Yudong Jin e720aa2d24
feat: Revised the book (#978)
* Sync recent changes to the revised Word.

* Revised the preface chapter

* Revised the introduction chapter

* Revised the computation complexity chapter

* Revised the chapter data structure

* Revised the chapter array and linked list

* Revised the chapter stack and queue

* Revised the chapter hashing

* Revised the chapter tree

* Revised the chapter heap

* Revised the chapter graph

* Revised the chapter searching

* Reivised the sorting chapter

* Revised the divide and conquer chapter

* Revised the chapter backtacking

* Revised the DP chapter

* Revised the greedy chapter

* Revised the appendix chapter

* Revised the preface chapter doubly

* Revised the figures
2023-12-02 06:21:34 +08:00

67 lines
1.4 KiB

// File: coin_change.go
// Created Time: 2023-07-23
// Author: Reanon (793584285@qq.com)
package chapter_dynamic_programming
import "math"
/* 零钱兑换:动态规划 */
func coinChangeDP(coins []int, amt int) int {
n := len(coins)
max := amt + 1
// 初始化 dp 表
dp := make([][]int, n+1)
for i := 0; i <= n; i++ {
dp[i] = make([]int, amt+1)
// 状态转移:首行首列
for a := 1; a <= amt; a++ {
dp[0][a] = max
// 状态转移:其余行和列
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
for a := 1; a <= amt; a++ {
if coins[i-1] > a {
// 若超过目标金额,则不选硬币 i
dp[i][a] = dp[i-1][a]
} else {
// 不选和选硬币 i 这两种方案的较小值
dp[i][a] = int(math.Min(float64(dp[i-1][a]), float64(dp[i][a-coins[i-1]]+1)))
if dp[n][amt] != max {
return dp[n][amt]
return -1
/* 零钱兑换:动态规划 */
func coinChangeDPComp(coins []int, amt int) int {
n := len(coins)
max := amt + 1
// 初始化 dp 表
dp := make([]int, amt+1)
for i := 1; i <= amt; i++ {
dp[i] = max
// 状态转移
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
// 倒序遍历
for a := 1; a <= amt; a++ {
if coins[i-1] > a {
// 若超过目标金额,则不选硬币 i
dp[a] = dp[a]
} else {
// 不选和选硬币 i 这两种方案的较小值
dp[a] = int(math.Min(float64(dp[a]), float64(dp[a-coins[i-1]]+1)))
if dp[amt] != max {
return dp[amt]
return -1