv.Structs(recursion, &models)
childIds := service.getChildIds(ctx, models, 0)
_ = gconv.Structs(childIds, &finalResponse)
return &finalResponse, nil
// @Title 获取菜单的组件配置
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param model
// @Return string
func (service *menu) getComponent(mod *entity.AdminMenu) string {
if mod.Type == "M" {
return "Layout"
if mod.Type == "C" {
return mod.Component
return mod.Component
// @Title 获取菜单是否重定向
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param model
// @Return string
func (service *menu) getRedirect(model *entity.AdminMenu) string {
if model.Type == "M" {
return "noRedirect"
return ""
// @Title 将菜单转为父子关系菜单
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param lists
// @Param pid
// @Return []*RelationTree
func (service *menu) getChildIds(ctx context.Context, lists []*RelationTree, pid int64) []*RelationTree {
var (
count = len(lists)
newLists []*RelationTree
if count == 0 {
return nil
for i := 0; i < len(lists); i++ {
if lists[i].Id > 0 && lists[i].Pid == pid {
var row *RelationTree
if err := gconv.Structs(lists[i], &row); err != nil {
row.Children = service.getChildIds(ctx, lists, row.Id)
newLists = append(newLists, row)
return newLists
// @Title 根据条件查询一行的数据
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param where
// @Return *entity.AdminMenu
func (service *menu) WhereScan(ctx context.Context, where dto.AdminMenu) *entity.AdminMenu {
var (
mod *entity.AdminMenu
err error
if err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where(where).Scan(&mod); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil
return mod
@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminService
import (
var Notice = new(notice)
type notice struct{}
// @Title 菜单名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *notice) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminNoticeNameUniqueInp) (*input.AdminNoticeNameUniqueModel, error) {
var res input.AdminNoticeNameUniqueModel
isUnique, err := dao.AdminNotice.IsUniqueTitle(ctx, in.Id, in.Title)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.IsUnique = isUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *notice) Delete(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminNoticeDeleteInp) error {
_, err := dao.AdminNotice.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Delete()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *notice) Edit(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminNoticeEditInp) (err error) {
if in.Title == "" {
err = gerror.New("名称不能为空")
return err
uniqueName, err := dao.AdminNotice.IsUniqueTitle(ctx, in.Id, in.Title)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !uniqueName {
err = gerror.New("名称已存在")
return err
// 修改
in.UpdatedAt = gtime.Now()
if in.Id > 0 {
_, err = dao.AdminNotice.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Data(in).Update()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// 新增
in.CreatedAt = gtime.Now()
_, err = dao.AdminNotice.Ctx(ctx).Data(in).Insert()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes
// @Return error
func (service *notice) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminNoticeMaxSortInp) (*input.AdminNoticeMaxSortModel, error) {
var res input.AdminNoticeMaxSortModel
if in.Id > 0 {
if err := dao.AdminNotice.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Order("sort desc").Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.Sort = res.Sort + 10
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeViewRes
// @Return error
func (service *notice) View(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminNoticeViewInp) (res *input.AdminNoticeViewModel, err error) {
if err = dao.AdminNotice.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *notice) List(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminNoticeListInp) (list []*input.AdminNoticeListModel, totalCount int, err error) {
mod := dao.AdminNotice.Ctx(ctx)
if in.Realname != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLike("realname", "%"+in.Realname+"%")
if in.Username != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLike("username", "%"+in.Username+"%")
if in.Mobile > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("mobile", in.Mobile)
if in.Status > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("status", in.Status)
if in.DeptId > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("dept_id", in.DeptId)
// 日期范围
if in.StartTime != "" {
mod = mod.WhereGTE("created_at", in.StartTime)
if in.EndTime != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLTE("created_at", in.EndTime)
totalCount, err = mod.Count()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
err = mod.Page(in.Page, in.Limit).Order("id desc").Scan(&list)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
//// TODO 重写树入参
//for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
return list, totalCount, err
// @Title 根据条件查询所有数据
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param where
// @Return []*entity.AdminNotice
// @Return error
func (service *notice) WhereAll(ctx context.Context, where dto.AdminNotice) ([]*entity.AdminNotice, error) {
var (
model []*entity.AdminNotice
err error
result gdb.Result
result, err = dao.AdminNotice.Ctx(ctx).Where(where).All()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
err = gconv.Scan(result, &model)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorRotaPointer)
