2024-08-03 12:26:24 +08:00
# local compare test
# compare goctl between latest and newest version if exists different.
execute_command() {
local command="$1"
echo "=> $command"
eval "$command"
has_diff (){
local command="$1"
if $command &> /dev/null; then
return 0
return 1
echo "=======================env init============================="
WD=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))/build
if [ -d $WD ]; then
execute_command "rm -rf $WD"
execute_command "mkdir -p $BIN $PROJECT_DIR $OLD_CODE $NEW_CODE"
execute_command "export GOBIN=$BIN"
echo "=======================install goctl============================="
# install latest goctl
execute_command "go install github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/tools/goctl@master"
execute_command "mv $BIN/goctl $BIN/goctl.old"
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.old env"
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.old env -w GOCTL_EXPERIMENTAL=on"
# install newest goctl
execute_command "cd .."
execute_command "go build -o goctl.new ."
execute_command "mv goctl.new $BIN/goctl.new"
execute_command "cd -"
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.new env"
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.new env -w GOCTL_EXPERIMENTAL=on"
echo "=======================go mod tidy============================="
# go mod init
execute_command "cd $OLD_CODE"
execute_command "go mod init demo"
execute_command "cd -"
execute_command "cd $NEW_CODE"
execute_command "go mod init demo"
execute_command "cd -"
echo "=======================generate api============================="
execute_command "cd api"
# generate api by goctl.old
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.old api go --api test.api --dir $OLD_CODE/api"
# generate api by goctl.new
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.new api go --api test.api --dir $NEW_CODE/api"
execute_command "cd -"
echo "=======================generate rpc============================="
execute_command "cd rpc"
# generate rpc by goctl.old
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.old rpc protoc test.proto --go_out=$OLD_CODE/rpc --go-grpc_out=$OLD_CODE/rpc --zrpc_out=$OLD_CODE/rpc"
# generate rpc by goctl.new
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.new rpc protoc test.proto --go_out=$NEW_CODE/rpc --go-grpc_out=$NEW_CODE/rpc --zrpc_out=$NEW_CODE/rpc"
execute_command "cd -"
echo "=======================generate model============================="
execute_command "cd model"
# generate model by goctl.old
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.old model mysql ddl --src user.sql --dir $OLD_CODE/cache -c"
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.old model mysql ddl --src user.sql --dir $OLD_CODE/nocache"
# generate model by goctl.new
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.new model mysql ddl --src user.sql --dir $NEW_CODE/cache -c"
execute_command "$BIN/goctl.new model mysql ddl --src user.sql --dir $NEW_CODE/nocache"
execute_command "cd -"
echo "=======================diff compare============================="
# compare and diff
if has_diff "diff -rq $OLD_CODE $NEW_CODE"; then
echo "no diff"
exit 0
echo "a diff found"
execute_command "diff -r $OLD_CODE $NEW_CODE"
exit 1
2024-08-03 13:57:41 +08:00