{ "goctl": { "short": "A cli tool to generate go-zero code", "long": "A cli tool to generate api, zrpc, model code\n\nGitHub: https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero\nSite: https://go-zero.dev", "api": { "short": "Generate api related files", "o": "Output a sample api file", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "api": "The api file", "dir": "The target dir", "dart": { "short": "Generate dart files for provided api in api file", "dir": "{{.goctl.api.dir}}", "api": "{{.goctl.api.api}}", "legacy": "Legacy generator for flutter v1", "hostname": "hostname of the server", "scheme": "scheme of the server" }, "doc": { "short": "Generate doc files", "dir": "{{.goctl.api.dir}}", "o": "The output markdown directory" }, "format": { "short": "Format api files", "dir": "{{.goctl.api.dir}}", "iu": "Ignore update", "stdin": "Use stdin to input api doc content, press \"ctrl + d\" to send EOF", "declare": "Use to skip check api types already declare" }, "go": { "short": "Generate go files for provided api in api file", "dir": "{{.goctl.api.dir}}", "api": "{{.goctl.api.api}}", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "style": "{{.global.style}}" }, "new": { "short": "Fast create api service", "Example": "goctl api new [options] service-name", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "style": "{{.global.style}}" }, "validate": { "short": "Validate api file", "api": "{{.goctl.api.api}}" }, "kt": { "short": "Generate kotlin code for provided api file", "dir": "{{.goctl.api.dir}}", "api": "{{.goctl.api.api}}", "pkg": "Define package name for kotlin file" }, "plugin": { "short": "Custom file generator", "plugin": "The plugin file", "dir": "{{.goctl.api.dir}}", "api": "{{.goctl.api.api}}", "style": "{{.global.style}}" }, "ts": { "short": "Generate ts files for provided api in api file", "dir": "{{.goctl.api.dir}}", "api": "{{.goctl.api.api}}", "caller": "The web api caller", "unwrap": "Unwrap the webapi caller for import" } }, "bug": { "short": "Report a bug" }, "docker": { "short": "Generate Dockerfile", "exe": "The executable name in the built image", "go": "The file that contains main function", "base": "The base image to build the docker image, default scratch", "port": "The port to expose, default none", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "version": "The goctl builder golang image version", "tz": "The timezone of the container" }, "kube": { "short": "Generate kubernetes files", "deploy": { "short": "Generate deployment yaml file", "name": "The name of deployment (required)", "namespace": "The namespace of deployment (required)", "image": "The docker image of deployment (required)", "secret": "The secret to image pull from registry", "requestCpu": "The request cpu to deploy", "requestMem": "The request memory to deploy", "limitCpu": "The limit cpu to deploy", "limitMem": "The limit memory to deploy", "o": "The output yaml file (required)", "replicas": "The number of replicas to deploy", "revisions": "The number of revision history to limit", "port": "The port of the deployment to listen on pod (required)", "nodePort": "The nodePort of the deployment to expose", "targetPort": "The targetPort of the deployment, default to port", "minReplicas": "The min replicas to deploy", "maxReplicas": "The max replicas to deploy", "imagePullPolicy": "The image pull policy of the deployment, default to IfNotPresent", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "serviceAccount": "TheServiceAccount for the deployment" } }, "env": { "short": "Check or edit goctl environment", "write": "Edit goctl environment", "force": "Silent installation of non-existent dependencies", "verbose": "Enable log output", "install": { "short": "Goctl env installation" }, "check": { "short": "Detect goctl env and dependency tools", "install": "Install dependencies if not found" } }, "gateway": { "short": "gateway is a tool to generate gateway code", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "dir": "The output dir", "protoc": { "short": "generate gateway code from proto file" }, "protoset": { "short": "generate gateway code from protoset file" }, "server": { "short": "generate gateway code from grpc server" } }, "model": { "short": "Generate model code", "dir": "The target dir", "mysql": { "short": "Generate mysql model", "strict": "Generate model in strict mode", "ignore-columns": "Ignore columns while creating or updating rows", "datasource": { "short": "Generate model from datasource", "url": "The data source of database,like \"root:password@tcp(", "table": "The table or table globbing patterns in the database", "cache": "Generate code with cache [optional]", "dir": "{{.goctl.model.dir}}", "style": "{{.global.style}}", "idea": "For idea plugin [optional]", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}" }, "ddl": { "short": "Generate mysql model from ddl", "src": "The path or path globbing patterns of the ddl", "dir": "{{.goctl.model.dir}}", "style": "{{.global.style}}", "cache": "Generate code with cache [optional]", "idea": "For idea plugin [optional]", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}" } }, "pg": { "short": "Generate postgresql model", "datasource": { "short": "Generate model from datasource", "url": "The data source of database,like \"postgres://root:password@\"", "table": "The table or table globbing patterns in the database", "schema": "The schema or schema globbing patterns in the database", "cache": "Generate code with cache [optional]", "dir": "{{.goctl.model.dir}}", "style": "{{.global.style}}", "idea": "For idea plugin [optional]", "strict": "Generate model in strict mode", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}" } }, "mongo": { "short": "Generate mongo model", "type": "Specified model type name", "cache": "Generate code with cache [optional]", "easy": "Generate code with auto generated CollectionName for easy declare [optional]", "dir": "{{.goctl.model.dir}}", "style": "{{.global.style}}", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}" } }, "migrate": { "short": "Migrate from tal-tech to zeromicro", "long": "Migrate is a transition command to help users migrate their projects from tal-tech to zeromicro version", "verbose": "Verbose enables extra logging", "version": "The target release version of github.com/zeromicro/go-zero to migrate" }, "quickstart": { "short": "quickly start a project", "service-type": "specify the service type, supported values: [mono, micro]" }, "rpc": { "short": "Generate rpc code", "o": "Output a sample proto file", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "new": { "short": "Generate rpc demo service", "style": "{{.global.style}}", "idea": "For idea plugin [optional]", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "verbose": "Enable log output", "client": "Whether to generate rpc client" }, "template": { "short": "Generate proto template", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}" }, "protoc": { "short": "Generate grpc code", "example": "goctl rpc protoc xx.proto --go_out=./pb --go-grpc_out=./pb --zrpc_out=.", "multiple": "Generated in multiple rpc service mode", "zrpc_out": "The zrpc output directory", "style": "{{.global.style}}", "home": "{{.global.home}}", "remote": "{{.global.remote}}", "branch": "{{.global.branch}}", "verbose": "Enable log output", "client": "Whether to generate rpc client" } }, "template": { "short": "Template operation", "home": "The goctl home path of the template", "init": { "short": "Initialize the all templates(force update)", "home": "{{.goctl.template.home}}", "category": "The category of template, enum [api,rpc,model,docker,kube]" }, "clean": { "short": "Clean the all cache templates", "home": "{{.goctl.template.home}}" }, "update": { "short": "Update template of the target category to the latest", "home": "{{.goctl.template.home}}", "category": "{{.goctl.template.category}}" }, "revert": { "short": "Revert the target template to the latest", "home": "{{.goctl.template.home}}", "category": "{{.goctl.template.category}}", "name": "The target file name of template" } }, "upgrade": { "short": "Upgrade goctl to latest version" }, "config": { "init": { "short": "Initialize goctl config file" }, "clean": { "short": "Clean goctl config file" } } }, "global": { "home": "The goctl home path of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority", "remote": "The remote git repo of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority\nThe git repo directory must be consistent with the https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero-template directory structure", "branch": "The branch of the remote repo, it does work with --remote", "style": "The file naming format, see [https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/blob/master/tools/goctl/config/readme.md]" } }