return nil, err
return model, nil
// @Title 根据条件查询一行的数据
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param where
// @Return *entity.AdminMenu
func (service *notice) WhereScan(ctx context.Context, where dto.AdminNotice) *entity.AdminNotice {
var (
model *entity.AdminNotice
err error
if err = dao.AdminMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where(where).Scan(&model); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil
return model
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package adminService
import (
var Role = new(role)
type role struct{}
// @Title 验证权限
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param member_id
// @Param path
// @Return bool
func (service *role) Verify(ctx context.Context, member_id int, path string) bool {
var (
err error
if utils.Auth.IsExceptAuth(ctx, path) {
return true
menu := Menu.WhereScan(ctx, dto.AdminMenu{
Path: path,
Status: consts.StatusEnabled,
if menu == nil {
err = gerror.New(consts.ErrorNotData)
return false
g.Log().Print(ctx, "menu:", menu)
g.Log().Print(ctx, "err:", err)
return true
// @Title 获取列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *role) List(ctx context.Context, in input.AdminRoleListInp) (list []*input.AdminRoleListModel, totalCount int, err error) {
mod := dao.AdminRole.Ctx(ctx)
totalCount, err = mod.Count()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
err = mod.Page(in.Page, in.Limit).Order("id asc").Scan(&list)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
return list, totalCount, err
// @Title 获取指定角色的名称
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param RoleId
// @Return name
// @Return err
func (service *role) GetName(ctx context.Context, RoleId int64) (name string, err error) {
roleName, err := dao.AdminRole.Ctx(ctx).
Where("id", RoleId).
Order("id desc").
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return name, err
return roleName.String(), nil
// @Title 获取指定会员的岗位列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *role) GetMemberList(ctx context.Context, RoleId int64) (list []*input.AdminRoleListModel, err error) {
err = dao.AdminRole.Ctx(ctx).
Where("id", RoleId).
Order("id desc").
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, err
return list, err
// @Title 更改角色菜单权限
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return err
func (service *role) EditRoleMenu(ctx context.Context, reqInfo *adminForm.RoleMenuEditReq) error {
return dao.AdminRoleMenu.Transaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *gdb.TX) (err error) {
_, err = dao.AdminRoleMenu.Ctx(ctx).Where("role_id", reqInfo.RoleId).Delete()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
addMap := make(g.List, 0, len(reqInfo.MenuIds))
for _, v := range reqInfo.MenuIds {
addMap = append(addMap, g.Map{
"role_id": reqInfo.RoleId,
"menu_id": v,
_, err = dao.AdminRoleMenu.Ctx(ctx).Data(addMap).Insert()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package apiService
import (
var Member = new(member)
type member struct {}
func (service *member) Test() (ctx context.Context) {
g.Log().Print(ctx, "apiService--WithMember--test...")
//g.Log().Print(ctx, "api调用:" , service.App.Admin.Member.Test())
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// This is auto-generated by GoFrame CLI tool only once. Fill this file as you wish.
// =================================================================================
package dao
import (
// adminMenuOldDao is the data access object for table hg_admin_menu_old.
// You can define custom methods on it to extend its functionality as you wish.
type adminMenuOldDao struct {
var (
// AdminMenuOld is globally public accessible object for table hg_admin_menu_old operations.
AdminMenuOld = adminMenuOldDao{
// Fill with you ideas below.
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// This is auto-generated by GoFrame CLI tool only once. Fill this file as you wish.
// =================================================================================
package dao
import (
// adminNoticeDao is the data access object for table hg_admin_notice.
// You can define custom methods on it to extend its functionality as you wish.
type adminNoticeDao struct {
var (
// AdminNotice is globally public accessible object for table hg_admin_notice operations.
AdminNotice = adminNoticeDao{
// Fill with you ideas below.
// @Title 判断名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param id
// @Param name
// @Return bool
// @Return error
func (dao *adminNoticeDao) IsUniqueTitle(ctx context.Context, id int64, title string) (bool, error) {
var data *entity.AdminNotice
m := dao.Ctx(ctx).Where("title", title)
if id > 0 {
m = m.WhereNot("id", id)
if err := m.Scan(&data); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return false, err
if data == nil {
return true, nil
return false, nil
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// This is auto-generated by GoFrame CLI tool only once. Fill this file as you wish.
// =================================================================================
package dao
import (
// adminRoleDao is the data access object for table hg_admin_role.
// You can define custom methods on it to extend its functionality as you wish.
type adminRoleDao struct {
var (
// AdminRole is globally public accessible object for table hg_admin_role operations.
AdminRole = adminRoleDao{
// Fill with you ideas below.
