Yudong Jin ac0da11157
Bug fixes and improvements (#1627)
* Update Copyright 2024 to 2025.

* Fix the flex of .profile-cell for mobile devices.

* Update performance_evaluation.md

* 抛出 -> 给出

* Sync zh and zh-hant version.

* Improve the landing page of the English version.

* Bug fixes

* Fix readme-typing-svg

* Update readme-typing-svg

* Bug fixes

* sync zh and zh-hant versions.
2025-01-21 20:00:58 +08:00

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<p style="font-weight: bold;">—— Junhui Deng, Professor, Department of computer science and technology, Tsinghua University</p>
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<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_nuomi1.jpg" alt="Reviewer: nuomi1" />
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<a href="https://github.com/Reanon">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_Reanon.jpg" alt="Reviewer: Reanon" />
<br><sub>Go, C</sub>
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<a href="https://github.com/rongyi">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_rongyi.jpg" alt="Reviewer: rongyi" />
<!-- translators -->
<div style="margin: 2em auto;">
<h3>English version reviewers</h3>
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<a href="https://github.com/yuelinxin">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_yuelinxin.jpg" alt="Reviewer: yuelinxin" />
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<a href="https://github.com/K3v123">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_K3v123.jpg" alt="Reviewer: K3v123" />
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<a href="https://github.com/QiLOL">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_QiLOL.jpg" alt="Reviewer: QiLOL" />
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<a href="https://github.com/Phoenix0415">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_Phoenix0415.jpg" alt="Reviewer: Phoenix0415" />
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<a href="https://github.com/SamJin98">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_SamJin98.jpg" alt="Reviewer: SamJin98" />
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<a href="https://github.com/yanedie">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_yanedie.jpg" alt="Reviewer: yanedie" />
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<a href="https://github.com/RafaelCaso">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_RafaelCaso.jpg" alt="Reviewer: RafaelCaso" />
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<a href="https://github.com/pengchzn">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_pengchzn.jpg" alt="Reviewer: pengchzn" />
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<a href="https://github.com/thomasq0">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_thomasq0.jpg" alt="Reviewer: thomasq0" />
<div class="profile-cell">
<a href="https://github.com/magentaqin">
<img class="profile-img" src="../assets/avatar/avatar_magentaqin.jpg" alt="Reviewer: magentaqin" />
<!-- contributors -->
<div style="margin: 2em auto;">
<p>This book has been refined by the efforts of over 180 contributors. We sincerely thank them for their invaluable time and contributions!</p>
<a href="https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=krahets/hello-algo&max=300&columns=12" alt="Contributors" style="width: 100%; max-width: 38.5em;">