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package gone
import (
// GonerIds for Gone framework inner Goners
const (
// IdGoneHeaven , The GonerId of Heaven Goner, which represents the program itself, and which is injected by default when it starts.
IdGoneHeaven GonerId = "gone-heaven"
// IdGoneCemetery , The GonerId of Cemetery Goner, which is Dependence Injection Key Goner, and which is injected by default.
IdGoneCemetery GonerId = "gone-cemetery"
// IdGoneTestKit , The GonerId of TestKit Goner, which is injected by default when using gone.Test or gone.TestAt to run test code.
IdGoneTestKit GonerId = "gone-test-kit"
//IdConfig , The GonerId of Config Goner, which can be used for Injecting Configs from files or envs.
IdConfig GonerId = "config"
//IdGoneConfigure , The GonerId of Configure Goner, which is used to read configs from devices.
IdGoneConfigure GonerId = "gone-configure"
// IdGoneTracer ,The GonerId of Tracer
IdGoneTracer GonerId = "gone-tracer"
// IdGoneLogger , The GonerId of Logger
IdGoneLogger GonerId = "gone-logger"
// IdGoneCMux , The GonerId of CMuxServer
IdGoneCMux GonerId = "gone-cmux"
// IdGoneGin , IdGoneGinRouter , IdGoneGinProcessor, IdGoneGinProxy, IdGoneGinResponser, IdHttpInjector;
// The GonerIds of Goners in goner/gin, which integrates gin framework for web request.
IdGoneGin GonerId = "gone-gin"
IdGoneGinRouter GonerId = "gone-gin-router"
IdGoneGinSysMiddleware GonerId = "gone-gin-sys-middleware"
IdGoneGinProxy GonerId = "gone-gin-proxy"
IdGoneGinResponser GonerId = "gone-gin-responser"
IdHttpInjector GonerId = "http"
// IdGoneXorm , The GonerId of XormEngine Goner, which is for xorm engine.
IdGoneXorm GonerId = "gone-xorm"
// IdGoneRedisPool ,IdGoneRedisCache, IdGoneRedisKey, IdGoneRedisLocker, IdGoneRedisProvider
// The GonerIds of Goners in goner/redis, which integrates redis framework for cache and locker.
IdGoneRedisPool GonerId = "gone-redis-pool"
IdGoneRedisCache GonerId = "gone-redis-cache"
IdGoneRedisKey GonerId = "gone-redis-key"
IdGoneRedisLocker GonerId = "gone-redis-locker"
IdGoneRedisProvider GonerId = "gone-redis-provider"
// IdGoneSchedule , The GonerId of Schedule Goner, which is for schedule in goner/schedule.
IdGoneSchedule GonerId = "gone-schedule"
// IdGoneReq , The GonerId of urllib.Client Goner, which is for request in goner/urllib.
IdGoneReq GonerId = "gone-urllib"
const (
RequestIdHeaderKey = "X-Request-Id"
TraceIdHeaderKey = "X-Trace-Id"
// PanicTrace used for getting panic stack
func PanicTrace(kb int, skip int) []byte {
stack := make([]byte, kb<<10) //4KB
length := runtime.Stack(stack, true)
_, filename, fileLine, ok := runtime.Caller(skip)
start := 0
if ok {
start = bytes.Index(stack, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", filename, fileLine)))
stack = stack[start:length]
line := []byte("\n")
start = bytes.Index(stack, line) + 1
stack = stack[start:]
end := bytes.LastIndex(stack, line)
if end != -1 {
stack = stack[:end]
e := []byte("\ngoroutine ")
end = bytes.Index(stack, e)
if end != -1 {
stack = stack[:end]
stack = bytes.TrimRight(stack, "\n")
return stack
// GetFuncName get function name
func GetFuncName(f any) string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()).Name(), "-fm")
// GetInterfaceType get interface type
func GetInterfaceType[T any](t *T) reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf(t).Elem()
type defaultType struct {
t reflect.Type
func (d defaultType) option() {}
func IsDefault[T any](t *T) GonerOption {
return defaultType{t: GetInterfaceType(t)}
type provideType struct {
t []reflect.Type
func (d provideType) option() {}
// Provide a kind of GonerOption, which can be used in burying Vampire2(which is implemented `Suck(conf string, v reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField) error`) to framework.