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
// ==========================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// ==========================================================================
package internal
import (
// AdminMenuOldDao is the data access object for table hg_admin_menu_old.
type AdminMenuOldDao struct {
table string // table is the underlying table name of the DAO.
group string // group is the database configuration group name of current DAO.
columns AdminMenuOldColumns // columns contains all the column names of Table for convenient usage.
// AdminMenuOldColumns defines and stores column names for table hg_admin_menu_old.
type AdminMenuOldColumns struct {
Id string // 菜单ID
Pid string // 父菜单ID
Name string // 菜单名称
Icon string // 菜单图标
Type string // 菜单类型(M目录 C菜单 F按钮)
Perms string // 权限标识
Path string // 路由地址
Component string // 组件路径
Query string // 路由参数
IsFrame string // 是否为外链(0是 1否)
IsCache string // 是否缓存(0缓存 1不缓存)
IsVisible string // 菜单状态(0显示 1隐藏)
Remark string // 备注
Level string // 级别
Tree string // 树
Sort string // 排序
Status string // 菜单状态
CreatedAt string // 创建时间
UpdatedAt string // 更新时间
// adminMenuOldColumns holds the columns for table hg_admin_menu_old.
var adminMenuOldColumns = AdminMenuOldColumns{
Id: "id",
Pid: "pid",
Name: "name",
Icon: "icon",
Type: "type",
Perms: "perms",
Path: "path",
Component: "component",
Query: "query",
IsFrame: "is_frame",
IsCache: "is_cache",
IsVisible: "is_visible",
Remark: "remark",
Level: "level",
Tree: "tree",
Sort: "sort",
Status: "status",
CreatedAt: "created_at",
UpdatedAt: "updated_at",
// NewAdminMenuOldDao creates and returns a new DAO object for table data access.
func NewAdminMenuOldDao() *AdminMenuOldDao {
return &AdminMenuOldDao{
group: "default",
table: "hg_admin_menu_old",
columns: adminMenuOldColumns,
// DB retrieves and returns the underlying raw database management object of current DAO.
func (dao *AdminMenuOldDao) DB() gdb.DB {
return g.DB(dao.group)
// Table returns the table name of current dao.
func (dao *AdminMenuOldDao) Table() string {
return dao.table
// Columns returns all column names of current dao.
func (dao *AdminMenuOldDao) Columns() AdminMenuOldColumns {
return dao.columns
// Group returns the configuration group name of database of current dao.
func (dao *AdminMenuOldDao) Group() string {
return dao.group
// Ctx creates and returns the Model for current DAO, It automatically sets the context for current operation.
func (dao *AdminMenuOldDao) Ctx(ctx context.Context) *gdb.Model {
return dao.DB().Model(dao.table).Safe().Ctx(ctx)
// Transaction wraps the transaction logic using function f.
// It rollbacks the transaction and returns the error from function f if it returns non-nil error.
// It commits the transaction and returns nil if function f returns nil.
// Note that, you should not Commit or Rollback the transaction in function f
// as it is automatically handled by this function.
func (dao *AdminMenuOldDao) Transaction(ctx context.Context, f func(ctx context.Context, tx *gdb.TX) error) (err error) {
return dao.Ctx(ctx).Transaction(ctx, f)
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// This is auto-generated by GoFrame CLI tool only once. Fill this file as you wish.
// =================================================================================
package dao
import (
// sysConfigDao is the data access object for table hg_sys_config.
// You can define custom methods on it to extend its functionality as you wish.
type sysConfigDao struct {
var (
// SysConfig is globally public accessible object for table hg_sys_config operations.
SysConfig = sysConfigDao{
// @Title 判断名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param id
// @Param name
// @Return bool
// @Return error
func (dao *sysConfigDao) IsUniqueName(ctx context.Context, id int64, name string) (bool, error) {
var data *entity.SysConfig
m := dao.Ctx(ctx).Where("name", name)
if id > 0 {
m = m.WhereNot("id", id)
if err := m.Scan(&data); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return false, err
if data == nil {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Fill with you ideas below.
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// This is auto-generated by GoFrame CLI tool only once. Fill this file as you wish.
// =================================================================================
package dao
import (
// sysDictDataDao is the data access object for table hg_sys_dict_data.
// You can define custom methods on it to extend its functionality as you wish.
type sysDictDataDao struct {
var (
// SysDictData is globally public accessible object for table hg_sys_dict_data operations.
