sjinzh 063501068b
Update the coding style for Zig (#336)
* Update the coding style for Zig

* Update array.rs
2023-02-06 01:14:03 +08:00

44 lines
1.2 KiB

// File: stack.zig
// Created Time: 2023-01-08
// Author: sjinzh (sjinzh@gmail.com)
const std = @import("std");
const inc = @import("include");
// Driver Code
pub fn main() !void {
// 初始化栈
// 在 zig 中,推荐将 ArrayList 当作栈来使用
var stack = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.heap.page_allocator);
// 延迟释放内存
defer stack.deinit();
// 元素入栈
try stack.append(1);
try stack.append(3);
try stack.append(2);
try stack.append(5);
try stack.append(4);
std.debug.print("栈 stack = ", .{});
inc.PrintUtil.printList(i32, stack);
// 访问栈顶元素
var peek = stack.items[stack.items.len - 1];
std.debug.print("\n栈顶元素 peek = {}", .{peek});
// 元素出栈
var pop = stack.pop();
std.debug.print("\n出栈元素 pop = {},出栈后 stack = ", .{pop});
inc.PrintUtil.printList(i32, stack);
// 获取栈的长度
var size = stack.items.len;
std.debug.print("\n栈的长度 size = {}", .{size});
// 判断栈是否为空
var empty = if (stack.items.len == 0) true else false;
std.debug.print("\n栈是否为空 = {}", .{empty});
_ = try std.io.getStdIn().reader().readByte();