// Provide will get the type of the object and put it in the GonerOption. When A goner need to be injected,
// the framework will find the Vampire2 which Tag by the GonerOption and call the Suck method to create the goner and inject it.
func Provide(objs ...any) GonerOption {
m := make(map[reflect.Type]any)
for _, o := range objs {
m[reflect.TypeOf(o)] = o
p := provideType{
t: make([]reflect.Type, 0),
for o, _ := range m {
p.t = append(p.t, o)
return p
// WrapNormalFnToProcess warp a func to Process
func WrapNormalFnToProcess(fn any) Process {
return func(cemetery Cemetery) error {
args, err := cemetery.InjectFuncParameters(fn, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
results := reflect.ValueOf(fn).Call(args)
for _, result := range results {
if err, ok := result.Interface().(error); ok {
return err
return nil
// IsCompatible t Type can put in goner
func IsCompatible(t reflect.Type, goner any) bool {
gonerType := reflect.TypeOf(goner)
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Interface:
return gonerType.Implements(t)
case reflect.Struct:
return gonerType.Elem() == t
return gonerType == t
func setFieldValue(v reflect.Value, ref any) {
t := v.Type()
switch t.Kind() {
case reflect.Interface, reflect.Pointer, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
type timeUseRecord struct {
UseTime time.Duration
Count int64
var mapRecord = make(map[string]*timeUseRecord)
// TimeStat record the time of function and avg time
func TimeStat(name string, start time.Time, logs ...func(format string, args ...any)) {
since := time.Since(start)
if mapRecord[name] == nil {
mapRecord[name] = &timeUseRecord{}
mapRecord[name].UseTime += since
var log func(format string, args ...any)
if len(logs) == 0 {
log = func(format string, args ...any) {
fmt.Printf(format, args...)
} else {
log = logs[0]
log("%s executed %v times, took %v, avg: %v\n",
func RunTest(fn any, priests ...Priest) {
// Test Use for writing test cases, refer to [example](https://github.com/gone-io/gone/blob/main/example/test/goner_test.go)
func Test[T Goner](fn func(goner T), priests ...Priest) {
RunTest(func(in struct {
cemetery Cemetery `gone:"*"`
}) {
ft := reflect.TypeOf(fn)
t := ft.In(0).Elem()
theTombs := in.cemetery.GetTomByType(t)
if len(theTombs) == 0 {
}, priests...)
// TestAt Use for writing test cases, test a specific ID of Goner
func TestAt[T Goner](id GonerId, fn func(goner T), priests ...Priest) {
RunTest(func(in struct {
cemetery Cemetery `gone:"*"`
}) {
theTomb := in.cemetery.GetTomById(id)
if theTomb == nil {
g, ok := theTomb.GetGoner().(T)
if !ok {
panic(NotCompatibleError(reflect.TypeOf(g).Elem(), reflect.TypeOf(theTomb.GetGoner()).Elem()))
}, priests...)
// NewBuryMockCemeteryForTest make a new Cemetery for test
func NewBuryMockCemeteryForTest() Cemetery {
return newCemetery()
func (p *Preparer) testKit() *Preparer {
type Kit struct {
p.heaven.(*heaven).cemetery.Bury(&Kit{}, IdGoneTestKit)
return p
Test Use for writing test cases
gone.Prepare(priests...).Test(func(in struct{
cemetery Cemetery `gone:"*"`
}) {
// test code
func (p *Preparer) Test(fn any) {
// TagStringParse parse tag string to map
// example: "a=1,b=2" -> map[string]string{"a":"1","b":"2"}
func TagStringParse(conf string) map[string]string {
conf = strings.TrimSpace(conf)
specs := strings.Split(conf, ",")
m := make(map[string]string)
for _, spec := range specs {
spec = strings.TrimSpace(spec)
pairs := strings.Split(spec, "=")
if len(pairs) == 1 && pairs[0] != "" {
m[pairs[0]] = ""
} else if len(pairs) > 1 && pairs[0] != "" {
m[pairs[0]] = pairs[1]
return m
type provider[T any] struct {
cemetery Cemetery `gone:"*"`
create func(tagConf string) (T, error)
func (p *provider[T]) Suck(conf string, v reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField) error {
obj, err := p.create(conf)
if err != nil {
return ToError(err)
return nil
// NewProviderPriest create a provider priest function for goner from a function like: `func(tagConf string, injectableStructParam struct{}) (provideType T, err error)`
// example:
// ```go
// type MyGoner struct {}
// func NewMyGoner(tagConf string, param struct{
// depGoner1 MyGoner1 `gone:"*"` // inject dep
// depGoner2 MyGoner2 `gone:"*"` // inject dep
// configStr string `gone:"config,my.config.str"` // inject config from config file
// }) (MyGoner, error) {
// // do something
// return MyGoner{}, nil
// }
// var priest = NewProviderPriest(NewMyGoner)
// ```
func NewProviderPriest[P, T any](fn Provider[P, T]) Priest {
p := provider[T]{}
t := new(T)
of := reflect.TypeOf(t).Elem()
pt := provideType{
t: []reflect.Type{of},
p.create = func(tagConf string) (T, error) {
args, err := p.cemetery.InjectFuncParameters(fn, func(pt reflect.Type, i int) any {
if i == 0 {
return tagConf
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return *new(T), err
results := reflect.ValueOf(fn).Call(args)
if results[1].IsNil() {
return results[0].Interface().(T), nil
return *new(T), ToError(results[1].Interface())
return func(cemetery Cemetery) error {
cemetery.Bury(&p, pt)
return nil