SysDictData = sysDictDataDao{
// @Title 判断字典类型是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param id
// @Param dictType
// @Return bool
// @Return error
func (dao *sysDictDataDao) IsUnique(ctx context.Context, id int64, dictType string, dictValue string) (bool, error) {
var (
data *entity.SysDictData
err error
m := dao.Ctx(ctx).Where("type", dictType).Where("value", dictValue)
if id > 0 {
m = m.WhereNot("id", id)
if err = m.Scan(&data); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return false, err
if data == nil {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Fill with you ideas below.
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// This is auto-generated by GoFrame CLI tool only once. Fill this file as you wish.
// =================================================================================
package dao
import (
// sysDictTypeDao is the data access object for table hg_sys_dict_type.
// You can define custom methods on it to extend its functionality as you wish.
type sysDictTypeDao struct {
var (
// SysDictType is globally public accessible object for table hg_sys_dict_type operations.
SysDictType = sysDictTypeDao{
// @Title 判断字典类型是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param id
// @Param dictType
// @Return bool
// @Return error
func (dao *sysDictTypeDao) IsUnique(ctx context.Context, id int64, dictType string) (bool, error) {
var (
data *entity.SysDictType
err error
m := dao.Ctx(ctx).Where("type", dictType)
if id > 0 {
m = m.WhereNot("id", id)
if err = m.Scan(&data); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return false, err
if data == nil {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Fill with you ideas below.
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package dto
import (
// AdminMenu is the golang structure of table hg_admin_menu for DAO operations like Where/Data.
type AdminMenu struct {
g.Meta `orm:"table:hg_admin_menu, dto:true"`
Id interface{} // 菜单ID
Pid interface{} // 父菜单ID
Name interface{} // 菜单名称
Code interface{} // 菜单编码
Icon interface{} // 菜单图标
Type interface{} // 菜单类型(M目录 C菜单 F按钮)
Perms interface{} // 权限标识
Path interface{} // 路由地址
Component interface{} // 组件路径
Query interface{} // 路由参数
IsFrame interface{} // 是否内嵌
IsCache interface{} // 是否不缓存
IsVisible interface{} // 是否隐藏
Remark interface{} // 备注
Level interface{} // 级别
Tree interface{} // 树
Sort interface{} // 排序
Status interface{} // 菜单状态
CreatedAt *gtime.Time // 创建时间
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time // 更新时间
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
// =================================================================================
// Code generated by GoFrame CLI tool. DO NOT EDIT.
// =================================================================================
package dto
import (
// AdminMenuOld is the golang structure of table hg_admin_menu_old for DAO operations like Where/Data.
type AdminMenuOld struct {
g.Meta `orm:"table:hg_admin_menu_old, dto:true"`
Id interface{} // 菜单ID
Pid interface{} // 父菜单ID
Name interface{} // 菜单名称
Icon interface{} // 菜单图标
Type interface{} // 菜单类型(M目录 C菜单 F按钮)
Perms interface{} // 权限标识
Path interface{} // 路由地址
Component interface{} // 组件路径
Query interface{} // 路由参数
IsFrame interface{} // 是否为外链(0是 1否)
IsCache interface{} // 是否缓存(0缓存 1不缓存)
IsVisible interface{} // 菜单状态(0显示 1隐藏)
Remark interface{} // 备注
Level interface{} // 级别
Tree interface{} // 树
Sort interface{} // 排序
Status interface{} // 菜单状态
CreatedAt *gtime.Time // 创建时间
UpdatedAt *gtime.Time // 更新时间
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
package sysService
import (
var Config = new(config)
type config struct{}
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes
// @Return error
func (service *config) GetValue(ctx context.Context, in input.SysConfigGetValueInp) (*input.SysConfigGetValueModel, error) {
var res input.SysConfigGetValueModel
if err := dao.SysConfig.Ctx(ctx).
Where("key", in.Key).
Order("id desc").
Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 菜单名称是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *config) NameUnique(ctx context.Context, in input.SysConfigNameUniqueInp) (*input.SysConfigNameUniqueModel, error) {
var res input.SysConfigNameUniqueModel
isUnique, err := dao.SysConfig.IsUniqueName(ctx, in.Id, in.Name)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.IsUnique = isUnique
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *config) Delete(ctx context.Context, in input.SysConfigDeleteInp) error {
exist, err := dao.SysConfig.Ctx(ctx).Where("Member_id", in.Id).One()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !exist.IsEmpty() {
return gerror.New("请先解除该部门下所有已关联用户关联关系!")
