
218 lines
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package rest
import (
type (
runOptions struct {
start func(*engine) error
// RunOption defines the method to customize a Server.
RunOption func(*Server)
// A Server is a http server.
Server struct {
ngin *engine
opts runOptions
// MustNewServer returns a server with given config of c and options defined in opts.
// Be aware that later RunOption might overwrite previous one that write the same option.
// The process will exit if error occurs.
func MustNewServer(c RestConf, opts ...RunOption) *Server {
engine, err := NewServer(c, opts...)
if err != nil {
return engine
// NewServer returns a server with given config of c and options defined in opts.
// Be aware that later RunOption might overwrite previous one that write the same option.
func NewServer(c RestConf, opts ...RunOption) (*Server, error) {
if err := c.SetUp(); err != nil {
return nil, err
server := &Server{
ngin: newEngine(c),
opts: runOptions{
start: func(srv *engine) error {
return srv.Start()
for _, opt := range opts {
return server, nil
// AddRoutes add given routes into the Server.
func (e *Server) AddRoutes(rs []Route, opts ...RouteOption) {
r := featuredRoutes{
routes: rs,
for _, opt := range opts {
// AddRoute adds given route into the Server.
func (e *Server) AddRoute(r Route, opts ...RouteOption) {
e.AddRoutes([]Route{r}, opts...)
// Start starts the Server.
// Graceful shutdown is enabled by default.
// Use proc.SetTimeToForceQuit to customize the graceful shutdown period.
func (e *Server) Start() {
// Stop stops the Server.
func (e *Server) Stop() {
// Use adds the given middleware in the Server.
func (e *Server) Use(middleware Middleware) {
// ToMiddleware converts the given handler to a Middleware.
func ToMiddleware(handler func(next http.Handler) http.Handler) Middleware {
return func(handle http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return handler(handle).ServeHTTP
// WithJwt returns a func to enable jwt authentication in given route.
func WithJwt(secret string) RouteOption {
return func(r *featuredRoutes) {
r.jwt.enabled = true
r.jwt.secret = secret
// WithJwtTransition returns a func to enable jwt authentication as well as jwt secret transition.
// Which means old and new jwt secrets work together for a peroid.
func WithJwtTransition(secret, prevSecret string) RouteOption {
return func(r *featuredRoutes) {
// why not validate prevSecret, because prevSecret is an already used one,
// even it not meet our requirement, we still need to allow the transition.
r.jwt.enabled = true
r.jwt.secret = secret
r.jwt.prevSecret = prevSecret
// WithMiddlewares adds given middlewares to given routes.
func WithMiddlewares(ms []Middleware, rs ...Route) []Route {
for i := len(ms) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
rs = WithMiddleware(ms[i], rs...)
return rs
// WithMiddleware adds given middleware to given route.
func WithMiddleware(middleware Middleware, rs ...Route) []Route {
routes := make([]Route, len(rs))
for i := range rs {
route := rs[i]
routes[i] = Route{
Method: route.Method,
Path: route.Path,
Handler: middleware(route.Handler),
return routes
// WithNotFoundHandler returns a RunOption with not found handler set to given handler.
func WithNotFoundHandler(handler http.Handler) RunOption {
rt := router.NewRouter()
return WithRouter(rt)
// WithNotAllowedHandler returns a RunOption with not allowed handler set to given handler.
func WithNotAllowedHandler(handler http.Handler) RunOption {
rt := router.NewRouter()
return WithRouter(rt)
// WithPriority returns a RunOption with priority.
func WithPriority() RouteOption {
return func(r *featuredRoutes) {
r.priority = true
// WithRouter returns a RunOption that make server run with given router.
func WithRouter(router httpx.Router) RunOption {
return func(server *Server) {
server.opts.start = func(srv *engine) error {
return srv.StartWithRouter(router)
// WithSignature returns a RouteOption to enable signature verification.
func WithSignature(signature SignatureConf) RouteOption {
return func(r *featuredRoutes) {
r.signature.enabled = true
r.signature.Strict = signature.Strict
r.signature.Expiry = signature.Expiry
r.signature.PrivateKeys = signature.PrivateKeys
// WithUnauthorizedCallback returns a RunOption that with given unauthorized callback set.
func WithUnauthorizedCallback(callback handler.UnauthorizedCallback) RunOption {
return func(engine *Server) {
// WithUnsignedCallback returns a RunOption that with given unsigned callback set.
func WithUnsignedCallback(callback handler.UnsignedCallback) RunOption {
return func(engine *Server) {
func handleError(err error) {
// ErrServerClosed means the server is closed manually
if err == nil || err == http.ErrServerClosed {
func validateSecret(secret string) {
if len(secret) < 8 {
panic("secret's length can't be less than 8")