/** * File: PrintUtil.cs * Created Time: 2022-12-23 * Author: haptear (haptear@hotmail.com), krahets (krahets@163.com) */ namespace hello_algo.include; public class Trunk { public Trunk? prev; public string str; public Trunk(Trunk? prev, string str) { this.prev = prev; this.str = str; } }; public class PrintUtil { /** * Print a list * @param list */ public static void PrintList(List list) { Console.WriteLine("[" + string.Join(", ", list) + "]"); } /* Print a matrix (Array) */ public static void PrintMatrix(T[][] matrix) { Console.WriteLine("["); foreach (T[] row in matrix) { Console.WriteLine(" " + string.Join(", ", row) + ","); } Console.WriteLine("]"); } /* Print a matrix (List) */ public static void PrintMatrix(List> matrix) { Console.WriteLine("["); foreach (List row in matrix) { Console.WriteLine(" " + string.Join(", ", row) + ","); } Console.WriteLine("]"); } /** * Print a linked list * @param head */ public static void PrintLinkedList(ListNode head) { List list = new(); while (head != null) { list.Add(head.val.ToString()); head = head.next; } Console.Write(string.Join(" -> ", list)); } /** * The interface of the tree printer * This tree printer is borrowed from TECHIE DELIGHT * https://www.techiedelight.com/c-program-print-binary-tree/ * @param root */ public static void PrintTree(TreeNode? root) { PrintTree(root, null, false); } /** * Print a binary tree * @param root * @param prev * @param isLeft */ public static void PrintTree(TreeNode? root, Trunk? prev, bool isLeft) { if (root == null) { return; } string prev_str = " "; Trunk trunk = new Trunk(prev, prev_str); PrintTree(root.right, trunk, true); if (prev == null) { trunk.str = "———"; } else if (isLeft) { trunk.str = "/———"; prev_str = " |"; } else { trunk.str = "\\———"; prev.str = prev_str; } ShowTrunks(trunk); Console.WriteLine(" " + root.val); if (prev != null) { prev.str = prev_str; } trunk.str = " |"; PrintTree(root.left, trunk, false); } /** * Helper function to print branches of the binary tree * @param p */ public static void ShowTrunks(Trunk? p) { if (p == null) { return; } ShowTrunks(p.prev); Console.Write(p.str); } /** * Print a hash map * @param * @param * @param map */ public static void PrintHashMap(Dictionary map) where K : notnull { foreach (var kv in map.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(kv.ToString() + " -> " + map[kv]?.ToString()); } } public static void PrintHeap(Queue queue) { Console.Write("堆的数组表示:"); List list = queue.ToList(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', list)); Console.WriteLine("堆的树状表示:"); TreeNode tree = TreeNode.ListToTree(list.Cast().ToList()); PrintTree(tree); } public static void PrintHeap(PriorityQueue queue) { var newQueue = new PriorityQueue(queue.UnorderedItems, queue.Comparer); Console.Write("堆的数组表示:"); List list = new List(); while (newQueue.TryDequeue(out int element, out int priority)) { list.Add(element); } Console.WriteLine("堆的树状表示:"); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', list.ToList())); TreeNode tree = TreeNode.ListToTree(list.Cast().ToList()); PrintTree(tree); } }