_, err = dao.SysConfig.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Delete()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 修改/新增
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *config) Edit(ctx context.Context, in input.SysConfigEditInp) (err error) {
if in.Name == "" {
err = gerror.New("名称不能为空")
return err
uniqueName, err := dao.SysConfig.IsUniqueName(ctx, in.Id, in.Name)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !uniqueName {
err = gerror.New("名称已存在")
return err
// 修改
in.UpdatedAt = gtime.Now()
if in.Id > 0 {
_, err = dao.SysConfig.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Data(in).Update()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// 新增
in.CreatedAt = gtime.Now()
_, err = dao.SysConfig.Ctx(ctx).Data(in).Insert()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes
// @Return error
func (service *config) MaxSort(ctx context.Context, in input.SysConfigMaxSortInp) (*input.SysConfigMaxSortModel, error) {
var res input.SysConfigMaxSortModel
if in.Id > 0 {
if err := dao.SysConfig.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Order("sort desc").Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.Sort = res.Sort + 10
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeViewRes
// @Return error
func (service *config) View(ctx context.Context, in input.SysConfigViewInp) (res *input.SysConfigViewModel, err error) {
if err = dao.SysConfig.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", in.Id).Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return res, nil
// @Title 获取列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *config) List(ctx context.Context, in input.SysConfigListInp) (list []*input.SysConfigListModel, totalCount int, err error) {
mod := dao.SysConfig.Ctx(ctx)
if in.Realname != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLike("realname", "%"+in.Realname+"%")
if in.Username != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLike("username", "%"+in.Username+"%")
if in.Mobile > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("mobile", in.Mobile)
if in.Status > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("status", in.Status)
if in.DeptId > 0 {
mod = mod.Where("dept_id", in.DeptId)
// 日期范围
if in.StartTime != "" {
mod = mod.WhereGTE("created_at", in.StartTime)
if in.EndTime != "" {
mod = mod.WhereLTE("created_at", in.EndTime)
totalCount, err = mod.Count()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
err = mod.Page(in.Page, in.Limit).Order("id desc").Scan(&list)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return list, totalCount, err
//// TODO 重写树入参
//for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
return list, totalCount, err
@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package sysService
import (
var Dict = new(dict)
type dict struct{}
// @Title 数据键值是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *dict) DataUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataUniqueReq) (*adminForm.DictDataUniqueRes, error) {
var (
res adminForm.DictDataUniqueRes
err error
res.IsUnique, err = dao.SysDictData.IsUnique(ctx, req.Id, req.Type, req.Value)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 查询字典数据最大排序
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes
// @Return error
func (service *dict) DataMaxSort(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataMaxSortReq) (*adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes, error) {
var (
m = dao.SysDictData.Ctx(ctx).Where("type", req.Type).Order("sort desc")
res adminForm.DictDataMaxSortRes
err error
if err = m.Scan(&res); err != nil && err.Error() != "sql: no rows in result set" {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.Sort = res.Sort + 10
return &res, nil
// @Title 删除字典类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *dict) DataDelete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataDeleteReq) error {
var (
m = dao.SysDictData.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Id)
err error
_, err = m.Delete()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 修改/新增字典类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *dict) DataEdit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataEditReq) error {
var (
m = dao.SysDictData.Ctx(ctx)
isUnique bool
err error
if req.Label == "" {
err = gerror.New("字典标签不能为空")
return err
if req.Type == "" {
err = gerror.New("字典类型不能为空")
return err
if req.Value == "" {
err = gerror.New("字典键值不能为空")
return err
isUnique, err = dao.SysDictData.IsUnique(ctx, req.Id, req.Type, req.Value)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !isUnique {
err = gerror.New("字典键值已存在")
return err
req.UpdatedAt = gtime.Now()
// 修改
if req.Id > 0 {
_, err = m.Where("id", req.Id).Data(req).Update()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
req.CreatedAt = gtime.Now()
// 新增
_, err = m.Data(req).Insert()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 获取指定字典数据信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeViewRes
// @Return error
func (service *dict) DataView(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataViewReq) (*adminForm.DictDataViewRes, error) {
var (
m = dao.SysDictData.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Id)
res adminForm.DictDataViewRes
err error
if err = m.Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型的属性数据
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictAttributeRes
// @Return error
func (service *dict) Attribute(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictAttributeReq) (*adminForm.DictAttributeRes, error) {
var (
m = dao.SysDictData.Ctx(ctx).Where("type", req.Type).Order("sort asc,id desc")
res adminForm.DictAttributeRes
err error
if err = m.Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取字典数据列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *dict) DataList(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictDataListReq) (*adminForm.DictDataListRes, error) {
var (
m = dao.SysDictData.Ctx(ctx).Where("type", req.Type)
list []*entity.SysDictData
res adminForm.DictDataListRes
totalCount int
err error
totalCount, err = m.Count()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
if err = m.Page(req.Page, req.Limit).Order("sort asc,id desc").Scan(&list); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.List = list
res.Page = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
res.TotalCount = totalCount
return &res, nil
// @Title 导出字典类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictDataListRes
// @Return error
func (service *dict) TypeExport(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeExportReq) error {
// 导出格式
type exportImage struct {
Id int64 `json:"id" `
Name string `json:"name" `
Type string `json:"type" `
Remark string `json:"remark" `
Status string `json:"status" `
CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`
var (
list []exportImage
titleList = []string{"ID", "字典名称", "字典类型", "备注", "状态", "创建时间", "更新时间"}
fileName = "字典类型导出-" + com.Context.Get(ctx).ReqId + ".xlsx"
sheetName = "HotGo"
err error
if err = dao.SysDictType.Ctx(ctx).Page(req.Page, req.Limit).Order("sort asc,id desc").Scan(&list); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
// TODO 格式化格式
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
if list[i].Status == consts.StatusEnabled {
list[i].Status = "启用"
} else if list[i].Status == consts.StatusDisable {
list[i].Status = "禁用"
} else if list[i].Status == consts.StatusDelete {
list[i].Status = "已删除"
// TODO 强转类型
writer := com.Context.Get(ctx).Request.Response.Writer
w, _ := interface{}(writer).(*ghttp.ResponseWriter)
g.Log().Print(ctx, "gconv.Interfaces(list):", gconv.Interfaces(list))
if err = utils.Excel.ExportByStruct(w, titleList, gconv.Interfaces(list), fileName, sheetName); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, "ExportByStruct:")
return err
// TODO 加入到上下文
com.Context.SetResponse(ctx, &model.Response{
Code: consts.CodeOK,
Message: "导出成功",
Timestamp: time.Now().Unix(),
ReqId: com.Context.Get(ctx).ReqId,
return nil
// @Title 删除字典类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *dict) TypeDelete(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeDeleteReq) error {
var (
m = dao.SysDictType.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Id)
err error
_, err = m.Delete()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 修改/新增字典类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return error
func (service *dict) TypeEdit(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeEditReq) error {
var (
m = dao.SysDictType.Ctx(ctx)
isUnique bool
err error
if req.Name == "" {
err = gerror.New("字典名称不能为空")
return err
if req.Type == "" {
err = gerror.New("字典类型不能为空")
return err
isUnique, err = dao.SysDictType.IsUnique(ctx, req.Id, req.Type)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
if !isUnique {
err = gerror.New("字典类型已存在")
return err
req.UpdatedAt = gtime.Now()
// 修改
if req.Id > 0 {
_, err = m.Where("id", req.Id).Data(req).Update()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
req.CreatedAt = gtime.Now()
// 新增
_, err = m.Where("id", req.Id).Data(req).Insert()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return err
return nil
// @Title 类型是否唯一
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
// @Return error
func (service *dict) TypeUnique(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeUniqueReq) (*adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes, error) {
var (
res adminForm.DictTypeUniqueRes
err error
res.IsUnique, err = dao.SysDictType.IsUnique(ctx, req.Id, req.Type)
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取指定字典类型信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return *adminForm.DictTypeViewRes
// @Return error
func (service *dict) TypeView(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeViewReq) (*adminForm.DictTypeViewRes, error) {
var (
m = dao.SysDictType.Ctx(ctx).Where("id", req.Id)
res adminForm.DictTypeViewRes
err error
if err = m.Scan(&res); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
return &res, nil
// @Title 获取字典类型列表
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param req
// @Return res
// @Return err
func (service *dict) TypeList(ctx context.Context, req *adminForm.DictTypeListReq) (*adminForm.DictTypeListRes, error) {
var (
m = dao.SysDictType.Ctx(ctx)
list []*entity.SysDictType
res adminForm.DictTypeListRes
totalCount int
err error
if req.Name != "" {
m = m.WhereLike("name", "%"+req.Name+"%")
if req.Type != "" {
m = m.Where("type", req.Type)
// 日期范围
if req.StartTime != "" {
m = m.WhereGTE("created_at", req.StartTime)
if req.EndTime != "" {
m = m.WhereLTE("created_at", req.EndTime)
// 状态
if req.Status > 0 {
m = m.Where("status", req.Status)
totalCount, err = m.Count()
if err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
if err = m.Page(req.Page, req.Limit).Order("sort asc,id desc").Scan(&list); err != nil {
err = gerror.Wrap(err, consts.ErrorORM)
return nil, err
res.List = list
res.Page = req.Page
res.Limit = req.Limit
res.TotalCount = totalCount
return &res, nil
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package sysService
import (
var Provinces = new(provinces)
type provinces struct{}
// @Title 获取地区中的省市编码
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param location
func (service *provinces) GetLocationCode(ctx context.Context, location com.IpLocationData) {
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package utils
import (
// 权限认证类
var Auth = new(auth)
type auth struct{}
// @Title 是否是不需要验证权限的路由地址
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param path
// @Return bool
func (util *auth) IsExceptAuth(ctx context.Context, path string) bool {
var pathList []string
except, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "router.admin.exceptAuth")
pathList = except.Strings()
for i := 0; i < len(pathList); i++ {
if Charset.IsExists(pathList[i], path) {
return true
return false
// @Title 是否是不需要登录的路由地址
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
// @Param path
// @Return bool
func (util *auth) IsExceptLogin(ctx context.Context, path string) bool {
var pathList []string
except, _ := g.Cfg().Get(ctx, "router.admin.exceptLogin")
pathList = except.Strings()
for i := 0; i < len(pathList); i++ {
if Charset.IsExists(pathList[i], path) {
return true
return false
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package utils
import (
r "math/rand"
// 字符类
var Charset = new(charset)
type charset struct{}
// @Title 获取map的所有key,字串符类型
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param m
// @Return []string
func (util *charset) GetMapKeysByString(m map[string]string) []string {
// 数组默认长度为map长度,后面append时,不需要重新申请内存和拷贝,效率很高
j := 0
keys := make([]string, len(m))
for k := range m {
keys[j] = k
return keys
// @Title 生成md5
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param str
// @Return string
func (util *charset) Md5ToString(str string) string {
md5str := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(str)))
return md5str
// @Title 生成随机字串符
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param n
// @Param alphabets
// @Return []byte
func (util *charset) RandomCreateBytes(n int, alphabets ...byte) []byte {
if len(alphabets) == 0 {
alphabets = []byte(`0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`)
var bytes = make([]byte, n)
var randBy bool
if num, err := rand.Read(bytes); num != n || err != nil {
randBy = true
for i, b := range bytes {
if randBy {
bytes[i] = alphabets[r.Intn(len(alphabets))]
} else {
bytes[i] = alphabets[b%byte(len(alphabets))]
return bytes
// @Title 格式化错误的堆栈信息
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param err
// @Return []string
func (util *charset) GetStack(err error) []string {
stackList := gstr.Split(gerror.Stack(err), "\n")
for i := 0; i < len(stackList); i++ {
stackList[i] = gstr.Replace(stackList[i], "\t", "--> ")
return stackList
// @Title 判断字符或切片字符是否存在指定字符
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param elems
// @Param search
// @Return bool
func (util *charset) IsExists(elems interface{}, search string) bool {
switch elems.(type) {
case []string:
elem := gconv.Strings(elems)
for i := 0; i < len(elem); i++ {
if gconv.String(elem[i]) == search {
return true
return gconv.String(elems) == search
return false
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
package utils
// 过滤类
var Filter = new(filter)
type filter struct{}
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package utils
import (
// 验证类
var Validate = new(validate)
type validate struct{}
// @Title 是否为ipv4
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ip
// @Return bool
func (util *validate) IsIp(ip string) bool {
if net.ParseIP(ip) != nil {
return true
return false
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
// @Link https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo
// @Copyright Copyright (c) 2022 HotGo CLI
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @License https://github.com/bufanyun/hotgo/blob/master/LICENSE
package boot
import (
// @Title 消息队列监听
// @Description
// @Author Ms <133814250@qq.com>
// @Param ctx
func QueueListen(ctx context.Context) {
consumer, err := queue.InstanceConsumer()
if err != nil {
queue.FatalLog(ctx, "InstanceConsumer异常", err)
// 全局日志
if listenErr := consumer.ListenReceiveMsgDo(consts.QueueLogTopic, func(mqMsg queue.MqMsg) {
// 自定义消费回调
err := sysService.Log.QueueJob(ctx, mqMsg)
// 记录消费日志
queue.ConsumerLog(ctx, consts.QueueLogTopic, mqMsg, err)
}); listenErr != nil {
queue.FatalLog(ctx, "主题:"+consts.QueueLogTopic+" 监听失败", listenErr)
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
# hotgo配置
debug: true # debug开关,开启后:接口出现错误时会输出堆栈信息,默认为true
ipMethod: "cz88" # IP归属地解析方法,可选:cz88|whois,默认为cz88
log: # 全局请求日志
switch: true # 日志开关,默认为true
queue: true # 是否启用队列,启用时需要配置队列信息,默认为true
module: ["admin", "api"] # 需要记录的模块
skipCode: [] # 不记录的状态码,如: ["0", "-1"]
# 路由配置
# 后台
# 前缀
prefix: "/admin"
# 不需要验证登录的路由地址
exceptLogin: [
"/login/captcha", # 登录验证码
"/login/sign", # 登录
"/login/logout", # 退出
# 不需要验证权限的路由地址
exceptAuth: [
"/member/info", # 登录用户信息
"/role/dynamic", # 获取动态路由
# 接口
# 前缀
prefix: "/api"
# 不需要验证登录的路由地址
exceptPath: []
# HTTP Server.
address: ":8299"
serverRoot: "resource/public"
openapiPath: "/openApi.json"
swaggerPath: "/doc"
DumpRouterMap: false
logPath: "./runtime/log/server"
ErrorStack: true # 当Server捕获到异常时是否记录堆栈信息到日志中。默认为true
ErrorLogEnabled: true # 是否记录异常日志信息到日志中。默认为true
errorLogPattern: "error/{Y-m-d}.log" # 异常错误日志文件格式。默认为"error-{Ymd}.log"
accessLogEnabled: true # 是否记录访问日志。默认为false
accessLogPattern: "access/{Y-m-d}.log" # 访问日志文件格式。默认为"access-{Ymd}.log"
serverAgent: "HG HTTP Server"
# Global logging.
level: "all"
stdout: true
headerPrint: false
ctxKeys: []
path: "./runtime/log/logger" # 日志文件路径。默认为空,表示关闭,仅输出到终端
file: "{Y-m-d}.log" # 日志文件格式。默认为"{Y-m-d}.log"
exception: # 系统异常日志
path: "./runtime/log/exception"
level: "all"
file: "{Y-m-d}.log"
queue: # 消息队列日志
path: "./runtime/log/queue"
level: "all"
file: "{Y-m-d}.log"
version: "1.0" # 版本号
expires: "864000" # 有效期,单位:秒
sign: "hotgo" # 秘钥,考虑安全问题请修改默认值
multiPort: true # 是否允许多端登录,默认为true
switch: false # 队列开关,默认为false
driver: "redis" # 队列驱动,可选:redis|rocketmq|kafka
retry: 2 # 重试次数
multiComsumer: true # 是否支持创建多个消费者
groupName: "hotgo" # mq群组名称
address: "" # redis服务地址,默认为127.0.0.1:6379
db: 0 # 指定redis库
pass: "hg123456" # redis密码
timeout: 0 # 队列超时时间(s) ,0为永不超时,当队列一直没有被消费到达超时时间则队列会被销毁
address: "" # brocker地址+端口
logLevel: "all" # 系统日志级别,可选:all|close|debug|info|warn|error|fatal
address: "" # kafka地址+端口
version: "" # kafka专属配置,默认2.0.0.0
randClient: true # 开启随机生成clientID,可以实现启动多实例同时一起消费相同topic,加速消费能力的特性,默认为true
# Redis数据库配置
address: ""
db: "1"
pass: "hg123456."
idleTimeout: "20"
# cache:
# address: ""
# db: "1"
# pass: "hg123456."
# idleTimeout: "20"
# Database.
level: "all"
stdout: true
link: "mysql:hotgo:hg123456.@tcp("
debug: true
Prefix: "hg_"
# CLI.
name: "hg"
- link: "mysql:hotgo:hg123456.@tcp("
path: "./app"
# tables: "" #指定当前数据库中需要执行代码生成的数据表。如果为空,表示数据库的所有表都会生成。
# tablesEx: "" #指定当前数据库中需要排除代码生成的数据表。
removePrefix: "hg_"
descriptionTag: true
noModelComment: true
jsonCase: "Snake"
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
var ctx = gctx.New()
if err := boot.Main.RunWithError(ctx); err != nil {
g.Log().Fatal(ctx, gerror.Stack(err))
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